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Wear me out

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
Relationship: Hange Zoë/Levi
Characters: Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Hange Zoë
Additional Tags: Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2015-03-28 Words: 2,173 Chapters: 1/1
Wear me out
by Mobliteration


Mornings don't usually bode well for either of them.

So they find a more productive way to begin the day.


This is my first time writing smut, s-so... yeah. this is actually legitimately my first ever
posted fic and its genuinely shitty, but enjoy the result of my sexual frustration.

(forgive me i have failed the levihan queen)

For Sophie.
Normally, Hange wakes up to her bed sheets tangled and entwined with her arms and her
legs, her late-night reading book discarded somewhere either on the floor or trapped within
the confinements of her pillows.

It seems this isn’t one of those mornings.

On this particular day, her bed sheets are practically perfectly in-tact, pristine white sheets
with the odd crease and peculiar crumple scattered here and there. Her astronomical book is
neatly placed on the bed side table beside her head, next to her plant-keeping textbook and
the two worn-down pencils she keeps close at hand in case of sudden theories popping into
her head at ungodly hours.

She can feel the knots in her hair without even moving an inch. Nothing out of the ordinary,
but she swears that something feels different. Aside from the unusual orderly atmosphere of
her room-paired with her pair of glasses actually sitting on top of her nightstand as opposed
to halfway across the room- nothing appears to be different from any other morning. Sunlight
still seeps in from the pesky gap in her curtains, a chill present in the air of an ordinary
February day. Deciding to crawl back under the covers from the daunting icy morning, she
inches a bare shoulder further under the sheets.

That’s when she feels something claw at her chest. Literally.

She swallows, looks down and- ohh, yep, there it is. That’s a hand, alright.

She traces the arm with her eyes(slightly blurred from just waking up and lack of spectacles),
all the way from the slightly calloused fingertips past the bare elbow and up the toned bicep.
She has to crane her head in order to glance over her shoulder, but her efforts are well worth
it when the mop of raven hair comes into view.

She can’t help the warmness that rises to the back of her neck when she admires his serene
face. She tries not to, really, she does, but she feels the corners of her lips tug upwards, trying
to ignore the strange tugging she feels in the pit of her stomach.

“Nng- stop moving.”

She does exactly that, but her tenseness doesn't go unnoticed.

Hange can feel the rumble in his chest as he shifts around behind her, an arm curled over her
shoulder tucked soundly under her neck. The breath on the back of her neck soothes the
tension in her spine, and she eases into his secure hold with eagerness. She always enjoys any
morning they spend together, regardless of what activities occurred the night beforehand. She
tucks her face into the crook of his elbow, cheek smothered against the warm skin gleefully.
Levi seems to pick up on her cuddly behavior, as he pipes up from behind her, voice nothing
more than a whisper.

“…What’s the matter?” the pillow evens out as he lifts his head, joints stretching. “You

When he receives no reply, the mattress shifts beneath his weight as he props himself up with
the elbow that once resided by her shoulder, another strong hand coming over her side to
entwine with hers.


She smiles at the warm tone in his voice; his breathy and bitchy baritone bodes well for her, it

“Mm,” her hum goes right through his chest, and she can feel the goosebumps rise along his
arm. She feels smug. “m’ fine.”

She can feel his eyes burning a hole right through the back of her head, but she concludes
that he’s let it slide when he begins to trace circles on her bare shoulder blade, rough
fingertips sending a shiver down to her bones. Content, her gaze wanders over to the curtains,
deliberately avoiding the gap leaking light into the room. If she squints, she can just make out
the beginnings of the forest skirting the castle.

“It’s a nice morning, hm?”

Levi merely hums in response, fingers edging closer and closer each second to the pale skin
beneath her breasts. She chuckles breathlessly, and he presses thin lips to the back of her
neck, tongue edging out, almost like a whisper.

“S’fucking freezing, though,” he presses his teeth against the back of her neck, tucking a
strand of hair behind her pinkish ear. “almost makes me miss my own room.”

She laughs breathily, sinking her teeth into her lip as his deft fingers circle the flesh of her left
breast, nipple perking with interest as a nail glides across the minuscule bumps littering her
chest. Hange almost grins like a cheshire cat when she feels a familiar sensation of poking in
her upper thigh.

Hange braces a hand on his forearm as his fingertips travel further towards her abdomen, and
she ruts her bottom against his groin ever so slightly. When she’s rewarded with an excited
exhale on her nape, she tilts her head back to meet his eager lips halfway. Levi likes to take
his sweet time, it seems, as he takes a tortuously long time to reach the dark curls of hair a
few inches below her navel, thumb trailing along any skin his fingers leave behind. She feels
him sigh into her mouth when he feels how damp she already is, eagerness pitting in his
stomach. He works his other arm over her shoulder once again and works his fingers in-
between her own, a small smile pressed against her rosy lips. Levi makes a noise in the back
of his throat when she sucks on his tongue, and his eyes visibly darken with pure lust.
She groans, almost relieved, when he curls a finger against her core, basking in the slick skin
already present. Pressing two fingers against her, he sucks on her bottom lip when an index
finger glides in effortlessly, down to the knuckle in seconds . He hums appreciatively against
her tongue, and she coils her fingers into the dark hair at the crown of his head, already out of

Urged on by the heat spreading in her abdomen, Hange pushes her backside against him with
obvious intent, and he almost growls into her open mouth. Toes curling, she stretches a hand
out behind her with outstretched fingers. Once she finds what she’s looking for, she coils her
fingers around his thick, warm cock, pressing a thumb against the slit, smearing the bead of
wetness peaking there already. Levi sucks on the supple skin of her neck to silence his groan,
and he sinks another finger into her tight heat, feeling light-headed with want.

