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SNT-TC-14 (2024) Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION IN NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING 2024 EDITION Powered by CamScanner ASNT SNT-TC-1A-2024 Copii ©2004 by The American Soi for Nondestructive Testing. ‘The American Soe or Nondesracve Testing nc (ASNT) is ot response fo he authenticity or acuracy of information herein. Published opinions tra statements donot necessary eect the option of ASNT. Prods or serics that are advertised or mentoned do not cary the endorsement ot recommendation of ASNT. Noppartof his publication maybe reproduced or transmited in any frm, by means electronic or mechanical inching photocopying, recording oF ‘thers, witout the expressed prior writen permisson of The American Society for Nondestructive Testing Inc. RRSP: NDT Handbook, The NOT ‘ehnicla and ae trademark f the hnerican Society for Nondesructve Tsing In. ACCP ASNT, ASNT Daly, Chat NDT with ASNT, Level fmt ‘Study Guide Materials Evaluation. Nondesracive Testing Handbook, Recarch in Nondesructve Evaluation, and RNDE are eisteed trademarks of the American Socey fot Nondestructive Testing nc fist pining 4/28 ook 024 ‘rata if aval fortis printing, may be obsined fom ASNT website, asstory. Ebooks contain ll corrections and updates including the latest erata {SN 78--smur ora (pin) ISBN: 78--srur-628 (ebook) Prine in the Une State of America Published ye ‘The American Soir for Nondestructive Testing In. ‘ao, Dublin Road, Sue Ge Columbus OH as aston ‘Publications Team: Ros, Director of Publications Editor: ‘Cmthia M. Leeman, Eto Projects Manager Production: Joy Grins, Production Manager ‘yh Jester Digtal Publishing Manager Global Cerscaton & Accretion Team: ate Downton, Quality Manager ‘Michelle Thomas, Progam Adminstrator ASNT Mision Satement [ASNT mission isto advance the feldof nondestructive tesing. ASNT Code of iis “The ASNT Code of ihc was developed to provide members ofthe Sec with broad ethical statements o guide thelr professional ves. In spit and in word each ASNT member responsible ft knowing and adhering the values and sandards set forth inthe Societys Code. More information, as well as the complete vesion of the Code of Ethics canbe found on ASNT web, aSNLOTE necoumenceo F Powered by CamScanner FOREWORD ‘This Recommended Practice establishes the general framework for a qualification and cerufcation program. In addition, the ‘document provides the educational, experience, and training recommendations for the diferent test methods. ‘This Recommended Practice is not intended to be used as a strict specification. tis recognized, however, that contracts require programs, which meet the intent of this document. For such contracts, purchaser and supplier must agree upon acceptability of an employer's program. ‘The verb “should” has been used throughout this document to emphasize the recommendation presented herein. Is the ‘employer's responsibilty to address specific needs and to modify these guidelines as appropriate ina written practic. In the ‘employer's written practice, the verb “shall” is to be used in place of “should” to emphasize the employer's needs. ‘The 2024 Edition of SNT-TC-1A is annotated so that users ofthe 2020 edition can quickly and easily locate new and updated ‘material. The vertical lines in the margins of this document indicate that information inthe text has been modified in some way. An SNT-TC-1A Interpretation Panel is availabe to respond to written inquiries regarding the SNT-TC-1A guidelines. These responses clarify the intent of ASNT’s Standards Council and the recommendations of SNT-TC-1A and are subject tothe state- ‘ment of "Scope" in each edition of SNE-TC-1A. ‘To make an inguiry, download the form from the ASNT website (asntory/MjorSteSectionsStandards asp). Inquires related to this recommended practice should be directed to: Secretary, ASNT Standards Council standards@asnt Ethics Statement ‘The NDT profession plays a critical role in ensuring public safety by providing information on the condition and integrity of critical infrastructure and products through its various NDT methods and techniques. The NDT profession has aresponsibil- ity to act ethically in all activities including the proper collection, interpretation, and reporting of NDT data. To this end, ASNT highly encourages all individuals and companies using ths standard/document to incorporate the topic of ethics and ethical behavior ofits employees and contractors into their taining programs and examinations. Powered by CamScanner ASNT SNT-TC-1A-2024 SNT-TC-1A COMMITTEE Publication and review ofthis Recommended Practice was under the direction of the SNT-TC-1A Commitee which isa commie ofthe Standards Council (SIC). The SC report tothe Board of Directors of The American Society for Nondestructive Testing ‘Subcommittee Members: Michael Ruddy, Chir Dave Culberson Bran Late Bl Plumstead fe. Marvin Trimm, Vice Chair David Dechene Brock Mackin Bill Plumstead Se David Bula Paul Deeds Walt Matulewice Jason Slonaker Bill Baker David Harvey Clyde May Dave Vigne Rao Brahmaji Hugh Howerton Ramon Orozo Tey Gasing Michael Kirby Jessica Osbourne Daniel Crago Doron Kishoni John Pariseau ‘Notice to users of this document: ‘When certificates or wallet cards are issued and provided by the employer the requirements of ASNT Policy Gs (asntorg/ MajorSiteSections/About/Leadership. Governance/Policies) shall be followed to ensure appropriate usage ofthe ASNT name, ‘acronym, and ogo. ‘The certificate shal indicat thatthe certification iin acordance with the requirements ofthe employe’ writen practice. See Section 95 fr further guidance on propery isued certification certificates and wallet cards. Powered by CamScanner CONTENTS FOREWORD Ethics Statement SNTIC-1A SUBCOMMITTEE SUMMARY OF CHANGES, “ RECOMMENDED PRACTICE NO. SNT-TC-1A: PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION IN NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING ' 1.0Scope ' 2.0Defintions 1 3.0 Nondestructive Testing Methods . 40 Levels of Qualification 3 5.0Wiiton Practice 3 6.0 Education, Training, and Experience Requirements for Initial Qualification 3 7.0 Training Programs 6 8.0 Examinations z 9.0 Certification " 10.0 Technical Performance Evaluation 2 11.0 Interrupted Service i 120 Recertification 12 13.0 Termination 3 14.0 Reinstatement 3 15.0 Referenced Publications 3 APPENDIXES 15 Appendix A— NDT Practical Examination Checklist 5 Appendix B ~ Example Certification Template 6 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE Powered by CamScanner ASNT SNT-TC+1A-2024 SUMMARY OF CHANGES The changes made are also indicated with a line inthe margin for easy identification. SNTTCTA2024 Edition 1 Paragraph 1.5 was deleted, 2. Paragraphs 2.17 and 2..11—evision to terms, “Detection Rate” and “False Call” to clarify their intended use. 2 Paragraphs 21115 and 2.118~the revision to paragraph 2.1.18 was to further clarify the term “Predictive Maintenance nally to show contrast tothe term “NDI; the definition for “Nondestructive Testing” from ASTM E1316 was {ncuded as wel (new paragraph 2115) 4. The tem within parentheses in paragraph 2..21 was revised to read “(This i usually one prior to performing any NDT ‘but canbe caried out anytime there is concern about the performance of NDT or instrument response." 