Sports Nutrition and Diet Advisory For Swati

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Early morning: 40g peanuts / Roasted fox seeds + 2 walnuts + 2 soaked anjeer +
7-10 almonds (30-45 mins prior workout)
+ 1 glass lukewarm lemon water (half tsp honey) / Coconut water / Black coffee /
Detox juice (you can buy it from our DIET CAFE) (15 mins prior workout).

Breakfast at 9am: 100g paneer / Eggs (3-4) + vegetable (100g) Sandwich / Poha
(add mushroom) / Upma / Besan chilla with amla-mint dip.

Mid-morning Snack (Optional) at 12pm: Papaya (70-80g) (With optional:

Buttermilk (70-80ml) / Nuts in oats (30g) with fruit- apple, banana.

Lunch at 1:30pm: Paneer (100g) / Pulse (30g) + Sauteed vegetables (100g) + 1

multigrain chapati / 20g rice + green salad (Cucumber, bell pepper, carrots, raddish,
tomato, beetroot) + curd (100g) / Buttermilk (100-120ml).

Snacks (Optional) at 5pm: Roasted fox seeds + almonds / corn sprouts / zucchini

Dinner at 8pm: Paneer (100g) / Eggs (3) / Chickpea / Soybean Salad (you can buy
it from our DIET CAFE) / Lentil (30g) with rice (20g) (with optional curd 50-60g) +
Papaya (80g).

Post-dinner (Optional): Milk (50-60ml) with half tsp turmeric and a pinch of pepper
powder, jaggery (as per taste).

● Drink 4-5 litres of liquid each day.
● Do have your full body tests within 3-5 years, regularly.
● Do have small frequent meals.
● Add healthy nuts- chia, flax, pumpkin, hemp and sunflower seeds up to 10g.
● Calcium rich sources: Milk, Soy milk (Fortified soymilk), curd, buttermilk,
cheese, paneer, ragi, Soybeans, green beans, peas, tofu, figs, spinach, kale,
nuts (Almonds, sesame and chia seeds).
● Protein rich sources: Lentils, green peas, soy foods (tempeh, tofu), black
gram, chickpeas, kidney beans, paneer, milk, curd, yoghurt, peanuts, eggs.
● Include vitamin C rich food (lemon, amla, oranges, kiwi, avocado) everyday
with Iron rich foods: GLV, tofu, rice flakes, bajra, legumes (lentils, chickpeas,
kidney beans, soybeans), jaggery, dates.
● Complex carbs: Peach, apple, watermelon, kiwi,oranges, eggplant, sprouts,
corn, peas, legumes, yoghurt, zucchini, GLV, carrots, celery.
● Vitamin A rich: Beetroot, spinach, carrots, red peppers, mango, papaya,
apricots, oranges, milk, cheese.
● Antioxidants: Blueberry, strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, spinach, beetroot,
kale, carrots.
● B complex, D12: 300mg in a day.
● Vitamin E, C: Both should be 500mg in a day.
● Vitamin D: 60,000IU in a week.
● Do limit alcohol to 40 ml twice in a month.
● Get some sunlight in the morning; limit artificial light; try to sleep continuously
for 7-9 hours.
● Meditate (10mins), sleep well: Minimum- 7 hours.
● NOTE: Use only 1 tsp of oil/butter to make curry.

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