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they prefer who has good communication skills, who speaks in groups task , also able to

impress the interviewers

If you scored even 170/170 marks then it's not confirmed that you are going to select

So believe in yourself and give your best

Try to practice more for group task and interviews

Each group consist of 7 members

Rejection ratio in general 2-3 members

They will pen and paper to write

Ans give 5-10 minutes to think about topics

Mainly the students who speaks less or who talks useless get rejected

This is the way we should proceed for group task

Summarise the shared understanding of the problem on a board or piece of paper. Discuss
how you are going to approach the problem. Brainstorm to create ideas, plans and tasks for
your group. Everyone should be involved in discussion and in agreement on what direction
the group is taking and why.

They gives the result after 5 minutes ,

In my batch 3 rejected in GT , one of them is highest scorer so don't be overconfident even if

you scored good marks in written

As every process is elimination in nature

After GT their is Document verification

was the first candidate to be interviewed

When I entered in hall I saw 8 members

I was little bit nervous but after 1-2 minutes they make me more comfortable

Question 1) tell me something about yourself which is not written here

I answered something but they are are not satisfied at all

Question 2 ) why only hpcl

Question 3 ) why psu

Question 4 ) why not private job

Question 5) tell me perks of private jobs

Question 6) have you ever tried for private job

Question 7) why their is gap of 3 years

Question 8 ) what is net carbon zero

Question 9) what Is your project

Question 10) who are the group members

Question 11 ) why you made groups with them only

Question 12) who is leading the group

Question 13) what is your contribution

Question 14) do you help anyone in project

Question 15) how you distributed you work

Question 16) from where you get the idea of your projects

Question 17 ) future implementation of your project

Question 18) have you ever went to hpcl retail outlet

Question 19 ) what you seen in retail outlet

Question 20 )what you like and dislike in out retail outlet

Question 21) is their any suggestions how will you make hpcl good

Question 22 ) name of petroleum minister

Question 24 ) what are your weaknesses

Question 25 ) why everyone answer the same what you are saying about weaknesses

Question 26 ) should Google put multiple answer for interview question

Question 27 ) what is transducer

Question 28 ) give example of sensor and transducer

At last they said thank you

And they asked about my height

That's the end of my interview

What I feel how to tackle interview- don't try to pretend like elon musk or perfect one

Just try to be real

Try to speak truth otherwise they will get to know by your body language

If you lie something then prepared that answer by asking multiple question to yourself

Try to practice by answering in front of mirror of someone

They want real , trustworthy, the one who adjust in group, lead the group

, tackle problems


You have to fill details application form which is most important things , most of the time
interview goes on that form only , try to fill as real as you can

Don’t try to bluff interviewers as they are taking interviews from years , easily they will get to
know if you are lying (it’s my sincere request )

But if someone is really interested to lie , then my personal suggestion is try to ask all
possible question from that topic

Like – if you want to lie about your training or project or hobby

Then be ready for all questions

For hobby like if you say playing cricket then possible questions are like


New changes in rule


New ipl team


Why virat , rohit , kl rahul or any other player are not in team


best odi , t20 , test batsman & bowler


your state ranji caption


rules of cricket


various ways for out



Here I am telling the possible questions you can try

For project


What is your project


Current implementation of your project on future


How many members in group , who is leading the group


What is your contribution


Idea of this project


Why only this project


Do you help your friends in project


Cost of every item used in project


From which shop do you purchase all items ‘


I know like your project idea is like copy and paste


Technical details of your project


Why you use this instead of this




Processor used

Actually from project they can ask many questions

INTERVIEWS important questions

Mostly HPCL interviews is likely HR


Tell me about yourself

Tell me something which is not written in your detailed application form


Why hpcl


What you were doing in your GAP year


If you said something lie then try to ask many possible questions from that


Why psu


Why not private job


Why not iocl , ongc


What is privatization


What if hpcl become private


Why instrumentation engineering ( here you can put your branch )


Hobbies , strength , weakness , achievements ( try to be real )


Why you are berozgar till date

You are saying like hardworking , multi tasking but you were unemployed for years


What do you mean by work life balance


Meaning of your name


If you are mtech or phd student then why are you doing mtech or phd


What is the use of mtech and phd in hpcl


What will you do if you not get hpcl this time


Why we will not select you


Why we will select youn


HPCL ki good and bad things ko explain kro


What is net zero carbon target


No. of petrol pumps in your area


Have you visited to petrol pump , what attraced you most

Wht types of banners are their in petrol pumps


Technical name of petrol and diseal


What is distance between 2 petrol pumps


How price of petrol in same city varies


HPCL now is a subsidiary of ONGC, would you join HPCL or ONGC


Products of hpcl


Capacity of hpcl gas cylinders and their name and purpose


Brands of hpcl petrol and diseal , lubricants etc


How your friends , family see you

GO TO THROUGH HPCL SITE and try to get details about its refinary and products


In this stage they will check your resume and if your profile is not matching with their
requirements than they will not short list you even, if you score 150/150 in written test.