5. In Table 6.318, digital radiography (DR), computed radiography (CR), and computed tomography (CT) image {interpreter recommendations were added. 6, Paragraph 64 was added to recognize a percentage of actual hands-on experience inthe form of lab hours may be applied toward the applicable experience recommendations in Tables 6.31A and 6.318. This recommendation is only applicable to expanded training programs at education institutions or colleges. 7. In paragraph 8.1.2, a recommendation was added to ensure personnel administering writen multiple-choice ‘examinations are trained and the training is documented. {8 Paragraph 8.1.4 was modified and paragraphs 8.64.2 and 8.6.43 were added to recommend an NDT Level It practical examination for NDT Level Il personnel who are actually performing NDT as part oftheir jo function. 9. nparagraph 8.1.7, a recommendation was added to document aceptance of an ouside supplier for examination services, 1o.Jn paragraphs 621 and 6.2.11, restrictions were added regarding the use of eye drops to temporarily improve vison ‘Thisissue and other vision related topics are under review by a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Commitee, s0 more changes are expected ata later date, including more on eye drops. 1 Paragraphs 8 and 8.4 added reference to CP-10 for General and Specific examinations. 12.1n paragraphs 8.3.2 and 8.4, reference to CP-105 for General an Specific examinations was added. 15.1n Table 8.3.3, dial radiography (DR), computed radiography (CR), and computed tomography (CT) image interpreter ‘number of examination question recommendations were added. 14.In paragraphs 63.4, 8.44, 056, 863.2, 86.42, and 866, the new ASNT g712 Program was added, ACCP remains in for now because there is five-year transition in place. 15, Paragraphs 83.4, 8.44, 85.6, 863.2, and 86.43 were part ofa reorganization of Section 8 based on aus from the Employer-Based Certification Program. 16 Paragraphs 85.41,85-42,8543, 855 7 Program. In paragraphs 95 and 12.2, the dates when cetcation and recertication actually bepins were aded. This sue came ‘outofan interpretation inquiry to SNE-TC-1A about the date certification starts. See Imerpretation 856. $52,853,857, 86.43 and 8.6.5 were modified to include the new ASNT w aecoMMENDED Fi Powered by CamScanner RECOMMENDED PRACTICE NO. SNT-TC-1A: PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION IN NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING 1.1 Ieisrecognized thatthe effectiveness of nondestructive testing (NDT) applications depends upon the capabilites ‘ofthe personnel who are responsible for and perform, NDT. Tis Recommended Practice has been prepared ‘to establish guidelines forthe qualification and cetication of NDT personnel whose specific jobs require appropriate knowledge ofthe technical principles underlying the nondestructive test they perform, witness, ‘monitor or evaluate, 12 This document provides guidelines forthe establishment ofa qualification and certification program. 13 These guidelines have been developed by The American Society for Nondestructive Testing ne. to aid employers {in recognizing the essential factors tobe considered in qualifying personnel engaged in any ofthe NDT methods listed in Section 3.0, 14 Itistecognized that these guidelines may not be appropriate for certain employer’ circumstances and/or applications. in developing a writen practice as required in Section 5.0, the employer should review the dealed recommendations presented herein and modify them, as necessary to meet particular needs Such modification ‘may alter but shall not eliminate basic provisions of the program such as traning experience, testing, and recertification. Supporting technical rationale for modiication of detailed recommendation should be provided nan Annexto the writen practice. 20 Definitions 21 Termsinchided in this document are defined as follows: 21.1 Calibration, Instrument: the comparison of an instrument with or the adjustment of an instrument to, ‘aknown references) ofen traceable to the applicable county’ national institute o standards body. (See aso Standardization, Instrument) 212 Certification: written testimony of qualification. 213. Certifying Agency: the employer of the personnel being cried. 214 Certifying Authority: the person or persons property designate inthe writen practice to sgn cerifcations on behalf ofthe employer. 215 Closed-Book Examination: an examination administered without accesso reference material except for ‘materials supplied with or inthe examination. (See paragraph 8.1.3) 21.6 Comparable: being tan equivalent or similar evel of NDT responsibilty and dificult as determined by the employer's NDT Level I 217 Detection Rate: expressed asa percentage it represents the number of laws or indications detected ina specimen compared tothe number of faws or indications that are actualy in the specimen being examined, 21,8 Documented: the condition of being in writen form, 2.19 Employer: the corporate, private, or public entity, which employs personnel direc or indirect for ‘wages salary; fees, or other considerations. This would include employers who obtain ther qualified supplemental worKorce personnel through third-party agencies, provided the use and certification of those supplemental employees is addressed in the employers written practice. necoumenoeo raacrice 1 Powered by CamScanner ASNT SNT-TC-1A-2024 2.110. Experlences work scthisesaccerphed in a specie NDT method under the dieton of pied ‘cpeision inching the perormance ol the NUT meth and related ates but inching re pert onan taining pesrame 2111 False Cal tien an accept inticaon or unfiwed grading nit is eid sbi a defect. 3 taved ating uit 21.12 Grading Unit: a qualiicaion specimen can be dvd ino sections called prating uni wich do ua Ihave tobe of equal length or be equally paced. Grading unt are unfawed or Bawed, and the percentage ‘of fae awed ading units reputed shouldbe approved bythe NDT Lee I 21.13 Lmtd Certification: nondestructive test methods may be further subdivided int ited disciplines or techniques to meet specific employer’ neds: these are NDT Level I certifications but toa limited scope. 