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Traditional competitive strategy often leads to further

a. Brand Products
b. Commodization
c. Experience Design
d. Storytelling

2. Innovating through …………………. Offers companies high degree of differentiation.

a. Protyping
b. Humanization
c. Experience Design
d. Business Model design

3. Great design refutes standardization in favor of the gentler , more human and more emotional
aspects of customer experience is called
a. Protyping
b. Humanization
c. Experience Design
d. Business Model design

4. Design thinking solution for business problem growth

a. Strategic foresight
b. Sensing
c. Experience design
d. Storytelling

5. Design thinking solution for business problem predictability

a. Strategic foresight
b. Sensing
c. Experience design
d. Storytelling
6. Design thinking solution for business problem change
a. Strategic foresight
b. Sensing
c. Experience design
d. Storytelling

7. Design thinking solution for business problem extreme competition

a. Strategic foresight
b. Sensing
c. Experience design
d. Storytelling

8. Design thinking solution for business problem creative culture

a. Prototyping
b. Humanization
c. Experience Design
d. Business Model design

9. Design thinking solution for business problem strategy and organization

a. Prototyping
b. Humanization
c. Experience Design
d. Business Model design

10. Growth needs a strategy, and every strategy needs ,

a. An Idea
b. a Story
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
11. Stories add this to the business logic
a. Sense
b. Emotional Dimension
c. Redefine the value
d. None of these

12. How to tell a great story that will inspire senior executives and employees alike ? , Make it,
a. Collaborative
b. Informative
c. Tangible
e. All of these

13. Sense making is as much about ______ as it is about anomaly detection.

a. Pattern Recognition
b. Image Recognition
c. Sound Recognition
d. All of the above

14. Design Thinking aspires to develop greater _____ among people, brands, and business by
A) Empathy
B) Sympathy
C) Emotions
D) Action

15. Competition ______change and drives differentiation

A) Decelerates
B) Accelerates
C) Stumbles
D) Stagnant
16. The majority of products and brands are suffering—or unknowingly preparing to suffer—
from a lack of ________
A) Integration
B) Vectorization
C) Differentiation
D) Simplification

17. Experience design highlights the importance of developing a clear understanding of

consumer needs, cultures ________
A) Expectations
B) Assumptions
C) Capacities
D) All of the above

18. With increasing competition across multiple categories, the distance between one brand’s
price, features, and design and another’s is becoming ______
A) Shorter
B) Longer
C) Medium
D) All of the above

19. Both human experience and the design thinking approach is

A) One dimensional
B) Two Dimensional
C) Three Dimensional
D) Multi Dimensional
20. _______is a necessary cost driver for every company.
A) Association
B) Generalization
C) Standardization
D) Simplification

21. Standardizing practices can mean losing the_____, reducing the choices customers have.
A) Emotional touch
B) Personal touch
C) Control
D) None of the above

22) Companies are complex creatures, each with its own ________
A) History
B) Qualities
C) Characteristics
D) All of the above

23) Standardization can make _______ more efficient and effective

A) External Process
B) Internal Process
C) Intermediate Process
D) None of the above

24) The standardization of legacy manufacturing poses a big challenge to_____

A) Innovation
B) Participation
C) Discovery
D) Growth
25) _____is valuable tool in design thinking that is a springboard for unpacking opportunities for
humanization in design.
A) Heritage
B) Social
C) Culture
D) Custom

26) Design thinking seeks to reinsert ________qualities that can introduce new meaning
A) Human Centred
B) Employer Centred
C) Self Centred
D) Business Centred

27) Rapid prototyping is an_________process that acquires and expresses increasingly complex
information of higher fidelity over time
A) Linear Learning
B) Iterative Learning
C) Non-Linear Learning
D) Rapid Learning
28) Rapid prototypes ______potential solutions, obstacles, and unanticipated outcomes of an idea
A) Expose
B) Impose
C) Repose
D) None of the above

