Self Test For Chapter 4 (From 4.7 To 4.14) - Attempt ReviewInternational Climate Policy and National Implementation

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4/9/23, 12:25 PM Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.

14): Attempt review

Dashboard / My courses / International Climate Policy and National Implementation / 4 / Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.14)

Started on Sunday, 9 April 2023, 12:04 PM

State Finished
Completed on Sunday, 9 April 2023, 12:24 PM
Time taken 20 mins 37 secs
Marks 13.00/15.00
Grade 86.67 out of 100.00

Question 1

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Features of the Turkish NDC

Which of the following statements is true?

Select one:
The Turkish NDC stipulates an intensity target (reduction of the GHG emissions per GDP unit of 21% below 2015 levels by 2030)

The Turkish NDC is applicable for the period from 2020 till 2025

If the Turkish NDC is fully  This is correct. The underlying business as usual scenario entails a steep increase in
implemented, absolute emissions will emissions. Between 2015 and 2030 emissions are projected to increase from 477 million
continue to rise and more than tCO2e to 1175 million tCO2e. Reducing the increase 21% below BAU still means that
double by 2030 compared to 2010 absolute emissions will nonetheless double over the same period.

Turkey has already substantially revised its original intended NDC and formally submitted as NDC.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: If the Turkish NDC is fully implemented, absolute emissions will continue to rise and more than double by 2030
compared to 2010 levels. 1/11
4/9/23, 12:25 PM Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.14): Attempt review

Question 2

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Level of Ambition of the Turkish iNDC

According to the Climate Action Tracker, the Turkish iNDC is rated as critically insufficient  . If other countries would follow

Turkey’s example, the world would be on a pathway towards more than 4°C  of global warming. In order to implement its NDC,

Turkey aims expanding its wind and solar power generation capacity to a combined 26 GW  . If fully implemented, Turkish

greenhouse gas emissions will double  over the 2015-2030 period.

Your answer is correct.

The Climate Action Tracker provides an independent assessment of NDCs and their cumulative global warming effect. An assessment of
the Turkish NDC, existing policy framework, as well as options to increase ambition can be found here:

The correct answer is:

Level of Ambition of the Turkish iNDC

According to the Climate Action Tracker, the Turkish iNDC is rated as [critically insufficient]. If other countries would follow Turkey’s
example, the world would be on a pathway towards [more than 4°C ] of global warming. In order to implement its NDC, Turkey aims
expanding its wind and solar power generation capacity to a combined [26 GW]. If fully implemented, Turkish greenhouse gas emissions
will [double] over the 2015-2030 period.

Question 3

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The Reporting Approach of the Paris Agreement

Which statements are correct?

Select one:
Developing country Parties can use their own reporting procedures if the international provisions are not in line with their national

The Transparency Framework only gathers information on  Not correct. While the focus of the Transparency Framework is on
climate change mitigation. mitigation, it also gathers information on climate change impacts,
adaptation and support.

The Technical Expert Review of the Transparency Framework reviews the ambition level of Parties’ NDCs and the adequacy of
domestic policies.

The Transparency Framework requires all Parties to biennially submit national greenhouse gas inventories and to report on their
progress in implementing their NDC.

Your answer is incorrect.

The Transparency Framework establishes uniform reporting rules for all countries with built-in flexibility for countries with limited
capacities. The review processes established by the Transparency Framework are non-punitive and facilitative in nature, not allowing
political judgments to be made.

The correct answer is: The Transparency Framework requires all Parties to biennially submit national greenhouse gas inventories and to
report on their progress in implementing their NDC. 2/11
4/9/23, 12:25 PM Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.14): Attempt review

Question 4

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The reporting provisions of the Transparency Framework

The Transparency Framework establishes different reporting provisions for the Parties to the Paris Agreement in the areas of action and in
the area of support. Drag and drop the missing words to the appropriate location.

National inventory report on greenhouse gas emissions

Information necessary to track progress towards NDCs

Information on climate change impacts and adaptation

Support provided and mobilised

Support needed and received by developing country Parties

Your answer is correct.