21.14 Method: one ofthe disciplines of NT; for example, ultrasonic testing within which various test techniques may exist 21.15. Nondestructive Testing (NDT): the deveopment and application of technical methods to examine ‘materials or omponent in ways that donot impair future usefulness and serviceability inorder to detect, locate, measure, and evaluate Saws; to assess integrity, properties and compesion; and to measure ‘gometrial characteristics 2.L16. Outs Agency: a company or individual who provides NDT Level Il services and whose qualifications to prnide these services have been reviewed by the employer engaging the company or individual. 2.17 Personalized instruction: may consist of bended dassrom, supervised laboratory and/or hybrid online competency-based couse delivery. Modular contents cvered through online presentations, inthe dassoom, and/orin small groups Pesonalizd instruction also enables students to achieve competeny using strategies that align with heir nowledge hls and leaming sys 2.1.18. Predictive Maintenance (PdM): evaluates the condition of equipment (ypc inservice) by performing periodic of continuous (online) equipment condition monitoring, Condition monitoring ‘evaluates leading performance indicators of specied machinery components and assemblies (including, seructuesin whole andi part such as bling and bridges et) detectable via the applied method, aM uses prinples of statistical process contol to assess the condition by focusing on leading indicators that may sign deterioration in performance or potential equipment, structural or mater failure. The ‘kite goa of PaMis to perform maintenance based upon the condition such thatthe maintenance activity is cost-eective and before the equipment loses optimum performance or fail. 2.1.19. Qualiféeaion: demonstrated ski, demonstrated knowledge, documented tainng and documented experience equi fr personne to property perform the duties ofa specific ob, 2120 Recommended Practice: sto guidelines to asst the employer in developing uniform procedures for the quaication and certcation of NDT personne to satisfy the employer's spec reqirements. 2.21. Standardization, Instrument: the adjustment ofan NDT instrument using an appropriate reference standard, to obtain or establish a knowm and reproducible response. (This is usualy done prior to performing any NDT but can be carried out anytime there is concem about the performance of NDT or instrument response) (See also Calibration, Instrument) 2122 Technique: category win an NDT method for example, ultrasonic thickness testing, 2123 Third-Party Ageney: a company or organization, wihout an established written practice, providing supplemental worKorce tothe employer for example, a temporary stain company. 21.24 Training an organized program developed to impart the knowledge and skis necessary for qualification. 2.25 Written Practice a writen procedure developed by the employer that deta the requirements for Qualification and certification ofits employees 30 Nondestructive Testing Methods 31 2 necoumenoeo (Qualification and certification of NDT personnel in accordance with this Recommended Practice is applicable to each ofthefllowing methods: Acoustic Emission Testing Magnetic Pride Testing, Hlecuomagnetic Testing Mirowave Technology Testing Ground Penetrating Radar [Newuon Raioggepic Testing Guided Wave Testing Radiopaphic Tesing Laser Methods Testing ‘Thermal nar Tsing Leak Testing Virasoni Testing Liquid Penetran Testing Vibration Anais “Magnetic Fux Leakage Testing Visual Tsing Powered by CamScanner 40 Leh Quiieation {AL ‘The ar thre bc lvls of puso The employer may sede thse Iw wt wee ohne vets are deere necreazy fr wees SL ad ray 42 Wile inthe proces of bet indy ned quai ae cei anil hou be considered trainee A tainee Uvndld work wt acre indnt The trance then on ndependerty coneict, Aotrpet evaluate, or report he res of ay NTE 43,-_Themeenmmended technical bree and hl sexs forte the bas levels of quia ae a flow: 43.1 NOT Lew An NDT Leve inv shoul ave sufentanil nerd ae shils be “qulifcd property perf speci andarizations specie NUT. and gee eahuions fr acerptance or eetondraeminationsacconing to writen brutus and to recedes The NIT Level should receive the necessary instruction and supervision fom acer NDT Level I ott india 432. NDTLevel IL An NDT Level indi shuld hve suficient technical knee ad sil tbe Aquaied st up and standardize equipment and titepet and ease resus with respect 9 applicable cones, tana and specications The NDT Level I shoul be thoroughly fara with the scope and imitations of the methods for which quale and should exrise assigned responsi kr nthe ob taining and guidance ofrainees and NDT Level personnel The NDT Level shouldbe able to organize and repo the resus of NDT tests. 433. NDT Level lL An NDT Level individual should have sufclent technical knowledge and kil to be capable of devdoping qualifing and approving procedures: easing and approving tehniques Intespreting coves, standard specifications and procedures; and designating the particular NOT ‘methods techniques and procedures tobe used. The NDT Level shouldbe responsible forthe NDT ‘operations for which quaifed and assigned and shouldbe capable of interpreting and evaluating resuks {interns of extng codes, standards and specications. The NDT Level shoud have sulicient practical background in applicable materials fabrication, and product technology to establish techniques and to assist exablshing acceptance citera when none are others vaable. The NDT Level should have genera fairy wit other appropriate NDT methods as demonstrated by an ASNT Level I Basic examination or other means The NDT Lee I inthe methods in which cried should have sulcen technical knowlege and sist be eapabe of taining and examining NDT Level, and i personnel for ertication in those methods. 50° Writen Practice 5:1 The employer shall establish a wten practice fr the contol and administration of NDT personne taining, examination and certification. 52 The employers writen practice should describe the responsibilty of each eve of ertication for determining the acceptabiliy of materials or components in accordance with te applicable codes standards, specifications, and procedures. 53. Theemployer's written practice should desrie the training, experience, and examination requirements for each level of certification by method and technique, as applicable. 54. Theemployers written practice should identify the test techniques within each test method applicable tots scope of operations. 