Just serious upload your resume, while filling application form. And if your profile is not
matching than please don't apply for HPCL.

PART C -GT(date-19/02/2020)
My topic is as below,
Government wanted to construct 3,00,000 houses for poor people of village. Government
recruited us( all GT members) to design this house. We have to construct these houses in
25,000 rupees. Land will be provided by government outside the town. Our responsibility is
to construct these houses in given cost and in one year. One more condition given that is, in
first 3 months we have to construct 30,000 houses. In topic family type also given,like
1. Couple with 2 children
2. Couple with more than 2 children
3. Couple with More than 2 children but have single parent
4. Couple with no children

Base on family type we have to design our houses. We had to discuss on following topics,
1. Basic amenities in township.
2. Building type- multi storey building or single story building.
3. Basic facilities inside building.
4. Distribution of houses among above family type.
5. Any suggestions.

They given total 7 minutes for reading and 20 minutes for discussion. In last one minute we
have to give conclusion on this topic.
GT was elimination round. Generally one group consist 10 peoples. They select 0 to 10
peoples from group. There is no fixed protocol to select number of candidate from group.
And the most important thing is that it is not a rule that if you start or conclude GT than you
will be shortlisted. There are many other skills which they are looking for also.

A. Before GT

Try to get GT topics from social media. In quara you will get many topics of HPCL GT. Than
try to practice this topics. Note that GT is most important think in interview so try to devote
your maximum time in GT preparation.

B. During GT

Try to develop following skills,

1. Be very good listener.
2. Use your cognitive skill.
3. Be very gentle.
4. Try to give different approach and convince all GT member for given solution.
5. Give chance to everyone.
6. You should not have any misunderstanding or misinformation regarding topic. (Use your
7 minutes very wisely.)
7. Don't repeat solution of other's. Try to add something new in solution.
PART D- INTERVIEW (date-19/02/2020)( call ratio-1:5)

There are total 8-9 interviewers (different department head, HR person and psychologist).
My interview duration is about 25-30 minutes, questions are below

1. Tell me something about yourself

2. About college project
3. Where you currently leaving
4. Do you know anything about HPCL located at mundra( as I am leaving in mundra)
5. 4-5 questions about HPCL mundra
6. 3 things you learned in your current organization
7. 1 achievement in your job
8. Importance of human relationship in job
9. Why you choose mechanical engineering
10. Your strengths and give justification to all
11. 3 things you observed in HPCL Mumbai office
12. Why you want to left your current organization
13. Why HPCL
14. What is meaning of quality for you
15. Some current affairs related questions like- corona,Trump visit in India etc
16. Do you have any questions

Tips to crack interview

Just be yourself. Don't fake anything because for them they will take only 2 minutes to
caught you and once they caught you lying than chance of selection is zero.
Before interview they will give you one application form which contains almost 7-8
questions.Give answer to these questions very honestly, because 50% of your interview will
be based on your form.
For interview I think honestly and good interpretation skills are very important.
One more tip is to try to practice above questions and application form very thoroughly
because it will give you confidence during your interview.
They will declare interview result on same day and if you selected than you have to undergo
pre-medical examination on next day.


HPCL has pre medical examination procedure. Means if you clear interview than you have to
undergo medical at their office ( they allow medical only at their hospital).
Medical was very easy and if you don't have colour blindness than definitely you will clear
this examination. One more thing need to consider is that appearing in medical examination
doesn't give you employment. After medical they will prepare merit list and if you come
under this list , than and than you will be eligible for employment.
- Tell us something about HPCL.

Me - I was not very much prepared for this question as I didn't read about the company. But
somehow I managed to speak 3–4 lines about the company whatever I listened during
pre-placement talk.

I - Is this your first interview or have you appeared for some interview before as well ?

Me - Honestly I told them that I appeared for the interview of Nestle and got almost selected
but in the last moment they told that there are only female vacancies. After that I appeared
for Maruti suzuki interview and got selected there.

