ProofOfPayment 5

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From Theodor Louw

Amount R200.00
Reference Theo Louw
Date and time 25 June 2022 13:25
To Sarah Borwick
Branch code 470010
Account number 1500776821
Trace ID DSCBNK20220625000075874100

This is a real-time payment. It should show in the receiving account in real time.
In rare instances, it might take up to two hours to show in the account.

1 Discovery Place, Sandhurst, Sandton, PO Box 786722, Sandton, 2196 | 0800 07 96 97

Discovery Bank Limited. Registration number 2015/408745/06. An authorised financial services and registered credit provider.
FSP number 48657. NCR registration number NCRCP9997. Limits, terms and conditions apply.

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