55. Theemployerswritten practice shall be reviewed and approved by the employer's NDT Level I. 56. Theemployers written practice shall be maintained on fle. 60 Education, Training, and Experience Requirements for Initial Qualification 61 Candidates for ceriicaion in NDT should have suficient education, training and experience to ensure ‘qualification in those NDT methods in which they are being considered for certification. Documentation of prior ceriication may be used by an employer as evidence of qualification for comparable levels of certification. 62 Documented training and/or experience gained in positions and activities comparable to those of Levels, and/or II prior to establishment of the employer's written practice may be considered in satisfying the criteria of Paragraph 63. 63 Tobe considered for certification, a candidate should satisfy one ofthe folowing crteria forthe applicable NDT ewe. 631 NDTLevels and 631.1 Table 631 Aliss the recommended taining and experience hoursto be considered by the ‘employer in establishing writen practices fr initial qualification of NDT Level and Level I individuals. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 2 Powered by CamScanner ASNT SNT-TC-1A-2024 Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels eed Acoustic Emision Testing (a8) — ! | Atternating Current Fietd |__*° 210 400 tw _|_ Measurement (ACF) 40 630 1200 ' “0 210 400 Electromagnetic Testing ‘sas Cabhen Tueles EET ey i y sting ECT) | — ai nas q 40 210 400 Remote Field Testing (RFT) 0 ie 40 630 1200 1 8 60 120 u 20 420 f 40 240 460 ‘Guided Wave Testing (GW) 7 u 40 240 1 8 70 130 Proflometry Laser Methods Testing |_l 4 140 260 G) 1 40 210 400 Holagraphy/Shesrograph u oe eae 630 1200 f 2 3 8 Bubble Leak Testing (87) u 4 35 80 z Pressure Change Leak 24 105 200 u Testing (PCT) 16 280 530 Leak Testing (1) = s Halogen Diode Leak i 105 200 a ‘Testing (HOLT) a ma aa Mass SpectrometerLeak | __ 40 280 520 ree 2 420 800 Liquid Penetrant Testing 4 70 130 en 8 140 270 Magnetic Fux Leakage 16 70 130 ey 2 210 400 Magnetic Particle Testing 12 70 130 on) 8 210 400 MicganeTscinsay 40 210 “400 ‘Testing (MW) @ as = Neutron Radiographic 28 420 800 mee 40 1680 2400 (CONTINUED NEXT PAGE) Powered by CamScanner Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels Pare] WoT Level “ «0 30 1200 | ' “0 210 400 " “0 630 1200 Radiographic Testing (RT) |— 7 ' “0 210 400 4 40 630 1200 ' 40 210 400 40 630 1200 ' 2 210 400 0 Building Diagnostics uM 1260 1800 an | electrical & Mechanical u 1260 1200 4 Materials Testing ue 1260 1800 ‘ 40 210 400 u 40 630 1200 | Futatrixcapturecrmc) | _ 80 320 nla Ultasonie Testing (UT) 1ased Array Ultrasonic Lb Testing (PAUT) = = a Time of Flight Diffraction " ree 40 320 va t 24 420 800 Vibration Analysis (VA) 0 2 1680 2400 ' 8 70 130 Visual Testing (VT) 4 6 140 270 Notes 10. Aperson may be qulfed ret to NOT Level wthno time a ce tiled NDT Levell providing the recommended varing and experience anit ofthe sum of te hous recommended for NOT Levelland Level FerNOT eel rican he experince shed const he sumo eho {rNOTLevcll andl pate addtoralimeln pangrph 632 arspple> te The formating shuld one the NTLevel are inig s ary addoralforaleaning as dfnedin be employesttonpacicn. Led taining hous may be acusted a described nthe employers writen ractce depending onthe candidate's actual edscaton level 9. highschool ealege arate in engineering, te). ‘Taring should be outned inthe employers writen practice. MT taining hows may be counted toward MFLtrning hour a defined in employers writen practice 50 Fanindviduais caret cerfedinan Etochnique anda ful course fomatwas used to meet he nal qualfcatonsin tha techique, the mink ‘mumtrning hours to qualynanather ET technique atthe sme NOT level nay be reduced up to 40% so defied nthe employers writen pace, Ifanindvuas conid in an ET technique, the meimum experience tO uly for ancther ET technique tthe sre level orto the net evel maybe reduced by upto 50% f so defnedinthe employers writen practice. ‘Wile fun total NT experince equremens experience may be ‘gained in re than one(}}method: however, the minimum hours mast Demetfor each method. anindvidaliscurenty cored in an RT tecique and aftcouse omar was used to meet herital questions int technique, he min- imumadstional waning hous te quay in anther technique athe same 0 60 20 level shoul be 2 hours of which at east 18 hours shouldbe equipment {amaretto} The taining ovtne should be a defined in the employers writen prectce. anindhchal cried ina technique, the mmm ad ‘ional experince required to quot for another cies these! 1moybe reduced by upto 50% a defined inthe employers writen pace. Independent ofthe FY, CR, CT.OR or NR taining recommended tor Level and Level certcan, a tains required rece raton safety tring 0 required by the regulator juiscicion. Wanindiviualiscurertcendied in one 1) thermainrared wechnique and aful-couse format was vied to meet then qualfestons in ht technique, the minimum addtional vaining hous to quay in another technique athe same level shoud be 20hoursof which teas 16 ours shouldbe specie technique famanzaten) The waning eutine should beas defined inthe employers write practice fan individual ceed imatechniqe,the minimum addtional experience requiredto quay {for another technique atthe sare eve maybe reduced by upto 0%, defined inthe employes writen pratce 100 Full Capture (FNC Teneo Fight Dircion (TOFD and Phased Aray reason Testing PALT requir UT Level certain as {110 nadton to the waning recommended inthis table fr FMC, TOFD, and AUT, supplemental spec hardware and sofware waning shouldbe required for automated orsamiatomted technique applicators. The ‘employer's written pacice shoud fll desribe the nature andexert ‘ofthe adtona raining equred fr each specie acqustono ana ‘oftware and insturenvjstem used. The employers wrten practice Should avo describe the meas by which he examines question wll bbe determined for automated and semiatomated techniques 80 90 Powered by CamScanner ASNT SNT-TC-1A-2024 70 ame ense Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels for NDT Level Il Limited Certifications Film interpretation RT Level a 20 Non-Radiographer “0 20 RT Level 2 20 Non-Radiographer 40 20 CCTinterpretation RT Lavell 4 220 Digital Thickness Measurement (numeric 8 40 Ultrasonic Te ‘output only) ‘A-scan Thickness pacen Thaceaes Trainee mu Ws 63.1.2 Table 63.1 Bliss initial waning and experience hours, which may be considered bythe ‘employer for speciic limited applications as defined in the employer’ writen practice. 6313 Limited certifications should apply to individuals who do not meet the ull raining and ‘experience of fable 63.1 A. Limited certifications issued in any method should be approved by the NDT Level Il and documented inthe certification records. 