I - If you already have an offer from maruti suzuki, what are you doing here?

Me - Sir, from the very starting I wanted to join a psu like hpcl but it was not certain whether
HPC will visit our campus or not therefore at that time,I went for the option that I found the
best for me.

another interviewer interrupted me and said sir 7.5 vs 17 is the reason why he is here and
everybody including me laughed.

I - You have got a very good CPI means you must be having a good grip on your subjects.
Suppose you are given a job that is not at all related to your engineering studies, what is the
guarantee that you will not get frustrated?

Me - Answered that I don’t want to restrict my knowledge to electrical only and bla bla bla ..
tried to convince them as much I could do.

I - Is there any geographical constraints with you?

Me - No, I am ok with any posting location.

I - How many times have you gone away from north India?

Me - Zero times. But I need to start at some point of time na.

I - What if you are posted in Visakhapattnam, you might feel home sick?

another interviewer interrupted him in middle and said sir visakhapattnam is very likely a
metro city and told me some places which I have not heard till date and then asked me to
answer the same.

I - Rate yourself out of 10 based upon your performance in your yesterday’s group task?

Me - Sir 10/10 :P (All of them laughed and said very good !!)
At last, one of them said, “You have studied so much electrical, let me ask you one technical

Me - Sure sir.

I - Why the ratings of AC (Air conditioners) is done in tonnes?

Me - Answered (Thanks to Quora)

Finally they asked me to ask anything if I wanted to.

Me - Sir, I don’t know whether I would get selected today or not but if you could please give
some feedback on my performance today that might help me in future.

I - Well you have answered all the questions quite satisfactorily. Certainly we will not ask you
the thing that you don’t know. We just want to ask you the things that you know. We don’t
want specialist, we want generalist.

Result - Selected !!
Here is the full conversation:

M1: what's your name?

me: Harsh

M2: when did you completed graduation

me: 2019

M3: what was your project

me: vertical axis wind turbine

M2: explain why you have choose this project

me said some benefits of renewable against pollution

M3: (in rude ) solar is already been used i will used solar only

M1: its ok. say why wind not solar?

me: solar will cost more as compared to wind as my project taken 7K cost around and solar
will cost 20K around to give output of my project.

M3: Hey, its an interview don't say wrong data(he was always in rude nature)

M1: yes M3 , I think he will give all the answers in this interview likewise only
M1: its okay then why you won't started a company you will gain profit of it.

me: silent just a small smile (not a laugh) to give to this people

M3: oh wow, see him he is laughing in an interview

me: was now not in the mood to give reply or a smile also

M2: (in humble nature) why you have chosen hpcl to work as an engineer

me: I will learn something new other than 4yr engineering study means field work..

M3: means what

me: how to handle field worker

M1: for that you can join also any other local company why hpcl

me: not only this but will learn to work how to check for quality and will able to gain
knowledge of advanced machines working there.

M3: we won't give you machine or any quality work, i will give hpcl gas bottle filling stations
to work ( this person was there to check the mental ability, how much can withstand)

M2: whats are your future plans

me: to become chief engineer or scientist in R&D department

M2: that’s good

M1: but as we won't give you time to meet your parents and family, so future studies are the
impossible to be done

me: i will mange sir(in mind :as they won’t give me time to build my future then that is not a
proper job for, this think was willing to tell but didn’t came to mouth)

M2: yes i think you will manage

M3: say some products of us

me: (in mind what the hell only management questions no technical questions and was
prepared for this questions) sir not products i know, but as per i know petrol, diesel,

M1: ok, say what hpcl is doing mainly

me: drilling oil and refining them

M3: WAAH BHAI WAAH, till now i don’t know that we are also doing drilling

M2: harsh, don’t say wrong answer if not then leave it, it will give wrong impression. I think
it’s your first interview?

me: yes sir

M2: don’t be sad say full form of CNG and LPG

(this question was only to satisfied me in this interview)

me: said the answer (as I know this was also to humiliate)

M2: good excellent.

me: just seeing members not smiling as they nagged earlier

M1: ok you can go

this was my experience, it won’t feel unless you go through the same.

e were 5 students came on that day So there was only One group for Group Task. After
Document verification we went for Group Task. In GT we were given a Problem Sheet .Our
Task was to prioritise five major World Issues i.e. FOOD,WATER,POLLUTION,WOMEN
EMPOWERMENT and PEACE AND SECURITY and to give solutions for each of the problem
as a UN Committee .

