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Father of computerized machining, computer scientist pioneer

and coined the term CAD
● Douglas T. Ross
2. Developed Design Automated by Computer (DAC). referred to as
the Father of CAD
● Patrick Hanratty
3. Developed Sketchpad in the 1960’s; innovative CAD software
using light pen to draw on computer monitor.
● Ivan Sutherland
4. Created UNISURF, the pioneer surface 3D CAD/CAM in
● Pierre Beziere
5. Origin or root of 90% of modern CAD software
● Automated Drafting and Machinery (ADAM)
6. Year when IBM released the affordable desktop computers
● 1981
7. Founded Autodesk and developed AutoCAD
● John Walker
Introduction to
Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Drafting

Autodesk founded by John Walker on 1982. Developed

and marketed the AutoCAD.

AutoCAD is the most popular program, software

application for both 2D & 3D computer aided-design
(CAD) and drafting.

Drawing is the language of engineers and architects

and other related professions in the industry.

Student version is available for free

□ Setting up the workspace

□ Basic/common commands
□ Manipulating properties
□ Sample
are sets of menus, toolbars, palettes, and ribbon
control panels that are grouped and organized so that
you can work in a custom, task-oriented drawing

3 task based default workspace

● 2D Drafting and Annotation
● 3D Basics
● 3D Modeling
Create or change a workspace
● Display, hide, and rearrange your toolbars and
windows, modify your ribbon settings, and then
save the current workspace from the Workspace
Switching button in the status bar, Workspaces
toolbar or the Window menu, or use the
WORKSPACE command.

Switch workspace
● switch to another workspace whenever you need to
work on a different task from the Workspace
Switching button on the status bar at the
bottom-right of the application window
Basic and Common Commands
○ Line (L) ○ Erase (E)
○ Circle (C) ○ Move (M)
○ Arc (A) ○ Copy (CO)
○ Rectangle (REC) ○ Rotate (RO)
○ Scale (SC)
○ Zoom (Z) ○ Extend (EX)
○ Pan (P) ○ Offset (O)
○ Regen (RE) ○ Mirror (MI)
○ Fillet (F)
Basic and Common Commands
How are commands given?
What is OSNAP?
□ Object Snap
cursor snaps to point on objects
□ Polar Snap
constrains lines to other angle
□ Snap to grid
cursor snaps to grid points
□ Show grid
displays grid in model space
□ Orthographic (Ortho On)
constrains lines to 90deg angle
□ Dynamic UCS
shows UCS at all times
□ Dynamic Input
displays input text in space
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

□ 1. Grid Mode (F7)

Display drawing grid - On
□ 2. Snap Mode (F9)
Polar snap, grid snap and snap setting - Off
□ 3. Orthomode (F8)
Restricts cursor orthogonally - Off
□ 4. Polar Tracking (F10)
Restricts cursor to specified angles - Off
□ 5. Object Snap Tracking - AUTOSNAP (F11)
Show snapping reference lines - On
□ 6. Object Snap - OSNAP (F3)
Snap cursor TO 2D reference points - On
□ Show Annotation Objects
□ Unit Command (Drawing Units)
will let you change the primary units
you will be drawing in
□ Properties
Will let you adjust anything with
respect to the selected item
□ Dimension tool
has many options, and displays the
measurement in the drawing
□ Measure option
Has two important sub-commands
● Distance (DI)
● Area (AREA)
Let's draw a line
Let's draw a line (1)
Let's draw a line (2)
Let's draw a line (3)
What else?
Polyline (pline)
The end.

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