632 NDT Level ll 6321 Have bachelor’s degre (orhigher in engineering or scence, plus one additonal year of ‘experience beyond the Level Il requirement in NDT in an assignment comparable to tha ofan [NDT Level inthe applicable NDT methoo(), or: 6322 Have completed wit passing grades teat (2) years f engineering or scence study ata ‘university, college, oF technical school, plus two additonal years of experience beyond the NDT ‘Level requirements in NDT in an assignment at east comparable to that of NDT Levelt in the applicable NDT method), o: 16323 Have four (4) years of experince beyond the NDT Level Il equiremens in NDT in an assignment atleast comparable to that ofan NDT Level Inthe applicable NDT methods). The above NDT Level Il requirements may be paral replaced by experience asa certifed [NDT Leve! Il or by assignments atleast comparable to NDT Leve Ils defined inthe employer's ‘written practice. 64. Itisrecogized that expanded training programs at educational instuions and colleges may include additional ‘hands-on application and lab hours in applicable methods and/or techniques beyond the required minimum ‘waining hours. Those additional hours may be considered toward the required experience hours as approved by the NDT Leve! Il and documented within the employer's writen practice. Additionally, the maximum credit {or these hours should not exceed 25% ofthe required experience hours. A minimum of 7% of the required experience hours shall be gained in the field. ‘Training Programs 71 Personnel being considered for initial certification should complete sulficent organized training, The organized ‘raining may include instructor-led training, personalized instruction, virtual instructor-led training, computer. based training, or web-based training. Computer-based traning and web-based traning should track hours and content of training with student eaaminations in accordance with paragraph 72. The sulicently organized training shal be suchas to ensure the students thoroughly familar wit the principles and practices of the specified NDT method related othe level of certification desired, and applicable tothe processes to be used and the products tobe tested. ll training programs should be approved by the NDT Level Ill responsible forthe applicable method. 7.2 Thetaining program should include sulfcent examinations to ensure understanding of the necessary information. Powered by CamScanner 1, Recommended taing curve eines seal rere oe NIT Level nef persone wich ray be ‘wed an teh source material, are come bn ANSY/ASSCT OP 105: ASNT Stren Tope (nc or (elferaen of Nondeonative Testing Nrered 14 Theemphiyer who purchases outside taining services is response for ensuring that reylments of the employer's wren practice services meet he Taaminations| {A1 Adminisraion and Grading {8.11 All qualification examination questions shall be approve bythe NUT Level Il responsible or the applicable method and documented 812. AnNDTLeve should be responsible forthe administration and grading of examinations specified fn paragraphs 83 through 8.8 for NDT Level I or other Level Il personnel. The administration and grading of examinations may be delegated toa qualed representative ofthe NDT Level i and documented Training should be provided to the individual administering the examinations. This taining ‘and qualification shall be documented. A qualified representative ofthe employer may perform the actual administration and grading of NDT Level Il examinations specified in paragraph 8.7. 121 Tobe designated asa qualied representative of the NDT Level I forthe administration and grading of NDT Level, Level, and Level Il personnel qualification examinations, the designee should have documented, appropriate instruction by the NDT Level I inthe Proper administration and grading of qualification examinations prior to conducting and ‘rading independent qualification examinations for NDT personnel. Additional the Practical ‘examination shouldbe administered by a person cerified inthe applicable NDT method as NDT Level I or Ill The NDT Level Il Practical examination specified in paragraph 85 shall be ‘administered by a qualified NDT Level I 813 _AILNDT Level and Il written examinations should be closed-book ecept that necessary data, such as graphs, tables specifications, procedures codes, tc, may be provided with or inthe examination. (Questions utilizing such reference materials should require an understanding of the information rather ‘than merely locating the appropriate answer. 814 For NDT Level and personnel, a composite grade should be determined by simple averaging ofthe results of te General, Specific and Practical examinations described in the following sections. For NDT Level Il personnel, the composite grade shouldbe determined by simple averaging ofthe result ofthe Basic, Method, Specific, and Practical if applicable) examinations described inthe following sections. {815 Examinations administered by the employer for qualification should result in a passing composite grade ‘of atleast 8%, with no individual written examination having a passing grade les than 70%. The Practical ‘examination should have a passing grade fat east 80%. {815 When an examination is administered and graded forthe employer by an ouside agency and he ouside agency issues grades of pass or fail only, on acetfed report then the employer may accept the pass grade as 80% for that particular examination. 81.7 The employer who purchases outside services is responsible for ensuring that the examination services ‘meet the requirements of the employe’ writen practice and be documented. {818 Inno case shall an examination be administered by oneselfor by a subordinate. 82 Vision Examinations 821 NearVsion Acuity. The examination should ensure natural or corrected (no pharmacological agents) near-dstanceaculy in atleast one eye such that the applicants capable of reading a minimum, ofjaeger No.2 or equivalent type and size leer at the distance designated on the chart butnot ss than 12in. (305 cm) on a standard Jaeger test chart. The ability to perceive an Ortho-Rater minimum of or similar test patter is also acceptable. This should be administered annually. 