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Heat Transfer

Prof. Nagendra Pandey, Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Fourier Law

The law is
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heat conduction is also known as ?Fourier’s law. Fourier’s law states
that “The time rate of heat transfer through a material is proportional to the
negative gradient in the temperature and to the area.”
Fourier’s equation of heat conduction:
Q = -kA(dT/dx)

‘Q’ is the heat flow rate by conduction (W)
‘k’ is the thermal conductivity of body material (W·m−1·K−1)
‘A’ is the cross-sectional area normal to direction of heat flow (m2) and
‘dT/dx’ is the temperature gradient (K·m−1)
Fourier Law

Assumptions of Fourier equation

• Steady state heat conduction.

• One directional heat flow.
• Bounding surfaces are isothermal in character that is constant and uniform
temperatures are maintained at the two faces.
• Isotropic and homogeneous material and thermal conductivity ‘k’ is constant.
• Constant temperature gradient and linear temperature profile.
• No internal heat generation.

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Thermal Resistance

Observations indicate that in systems involving heat and electricity, the flow
quantity is directly proportional to the driving potential and inversely proportional
to the flow resistance.
From Ohm’s law

I =V/R…………………………… (i)

from Fourier’s law of heat transfer

Thermal Resistance

Fig.2.3 (a) Electrical system (b) Heat conduction system

Contact Thermal Resistance

In composite wall calculation of heat flow are made on the assumption that:
The contact between the adjacent layer is perfect.
At the interface temperature is continuous.
•In real system however due to surface roughness and void spaces contact surface
touch only discrete location
•There is not a single plane of contact which means the area available for the flow
of heat at the interface will be small compared to the geometric area.
•Due to these reduced area and presence of air voids a large resistance to heat
flow at the interface occur.
•This resistance is known as thermal contact resistance and it causes temperature
drop between two materials at the interface.
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Critical Thickness of Insulation

The addition of insulation in some cases may reduce thermal resistance due to the
reduction in convective thermal resistance because of increase in surface area as in
case of cylinder and sphere.

It may be shown that the thermal resistance actually decreases and then increases
in some cases with the addition of insulation.

The thickness up to which heat flow increases and after which heat flow decreases
is termed as critical thickness.

In case of cylinders and spheres it is called ‘Critical radius’.

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Thermal diffusivity

Thermal diffusivity is the thermal conductivity divided by density.. and specific

heat capacity at constant pressure.
It measures,, the ability of a material to conduct thermal energy relative to its
ability to store thermal energy.
High diffusivity means,, heat transfers rapidly. It was found that the thermal
diffusivity decreased with an increasing,, temperature.
The formula is:

is thermal conductivity (W/(m·K))

is specific heat capacity (J/(kg·K))
is density (kg/m³)
Internal heat generation

Fig. Plane wall with heat generation

Internal heat generation

Fig. Heat conduction in an insulated wall

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