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细胞的各部分(Parts of a Cell)

1.细胞膜 (Cell Membrane)

• 功能:保护细胞并控制物质进出细胞的流动。细胞膜由脂质双层组成,包含蛋白质和糖类,
• Function: Protects the cell and regulates the movement of substances in and out of the
cell. The cell membrane is composed of a lipid bilayer, containing proteins and
carbohydrates, and selectively allows certain substances, such as nutrients, waste products,
and signaling molecules, to pass through.

2.细胞壁 (Cell Wall)

• 功能:提供额外的支持和保护,主要存在于植物细胞、细菌和真菌中。植物细胞壁由纤维素
• Function: Provides additional support and protection, mainly found in plant cells, bacteria,
and fungi. In plant cells, the cell wall is composed of cellulose, which increases cell rigidity
and shape stability.

3.细胞质 (Cytoplasm)
• 功能:细胞内的液体环境,包含细胞器并支持其活动。细胞质由细胞液(细胞质基质)和悬
• Function: The fluid environment within the cell that contains organelles and supports their
activities. The cytoplasm consists of the cytosol (cell fluid) and the organelles suspended in
it, participating in cellular metabolic activities.

4.细胞核 (Nucleus)
• 功能:包含遗传物质(DNA),控制细胞的生长、代谢和分裂。细胞核由核膜包围,内部包
• Function: Contains genetic material (DNA) and controls the cell’s growth, metabolism, and
division. The nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear membrane and contains chromatin and
the nucleolus inside.

5.核膜 (Nuclear Membrane)

• 功能:包围细胞核,控制核物质进出。核膜由双层磷脂构成,具有核孔,允许RNA和其他分
• Function: Surrounds the nucleus and controls the movement of substances in and out of
the nucleus. The nuclear membrane consists of a double layer of phospholipids with nuclear
pores that allow RNA and other molecules to move in and out of the nucleus.

6.核仁 (Nucleolus)
• 功能:生产核糖体的地方,核仁是细胞核内一个浓缩区域,负责合成和组装核糖体RNA和蛋
• Function: The site where ribosomes are produced. The nucleolus is a dense region within
the nucleus responsible for synthesizing and assembling ribosomal RNA and proteins.

7.核糖体 (Ribosome)
• 功能:进行蛋白质合成。核糖体可以游离在细胞质中,或附着在粗面内质网上,负责将

• Function: Responsible for protein synthesis. Ribosomes can be free-floating in the

cytoplasm or attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, translating mRNA into
polypeptide chains.

8.线粒体 (Mitochondrion)
• 功能:产生细胞能量的主要场所,通过细胞呼吸产生ATP。线粒体有自己的DNA,并通过分
• Function: The main site of cellular energy production, generating ATP through cellular
respiration. Mitochondria have their own DNA and produce energy by breaking down
glucose and oxygen.

9.内质网 (Endoplasmic Reticulum, ER)

• 粗面内质网 (Rough ER):有核糖体附着,参与蛋白质合成和加工。

• 光面内质网 (Smooth ER):无核糖体,参与脂质合成和解毒过程。

• Rough ER: Has ribosomes attached, involved in protein synthesis and processing.

• Smooth ER: Lacks ribosomes, involved in lipid synthesis and detoxification processes.

10.高尔基体 (Golgi Apparatus)

• 功能:修改、分类和包装蛋白质及脂质,以便运输到细胞的其他部分或分泌到细胞外。高尔
• Function: Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids for transport to other parts of
the cell or for secretion outside the cell. The Golgi apparatus consists of flattened
membranous sacs that further process materials sent from the endoplasmic reticulum.
11.溶酶体 (Lysosome)
• 功能:含有消化酶,能够分解细胞内的废物和损坏的细胞器。溶酶体通过自噬作用清除受损
• Function: Contains digestive enzymes that can break down waste materials and damaged
organelles within the cell. Lysosomes clear damaged organelles through autophagy and are
involved in cellular self-destruction processes.

12.液泡 (Vacuole)
• 功能:储存物质,如水、营养物质和废物。植物细胞中有一个大中央液泡,用于维持细胞的
• Function: Stores substances such as water, nutrients, and waste products. Plant cells have
a large central vacuole that maintains cell turgor pressure and balance.

13.叶绿体 (Chloroplast)
• 功能:进行光合作用,将光能转化为化学能。叶绿体含有叶绿素,主要存在于植物细胞和某
• Function: Conducts photosynthesis, converting light energy into chemical energy.
Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and are mainly found in plant cells and some algae.

14.中心体 (Centrosome)
• 功能:参与细胞分裂过程中纺锤体的形成。中心体由一对中心粒组成,调控微管的组织和细
• Function: Involved in the formation of the spindle apparatus during cell division. The
centrosome consists of a pair of centrioles that regulate microtubule organization and the
cell cycle.

15.纤毛和鞭毛 (Cilia and Flagella)

• 功能:负责细胞的运动和物质的移动。纤毛较短而多,鞭毛较长而少,两者都由微管组成,
• Function: Responsible for cell movement and the movement of substances. Cilia are
shorter and more numerous, while flagella are longer and fewer. Both are composed of
microtubules and drive cell or substance movement across the cell surface.

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