They gave us a blank paper and pen along with the problem sheet. we were given 10
minutes to read the sheet and then 30 minutes to discuss and conclude. One candidate had
to conclude the Task and propose the priority list.

After 5 minutes the result came,two of the candidates got eliminated. So we were remaining
Three candidates for the next round i.e. PI.

I was the first went for the PI.

There were 6 persons in the Interview panel including one Psychologist.

Interview was total HR questions. Some of them I am mentioning here:

1.Tell me about yourself.

2.Where do you see yourself after 5 years,

Have you faced and problem in your life.

5.what do you know about HPCL.

6. What if you will be posted in south India.How would you survive there.

7.Did you get depressed at any point of time in your life.

8.Have you applied for other companies…. Then why would you choose HPCL over others.

9.Have you organized any event in your student life.


Psychologist will ask you questions related to your behavior in GT and PI as well.

Over all Panel was supportive.Some of them can try to stress you but you should be calm
take your time and answer.

I suggest you to be yourself in the PI. And answer each question with your past experience
in life. They can counter questions in any of your answer. So you have to justify whatever
you are saying in the PI.

PI was around 25–35 minutes. after the last candidates PI we waited for half an hour then
we were informed that all the three candidates are qualified in the PI.

GT :

Group task was conducted in the groups of 7/8/9 candidates.

They will give you a task topic to execute. They will give you 10 minutes to read and team
has to discuss collectively for 20 minutes about it and come up with a plan.

Example : Health for all, Improvement in a loss making bussiness,etc

You will get lot of GT topics online and on YouTube.

Tips :

● Be confident
● Don't cut anyone in between
● It's not necessary to start or to conclude
● Talk in a regular intervals.
● Show your agreement towards others.
● Let everyone speak in the group.
● Don't look at the panel while discussing.
● Don't ask doubts to panel while task is started.
● Speak relevant and come up with some new points.

Few students will be selected for interview from GT.

In our group, 5 out of 9 were selected for Personal Interview.

Personal Interview :

The interview panel will be the same which was present during GT.

Interview will be 95% HR and 5% technical that will depend upon your final year project and

There were 9 panelists out of which many were HR and psychologists.So, don't try to bluff
with fake information about you.

My interview questions :

Tell us about yourself, your education and your hobbies.

Do you persue your hobby?

Why do you want to join HPCL?

What are your achievements in your current organization?

Please explain in detail about your achievements

You have mentioned you weakness as “You can't say No to anyone”, explain and how it
caused trouble to you?

Another panelist asked , “Any other examples?”

Another panelist asked , “you have written many extra-curricular activities here…any other
examples of your weakness has troubled you in your college days?”

What strategies do you implement to get the work done from the senior people working
under you?

You don't like to say ‘No’ , what if anyone says 'No' to you?

Thank you!!!

Note : Read that line in the notification — Reference to a medical examination doesn't mean
final selection.

This is where I got eliminated.


There were 6–7 people in the panel ( including one lady)

5 min to read the topic ( case study was large)

5 min to think

20 min for discussion.

No separate time for conclusion. So it's better to come up with conclusion during those 20

GD topic in HPCL are more of a case study or a situation based where you have to come up
with different solutions and Everytime the case is different so no need to learn the
solutions of case study posted on Facebook by some famous coaching institute. Just read
them to get an idea.

My GD topic was ( though I don't remember the exact case but still….)

Shyamlal is a renowned sweet shop in South Bombay. Now they are planning to open a
stationary shop.

We had to come up the ways they could grow their sale in stationary items.

Things to keep in mind while discussion:

Read the topic thoroughly. Ours was roughly a full A4 page case and there are many points
which one may mis read/ skip( as was in our case. One of the guy misread one sentence
and understood the case study in completely different way which he realized during the
discussion and screwed his GD). So thoroughly read the case study and write down
important words.

Give chance to others to speak. But make sure you too keep ur point of view.

U can speak both in Hindi or English ( one of the guy spoke in Hindi and was selected in

Remain stick to the case.

If u have leadership skills ( I mean if u can reach lead the group then only try) go ahead.

Try to come up with conclusion to the case.

Last but not the least…keep a smile on ur face. It will make u calm.
Don't try to over speak ( one guy spoke too much and with very good points too..but
unfortunately not selected). Keep a balance. Min 2 entries and Max 3 entries.

Finally GD was over and I made it to PI.


HPCL interview is HR based. They won't ask any technical questions. So prepare
accordingly. Know about the organization and read ur resume which u uploaded during
filling the HPCL form.

