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It is a known fact that Rizal had a sincere and deep sense of dedication when it

came to the things that he loved. He cared for others more than he cared for himself,
especially God, his country, his family, the Filipino people, and the environment.
Throughout his thirty-five years of living, he became a voice and a helping hand for the
underprivileged people of his time—fighting for the betterment and the freedom of his
fellowmen against the Spaniards who established a colony under Philippine territory
(Valdeavilla, 2022).

He indulged himself in various studies and sharpened his fields of expertise

which allowed him to push forward advocacies that promote a more inclusive,
compassionate, and educated society. Rizal’s contributions, driven by his values, have
made such a long-lasting impact that it opened doors to greater and brighter
opportunities to Filipinos for generations and generations to come (Study Rizal, 2022).

Even years after his death, Filipinos have manifested and ingrained his
standards onto their lives, whether it is to fight against tyrannical powers, to show
gratitude and admiration for his loved ones, to uphold environmental integrity, or to have
strong faith in God. There is no doubt that he is an inspiration to many until today
(Department of Science and Technology, 2022).

The more I learn about Rizal’s passion for skill and knowledge, the more I strive
to work hard and exert effort in becoming skillful and knowledgeable as well. With
advanced technology in modern times, I can have easy access to a diverse number of
topics and information using the Internet, one in which I can hone my craft. I have used
his strong level of intellect as motivation to see the world in different perspectives.

Rizal upholds values where he shows great empathy and thoughtfulness towards
the people around him (Gumba Jr., 2019). I do my best in expressing kindness to my
family and relatives, my friends, my classmates and acquaintances, and even some
strangers. I like to keep myself on the ground and be sincerely humble in many ways
that I can, regardless of my status or privileges in life, just like Rizal who stayed a man
of humility despite his wealth.
Another admirable trait about Rizal is his love for the environment. Though I have
always believed it should be inherent among all humans, his commitment to uplift nature
and the community has influenced me to habituate doing sustainable and environmental
practices and spread awareness for others to do the same.

The heart of Filipinos remains both in the hardships and the victories of our
national hero. Living with a resilient mindset, a nationalistic ideology, and a compelling
determination to fight for what is right is the formula for establishing values that is similar
to Rizal’s. Thus, I try to live by these values because I know it will make me a better
person not only for my own sake but for the sake of other people as well. It is a part of
my goal to contribute to society in my own way but with the guidance of his principles.

Department of Science and Technology (2022). Youth Speaks! Rizal is an inspiration to
our generation. Retrieved from:

Gumba Jr., R. (2019). Filipinos urged: Emulate Rizal’s heroism. Retrieved from:

Study Rizal (2022). 5 Importance of Learning the Life, Works, and Writings of Rizal.
Retrieved from:

Valdeavilla, R. (2022). The Life and Legacy of José Rizal: National Hero of the
Philippines. Retrieved from:

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