G11 - Geography - Term 1 - SBA M7 - Question Paper 1

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SBA Research Task - Term 1





Plagiarism is when you use someone else’s work without giving them credit. Please ensure
that you do not copy the answers from the online campus or any other sources. All work in
this test must be completed by you in your own words.


I declare that all work in this SBA is my own. I have not committed plagiarism as defined by
the plagiarism policy and I have not copied any resources of the online campus to help me
complete this SBA.

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● Analyse the causes, impacts and prevention strategies of drought and

desertification in Africa, integrating insights on climate change.


1. This SBA research task consists of ONE main question.

2. The maximum mark for this SBA is 100.

3. You must have an introduction, body, conclusion and bibliography.

4. You must have a front page which includes:

a. Your name

b. Your student number

c. Your grade and subject

d. The signed plagiarism declaration

5. Please number each page of your research task.

6. Complete this research task using the guidelines and rubric given to you.

7. You will need to submit your research task in the Module 7 Mastery


8. You may use your lessons and other relevant resources to answer the


9. You must show evidence of conducting research by looking at news

articles, case studies, etc.

10.Your research task must consist of no more than eight pages, excluding

the cover page and reference list.

11. Your research task must be hand-written.

12. Please see at the end of your research task a small guide to assist you

with referencing.


Drought and desertification are just two of many key issues facing communities
living in Africa. Both drought and desertification bring negative impacts which
severely affect both human and natural populations and resources. While
drought is a natural phenomenon that cannot be controlled, desertification is
often caused by anthropogenic (human) factors and can be prevented.

For this task, you are required to research drought and desertification to
determine the differences and relationship between them, why Africa is so
susceptible to drought and desertification, the causes of desertification, the
negative impacts of drought and desertification, how these impacts can be
prevented or managed, and the impact climate change has on both drought and
desertification. This task must be completed in the form of an essay.

Your research essay should contain the following information:

Cover page 2 marks

Introduction and Background: Discuss drought and 10 marks

desertification and what is the difference and relationship
between them?

Why is Africa so susceptible to drought and desertification? 5 marks

A map of areas prone to drought and desertification in Africa. 10 marks

Map must include a scale, legend and north arrow.

Discuss the human and natural causes of desertification. You 15 marks

must use case studies and/or articles to support your answer.

Discuss the negative impacts of drought and how they can be 10 marks
managed. You must use case studies and/or articles to
support your answer.

Discuss the negative impacts of desertification and how they 10 marks
can be prevented. You must use case studies and/or articles
to support your answer.

Provide examples from case studies of regions that have 10 marks

successfully combated desertification and how they did this.

Discuss how climate change affects drought and 10 marks

desertification. You must use articles to support your answer.

Conclusion 5 marks

Bibliography 3 marks

Marks are allocated for evidence of research and data 5 marks


Presentation 5 marks

Total Marks 100 marks

Please use the guidelines given above and the rubric when completing this task.
This task must be completed in the form of an essay with an introduction, body
and conclusion, and a bibliography at the end. You may use sub-headings
throughout your essay.

Good Luck!



A small guide to referencing

When you present an idea or piece of information from a source in your essay,

at the end of the sentence in which you used information from your source, you

must include the name of the author and the date that the piece of information

was published in brackets. For example:

Carbon dioxide has increased the temperature of the surface of the Earth by 2

degrees (NASA Earth Observatory, 2011).

In the example above, Nasa Earth Observatory is the author, and the document

was published in 2011.

At the end of your essay, you need to provide a list of your sources with all of the

appropriate information from your source in a particular order of information.

This is called a bibliography. The order of information is as follows:

Surname, Initial. (year of publication). Title of webpage. Available at: URL

(Accessed: date).

For example, the bibliography format for the Nasa Earth Observatory (2011)

website used above would be:

Nasa Earth Observatory (2011). Effects of changing the carbon cycle.

Available at:
(Accessed: 9 December 2021).

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