The Transparency Framework covers climate action and support. In the area of action, the focus of the Transparency Framework is on
mitigation. Here, all countries are required to report on a mandatory basis. In addition, Parties can submit information on climate change
impacts and adaptation on a non-mandatory basis. In the area of support for developing countries to address climate change and its
impacts, only developed countries are obliged to submit information on support provided, while data on support needed and received by
developing countries is provided on a non-mandatory basis. 3/11
4/9/23, 12:25 PM Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.14): Attempt review

Question 5

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Targets of SDG 7

Which of these targets are included in SDG 7 to be achieved by 2030?

Select one or more:

Doubling of the share of renewable energy  No, this is not the case. SDG 7 includes the target to increase the
share of renewable energy substantially without defining the
amount of this increase.

Substantial increase in the share of renewable energy  Yes, this is correct, SDG 7 includes the target to
increase the share of renewable energy substantially.

Ensuring the access to energy from renewable sources for all

Doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency

Your answer is incorrect.

To achieve this goal, SDG 7 calls for international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, and improved
investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technologies. In developing countries infrastructure is to be expanded and
technology upgraded.
The correct answers are: Doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency, Substantial increase in the share of renewable
energy 4/11
4/9/23, 12:25 PM Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.14): Attempt review

Question 6

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Key challenges in Meeting SDG 7

Still today, about one in seven people does not have access to electric power, and four in ten people still lack access to
clean cooking fuels and technologies  . In 2015, about 23%  of electricity was produced from renewable sources including
 hydropower globally. To get on track to meeting SDG 7 by 2030, uptake of modern, sustainable forms of renewable energy
has to increase  , and national priorities and policy ambitions need to be aligned
with the goal.

hygienic sanitation



may not increase in order not to threaten SDG 1 (ending poverty)

Your answer is correct.

Most of the people without access to electric power and clean cooking fuels and technologies live in rural areas of developing countries.
The correct answer is:
Key challenges in Meeting SDG 7

Still today, about one in seven people does not have access to electric power, and four in ten people still lack access to [clean cooking
fuels and technologies]. In 2015, about [23%] of electricity was produced from renewable sources [including] hydropower globally. To get
on track to meeting SDG 7 by 2030, uptake of modern, sustainable forms of renewable energy [has to increase], and national priorities
and policy ambitions need to be aligned with the goal. 5/11
4/9/23, 12:25 PM Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.14): Attempt review

Question 7

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Categorisation of SDG Indicators

Progress towards achievement of the 17 SDGs and their 169 associated targets is to be measured at national and global levels against a
global indicator framework with 232 individual indicators. These SDG indicators can be subdivided roughly into five categories: People,
Finance, Governance, Production and Consumption, and Environment. Match the following indicators to these categories:

Unemployment rate People

Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels Environment

Legal frameworks are in place to promote, enforce and monitor equality and non-discrimination Governance
on the basis of sex

Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport Production and Consumption

Share of global exports Finance

Your answer is correct.

The category “People” includes indicators which measure the number or proportions of people, while indicators in the category “Finance”
measure transfers and payments for various purposes. Indicators which assess the introduction and/or implementation of laws, plans, and
policies are contained in the category “Governance”, those measuring energy and material flows of the global economy in the category
“Production and Consumption”, and indicators which measure natural or physical factors are included in the category “Environment”.

The correct answer is: Unemployment rate → People, Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels → Environment, Legal
frameworks are in place to promote, enforce and monitor equality and non-discrimination on the basis of sex → Governance, Passenger
and freight volumes, by mode of transport → Production and Consumption, Share of global exports → Finance 6/11
4/9/23, 12:25 PM Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.14): Attempt review

Question 8

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Measuring progress towards SDG achievement

232 individual indicators may be used to measure progress towards achievement of the 17 SDGs and their 169 associated targets

 . Member States are encouraged  to conduct voluntary  national reviews (VNRs) of progress towards

implementation of Agenda 2030. VNRs are compiled in an online platform  to facilitate the sharing of experiences and
lessons learned.