I entered the room and the same panel which was in GD interviewed me.

Complete interview was HR based

They asked about my hobbies.

My family background.

My work experience

Why do I want to join HPCL? ( Prepare well this question and try to give a different and
relevant answer)

Why are u smiling?(yes they asked this question as I was smile while they were
interviewing me.)

What are your expectations from us?

Do u have any questions? ( Do ask them questions)

The interview was good. I answered almost all the questions. They seemed to be happy.

The result was announced and I was selected.


I was called for medical the next day empty stomach.

The medical was fine. Not very rigrous. Small ailments are ignored. Even one of my batch
mate did have only one kidney. Still he got selected. So don't worry about medical.

Prepare well for interview. Most important have confidence in urself and keep a smile on
ur face.

Group Task
We were 7 members divided in each group category-wise. They gave us three case studies
to discuss and asked us to come up with single solution. The case studies were related to
Industry and Professional ethics.

Starting the discussion with good point is always beneficial as you grab attention of
observers towards you. Also try to lead the group, ask members to contribute ideas (if
someone isn’t speaking), don’t cut others while they are speaking, these simple things will
take you through the GT.

Out of seven members, they shortlisted three of us for interview.


I was the first to be interviewed. So panel was fresh. Also it is opportunity to make better
impression on them. There were total seven members in panel, out of which one Mam was
psychologist to observe how we handle pressure.

Following were questions they asked-

1. Tell about yourself.

2. Technical questions about Pump and their characteristics.
3. Questions about my hobbies and what I learnt from them which I can apply
in future.
4. Prove how you will be good as Sales officer.
5. Tricky question like, what time of day will you go to fill up petrol/diesel in
vehicle and why?
6. Then for above same question, answer from financial perspective.
7. Why not MS or MBA?
8. What do you know about HPCL and its products?
9. Will you be comfortable with All over India location?
10. How will you interact with illiterate people in remote area where you don’t
have language common between you and them?
11. How well can you handle stress?

12. What is your failure in life and what’s reason for that?

Being confident and calm always helps in interview. Prepare some of above questions well
like ‘Why not MS or MBA?’, their products etc. My interview lasted for around 25–30

Finally at the end of the day, result came. Out of three shortlisted people in our group, only
I got selected.
The interview for HPCL is a typical HR interview. You'll be asked questions like..
- Have you ever had a bad experience? How did you overcome?

- Any failures in your life till now? How did you handle them?

- Participated in anything where you had to work as a team? What was your role? How did
you motivate other people?

In short, they would like to see the manager in you, how well can you handle tough
situations. The interview will last around half an hour so you'll not even feel the duration of
the interview, it gets over pretty quickly. Be prepared for typical HR questions which you'll
easily find on Google.

Suggestions to Future Aspirants:

1. In HPCL, the interview will be totally non technical and the reason is
obvious because they are recruiting for the marketing profile where your
technical knowledge doesn’t matter at all but you can still expect some
basics technical questions. They had asked me a couple of very basic
technical question like naming some temperature measuring instruments
which were very very easy.
2. For GT, try to participate as much as possible without dominating in the
group so that they can feel your presence and be able to remember you
during the interview since the panel will be same. Try to give chances to
others also. Give some very valid good points. In PI they ask you GT
related questions too.

3. When asked about location or division preferences, don’t give any

preferences at all because it will never gonna help you anyway coz
department allocation and posting will be random. In all these Oil
Companies they will just pick you up and throw you anywhere on Indian
Map and the landing is totally dependent on your luck so just answer
neutrally like I did otherwise you will have to face unnecessary counter
questions too much which will eventually decrease the probability of your
selection if not answered properly so better to avoid it.

**GT 1st group**

Seth's has a profound food business from 15 years in south mumbai. South Mumbai is a
area with many rich people. This restaurant area also has many footwalkers like office
going people and kids going to school.
They also have 3 floor building used as a restaurant with only one floor in service with 50
seating capacity. The building has ample space in front. Also they have entered into non
food business from last three years.

In South Mumbai every new business plan is tested and if successful in that area then they
go for expansion plans to open new branches in various locations.

You are being recruited as a new markeing manager in Seth's.

You have to give a business strategy in order to increase the sales and consequently profit
gain. The management gives apportunities to freshers and their innovative ideas.

1. Give a business plan and new initiatives for non food business.

2. Also suggest two ways to help food business to further expand.


1. Introduce yourself

*Interrupted me*

So are you from latur, do you know about major earthquake happened there? What were
changes before and after earthquake that you noticed?

