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Khodang 30 a8 méi (lin hé 48 ci dugc ) khoang 5-10 dé, phai hoc méi hoan toan va 2-3 48 kho UPDATE 10.4 Hién tai khoang 60 dé gdm ca moi va ci trong quy 1-2, motsé a chua xac thye duge sé ra that hay khéng, cac ban sp thi speaking dot 13.4 vé nho feedback nhé) UPDATE 11.4 Bén trung confirm 68 cb bd cau héi Speaking méi, sm hon du kién, sé update thém B6 forecast méi nay da phan lap lai bO 2023 thang 4-12, cdc ban cé thé xem lai UPDATE 12.4:Thang 4 nay co vé sé [én toi 100 dé Part 2, tuy nhién thang 5 c6 thé quay vé nhu efi chi cdn 50 topic théi, cc ban thi thang 4 ¢6 géng vuot qua nhé, thang 5 cling nén hoc tly bay git’ Sample ciia chi gido 8.0 update véi cho céc ban [PART 2 sample: Part 1 4. Pen and pencil (Forecast m6i, cé ban lai tring) 2. Favorite number . Vehicle . Learning English . Meeting people Noose . Activities in the evening 8. Laws 9. Weather 10.Gift 14.Computer 12.Time 13. Newspaper 14.Flower (do you like to receive flowers as gift, do you like flowers) 15.Chocolate (dé cli, Forecast méi) 16.Neighbors 17.Art and painting (vé c6 cn thiét cho tré em) 18.T - shirt (48 cl) 19.wild animal (48 cd) 20.Photograph (how to take beautiful pic) 21.Science 22.Weekend (trong quy 66) 23.Space and star (48 cl, Forecast moi) 24.Reading (sao cau héi giéng Part 3 vay taaa?) a. best age for children to start reading? b. Benefits of reading? c. Is this difference between ages in the genre of book they should read? 25.Plan 26.Apologized ai goi y Id ho sé hdi topic nay nhting cu héi gi khéng khéng a 27.Perfume 28.Happiness (minh nhé la so sdénh niém vui clia tré con va ng lén; niém vui trong cOng vic va so Sanh sy khac nhau gitva niém vui bayh va qué khw a) 29.Newspaper (8.4 moi ra) 30.Journalism ( giém khdo hdi ngau hung, khong theo booklet ) 31.Childhood (Idp neu 14/4) 32.noisy place (IDP NEU 14/4) 33.Reading online language 16/4 Forecast moi Dé Speaking dot 6.4:Du6i day la 48 cdc ban méi thi v8 review lai cd cu hdi méi, cau héi cO, cu héi dug thay 66i Part 2 1. Describe a good law/rule in your country (rule at work or schoo!) (quy 3/2023) forecast c6 ma - cai nay forecast quy 1/2024 cd 2. (@person who likes to ‘cook for others) (quy 3/2023) - cdi nay d8 good at cooking - forecast quy 1 c6 nha 3. Describe a child (spend time with a young child) (quy 3/2023) 4. Describe an important plant (flower) that grows in your country ( Park/garden) (P3: differences between countryside and city ...) 5. Describe a depression period you face (lién hé 48 important journey was delayed) 6. Describe a transportation (pubiic facilty/transport) (forecast) cai nay g6p v6i vehicle dc k mn? mn gilp e voi mai e thi speak r mn oillli- to nght la k cu la vé giao théng céng céng, kiéu_ bus, train cdc kiéu -> ndi vd ptien nay nhu 4 vehicle ko b muén mua thsi nghe hoi ki 4=)) uki cm onc nha. (dé nay la trip by transportation hay ké vé 1 transport tho! ha mn???) - cai nay g6p voi dé public facility la xong - minh thay co 48 “public facility” minh gop vé dé ta “park” dug ko a? - duge ban né - d8 cli cé public facial has been renovated minh cing gép vs park ( cho minh xin sample dug hem a hichic ) 7. Describe a vehicle you want to buy (Part 3: Phuong tign nao la nguy hiém nhat? - O tp cia ban co phai la noi dé di bd khéng? ...) (new) 8. Describe a new law that you want to implement in your country (Part 3: Tai sao con ng cé xu hudng lam nhiing viée nay trudc luat de dua ra) nd 9. Describe someone give you money as a gift ( nay la describe atime sb give u money.. hay s a??.. tang tién nhu 1 mén qua 4 ban 10.Describe an item you made by hand - cai nay la handmade. 