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AIT-IKHLEF.N Chapter 1: Vector spaces.

Vector spaces

denotes a unitary commutative field ( or else )

real numbers , complex numbers.
is addition, is multiplication
I) Vector spaces
1) Vector space structure:
Definition : We call – vector space or a vector space on , any set provided with an
internal composition law noted and an external composition law noted


Such as :
a) is an abelian group.
b) , ,
c) ,
is the neutral element of for multiplication (second law)
By definition is an application of in
Remarks :
a) In the previous definition, we say that is a – vector space
or we say that is a vector space on .
b) The elements of are called vectors and the elements of are called scalars.
c) In the definition of a vector space, is a notation of and

is a notation of .

1) The body is a – vector space equipped with the law of internal composition and
the law of external composition

AIT-IKHLEF.N Chapter 1: Vector spaces.

2) is a vector space with the internal composition law and the external
composition law
3) is a – vector space provided with an internal composition law and an external
composition law defined as follows:

With , , is the Cartesian product.

When we say that is a – vector space or is

a vector space on that is to say that is a vector space on provided with the law of
internal composition and the law of external composition and we can say of course that
is a – vector space provided with the law of internal composition and the law of
external composition
Property : Let be a – vector space and , then we have:
the neutral element of or the neutral element of
2) Vector subspace:
Given a – vector space and a subset of , we say that is a vector subspace of
if and only if is a – vector space.
Proposal : Let be a – vector space and a non-empty part of . The following
assertions a),b) and c) are equivalent:
a) is a vector subspace of
b) i)
ii) ,
c) i)
ii) , , ,
Result : If is a vector subspace of then
the neutral element of

AIT-IKHLEF.N Chapter 1: Vector spaces.

1) If is a vector space on therefore and are
vector subspaces of .
2) is a vector subspace of such that:


3) is not a vector subspace of , because

Proposition: Let us be a – vector space and a family of

vector subspaces of then is a vector subspace of .

Evidence : is a vector subspace of , in fact:
a) because for all since is a vector subspace of .
b) for everything
, for all because is a vector subspace of .
by definition of the intersection of sets.
c) for everything
for everything
by definition of the intersection of sets.
3) The sum vector space:
Definition : Let a – vector space and , two vector subspaces of then the set
denoted by is defined by:

Proposal : In the definition previous, the set is a vector subspace of called the sum
vector space of and
Evidence : is a vector subspace of , in fact:
a) because
b) Either and then:
There exists and such that
and there exists and such that
and since is a commutative group then we can write:

AIT-IKHLEF.N Chapter 1: Vector spaces.

because And
c) Either
with and therefore:

Definition : Let there be a – vector space and , two vector subspaces of

The sum is called direct and we write if and only if:

, And :
Proposal : Let one – vector space and , two
vector subspaces of ,
we say that the sum is direct if and only if and we note

is the neutral element of .

Definition : Let one – vector space and , two
vector subspaces of , we say that , are supplementary in if and only if
Note: For this last definition we have:
is the neutral element of
Example : We considered vector space on
The vector subspaces and
Are additional in .
4) Vector subspaces generated by a part:
Definition : Let a -vector space be a non-empty part of , then we call it a
vector subspace generated by the intersection of all the vector subspaces of container
and we note it
If we say that is a generating part of or generates .
Particular case :
If then we write:
and we have:

Proposal : Let us be a -vector space, and two vector subspaces of therefore

AIT-IKHLEF.N Chapter 1: Vector spaces.

Proposal : Let there be a -vector space, and two finite parts of we therefore

Proof of 1:
Let's ask
As is a part of therefore we can write in the form:

such as

Which leads to
Proof of 2:

And (according to 1)

because is a
vector subspace of .
Reciprocally :
Either , such as :

By grouping the terms of on the one hand and those of the other hand we deduce that
there exists an element of and such that which is included in
which shows inclusion.
5) Free family - generating family - base:
Let us be a -vector space, and a family of vectors of then :

Definition 1:
We call -linear combination of vectors any vector of the form
such as

AIT-IKHLEF.N Chapter 1: Vector spaces.