29) Prototyping facilitates ________among employees who may not have the chance to interact
and empathize with one another
A) Custom bonds
B) Cultural bonds
C) Social bonds
D) All of the above
30. All brands need to establish visibility,______to be considered relevant in a category.
A) Purpose
B) Meaning
C) Credibility
D) All of the above

31. ______ sensing means understanding consumers and culture, not data-driven markets
a. External
b. Internal

32. ________, sensing involves qualitative, people-centered inquiry to understand the rules,
a. External
b. Internal

33. Practicing _______helps an organization gain a more robust understanding of how

competitive dynamics might be changing
A) Decelerates
B) foresight
C) Iterative Learning
D) Stagnant

34. Storytelling is a technique to _______ the company’s vision and ______ the key elements of
a strategy into a compelling and accessible narrative
a. Harmonize the company’s vision and Translate
b. new skills and capacities
c. deliberates and systematic process
d. dynamic and discontinuous
35. Strategic foresight is a ______and _______ concerned with establishing well-informed
future-oriented perspectives
a. Harmonize the company’s vision and Translate
b. new skills and capacities
c. deliberates and systematic process
d. dynamic and discontinuous

36. Within________ and _________ environments foresight helps organizations better

understand the variables influencing the pace, nature, and possible impacts of change.
a. Harmonize the company’s vision and Translate
b. new skills and capacities
c. deliberates and systematic process
d. dynamic and discontinuous

37. Foresight draws on trends-but it is not about trends but rather______ what they might evolve
into _______
a. today, tomorrow
b. future and its uncertainties
c. relationship while empathizing
d. Mid-Level Executives and Employees

38. Strategic foresight encourages the deliberate and systematic exploration of uncertainties and
their potential impact on _____and_____.
a. behaviours and relationships
b. future and its uncertainties
c. relationship while empathizing
d. Mid-Level Executives and Employees
39. An organization that not only is ______ for but ____ change is one that can overcome
a. prepared for but expects
b. change for but creative ideas
c. future, uncertainties
d. All the above

40. All brands need to establish visibility, _____, ______ and _______to be considered relevant
in a category.
a. expectations, assumptions, and capacities
b. Discrepancy, Appropriateness, Efficacy
c. tools, methods, and resources
d. purpose, meaning, and credibility

41. Experience design highlights the importance of developing a clear understanding of

consumer needs, cultures,_____, ______ and ______.
a. expectations, assumptions, and capacities
b. Discrepancy, Appropriateness, Efficacy
c. tools, methods, and resources
d. purpose, meaning, and credibility

42. Companies are complex creatures, each with its own ____, ______ and _____.
a. history, qualities, and characteristics
b. Discrepancy, Appropriateness, Efficacy
c. tools, methods, and resources
d. purpose, meaning, and credibility
43. The outcome of design thinking may be
a) a product
b) a service
c) a product or a service
d) None of the above

44. What is the first step in the Design Thinking Process?

a) Empathize
b) Define
c) Ideate
d) Prototype

45. Design Thinking is:

a) An iterative process
b) An integrative approach
c) Focuses on customer orientation
d) All the above

46. Which Polish astronomer did the professor use to convey the point of human
centricity of design thinking?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) Isaac Newton
c) Johannes Hevelius
d) Nicolaus Copernicus

47. After you empathize, the next step is to ____.

a) Prototype
b) Test
c) Define
d) Ideate
48. The classes of abstraction are
a) Material
b) Formal
c) Functional
d) All the above

49. Innovation is defined as:

a) The commercialization of a new product or process.
b) The invention of a new product or process
c) a new product or process idea.
d) The implementation of a new production method

50. What is the first thing you do when solving a problem?

a) Try
b) Prepare
c) Define
d) Reflect

51. After you define the problem, the next step is to ____.
a) Test
b) Prototype
c) Ideate
d) Empathize

52. After you prototype, the next step is to ____.

a) Test
b) Define
c) Ideate
d) Empathize
53. After you ideate, the next step is to ____.
a) Test
b) Prototype
c) Define
d) Empathize

54. ---------- Video conferencing software simplifies and streamlines video calls to ensure a
seamless experience.
a) Typeform
c) Smaply
d) MakeMyPersona

55. Which is NOT a good interview strategy for the Empathy step?
a) Encourage the person to talk about experiences.
b) Ask follow-up questions to get more information.
c) Try to uncover needs people may or may not be aware of.
d) Encourage short answers that get right to the point.