2. Challenges faced in previous job?

3. How a LPG plant works? Give mechanical view.

*As HPCL has constructed a LPG plant in my previous comapny*

4. Why PSUs?

5. Mention your strengths.

6. What do you think helped you in today's GT?

7. Why are your grades in engineering somewhat lower than SSC & HSC?

8. Have you visited Koyna dam?

9. Previous job role.

10. What do you think you lacked in an activity in recent past?

11. Tell us about your family.

12. What are leadership qualities and do you think you would become good leader?

That's all.

Verdict :- Selected
Group Task

Reading time:10 min

Discussion time:30 min followed by 5 min of conclusion

They gave each of us a paper that had three case studies written on it.

CASE 1 A new coloured photocopier machine is launched by the company that has
recently started. The sales team have grabbed a lead of 10,000 customers pre order for
the same but soon the manufacturer tells you that some issue has occurred and to remove
the issue more capital is required. Moreover they also claim that the issue only makes an
effect on the quality of print that is identifiable to only 30% of people. How will you tackle
the situation as a senior member?

CASE 2 There is one employee in the company who generates sales revenue in double
than others. However, his colleagues have issue that he doesn’t come work for work
regularly to Office. Apart from this they also complain that he does some part time side
business which is gaining him more profit. What actions will you take as the head of the

CASE 3 A new technology is to be incorporated into your system that is more cost friendly
to your company. The older employees are reluctant to this change as they are used to of
the old technology. Moreover the license is also going to expire soon and you have just six
months of time to train people. Also, the older employees are not willing to work overtime
to learn the same. Suggest measures for the same as a leading head?

All the case studies were to be discussed. After the process got over only 7 candidates
remained(as every round is elimination in HPCL).


The panel had about 7–8 members again with one lady among them.

Questions asked:

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. Your internship(I had mentioned Bharti airtel limited into it)

3. Three things you liked at Airtel.

4. Your major project.

5. What are your strengths with proper justification.

6. Why do you wanna join HPCL.

7. Will you be staying in the company even if you get some better opportunity.

8. What are your long term goals.

9. Do you have any inclination to be posted near your native place.

10.Any questions from you.

The complete interview lasted for about 25 min and throughout the interview they will try
to bring pressure on you so don’t panic. Be ready with the justification to whatever you
have filled in your form as well as to whatever you say in the interview. And yeah don’t try
to bluff them as they can verify your answers at any moment. They all are very
experienced and smart people.

After interviewing everyone they released the final list of candidates for medical the next
day. Only 4 candidates remained after the interview process. Results are awaited, hoping
for good.

Overall it was a great experience.

Listing down some of the questions I remember:

1. Tell us about yourself.

2. If posted in Assam, what will be your response.
3. How many people report to you in your current company. How do you
handle them? Mention any particular situation when you managed them
4. There will be frequent tranfsers in HPCL. Will you be comfortable?
5. ( Technical questions related to the things I mentioned in my resume and
detailed application form)
6. Career aspirations

7. If you have any questions you can ask.

That's it.
Tips to crack GT:

1. Be clear about the topic and analyse it carefully

2. Try to lead the group (which reflects your leader ship qualities).

3. Involve your fellow people in the task(which reflects your team work

Tips to crack PI:

1. Have good hold on your Resume(as most of the discussion would be on it)
2. Be genuine (as they cross check whatever you say over a period of time in
whole process)

3. Be confident and prove that you have all the knowledge and skills which
are required to cater the needs of company.

Finally, I would suggest you to be bold and have a peaceful of mind on the day of your

Interview at HPCL is mainly HR. Whatever you have written in your Resume, they will grill
you at that. Be it your hometown, hobbies, etc.

My interview went decent, and I was grilled on my hobbies, some current affairs (pretty
basic), I was even asked about title of my internship, nothing else. So you can expect
almost zero technical while facing an interview of HPCL.

One important thing about hpcl interview is that it is most probably pure HR. All members
asked me questions.

1. Tell me about ur self

● so i did my from nit Jalandhar so next question start from my clg
● what u did in ur that is related to extra curricular activities.
● can u face in kind of terble while doing any thing extra during ur clg life
.how did u get reslove it
● Give the example of team work during ur or any other place and
what8 the ur contribution in team.
● One question they definitely ask from ur group task where u rate yourself
in group task. and how's the task
● question related to ur strength definitely and where they reflection ans
should be with example definitely increase the chance of selection
● Which department u want to join( marketing or Refinery) you to give ans in
a specific manar and give clearly that this the reason behind for joining
marketing or Refinery.
● So when i tell that i want to join marketing then they ask why marketing
and how can u increase sell of hp products. What are the new initiative u
can take that people attracted towards hpcl
● what things u like most in ur clg days .
● Last one is Do u want ask something gentleman ??
● After interview in the evening they declare the result and call next day for
the medical checkup .