Definition 2:
The family is free if and only if:
SO :

We also say that the vectors are linearly independent.

If the family is not free, it is said to be linked, that is to say:

, .

Remarks :
1) For the family to be free it is necessary and sufficient that .
2) Any family containing the vector is linked.
3) If the family is linked then everything in this set is written as
- linear combination of the other vectors of the set .

4) If the family is free then any part of is free.


1) , , ,
The vectors are linearly independent because:
For such that we
2) , , and are related because
Definition 3:
The family is a generative family of (the vectors generate ) if
and only if every element of is written as -linear combination of vectors
and we write:
such as

In other words

Elements such as are called generators of

Example :
The family is a family that generates because :

AIT-IKHLEF.N Chapter 1: Vector spaces.

The element is written in the form:

Noticed :
If the family is a generating part of then any finite part of which contains
is a generating part of .
Definition 4:
We say that is a base of if is only if is free and generating therefore:

And in this case the elements are called the components of in the ordered
Example :
is a generating family of - vector space and it is free therefore:
The family is a basis of
Noticed :
Every vector space admits a base and it is not unique.
Dimension of a vector space:
Definition : A vector -espase is of finite dimension if and only if admits at least one
finite generating part.
Theorem-definition: Given a finite-dimensional vector space, then:
1) admits at least one finite basis.
2) All bases of are finite and have the same cardinality.
The cardinality of a base is called dimension of noted and we write:
base of :
1) is a 0-dimensional vector space.
2) is a vector space of dimension
For then the -vector space admits as base the set called
canonical basis of the -vector space .
3) is a vector space of dimension

Proof of 3: (dimension = ?)
Indeed ;
Either with the are in .

AIT-IKHLEF.N Chapter 1: Vector spaces.

Which shows that the family is a family

that generates .
Let us show that is free, in fact;
Be such that:

So the vectors are linearly independent and form a base of -vector space
which shows that
Definition :
The previous family is called the canonical base of the
-vector space .
Example :
is the canonical basis of the -vector space
Proposal : Let us be a vector space of dimension , then:
1) Any family free of has at most elements.
2) Every generating family has at least elements.
Example :
1) The family where cannot be free because

2) The family where , cannot be a family generating because :

Proposal : Let be a -vector space of dimension part of cardinal .
The following three assertions are equivalent:
1) base of .
2) free.
3) generator.
Example :

AIT-IKHLEF.N Chapter 1: Vector spaces.

is a basis of - vector space ?

therefore it is enough to show that is free;

For such as

SO is free
Conclusion : is a basis of - vector space
Proposition: Let a - vector space of finite dimension and a
vector subspace of then is of finite dimension, moreover
Incomplete basis theorem: Let be a -vector space of dimension and
a family free from .
Given a basis of , then there is at least one way to complete with
vectors of to have a new basis of .
Example :
the canonical basis of .
Either a family free of , we can take to
complete and have a new base of
Theorem : Let us be a finite-dimensional vector space and two vector subspaces of

6) Rank of a finite family of vectors:

Definition : Given a -vector space and a finite part of , the rank noted is the
dimension of the vector subspace of generated by and we write

Noticed :
is the maximum number of free vectors of .

AIT-IKHLEF.N Chapter 1: Vector spaces.

Example 1:

By definition

( just note that and
For And )
and as is free therefore
Example 2:

Let a part be such that

We use another method to calculate the rank of a family of vectors:
tiering method : _
This method is practical by applying well-chosen linear combinations between the vectors
until we arrive at a zero combination and therefore the vectors are linearly dependent (
is linked) or else we will obtain non-zero vectors (i.e. is free ) Indeed :



Translation of this method:

We notice that ⇔

AIT-IKHLEF.N Chapter 1: Vector spaces.

So depends on i.e. is linked and is free because the columns
associated with are non-zero.
Hence is a base of and its dimension .
Conclusion :

Note: In all the examples in this chapter we note the internal law additively and the external
law multiplicatively for example,
If we consider a vector space on then on page 9 the writing:
is an abbreviated expression of the following writing:


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