56. During which stage would you: Gather information about people's needs and motivations.
a) Prototype
b) Define
c) Ideate
d) Empathize

57. The final step in the Design Process is to ____.

a) Test
b) Define
c) Ideate
d) Empathize
58. During which stage would you: Create a model of your solution.
a) Prototype
b) Define
c) Ideate
d) Test

59. During which stage would you: Consult experts to learn more about the areas of concern and
to gain an understanding of other people's experiences.
a) Prototype
b) Define
c) Ideate
d) Empathize

60. During which stage would you: Analyse observations and data collected in order to identify
the core problem.
a) Prototype
b) Define
c) Ideate
d) Empathize

61. You would interview people to gain an understanding of how they feel during the ____ stage
of Design Thinking.
a) Prototype
b) Define
c) Ideate
d) Empathize
62. During which stage would you: Brainstorm ideas based on your observations.
a) Prototype
b) Define
c) Ideate
d) Empathize

63. Process innovation refers to:

a) The development of a new service.
b) The development of a new Product.
c) The implementation of a new or improved production method.
d) The development of new products or services

64. Which statement about the Prototype step is true?

a) A prototype needs to be a realistic model.
b) The point is to get your idea out into the physical world.
c) You shouldn't worry about how someone might interact with it.
d) You shouldn't consider your composite user at this stage.

65. David is testing his prototype. What should his next move be?
a) Ideate and come up with more ideas.
b) Research the people he is designing for.
c) Collect feedback from the testers to evaluate his idea.
d) Change his problem statement

66. During which stage would you: Write a problem statement focused on a specific need or
a) Prototype
b) Define
c) Ideate
d) Empathize
67. Which is NOT a guideline for the Ideate step?
a) Consider the practicality of each idea before sharing it.
b) Generate as many ideas as possible.
c) Reference the How Might We question frequently.
d) Don't worry about how good other peoples' ideas are.

68. The important tools used in design thinking

a) Journey mapping
b) Mind mapping
c) Visualization
d) All the above

69. What is customer journey map?

a) Mapping customer's jawline
b) A map that is held out in three-dimensions and is also called isometric mapping
c) An interview based visual technique to map someone's experience
d) A map depicting the journey of the customer's life

70. Innovation can help to provide a temporary competitive advantage when:

a) Barriers to entry are high.
b) Barriers to imitation are low and intellectual property rights are difficult to enforce.
c) There are few other competitors.
d) Barriers to entry are low.

71. What is the usual order of problem-solving process?

a) Try, Reflect, Prepare, and Define
b) Prepare, Try, Define, And Reflect
c) Try and Reflect
d) Define, Prepare, Try, and Reflect
72. ----------is a digital way to brainstorm using virtual sticky notes, Organizing and prioritizing
ideas from various contributors is easy with this software.
a) Stormboard
b) Coggle
c) UserTesting
d) Miro

73. Choose the correct order of stages in Design Thinking Process

a) Understand > Draw > Ideate > Create > Test
b) Empathise > Define > Ideate > Prototype > Test
c) Empathise > Design > Implement > Produce > Test
d) Understand > Define > Ideate > Produce > Try

74. What is TBPM?

a) Tangible Business Process Modelling
b) Tethering Business Process Modelling
c) Tangible Brainstorming Process Modelling
d) Tethering Brainstorming Process Modelling