Your answer is correct.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development encourages member states to conduct regular reviews of progress at the national and
sub-national levels as part of its follow-up and review mechanisms. These voluntary national reviews (VNRs) are expected to serve as a
basis for the regular reviews by the high-level political forum (HLPF), meeting under the auspices of the United Nations Economic and
Social Council. VNRs are to be country-led, country-driven and inclusive.
The correct answer is:
Measuring progress towards SDG achievement
232 individual indicators may be used to measure progress towards achievement of the 17 SDGs and their 169 associated [targets].
Member States are [encouraged] to conduct [voluntary] national reviews (VNRs) of progress towards implementation of Agenda 2030.
VNRs are [compiled in an online platform] to facilitate the sharing of experiences and lessons learned.

Question 9

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Links between NDCs and SDGs

Which of the following statements is correct?

Select one:
A good NDC addresses all SDGs

NDC activities and SDGs can reinforce each other.  This is correct. The connections demonstrate
opportunities for coordinated and coherent policy-

Your answer is correct.

NDCs report domestic climate targets and highlight activities how to achieve these targets. They are tailored to the national
circumstances and context and focus on respective priority areas related to climate change.

The correct answer is: NDC activities and SDGs can reinforce each other. 7/11
4/9/23, 12:25 PM Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.14): Attempt review

Question 10

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Connections between NDCs and SDG 7

SDG 7 connects with the highest  number of NDC activities, approximately  1200 in total, or 16% of the total. At the

level of sub-targets  , more than 50% of NDC activities relate to target 7.2 ( increase  substantially the share of

sustainable energy in the global energy mix), while 34% contribute to target 7.3 ( double  the global rate of improvement in

energy efficiency). In terms of specific climate actions reported in NDCs, solar energy  is the most often highlighted renewable
source of energy.

Your answer is correct.

The connection between NDC activities and SDG7 is evident. In addition to climate change, the SDGs are of course interrelated with (all)
other SDGs which makes the picture even more complex. SDG 7 is, for example, also strongly connected to SDG 9 (industry, innovation
and infrastructure) through industry and infrastructure, and to SDG 12 (Sustainable consumption and production) through a strong focus
on resource efficiency.

The correct answer is:

Connections between NDCs and SDG 7
SDG 7 connects with the [highest ] number of NDC activities, [approximately] 1200 in total, or 16% of the total. At the level of
[sub‑targets], more than 50% of NDC activities relate to target 7.2 ([increase] substantially the share of sustainable energy in the global
energy mix), while 34% contribute to target 7.3 ([double] the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency). In terms of specific climate
actions reported in NDCs, [solar energy] is the most often highlighted renewable source of energy.

Question 11

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The link of NDCs and SDG 7

Which of the following statements is correct?

Select one or more:

NDC activities can have co-benefits and trade offs at the  This is correct. Use of biomass for energy production may
same time. contradict other uses such as forests as carbon sink, competition
with land use for food production.

The majority of NDC activities connected to SDG 7 relate to increasing the share of  This is correct. The use of renewable
sustainable energy sources is promoted most.

More than a quarter of NDC activities relate to energy

Your answer is correct.

The connection between NDC activities and SDG 7 is evident. In addition to climate change, the SDGs are of course interrelated with (all)
other SDGs which makes the picture even more complex. SDG 7 is, for example, also strongly connected to SDG 9 (industry, innovation
and infrastructure) through industry and infrastructure, and to SDG 12 (Sustainable consumption and production) through a strong focus
on resource efficiency.

The correct answers are: The majority of NDC activities connected to SDG 7 relate to increasing the share of sustainable energy, NDC
activities can have co-benefits and trade offs at the same time. 8/11
4/9/23, 12:25 PM Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.14): Attempt review

Question 12

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Connections between NDCs and SDG 11

SDG 11-related issues are present in less than 10%  of NDC activities or 660  activities in total. At least one NDC

activity relates to each of the sub-targets  of this SDG, but the most prominent targets are 11.2 (

accessible and sustainable transport systems  ), 11.5 ( disaster risk management  ) and 11.3 (

integrated urban planning  ).

