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Topic: Transport systems in mammals, humans

Circulatory system
 The blood circulatory system in humans
consist of THREE main components

 1. The heart (pumping organ)

 2. The blood vessels (tubes in which the
blood flows)
 3. The blood (fluid that act as a transport
medium in blood vessels)
 Humans have a closed blood circulatory
 Blood is limited to the blood vessels
 Blood is pumped from the heart into blood
vessels, which reach all the body tissues.

 The heart consists of FOUR chambers, which

function as two separate pumps.
 Human heart is a hollow, pear shaped muscular
 The walls of the heart consist of cardiac muscle
tissue, which contracts and relaxes
The Human Heart
The heart is found in
the middle of the chest
- thoracic cavity within
the ribcage.

It lies behind the

sternum and is situated
slightly to the left.
 The heart is kept in
position by the large blood
vessels that enter and
leave the heart.
 The heart is enclosed by a
double-walled membrane,
the pericardium
 The coronary blood vessels
are visible on the outer
surface of the heart.
 These blood vessels
transport blood to and
from the cardiac muscle.
 The heart is divided into
a left and right half by a
strong muscular wall,
the septum
 The left side of the heart
contains oxygenated
blood, while the right
side contains
deoxygenated blood.
Oxygenated blood is blood that
has more oxygen than carbon

Deoxygenated blood refers to

blood that has more carbon
dioxide than oxygen.
 The heart is seen as a double pump – the
blood in the left side never mixes with the
blood in the right side
 The two upper chambers are known as atria
(receiving chambers)
 The lower chambers are known as ventricles
(pumping chambers)

 The inside of the heart is lined with a thin

membrane of squamous epitheliums, the
 Is one of the upper chambers and receives
deoxygenated blood from the body
 It pumps blood from the RA to the right
ventricle (RV)
 Two large veins open into the RA: the superior
vena cava & the inferior vena cava
 The superior vena cava transports
deoxygenated blood from the head & arms to
the heart
 The inferior vena cava transport
deoxygenated blood from the lower limbs &
abdomen to the heart.
 Study drawing below to see where is the
different atriums & ventricles.
 Is situated directly between the RA & has a
thicker muscular walls than the RA

 Blood flows from RA to the RV through an

opening called the atrio-ventricular opening

 Deoxygenated blood is pumped to the lungs

via the pulmonary arteries.
 Is situated on the top left of the heart and it
receives the oxygenated blood from the

 FOUR pulmonary veins open into the LA

 Is situated directly below the left atrium

 The blood flows from the LA to the LV

through the atrio-ventricular opening.

 The oxygenated blood is then pumped to the

rest of the body via the largest artery in the
body, the aorta.
 All the atriums are the upper chambers &
ventricles the lower chambers.

 Deoxygenated blood flows from the Right

Atrium (RA)
 into Right Ventricle (RV);
 lungs →
 oxygenated blood →
 into left atrium →
 into left ventricle (LV) →
 Aorta
 1. Name the THREE main components of the
blood circulatory system.

 2. What do you understand with a “closed

blood circulatory” system?

 3. Explain the FOUR chambers in the heart.

 4. The part that divides the heart into a left and

right side.
 5. Name the following:
 (a) Double-walled membrane on the outside of
the heart
 (b) The membrane on the inside of the heart
 (c) Blood vessel on the outer surface of the heart.

 6. Explain the TWO types of blood and on which

side of the heart it function.

 7. Name and give the functions of the TWO main

veins on the right side of the heart.
 8. Name the:
 (a) The only artery that transports deoxygenated
 (b) Largest artery and its function.
 (c) Valve (opening) between the RA and RV.
 (d) Valve between the LA and LV.

 9. Do a drawing where you indicate the different

chambers; types of blood enter and leaving and
the openings in your heart.

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