● after one month they give there first merit list

it totally depends ,in which direction u want to take it. all HR questions depending on
what you have written on your employment form. I had a long discussion on many things
what i wrote in form eg. my strength ,how i used it in past and how i will use it in future
etc etc.. So it was just good experience while 7–8 people continuously staring at me and I
was talking continuously.
The whole recruitment process is divided in three phase spanned across two days.

1. Group Discussion (Mostly a Case study)

2. Technical Interview

3. Hr Interview (for name sake as they ask technical as well)

Now coming to how to prepare for this as you might already know HPCL eliminate student
in both GT and interview. So, basically your rank will only matter if you managed to get
through both of these and yes medical afterwards.

Talking about GT I don't think you can actually prepare for it, that's the thing you basically
learn from your school days. Just a tip try to get noticed in GT (whether you are right or
wrong these things matter next,as if they don't noticed you. You are doomed for sure). One
thing what I noticed this year they are repeating there GT topic. So, try to find out what
they are and practice to discuss in your friend circle.

If you are lucky, you will get shortlisted for interview. Percentage of applicants get
shortlisted for interview is around 50%. (Obviously this is no set rule as today whole GT
group was eliminated, Lucknow panel)

Most common questions that they are asking:

1. Tell me about yourself

2. Why HPCl
3. Why not something else
4. Tell us about your project/intern (my 80% interview was only this)

5. Question on whatever you have write in the form

These are some questions that set guidelines of your interview and all other questions
they are asking based on what have you answered in these. (Ex. They asked one guy about
how petrol come out in petrol pump)

So, if your interview is due then try to frame answers of all above questions and make
answer of all probable questions that can be asked on whatever you are saying. And for GT
try to find out topic and start discussing.

Technical Interview:

● The electromagnetic torque developed is proportional to what in a D.C

series motor?
● What is the mechanical power developed in terms of air gap power Pg in a
3 phase induction motor running at slip ‘s’?
● What shall be the secondary output voltage if the primary winding of a
220/6V, 50 Hz transformer is energized by an 110V, 60 Hz supply?

● When the relative speed between the magnetic fields of stator and rotor
does is zero under steady state operation?

HR Interview:

● Why do you want to join HPCL?

● What is the reason behind your Low/high C.G.P.A
● Questions on self-analysing yourself on your technical skills, soft skills

● Tell us about your family background, financial condition, interests,

hobbies etc.

Excerpts from Interview #2:

(CGPA 7.54 in Graduation, 81.27% in 12th and 87.54% in 10th.)

Technical interview:

● What will you use to achieve high power amplification?

● If you have to determine the stability of a control system using the time
domain method, how will you do it?
● Why do we not use inductance in lag network? Explain in detail.

● Explain the method to keep noises low in a control system?

HR Interview:

● Questions about Family Background

● What is the reason for joining Maruti and not a technical firm
● Do you have any acceptance issues with the bond

Excerpts from Interview #2:

(CGPA 7.54 in Graduation, 81.27% in 12th and 87.54% in 10th.)

Technical interview:

● What will you use to achieve high power amplification?

● If you have to determine the stability of a control system using the time
domain method, how will you do it?
● Why do we not use inductance in lag network? Explain in detail.

● Explain the method to keep noises low in a control system?

HR Interview:

● Questions about Family Background

● What is the reason for joining Maruti and not a technical firm
● Do you have any acceptance issues with the bond
● Why your CGPA is so low?

HR Interview:

● What motivates you at work?

● Will you be happy to work in night shifts or over the weekends?
● Have you ever committed a mistake at work?

● What position would you prefer while working on a project?

Excerpts from Interview #4:

(CGPA 6.59 in Graduation, 77.56% in 12th and 88% in 10th.)

Technical interview:

● What will be the output voltage of a transformer if it is primarily energized

from a square wave voltage source?
● What is the armature mmf in a D.C machine?
● What will be the voltage regulation of a full load and 0.80 power factor
lagging load transformer when a two winding single phase transformer has
a voltage regulation of 4.5% at full load and unity power factor?

