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Advanced Computer Programming


Submittedby:FerozaHamna,Quratulain & sahil

Submitted to: Sir Hamid Sanan

Project Title:
*****House Automation System*****

Project Introduction:
This project is all about creating a system to make controlling your room easier. You can use this
system to manage things like turning on lights, fans, and air conditioners, as well as opening and
closing the door and curtains. It's like having a remote control for your room!s. By providing a user-
friendly menu interface, individuals can conveniently manage these components, thereby enhancing
the comfort and convenience of the room environment.

Project Attributes:
1. Appliance Control: Users can turn appliances such as lights, fans, and air conditioners on
or off.You can control your appliances with just a few clicks. Want to turn on the lights?
Easy. Need to switch off the fan? No problem. This system lets you do it all.

2. Curtain Control: Similar to the door control functionality, users can manage the state of
the curtains. By offering options to open and close the curtains, individuals can regulate
the amount of light entering the room and maintain privacy.

3. Door Control: Ever wished you could magically open or close your door without getting
up? With this system, you can! You can open or close the door of your room without even
leaving your seat.

4. Curtain Control: Whether you want to let in some sunlight or block it out completely, this
system has you covered. You can open or close your curtains with just a simple command.

5. Status Display: The system provides users with real-time feedback regarding the status of
various room components.Wondering if you left the lights on or if the door is closed? This
system tells you everything. You can easily see if your appliances are on or off, if the door
is open or closed, and if the curtains are drawn or open.

Tools and Languages:

1. Programming Languages: .We made this project using a programming language called C++. It's
like the language your computer speaks, but easier for us humans to understand.

2. Tools: To facilitate input-output operations and manage collections of objects, standard libraries
such as <iostream> and <vector> are leveraged. These tools enable seamless interaction with the
user and efficient organization of data, respectively.We made this project using a programming
language called C++. It's like the language your computer speaks, but easier for us humans to

Why Did We Select This Project?

1. Practical Utility: We selected this project because it addresses a common need for home
automation, making it relevant and practical.

2. Learning Opportunity: Developing this project provides a hands-on experience with object-
oriented programming concepts in C++, including classes, objects, and member functions.

3. Scope for Expansion: The project can be expanded to include more appliances, additional
functionalities, and integration with external devices, offering room for further development
and learning.Developers can extend the system to incorporate additional appliances,
introduce new functionalities, and even integrate external devices and technologies.

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