Tiny Island Nation Launches Ambitious Renewable Energy Plan

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Tiny Island Nation Launches Ambitious Renewable Energy Plan

RANAVALU, Trobriand Islands - The tiny Pacific island nation of Vanuyu has unveiled an
ambitious plan to become one of the world's first countries to be 100% powered by renewable
energy sources within the next decade.
At a press conference yesterday, President Kalina Tavarez announced the "Vanuyu Green
Revolution" initiative which will see the 12,000-resident archipelago transitioning entirely to
solar, wind, and ocean thermal energy by 2032.
"The climate crisis represents an existential threat to island nations like ours," said Tavarez.
"With our lands being slowly submerged by rising sea levels year after year, we either take
radical action to curb emissions or we resign ourselves and our children to a tragic fate."
The $480 million program will begin with the construction of three major solar farms on the
islands of Ranavalu, Lorevidi, and Bunairiki which will supply over half the nation's electricity
needs. Dozens of wind turbines will be installed along coastal areas to capture ocean wind
Most innovatively, Vanuyu will be partnering with Norwegian engineers to build the world's first
floating ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) platform in its territorial waters. The football
field-sized floating platform will use the temperature difference between deep and surface waters
to power a steam turbine and produce steady renewable electricity.
"The upfront costs are substantial but will pay for themselves many times over when we
eliminate our dependence on imported fossil fuels," said Energy Minister Laini Vatubua. "Plus it
insulates us from the volatile global oil markets."
Opposition leaders have criticized the plan's price tag, pointing out it will require every Vanuyu
citizen to pay roughly $4,000 in taxes and fees over the next 5 years. But President Tavarez
remains undeterred.

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