48 nay kha lau rdi 11. Describe a person has ability to buy things at lower prices (tra gia, vd nhu me, ba di chg) 12.Describe an old famous building/historical building in your city (forecast) 13.Describe a TV show that you like (forecast) 14.Describe a restaurant you like (forecast) — part 3: food industry, fast food 15.Describe a gift/ present you gave to someone (48 nay quy cil ha rdi) 16.Describe a book that you like (quy 3/2023) 17.Descrive someone you feel happy when you meet them (dé nay dé thei, néi vé person nao dé cting dugc) 18.Describe a famous tourist destination (forecast) ghép dé beautiful cities céc thu quy trvoc 19.Describe a scientist you admire 20.Describe a person who encouraged you and helped you achieve a goal Lién hé dé work with someone (day [a thi hign tai hay qua khtr day a?- qua khtr nha, gitip 46 trong qk chdc qué khiv a) 20-21 gop di 21.Describe a goal you have set a long time ago but wanted to achieved (6 trong forecast, cé thé lén muc tiéu dat ielts diém cao/ d& danh tién mua dé vat gi d6/ kham phd mét thanh phi...) (2ban gap 42 nay) 22.Describe a song you sang when you was a child (happy birthday song) (ba oi ba: miéu ta tyéu danh cho ba) Describe a helpful person (C6 trong booklet) ghép voi dé person good at teamwork / a person taught you something useful 23.Describe a club/team (team va sport hay sao a) (lién hé dé favorite sport person) 24. Describe a risk you've taken which had a positive result (dé nay gOp de vai dé losing thing k a) 25.Describe your favorite part in a house (gép dé place to study) 26.Describe a kind of climate you would like to live in (new) 27.Describe a time u encountered a weird event minh thay d8 nay gop voi dé a natural phenomenon + an astronomy event dc né, => chuin 28.Describe a wild animal (quy cil) 29.Describe a natural talent you want to improve, like sport, music (méi, lién hé dé favorite sport, activities) 30.Describe a place you photographed 31.Describe a person who has apologized to you (mdi - work with someone => xin 16) 82.Describe a natural phenomenon (hign tugng ty nhién ma ban nhu bao 10 lut Ay) 83. Describe an astronomy event you saw Xudng cudi c6 link ggi y ideas ( nguyét thy! nhat thyc : lunar eclipse/ solar eclipse) Cai nay c6 thé bia [a aurora néu dui tri tudng twang (vdu bao minh di Canada hay Bac Cure xong dug xem cure quang chang han) rng lic khuyét ic hé ( idiom ) (ding néi khi it's really caught my eyes :)))))))))) } shooting star c6 duge khong a meteor shower, sunrise/set...) - Minh néi shooting stars ( cling la hién tuong thién van ma) - khi gap thi cau nguyén nhieng diéu tét dep nhung thy chat chi la manh vyn tir comets . Nhiéu noi bao thay sao chéi thi nho lam wax and wai ... (duge, lunarisolar eclipse, full moon, Review part 3 @: 4/4 IDP HN (nay cling hong that) bay ngay 4 cl. 6. :( may phan 3 cling ndi duge, phan 2 khéng biét ndi nh nao. minh ndi de 30s, con lai phan 3 ganh hét. 1. Tai sao moi nguoi thong hiéu ky khi xem cdc hién tung ty nhién 2. Cac hin tong ty nhién thuong x4y ra kh6ng quan khOnge, 3. Con ngudi cé thé dy dodn duge cdc hién tung ty nhién kh 6ng ? dy doén bang cach nao 4. Linh wwe thién van hoc cé phé bién khong ? why ? quéc gia ban co nhigu ngudi nghién cu Iinh vyc nay khong 5. Tai cao ngay nay con ngudi dang danh nhiéu tién cho nghién ctu khoa hoc ? lang phi khéng ? 6. Nén dva Iinh vc thién van nh mét mén hoc chinh théng trong trvéng hoc khéng ? 