82.1. Pharmacological agents (eye drops) that would improve or enhance visual acuity at any distance shall not be used. 822 Color Contrast Diferentiation. The examination should demonstrate the capability of distinguishing and diflerentiatng contrast among colors or shades of gay used in the method as determined by the ‘employer. This should be conducted upon inital certification and at five (5) year intervals thereafter {823 Vision examinations expire on the last day of the month of expiration. JOMMENDED Practice Powered by CamScanner ASNT SNT-TC-1A-2024 (03 Ged (Wit en NTT Lee tt) 1.11 The Genre exranutien dud ars the be principle of the appiable meta 1012 Inpro the rains he NIT Level dhl select ot devise sppeuprte quinn omer fe mppicabie meta and wckekpan ewer by the empenereien practi are the api te deren the tine tn ANSU ASNT CP-108, (133 The minima rte of questions that dou be ge i shew in Tale 3.3 AAA Avabd ACR ASNT NDT or ASNT 9712 Level certificate maybe accepted as fling the General ‘examination citer foreach apylicable metho Mf the NOT Level has determined thatthe ASST ‘examinations meet the requrements ofthe employe’ writen practice This acceptance shoul be documented Minimum Number of Examination Questions Cn Spade Cee eer) 0 es . tons tes x [oe [| rth [oe [| Sa «ef ® [s in re == [es ihn o[«[ a» [—m ey i o[#[» | inrcgeronon he : sseprseerarings* ® s Computed Radiography: 40 40 20 20 Powered by CamScanner Digital Thickness Measurement (numeric output only) ‘A-scan Thickness Measurement Vibration Analysis Visual Testing 0 40 20 20 a 85 Specie (Writen for NDT Levels Land I) {841 The Specific examination should addres the equipment, operating procedures, and NDT techniques that the individual may encounter during speci assignments described by the employe’ wren practice and the applicable elements ofthe outline in ANSI/ASNT CP-105. {842 The Specfc examination should also cover the procedures, specications or codes, and acceptance criteria used inthe NDT conducted bythe employer. {843 The minimum numberof questions that should be given s shown in Table 833. ‘BAA _Avalid ACCR ASNT NDI, or ASNT 9712 Level ceriiate maybe accepted as uliling the Specie examination eitera foreach applicable method ifthe NDT Level I has determined thatthe ASNT examinations meet the requirements ofthe employer's written practice. This acceptance should be documented this assessment cannot be accomplished, an employer administered Specific examination shouldbe completed Practical (or NDT Level [and ) {851 The candidate should demonstrate familiarity with and ability to operate the necessary NDT equipment, record, and analyz the resultant information tothe degree required. £852 Atleast one awed specimen or component shouldbe ested, and the results ofthe NDT analyzed by the candidate. 852.1 Phased Aray Ultrasonic Testing and Time of Hight Difraction Practical Examination, Flawed samples used fr practical examinations should be representative of the components and/or configurations thatthe candidates would be testing under this technique and approved bythe NDT Level 8522 Film Interpretation Limited Certification. The Practical examination should consist of review and grading ofa sufcient numberof radiographs to demonstrate satisfactory performance to the satisfaction ofthe NDT Level I. The numberof radiographs shouldbe addressed in the employer's written practice. £53 The description ofthe specimen, the NDT procedure, including checkpoints, and the results of the ‘eaminaton should be documented 854 NDT Level Practical Examination {8541 Specimens. Proficiency should be demonstrated in performing the applicable NDT technique on ‘one or more awed specimens as appropriate for the method and approved and documented by the NDT Level I (Grading Key). Powered by CamScanner ASNT SNT-TC-1A-2024 ass 056 0542, Beaune The NIT Leet ull erate he ret tthe dere of repay a Aer inthe epoyer wren pease. The carte dal det al dscns and contr pected en documented by the NUT Level. The wen practice shld adress {te acetate deercrn rea wel an he maaan mbar ef be al acetate (54.3, Genin Ach contingent 10 dierent chechpits epg an understanding of test variables and the employer's procedural repiremet should be inched in this Practical ‘carina Wie ts rma score the Practical on a perce hs (87% required) he Practical examination checks should alo contain a singe checkpoint or multiple checkpeines that abet sxc compete wil rent in fare othe examination. This reprerent std be early mated onthe cheeky). NDT Levelt Practical Examination (855.1. Specimens Proficiency should be demonstrated in selecting and performing the applicable NEE technique within the method and interpreting and evaating the resis on one or more awed specimens as appropiate forthe method and approved and documented by the ND Level (Grading Key) {8552 Fraluation. The candidate should detec al dscontiies and conditions specified and documented by the NDT Lee I The writen practice should address the acceptable detection ‘teas well as the maximum number offalsecalls acceptable. 18553 Grading A checks containing at east 10 diferent checkpoints requiring an understanding of [NDI variables and the employers procedural requirements should be incided in ths Practical examination. Whit normal to score the Practical on a percentile basi (80% required) the practical examination chectist should also contain a single checkpoint or mukiple checkpoints ‘that lure to sucessfully complete wll suit in failure ofthe examination. This requirement shouldbe clearly masked on the checkpoints). Avalid ACCP or ASNT 9712 Level I certificate may be accepted as ulilin the Practical examination ‘teria for each applicable method ifthe NDT Lee! Il has determined that the ASNT examinations meet the requirements ofthe employer's writen prctce. This acceptance should be documented. this assessment cannot be accomplished, an employer administered Practical examination should be ‘completed. ‘An example of Practical examination checks attached as Appendix Ato this Recommended Practice. ‘The example checklist ha been provided as guidance onthe development of practical examinations for any method and eve. 86. NDT/PdM Level ll Examinations 861 Basic Examinations 86.11 NDTBasic Examination (des not need tobe retaken to add another test method as long asthe candidate olds acurtent NDT Level Il erica or cericaion). The minimum numberof «questions that should be gen is follows: {861.1 Fifteen (15) questions relating o understanding the SNE-TC-1A document, {86.1.2 Twenty (20) questions relating to applicable material, fabrication, and product technology, and £86.13 Twenty (20) questions that are similar to published NDT Level l questions fr other appropiate NDT methods. £8612 PAM Basic amination (does not need to be retaken tad another est method as longs the candidate holds a current Level Il certificate or certification The minimum nurmber of questions that should be given i as follows £86,121 Fifteen (15) questions relating to understanding the SNT-TC-1A document, £86,122 Twenty (20) questions relating to applicable machinery technology, problems, and comectve actions, and {86.123 Thiny (30) questions that are similar to published NDT Level Il questions for other appropriate PAM and reliability methods. 