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Vocabulary for an opinion essay

(Do you agree or disagree?/To what extent do you agree?)

The argumentative essay would be extremely dull if we used the words supporters and
opponents all the way through. Similarly, it would be unimpressive if we only used the verb
say to refer to people’s opinions. The tables below contain lists of useful alternatives.

+ -

Supporters Opponents

Proponents Opponents

Those in favour of … Those opposed to …

Defenders of … Critics of …

Advocates of … Objectors

Pro-… (e.g. Pro-smokers) Anti-… (e.g. Anti-smokers)

say that … point out










To list arguments in the main body: In the first place, First of all, To start with, To
begin with, Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally, In addition (to this), Furthermore,
Moreover, Besides, Last but not least

Presenting arguments for: The main/first/most important advantage of ..., One major
advantage of ..., A further advantage ..., One/Another/An additional advantage of ..., One
point of view in favour of ..., It is often suggested/believed/argued that ..., Some/Many
people suggest/feel/argue that ..., Some/Many people are in favour of/are convinced that

Presenting arguments against: One major disadvantage of ..., The main/most important
disadvantage/drawback of ..., One/Another/An additional disadvantage of ..., One
point/argument against ..., Some/Many people are against ...,

Presenting examples, causes and results: for example/instance, such as, like, in particular,
therefore, for this reason, because, as, since, as a result,

To add more points to the same topic: what is more, furthermore, also, in addition to,
besides, apart from this/that, not to mention the fact that, etc.

To make contrasting points: on the other hand, however, despite/in spite of (the fact),
while, nevertheless, even though, although, it can be argued that, one can argue that, etc.

To conclude: to conclude/sum up, all in all, all things considered, in conclusion, on the
whole, taking everything into account, taking all this into account/consideration, above
all, as was previously stated, etc.

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