75. ------is a user-friendly platform that allows you to manage and map the customer experience
and Create a customer journey
a) Typeform
c) Smaply
d) MakeMyPersona
76. Which of the following well known consulting firms are offering Design Thinking as a
a) McKinsey & Co
b) BCG
c) Bain & Co
d) All of above

77. Which step of the Problem-Solving Process is this? I am thinking of the pros and cons to my
a) Define
b) Prepare
c) Try
d) Reflect

78. --------------is used to create and share mind maps and highly visual collaboration on the
a) Stormboard
b) Coggle
c) UserTesting
d) Miro

79. Which of the below firm is associated the most with Design Thinking?
a) Ikea
b) Ideo
c) Idea
d) Ikei
80. Design thinking typically helps in _______
a) Innovation
b) Data analytics
c) Financial planning
d) Operational efficiency

81. A college is redesigning it website. Current students are the main users of the website. Which
one of the below elements should definitely be on the website?
a) College rules and regulations
b) Information on faculty members
c) Information about courses
d) Alumni details

82. If you are making a plan, what part of the problem-solving process are you working on?
a) Define
b) Prepare
c) Try
d) Reflect

83. If you are attempting to put your plan into action, what part of the problem-solving process
are you working on?
a) Define
b) Prepare
c) Try
d) Reflect

84. What is the second step in solving a problem?

a) Prepare
b) Try
c) Reflect
d) Define
85. Which is NOT an aspect of the Empathise step?
a) Evaluate: prioritise evidence that supports a chosen problem
b) Engage: Interact and interview users in real-life context
c) Observe: View users in the context of their lives
d) Immerse: experience what the user experiences

86. Design thinking is also called_______centred designed

a) Human
b) Product
c) Service
d) Animal

87. Which of the following principles are not considered for design thinking?
a) Embrace Experimentation
b) Human-centric design
c) Profit-centric
d) Pattern identification for problem solving

88. ………….is one of the world’s most popular and respected testing applications
a) Stormboard
b) Coggle
c) UserTesting
d) Miro

89. ---------------is a visual, collaborative space to build, test, and refine your ideas from design
thinking influencers IDEO
a) Shape
b) FigJam
c) Google Jamboard
90. Media-models classified into
a) Ambiguous media
b) Mathematized media
c) Hybrid media
d) All the above

91. MVP stands for

a) Minimum viable product
b) Maximum viable product
c) Most viable product
d) None of above

92. Which of the following statement is correct?

a) Design thinking is a convergence-divergence process
b) Design thinking is a linear process of product development that compulsorily involves
validation at the end of the product development
c) Design thinking is regarded as a lean start-up process
d) Design thinking follows the agile process of product development

93. Design thinking can be valuable in IT for:

a) Implementing pre-defined technical solutions without user input.
b) Developing user-centered IT solutions that address specific needs.
c) Focusing solely on the technical feasibility of a project.
d) Prioritizing rapid development over understanding user problems.

94. In the "Empathize" stage of design thinking applied to IT, what's a key activity?
a) Defining technical requirements and specifications.
b) Interviewing users and understanding their IT challenges.
c) Choosing the most advanced technology for the project.
d) Focusing on existing IT infrastructure limitations.
95. When defining the problem statement in design thinking for IT, it's important to:
a) Emphasize technical jargon to impress stakeholders.
b) Frame the problem from the user's perspective, highlighting their pain points.
c) Focus on a broad and unspecific problem definition.
d) Propose a specific IT solution immediately.

96. In the "Ideate" stage for an IT project, the goal is to:

a) Select the single "best" technical solution.
b) Generate a large number of diverse ideas for potential solutions.
c) Limit ideas to those that are easily implementable with existing technology.
d) Focus on solutions proposed by senior IT staff only.

97. When prototyping in design thinking for IT, a prototype can be:
a) A final, fully functional IT system.
b) A low-fidelity mockup or simulation to test core functionalities with users.
c) A detailed technical document outlining the entire system.
d) Only necessary for complex hardware solutions.