862 Method Examination (for each method). aecommenDeo practice £86.21 Thirty (30) questions relating to fundamentals and principles that are similar to published ASNT [NDT Level Il questions for each method, 8622 Fifien (15) questions relating to application and establishment of techniques and procedures ‘that are similar othe published ASNT NDT Level Ill questions for each method, and. Powered by CamScanner a7 1nn23 Twerey (20) qe trating to caps br eeepc cai tan ae eet ating othe method R63 Speci Examination (x each mete) WH34 Torey (20) quarts rbsing to week exept eh ae pcm ypticable wo the exyoyer protic) and mechoes erploye and to the atminisranen of the employe rinen practice (86.32 Avid ACCP or ASNT 9712 Lev I certian many be accepted as ling the Specie ‘amination eter fr each apie meter the NUT Level I has determined that he ASNT examinations meet the regimens of the employer's writen practice. This acceptance shoul be documented. this asexsment cannot be accomplished, an employer administered Specific examination should be completed ‘864 Practical Examination (or each method). ‘86.4.1 Thecandidate should prepare an NDT procedure appropiate to the employer's needs however, \f documented experience demonstrates thatthe candidate has previously prepared acceptable [NDT procedures inthe method using the specications, codes, and standards that are applicable to that employer a writen Practical examination (or example, preparation ofa procedure) isnot ‘required. experience i substiued forthe writen Practical examination, the employer should ‘document the pertinent practical experience ofthe NDT Level Il candidate. 8642 he NDT Level I willbe required to perform NDT or evaluate NDT results the Practical ‘eamination should include the same demonstrations ofthe candidate's ability o perform the required actives) as required in paragraph 85.5, For NDT Level Il personnel cetiied "under th employer's current writen practice this requirement should be met prior tothe next recertification date, nthe applicable method. ‘8643 the NDT Level I needs to meet the recommendations in paragraph 86.42, a valid ACCP or ASNT 9712 Level Il cericate may be accepted as fling the practical examination criteria in paragraph 85.5 foreach applicable method ifthe NDT Level II has determined thatthe ASNT ‘examinations meet the requirements ofthe employer's writen practice. This acceptance should bbe documented, this assessment cannot be accomplished, an employer-administered Practical ‘examination should be completed 865 _Avald endorsement on an ASNT NDT, ACCP Professional, or ASNT'9712 Level Il cetfcate fulfils the ‘examination criteria described in paragraphs 8.6.1 and 862 foreach applicable NDT method. A valid ACCP Professional or ASNT 9712 Level Il certcae aso full the examination criteria described in Paragraph 855, Reexamination {87.1 Thosefaling to atin the required grades should wait at least thirty (30) days or receive suitable additional taining as determined by the NDT Leve I before reexamination. Certification ou 92 93 94 Certification of NDT personne to all levels of qualification ithe responsibly ofthe employer Certfcation of NDT personnel shouldbe based on demonstration of satisfactory qualiaton in accordance with Sections 60,7, and 80, as described in the employers writen practic. Atte option ofthe employer, an outside agency may be engaged to provide NDT Level Il services In such instances the responsibility of certfcation of the employees shall be retained by the employer. Personnel ertiication records shoul be maintained on fle by the employe forthe duration specie in the ‘employers writen practice and should include the following SAL Name ofceried individual 942 Level of ceriication, NDT method and/or technique, as applicable, and imitations (fan), as applicable 943 Educational background and experience of cerifed individuals. 844 Statement indicating satisfactory completion of raining in accordance wit the employer's writen practice. 945 Results ofthe vision examinations prescribed in paragraph 82 forthe curent certification period. 946 Current examination copy(es) or evidence of successful completion of examinations. 947 Composite grades) or suitable evidence of grades. 48 Signature ofthe NDT Level Il that verified qualifications of candidate for ceriicaton. {49 Dates of certification and/or recertfcation. Aecoumenoen practice Powered by CamScanner 2 T SNT-TC-1A-2024 10 Crrtieseen equnire Ae Serunen A eminee «Caring aber Dhar of reise ed een 95.1 The din of certicarion thon be a dae ater which the employer's repirements for ehacaton, train, egerience. an examinathns have been met teach methox! and/or chine. as specified in the pooh erin preter 952. The dae of coruictiem te date when the Cetving Authority sigs the certification record 95.3 The dae of expation dd be five (5} years fom the date extabshed in paragraph 9.52. Crrtiicaten certs eel wallet carts. The following recommendations are considered bes practice and te be blend 961 The legs name cl the employer ehh be clearly Kentifed followed by the document number and vain tenon mune of the writen practice 962 The certificate dhould indicate “SNT-TC- 1A followed by the four-digit year of the applicable edition of 'SVFTC:1A that the wren practice was developed to flow. 96.3 Full legal name ofthe ceri individual in the ISO basic Latin alphabet. Additonal characters may also ‘be used where customary to accommodate local languages. 964 Level ofceriicaion, NOT method and/or technique. as applicable, and limitations (fay). 9.55 Limitations of ceriication authorization shouldbe clearly defined, when appropriate forthe employer, ‘which may include restrictions on prohic forms industry sectors, codes, standards and examination procedures 966 The fill printed legal name and signature of both the designated NDT Level Il that verified the {qualifications of the candidate for certification and the designated Certifying Authority when the Level I and Certifying Authority are identified as separate postions inthe employer’ writen practice. 966. applicable, the ASNTissued Level Il dentiication number, when ether or both ofthe signers hold ASNT Level Il certiications. 967 The certificate or wallet card shouldbe fully completed atthe time of signing by the designated NDT Levelt and/or Gertffing Authority so that no ill in-the- blank data remains to be completed by others. 9.67.1 When changes or alterations to certificates or wallet cards ae needed, the issuing of a new card or certificate is required. 968 Dates of certification and expiration. 100 Technical Performance Evaluation 101 02 NDT personnel may be rexamined anytime atthe discretion ofthe employer and have ther certificates extended revoked. Periodically, as defined in the employer's written practice, NDT Level I andl personnel should be reevaluated by ‘the NDF Level Il administering a Practical examination, Te Practical examination should follow the format and. ‘udelines desribed in paragraph 85. 