Hange finally lets a strangled moan leave her throat, breath raspy and thick with rawness. She
almost feels ridiculous at her wanton sounds, but she finds no time to feel such regret when
he pushes the tip of his cock against her soaked folds, moaning breathlessly, shamelessly into
the base of her neck.


His voice is laced with so much need, it makes her retract the hand curled around the base of
his dick and turn herself around to face him completely, his fingers still sunk inside of her.
She pushes her tongue deep into his mouth, a gravelly moan leaving his throat. She can tell
she's really got him going when he starts to claw at her hip with a spare hand; fingers curling
into the scarred skin, warm palm causing heat to seep through to her bones. Levi doesn't
cease the constant curling and twisting of fingers as he pulls his mouth from hers, dipping his
head down beneath her neck. Hange sighs blissfully and works both hands into his hair as his
tongue travels directly down her neck, leaving a trail of wetness in his wake. His mouth sucks
at the skin in the valley of her breasts, and he makes sure to keep his hand occupied by
pressing a thumb against her clit, earning a trembling moan in response.

Hooking an ankle over his hip, Hange tugs his body even closer to her own, heat merging as
she digs a hand into the soft flesh of his ass, eager fingernails pressing crescents into the
unmarked skin. He groans against her breast, cock twitching against her stomach with
eagerness. Deciding she'd had enough, she tugs on his hair gently.


He ceases his actions immediately, silent as night.


Hange relishes at the shudder he gives at the lust laced into her voice, and he wastes no more
time in rolling himself over her splayed-out body, knees either side of her hips. He retracts
the fingers from within her, and she groans at the lack of contact. Levi brings the hand out in
front of him, sliding the slick digits against one another in silent awe. Hange presses her hips
up into his, and he hastily licks the wetness from his fingers before grinding his groin down
into hers, a broken moan sliding from his throat at the friction. He grinds down into her
again, cock pulsing and balls tight as he shamelessly ruts against her slick core, the tempting
warmth luring him closer and closer.

Levi glances up at her expression, and can't bring himself to look away from the half-lidded
eyes staring straight through his soul. Her entire face is red and mottled, chest rising and
falling almost rapidly with the exertion he's brought about her already. He lowers himself
down, his chest pressing against her perked breasts, and presses his mouth to hers gently, a
hand caressing her jaw.

She wraps both legs around his waist, and he's drawn in by her red hot warmth. He exhales
his excitement onto her neck as he lines himself up with her entrance, a forearm braced
beside her head, the his other hand directing his cock towards its desired destination. He
looks down at her once more to confirm her consent, and she nods without missing a breath.
Holding his breath, he pushes the tip into her slowly, savouring the pressure around his dick.
Once he's sunk himself in to the base of his cock, he pulls out slightly, and grinds back in,
hips working tight circles as he does so. Not even a minute into it, and the headboard hits the
wall repeatedly with every push of his hips.

Hange's too far gone to care about the thick moans and groans working her voice raw, and
she claws at his back almost desperately as she feels his balls press up against her ass, heat
prickling in her lower stomach. Levi brings his other hand up to paw at the flesh of her
breast, a deep groan sliding from his throat as he feels her tighten around him. He can feel the
tension in his abdomen growing tighter and tighter with every push and pull of each and
every thrust as he delves into her, pushing himself in as far as he can go with his face buried
in Hange's neck, heavy groans sinking into her collarbone as he attempts to silence the
pleasure sprouting from the core of his very being- god, it sounds so fucking cheesy that way,
but he finds no other words to describe the tugging sensation he feels in his stomach.

He's pulled out of his internal monologue when Hange works her fingers into his hair again,
and he raises himself from the comfort of her neck to meet her eye. Her other hand goes to
his lips, toying with the plump skin of his mouth as her eyes screwed closed, her thighs
tightening their grip around his waist. Levi picks up her signals, and sinks his teeth gently
into the skin below her collarbone, where he knows she likes it.

Before she can warn him, a long, drawn-out moan leaves her lips as her entire back falls limp
against the mattress, and she clamps her lips shut in order to restrain her release to a quiet,
raw hum. Her fingers tangle themselves in Levi's hair as he continues to slam his hips into
hers, and he's on fucking cloud nine as the pressure around his cock increases tenfold with
her orgasm, and he finds himself whimpering; the tension in his stomach is becoming
unbearable at this point, and he's sweaty and sticky and his balls are impossibly tight-


A final push sends his head reeling and his stomach uncoils with his release and he just's
so out of it; colours burst behind his eyelids, he loses any self-control as he pushes into her
one last time, groaning through clenched teeth as he milks his orgasm for all it's got, cock
twitching before he lowers himself down onto Hange's front.
For the next few minutes, the room is peacefully quiet; the breathing filling the room is oddly

Hange weaves her fingers through his slightly knotted locks, chest steadily rising and falling
underneath his comforting weight. She's pretty certain that their stomachs are glued together
for the time being, but she can't complain.

"Zoë, huh?" her chest bounces as she chuckles breathlessly. "That's a new one."

He scoffs into her neck, lips pressed firmly against the sweat-tinged skin.

"Shut up."
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