● Which motor will you choose which can operate in both lagging as well as
leading power factors?

HR Interview:

● Questions regarding family background and personal life.

● Why do you have such a low CGPA? Do you understood its implications?
What could you have done differently?
● What are your future goals? Do you wish to change your career path in the
● How long do you plan to work for this company? What reasons would
make you leave a job?

Round 1(Group Task):

● Three groups of 7,7,6 candidates. Finally, 1/7, 2/7, and 1/6

candidates were selected in group tasks for the Personal

Interview round.

● Tip for group tasks: Work as a team. Let others speak. Don’t be

silent and have faith in your God.

Round 2(Personal Interview):

● As we were only 4 to be interviewed, Each candidate’s interview

went on for up to more than 30 minutes. I was 3rd to be called.

● Chairperson asked me to introduce myself.

● He asked you have worked in India’s one of the leading steel

sector company JSW group for three years. Are you still working?

I answered No, Now I have resigned. Told them the truth. (Don’t

play fancy here. They won’t spare you until you sound convincing

to the entire panel. If you are even able to convince one member

there are 8 remaining for cross-questioning.

● You worked there as front line executive in Electrical

Department. Tell me the scheme of charging the substation.

Summarised in 40 seconds. He was from my field and may have

commissioned many substations under his leadership. So it took

less time to tell the entire scheme to him.

● How many sources for feeder line up charging? I answered Two


● From where did you take power? How many cable runs? From

where did these two get power?Voltage rating of incoming

MSEDCL feeder? When you charge line up there are two sources,

right? Which type of Bus coupler? Did you work on FBT? Any

Automatic type BC?

● Tell me if one source is tripped due to a fault on the lineup. How

will you approach the second source? It took me 2 minutes and

3-panel members explanation to this question that what are they

asking. I was confident in answering but I couldn’t get their

question fully. So I quit and asked them that we can discuss this

on Paper if they want. He said No, No, Not required.

● What is the difference between Earthing and Neutral? Is neutral

earth pit and Normal earth pit are same in construction? What

are the resistances recommended for neutral and normal body

earth pits? Ok. Have you heard about lightning arresters?

● You did a certification course from Harvard ManageMentor in

Ethics at Work? Tell us what did you learn and how did you apply

it in work? Told them. There were several cross-questioning from

other members. They tried to stress me out. Multiple members

asked from each of my sentences but in the end, I managed it.

● What is stress management? You did a course in this as well? Yes,

mam. Told the theory part but she wasn’t interested in theory.

She asked for recent examples of stress management.

● After 10 minutes I was one of the totals of 3 candidates who

were selected out of 20 that day for medical. The final result is

awaited based on selection criteria. It feels really good to get

shortlisted and be in a few in such an elimination process.

Tips: Be natural. Don’t get stressed out.

why do you want to join hpcl

1. My group discussion topic was that we were the heads of United nations and we have
have to arrange some problems in decreasing order of their effects on mankind through
discussion. 2. Meaning of my name? 3. 2)Why hpcl and not iocl,ongc,ntpc? 4. 3)You have
mentioned that perseverance is your strength .Elucidate that by giving example from
your life? 5. 4)turning point in your life? 6. 5)as a mechanical engg. how can you
contribute to the sales of hpcl.Give three points?7)How will you handle different dialect
people as you are not versed with their language? 9. 8)you are the boss of a section and
your junior is refusing to do the task .How will complete the task..? 10. 9)Will you join this
company if you get selected in other companies?1. In GD they gives you Two topics
Related to Current Related Topics or some General topic . They form Group of 10
candidate and topic is being discussed by Group members. 2. In GT is also they gives
you Two situation and Group members decides that on which topic they want to select. In
GT all the Group member Discuss about that situation and atlast all the group members
should come up with some Solution 3. Tell me about your self. 4. 2.What are your
hobbies? Why you want to join BPCL/IOCL/HPCL etc. What is your motivation? Why we
should hire you ( this can be answered with the unique value addition you bring to the
table) Few questions about your understanding of Oil & gas industry. How big is it, what
is the annual production capacity in India, how many refineries India has, why refineries
are located in coastal areas ? What is the refining capacity in the neighbourhood
countries of india? Is there an business opportunity for India in these countries? 1. What
is the impact of oil & gas industry on agriculture 2. Types of crude oil, how much india
import, from which country? What is OPEC? 3. What is the impact of war in gulf
countries on the oil prices? 4. What is the net oil import in india? how india can reduce
its dependency on oil?

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