7. Cdn 1 cau nda minh khong nhé nhung thay ct why va how lién tuc, may cing hoc qua tl’ vyng vé science and outer space part 1 quy trudc nén cling 4p dung de vao mét chuit, cht ai gap qua dé nay coi nhu xéc dinh théi. 34.Describe a pressure you had at school (méi nhung cing d&) (g6p voi a describe a time you were busy quy 1 cling doe nha) 35.Describe a science subject that you disliked at school 2 dd trén_ gop lam 1 di pressure m6i khi hoc science 36.Describe a place where you thought things were too expensive (lién hé new shop, restaurant, dé nay sé ra trong quy) 37..Describe an artistic site (trong quy 6, describe museum) 39.Describe a time when you wore beautiful clothes (cau héi la nhung lin hé dé describe a birthday party + wear beautiful clothes) 40.Describe an important river in your country (mdi) 41. Describe an intemational sport event that your country held (méi) 42. Describe your favorite kind of weather (mj) (cdi nay minh gdp cing the climate u wanna live in dk mng?). Dugeec 43. Describe a time when you saw two of your friends argue (moi) 44. Describe a time when you were friendly to someone you don't like 2 dB trén gOp di (48 nay fake kiéu gi, ai di thi that confirm nhé) => de nay de cu may nam truoc ra roi ma ban oi 45. describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time (g6p véi a8 trong forecast dugc) dé nao ha bro - dé nao cé activity la dc, thém yéu té waste time vao 46.describe a special day out which don't cost very much (new gOp dé short trip/ birthday party,... nhung khéng tén nhiéu tién) 47. Describe an interesting place that attracts few visitors. (How interesting it is; why it attracts few visitors) (new) Uh ndi la thanh phé minh rat interesting nhung thu hut it khach du lick 48. Describe a book that you had when you were a child (forecast cil, quy nay 6) 49. Describe a journey by public transportation (lién hé 48 forecast) 50.Describe a product you bought from another country (Part3 hai vé import-export) (new) (em néi la mua onl, kiéu order tl bén nude ngoai v duoc k a?)buying new clothes souvenir, gift when you travel abroad) 51.Describe a mountainous area which u enjoyees hoac sd (new, travel to dalat) 52.describe an object that you own but would like to replace (lién hé dé laptop, phone, clothes...) 53. Describe a piace you visited near water 54. Describe a short journey you often make that you really do not like 55. Describe a selfie you caught in your phone on your favorite occasion 56. Describe a piece shocking news you recently heard in your community 57. Describe a meaningful lesson from a textbook when you were at school 58. describe an adventurous person that you know ( part 3: tai sao moing lai thich engage in nsky activities, Vin c6 phai lé noi thich hop cho develop risky activities khong, nhGing factors nao can thiét dé tham gia vao risky activities) 59. Describe a sport game that you watched and you want to try in the future (d8 forecast) 60.Describe a party (ci, nhung quy méi cé6, cdc ban nhé xem qua) 61. describe a nostalgic (hoai niém, thn thu) place ( IDP 8/4 NHE ) 62.Describe a time you took risk, you thought that bad things happened but still took it because you believed it had positives (48 sang 10/4) 63.Describe an intelligent person 64.Describe an area of science that you 9/4 65.Something that changed your life in a good way (ngocbach review) 66. Describe an interesting place but not popular in your country 14/4 idp neu 67. Describe a time you took risk and has positive results 3/4 a p2 68. Describe a time that you introduced something new to a younger person 69. Describe a shopping mall you sometimes went to shopping. IELTS PREDIETION nhtng dé bén du6i ai trang 48 nao confirm 48 ad thém lén trén, nhong 48 nay do mét ban thém kh6ng biét tir nguén nao Describe a famous person as a role model Describe an unusual measure/action you took to overcome a challenge Describe a historical figure in your country cm Describe an ideal field you think will be popular in the future ( giong de a job quy truoc ) 5. Describe two people from the same family (migu ti 2 ngudi la sao ) de nay de cu lau lam roi, gio ra lai 6. Describe a kind of foreign food you tried 7. Describe