98. How can design thinking be helpful in the context of business process modeling?
a) By focusing solely on existing process documentation and technical specifications.
b) By understanding user needs and pain points related to current processes.
c) By prioritizing rapid implementation of new processes without user feedback.
d) By limiting process improvement to minor technological adjustments.

99. When using design thinking for BPM, which stage might involve user interviews and
observations to understand current processes?
a) Define (focuses on defining the problem)
b) Prototype (focuses on creating a working model)
c) Empathize (focuses on user understanding)
d) Test (focuses on evaluating a prototype)
100. Design thinking emphasizes iteration. How might this be applied to BPM using design
a) Develop a single, perfect process model from the start.
b) Continuously refine and improve the process model based on user feedback and testing.
c) Focus on rigid adherence to the initial process design.
d) Prioritize rapid implementation over testing and iteration.

101. A key benefit of using design thinking for BPM is:

a) Reducing the need for user involvement in process improvement.
b) Designing user-centered processes that address current inefficiencies.
c) Encouraging a "one-size-fits-all" approach to process modeling.
d) Prioritizing automation over user experience within processes.

102. When transitioning from a design thinking approach to BPM, what's an important
a) Discarding user insights gathered during the design thinking process.
b) Translating insights from design thinking into a clear and documented process model.
c) Focusing solely on technical aspects of the process and neglecting user needs.
d) Implementing the new process without any user training or communication.

103. Agile methodologies emphasize short iterations and frequent feedback. What can be a
challenge in a virtual team environment?
a) Encouraging open communication and collaboration.
b) Ensuring everyone has access to the latest project information.
c) Both (a) and (b) are challenges.
d) There are no significant challenges for Agile in virtual teams.

104. Which of the following tools can be helpful for facilitating virtual stand-up meetings in an
Agile team?
a) Traditional email communication (limited real-time interaction)
b) Project management software with video conferencing features.
c) Real-time chat or video conferencing platforms for quick daily updates.
d) Design prototyping software (not ideal for communication)
105. Agile practices rely on close collaboration. How can virtual teams enhance collaboration?
a) Limiting communication to avoid information overload.
b) Utilizing collaboration tools for shared documents, task management, and discussions.
c) Establishing clear communication protocols and expectations for virtual interaction.
d) Replacing virtual meetings with individual work to avoid distractions.

106. Effective retrospectives are crucial in Agile. What can be a challenge for virtual
a) Encouraging active participation from all team members.
b) Ensuring a safe space for honest feedback and identifying areas for improvement.
c) Both (a) and (b) are challenges.
d) Virtual retrospectives are generally easier to conduct than in-person ones.

107. What's an important aspect of managing Agile projects in a virtual environment?

a) Micromanaging team members and their work.
b) Building trust and fostering a strong team spirit despite physical distance.
c) Establishing clear roles, responsibilities, and communication channels.
d) Limiting the use of online collaboration tools to avoid technical issues.

108. What's the primary purpose of scenario-based prototyping?

a) To showcase the final, polished product to stakeholders.
b) To test and refine a design concept based on user interactions within specific scenarios.
c) To document all possible user interactions with a design.
d) To replace the need for user testing altogether.

110. When creating a scenario for prototyping, it's important to:

a) Focus on a single, ideal user scenario.
b) Consider different user needs and contexts to develop diverse scenarios.
c) Prioritize scenarios that are technically challenging to implement.
d) Limit scenarios to the most basic user interactions.
111. Scenario-based prototypes can be:
a) Only high-fidelity prototypes requiring significant development time.
b) Low-fidelity or high-fidelity, depending on the project needs and stage.
c) Primarily focused on visual design elements.
d) Not useful for testing user workflows and interactions.

112. What's a benefit of using scenario-based prototyping?

a) It allows designers to showcase their technical skills.
b) It helps identify potential usability issues and areas for improvement early in the design
c) It eliminates the need for user feedback altogether.
d) It focuses solely on the aesthetics of the design.