Your answer is correct.

The connection between NDC activities and SDG 11 shows the potential that co-benefits may enforce climate activities and vice versa and
that activities have to be implemented at all governance levels: As more than 70% of all greenhouse gas emissions are generated by
cities, the connection of NDCs to SDG 11 demonstrate that cities are both important locations for climate mitigation and important
The correct answer is:
Connections between NDCs and SDG 11

SDG 11-related issues are present in [less than 10%] of NDC activities or [660] activities in total. At least one NDC activity relates to each
of the [sub‑targets] of this SDG, but the most prominent targets are 11.2 ([accessible and sustainable transport systems]), 11.5 ([disaster
risk management]) and 11.3 ([integrated urban planning ]).

Question 13

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The link of NDCs and SDG 11

Which of the following statements is correct?

Select one:
Most NDC activities related to SDGs are transport measures.

Most prominent NDC activities related to SDG 11 are transport measures.  This is correct. Most SDG 11 related NDC
activities are connected to sub-target 11.2.

Most NDC activities are related to SDG 11.

SDG 11 calls on actions of cities and other settlements and is therefore not affected by NDC preparation and implementation by

Your answer is correct.

The connection between NDC activities and SDG 11 shows the potential that co-benefits may enforce climate activities and vice versa and
that activities have to be implemented at all governance levels: As more than 70% of all greenhouse gas emissions are generated by
cities, the connection of NDCs to SDG 11 demonstrate that cities are both important locations for climate mitigation and important

The correct answer is: Most prominent NDC activities related to SDG 11 are transport measures. 9/11
4/9/23, 12:25 PM Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.14): Attempt review

Question 14

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The NDC Concept

Which of the following statements is correct?

Select one:
The NDC concept is a tool for coordinated target setting.

NDCs provide a long-term vision and development pathway towards a more sustainable future.

National NDC planning processes will provide an  This is correct. Every five years, the Paris Agreement requires
opportunity to streamline and to establish coherence of Parties to systematically assess their climate action efforts and
various sectoral climate change policies. formulate or update their NDCs.

Your answer is correct.

The NDC concept will be central for both national and international climate policy. On the one hand, it is a central vehicle to
communicate national climate action to the international realm. While it is not a tool for coordinated target setting, it does stimulate
policy processes at the national level and synchronise them across the globe; it is a tool of coincidental target setting.
At the national level, NDCs and the corresponding planning process provide an important opportunity to systematically assess the
consistency and coherence of different sectoral climate policies and mainstream across all branches of government.
The correct answer is: National NDC planning processes will provide an opportunity to streamline and to establish coherence of various
sectoral climate change policies. 10/11
4/9/23, 12:25 PM Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.7 to 4.14): Attempt review

Question 15

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Overlaps between SDGs and Paris Agreement

Please choose whether the corresponding statement relates to the Paris Agreement or to the SDGs

The SDGs  were adopted by 193 countries in September 2015.

The SDGs  are to be implemented in the period 2015-2030

The Paris Agreement  is to be implemented in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and

respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances.

The SDGs  are premised on the effective mainstreaming of its goals into regional, national and subnational
development frameworks.

Annual national reporting for the SDGs  has commenced in 2018.

Your answer is correct.

The Paris Agreement and the SDGs jointly provide an international framework that can be understood as terms of reference for the global
transformation towards a sustainable low-carbon future. The two Agendas complement each other (see below).

The correct answer is:

Overlaps between SDGs and Paris Agreement

Please choose whether the corresponding statement relates to the Paris Agreement or to the SDGs
The [SDGs] were adopted by 193 countries in September 2015.

The [SDGs] are to be implemented in the period 2015-2030

The [Paris Agreement] is to be implemented in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective
capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances.
The [SDGs] are premised on the effective mainstreaming of its goals into regional, national and subnational development frameworks.

Annual national reporting for the [SDGs] has commenced in 2018.

◄ Self test for chapter 4 (From 4.1 to 4.6)

5. Leverage Points to Mobilise a Renewable Energy Future ► 11/11

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