a dream that you remembered brought a negative result nho ban nao giai thich gidp minh a8 nay véi a 8. Describe a traditional instrument you played 9. Describe a pet you raised at home and witnessed its development 10.Describe a thing you thought you were lucky not to receive it (keo mut) 11. Describe a quiet place you visited sey 12.Describe a challenge you met recently 13.Describe a time of the day you like 14.Describe an useless product you bought from an advertisement 15.Describe a good decision you made recently 16. Describe a person who thinks music is important a. part 3 Tai sao nguoi ta lai day tre con am nhac ? Tre con se phan ung nhu nao khi hoc am nhac ? Day tre con am nhac co kho voi giao vien khong ? Tai sao cac shop hay mo nhac 2 17. Describe a program on computer or a mobile app on the phone that you use 18.Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake 19.Describe a puzzle you have played 20.Describe a decision which you made that you feel was wrong 21.Describe a comedian who is popular in your country 22.Describe something you bought but do not often use 23.Describe a modern building ( Idp) 24,Describe a subject that you think should be removed from school education programmes 25. 26. Jame Hoi dap: can hdi gi ghi dui nay - Q Minh cé nghe la tir nay vé sau khong cé vu forecast nira ha mn, tai minh xem séng gid d& moi nhiéu qué huhu * Minh xin idea dé 32 a -b c6 thé chon nguyét hoac nhat thye nhé con cac go’ | thi phat trién n6 ra thoig Minh xin idea d& s6 9 voi a (c 06 thé ndi la ai dé tang c qua sn, nhung Kbt ¢ thich gi nén tang tién) C6 ai gp chua a minh zin may bai v6i cai nay la trong thang 5 hay sao va moi ngwéi oi cho minh héi may dé dc highlight la sao vay a? - theo minh thay thi la nhGn g dé moi Cho minh héi, v gio minh c6 nén 6n dé quy 4 ldy y niva ko? 6 ¢ a, hén thi van vao de dé quy 1, b minh thi Mis 4/4 van tring forecast q1 i Khéng biét dé quy 1 cén git 50% nhu tre ko mn nhi? Hay thay hét luén ca 50 dé nhi? chac cn git’ a, cd ng van vao, c ctr on di cho chéc sos minh k biét gp sao luén mn =) Hello moi ngwdi. Minh méi thi BC 8.4 sang nay, dé c6 déi nhung kha dé tho. Part 2a famous person as a good role model.- Moi ngudi oi cho minh héi ngu ti tai minh chwa rd lm, minh tuéng 1 ndm cé 3 quy lelts ma nhi, thi minh tuéng thang 4 nay van phai forecast quy 1 cht’ a? cém on moi ngu0i da giai dap théc mac! booklet trén mang ngta share tran lan, chac dén tay hat nén ngta siét do b, thang 4 da déi hét dé dig minh thi dau thang 5 chac dé déi qua quy 2 hét riii he :w (BC viettel complex 11/4) part 2: best clothes; part 3: mn & vn thudng mac dé trang trong khi di dau;why, mn cé thudng chi nhidu tién cho viéc chuAn bi dd trang trong khi di t6i nhtrng dip dc biét ko, why, part2. -1 noi én ao /- ké vé khoang thoi gian day hoc cho ngwéi khéc/- dién vién déng phim Vira co ban thi vé review 3 dé nay# part 3 : cau 1 la sy khac biét giira acting in movie and acting theater are you good to be a professional actor rtré hay custome dé trong phim tai sao teenager nhan dc j khi xem phim theater and movie cho em hdi cé tat ca bao nhiéu dé vay a? hon 80 i HC spk*13/4 a p2 cla minh la describe a time you took risk and has positive results ji ma van cén chwa hét a? con ban minh Ia describe a time that you introduced something new to a younger person *ko nhé r6 lm a. minh thi IDP. 13/4: a visit to a friend or a family member P3: su khac nhau gitra adult va children khi visit ng khac Tai sao nén di tham héi mn Hospitality cé quan trong hay khéng Ban nao can gol y y tung va sample vao link nay nhé, chi dang soan gap cho HS. mai thi (level co’ ban thdi, level aim diém cao mai chi update tiép). SOan dén d& 20! PART 2 sample:

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