2.3 Maintenance For Section 125

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Application for Maintenance under Section 125 of CrPC

In the Court of Judicial Magistrate ______, at_______

Application no _____ of _______

__________________ Applicant


Husband/ Son/ Daughter

__________________ Respondent/ Opponent

Application for Maintenance under Section 125 of CrPC

The applicant states as follows:

1. That a lawful marriage between the applicant and the respondent took place
on _____ at ______.
2. That just after the marriage the respondent along with his family started to
demand dowry. Initially the applicants parents managed to meet the
demands. But later on, the greed increased of the respondents family.
Ultimately the father of the applicant refused to give any money further more
which the respondent family took in revengeful attitude. (COA)
3. That the applicant was ousted from the matrimonial home one month back
that is why she is living in parental house with her parents.
4. That the applicant is in serve need of economic help because she does not
want to increase financial burden on her burdened parents
5. It is therefore, prayed to pass an order directing the respondent to pay to the
applicant Rs.2000 per month as maintenance. (Applicant is dependant on the
6. Justification of Jurisdiction.

a. Maintenance
b. Maintenance pendente lite
c. Advocates Fee
It is therefore be prayed to pass an order of maintenance against the
respondent and also be passed an interim compensation till the pendency of
the case.

Date_________ Applicant

I, ABC, the plaintiff above-named, residing at ________-, ____, Gujarat, do hereby solemnly
declare and say that what is stated in paragraph __ to __ is true to my own knowledge and what
is stated in the remaining paragraphs ___ is stated on information and belief and I believe the
same to be true.

Date_________ Applicant

Section 125 – Order for Maintenance of Wives, Children and Parents

1. If any person having sufficient means neglect or refuses to maintain
2. His wife unable to maintain herself,
3. His legitimate or illegitimate minor child, whether married or not, unable
to maintain itself
4. His legitimate or illegitimate child (not being a married daughter) who
has attained majority, where such child is, by reason of any physical or
mental abnormality or injury unable to maintain itself
5. His father or mother, unable to maintain himself or herself
A Magistrate of the First Class may upon proof of such neglect or refusal
order such person to make a monthly allowance for maintenance of his
wife or child

Sec 126, 127, 128

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