113. Scenario-based prototyping is most aligned with which design thinking stage?
a) Empathize (focuses on user understanding)
b) Define (focuses on defining the problem)
c) Prototype (focuses on creating a working model)
d) Test (focuses on evaluating a prototype)

114. Which of the following is an example of a prototype?

a. A wireframe of a website
b. A working model of a car
c. A finished mobile app
d. A product brochure.

115. What is the first step in reverse engineering process?

a. Disassembly
b. Analysis
c. Reconstruction
d. Documentation

116. Which type of reverse engineering involves breaking down a product into its constituent
parts to analyze its design?
a. Physical reverse engineering
b. Functional reverse engineering
c. Software reverse engineering
d. Data reverse engineering
117. Which tool is commonly used in reverse engineering to create a digital 3D model of a
physical object?
a. CAD software
b. Design thinking
c. Rapid prototyping
d. Usability testing

118. What is the purpose of reverse engineering in product design?

a. To identify the design flaws
b. To improve the product functionality
c. To understand the manufacturing process
d. All of these

119. Which of the following is not a benefit of reverse engineering?

a. Improved product design
b. Reduced manufacturing cost
c. Enhanced customer satisfaction
d. Increased product development time.

120. What is the main purpose of reverse engineering in product design?

a. To copy an existing product design
b. To understand how a product works
c. To create a new product from scratch
d. To save time in design process.

121. Which of the following is not a step in the reverse engineering process?
a. Disassembly
b. Redesign
c. Documentation
d. Analysis

122. What is the benefits of using reverse engineering in product design?

a. It allows for quick and easy product development.
b. It helps to identify potential design flaws.
c. It eliminates the need for product testing.
d. It reduces the cost of production.
123. Which of the following industries commonly uses reverse engineering in their design
a. Automobile
b. Fashion
c. Agriculture
d. Finance

124. What is the purpose of the technical drawing in design thinking process?
a. To communicate design ideas visually
b. To test the usability of a product
c. To conduct user research
d. To analyze market trends.

125. Which of the following is an example of a technical drawing used in design thinking
a. A user persona
b. A flow chart
c. A wire frame
d. A customer journey map.

126. What is the benefits of creating technical drawings during the design thinking process?
a. It helps to identify user pain points
b. It allows for quick iteration and refinement of design ideas
c. It provides insight into market trends
d. It improves team collaboration.

127. What tool can be used to create technical drawing in the design thinking process?
a. Adobe photoshop
b. Invision
c. Sketch
d. Trello

128. Which stage of the design thinking process involves creating technical drawing.
a. Ideate
b. Prototype
c. Test
d. Empathize

129. What is the purpose of creating technical drawings in the design process?
a. To communicate design ideas to stakeholders
b. To generate new design ideas
c. To conduct user research
d. To test prototypes.
130. Which of the following is an example of a tool for creating technical drawing?
a. Adobe photoshop
b. Sketch
c. Auto CAD
d. Invision

131. What is the primary goal of the prototype stage in design thinking?
a. To understand the problem and the users needs.
b. To generate creative solutions.
c. To build and test a physical or virtual representation of the solution.
d. To understand the users emotions and perspectives.

132. Which of the following is not a common technique used in the prototype stage?
a. Sketching
b. Surveys
c. User observation
d. Rapid prototyping.

132. What is the output of the prototype stage in design thinking?

a. A list of potential solutions
b. A clear problem statement
c. A working prototype
d. A deep understanding of the user's emotions and perspectives.

133. The prototype stage in design thinking is also known as the stage.
a. Converge stage
b. Test stage
c. Understand stage
d. Prototype stage.

134. What is the primary benefit of using a prototyping approach in product development?
a. It saves time and resources
b. It allows for rapid iteration and feedback
c. It guarantees the success of the final product
d. It ensures a high-quality final product.

135. What is the main goal of professional presentation designers?

a. To create visually stunning and effective presentations
b. To generate revenue
c. To entertain the audience
d. To create a polished final product.

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