1021 Ifthe NDT Level Il needs to meet the recommendations in paragraph 8 6.4.2, the requirements in paragraph 102 should be met. 11.0 Interrupted Service mi n2 ‘The employer’ writen practice should include rules covering the pes and duration of interrupted service that requires reexamination and recertification. ‘The written practice should specify the requirements for reexamination and/or recertification forthe interrupted. service 120 Recertification ay 122 Alllevels of NDT personnel shall be recertified periodically in accordance with one ofthe following criteria: 12.11. Evidence of continuing satisfactory technical performance. 1212. Examination in those portions of the examinations in Section 8.0 deemed necessary by the employer's NDT Level ‘The recommended maximum recertification interval sve (5) years from the date the Certifying Authority signs the cerifcation record forall cerifcation levels. Certifications expire onthe last day of the month of expiration. RECOMMENDED FRACTICE Powered by CamScanner 123 When nw techniques are added tthe employer's writen practice andthe NDT Level personne sgn topevform euminations using these new techniques the NDT Level personne should receve applicable ‘training, take applicable examinations, and obtain the necessary experience, such that the NDT Level Ill meets the requirements ofthe new techniques in Table 6.3.1 A, prior to their ned recerification dat, inthe applicable mato 130 Termination 131 Theemployer’s certification shall be deemed revoked when employment is terminated, 132. AnNDT Level, Level I, or Lee! Il whose certification has been terminated may be certified tothe former [NDT level by anew employer based on examination, as described in Section 8.0, provided all of the follwing conditions are met tothe new employe’ satisfaction: 1321 The employee has proof of prior certification. 1322 The employee was working in the capacity to which certified within si(6) months of termination 1323. The employee is being recertified within sx (6) months of termination. 13.24. Prior to being examined for certification, employees not meeting the above requirements should receive addtional training as deemed appropriate by the NDT Level Il. 140 Reinstatement 141 AnNDT Level |, Level I, or Level Ill whose certification has been terminated may be reinstated to the former NDT level, without a new examination, provided al ofthe following conditions are met: 14.1. The employer has maintained the personnel certification records required in paragraph 94. 14.12 The employee's certification didnot expire during termination. 14.13 The employee is being reinstated within ix (6) months oftemmination. 150 Referenced Publications 15. The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this tex, constitute provisions of this Recommended Practice. Copies may be obtained from The American Society for Nondestructive Testing Inc, 1201 Dublin Rd, Suite #G04, Columbus, OH 43215, USA, or 15.1 ANS/ASNT CP-106: ASNT Standard Topical Outines for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel, latest edition. 181.2. ANSI/ASNT CP-9712 (180 9712:2001):2023 Standard Nondestructive Testing Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel 1512 ASNT Central Certification Program, ASNT Document CP+1, atest edition. 1513 ASNT Policy G-14 - Use ofthe ASNT Name and ASNT Marks latest edition. 152 Thefollowing document contains specific NDT terms which, though referenced inthis tex, constitute provisions ofthis Recommended Practice. Copies may be obtained from ASTM Intemational, 100 Bart Harbor Drive, ‘PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, USA or 152.1 ASTME 1316 (latest edition) - Standard Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations, Section A - Common. NDT Terms. Powered by CamScanner ASNT SNT-TC-1A-2024 14 anecoumenoeo practice Powered by CamScanner APPENDIXES Appendix A - NOT Practical Cxamination Checklist NOT PRACTICAL EXAMINATION CHECKLIST NAME EMPLOYEE # COMPANY LOCATION are NOT METHOD. PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION ‘SPECIMENS) DESCRIPTION Time Started “. camper mae indonesia fabri adequacy ease of us, and care. Fx [Feat Specimen stody esr pote siece eaten UST ‘S Asprceraie upper you score. Note preparaon adequacy, ; Se” 5 Specmen care, tral deaning, and fal specimen Appropriate postcleaning_ eonaton. T] Operations ‘Rezard the presence o absence oT ations hat re Catenton vereaton ‘suppor your sexe. State cabraton was verties 2 Adsemgto pocadues ‘or net Uist steps folowed. Note any seps missed Aarerence bie sequercng requremerts | 10 Benerbe actual test moda used, area of irest, (stot ppapat ang re fd oea() missed 1_tnepocong dengsted ran ane ‘REGET he pence a absence ST actors at Detection of indications" Serra see Us ol paca aurenens we abarence spears requrements 8 Tolowed Note cumber of his, mses, and Aepae ein orl eaten {abe cals Relrence attached epotanctaed 3 iipretation of ncleatons ‘Resa a presence or absence cf acions Dat Ppchrerce o proce. requrements ‘suppor your score lentty metrics relecing 2 fecungyeterpreng be creat raeatons) | 15, space srry onary. ter : relat nsenone ‘tached interpretation standarés Tpinown deler!map and charectenzaton. 7] Evaluation of ineations™ ecard the presence o absence oTacions That otowng procedure requremens : Support your score. Quant icrmanaton ‘eciay(euag te eral indeatons) | 20" faceuracy and margin of eor between relevant nontelevantindeatons + _Evavaing leva inscatons ecard th presence or absence of actions har Suppor your sore. State degree of completoness, 10 fegbity, cary coeciness, and appearance of reports wih eters and omission, Tecra the presence or absence of actions at suppor your sco. State vations of industry Standards and proces, General statement of 5 ‘compliance is aczeplable no volatons. ‘Record he presence o absence cTacions Wat suppor yout score. List comments or behavior hat 5 supports or detracis trom examinee performance. (1) Thecus sould ctl dscoimaites and conitons specifi by the NDT Level ) Nomor tan 10% fae eal allowed (9) 80% of dsigntd det cont lasifed (16 points equi 0 pes) Pinger OTL AECOMMENDED PRACTICE 5 Powered by CamScanner ASNT SNT-TC-1A-2026 NDT CERTIFICATE cry at te nde bo a sacral compe expen nn, nd x Ishereby certied to perform the following Nondestructive Testing Methods) ‘NDT Method | NDT Lev] NDT Technique (esaplcale per eifiation procedure) \ | imitations (Wfany) Ta | ie =z ‘wer eh Gero on bhai Cetin Ahoy asit applies NDT performed by this company. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE Powered by CamScanner Powered by CamScanner

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