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Similarity Report


draftfeb04.docx This article investigates the growing interest in nanoformulations that are derived from
phytochemicals for the purpose of treating lung cancer, with a specific focus on the
administration of targeted drugs. Phytochemicals such as curcumin, colchicinamide, and
taxol possess properties that can combat cancer by regulating the molecular pathways
involved in its progression. Phytochemicals have the challenges of poor solubility and limited
24717 Words 147685 Characters bioavailability, but phytochemicals can be employed into innovative medication delivery
technologies such as nanoparticles and liposomes. Phyto-nanoformulations, which play a
PAGE COUNT FILE SIZE crucial role in lung cancer therapy, enhance the absorption and effectiveness of drugs while
minimizing adverse effects and drug resistance. These findings imply a potential avenue for
63 Pages 1.5MB improving the treatment of lung cancer by precisely and effectively delivering therapies that
are based on phytochemicals.
Feb 5, 2024 12:15 PM GMT+5:30 Feb 5, 2024 12:17 PM GMT+5:30
The most common cancer diagnosed globally was lung cancer, which had the lowest five-
year overall 15% survival rate and was responsible for a large part of 18.4% of cancer deaths
worldwide [1],[2]. The survival rate of lung cancer patients is only 15%, five years following
22% Overall Similarity their diagnosis since the disease usually progresses to an advanced stage in most cases[3][4].
Lung cancer is a significant public health issue, with a high global fatality rate. Tobacco use
The combined total of all matches, including overlapping sources, for each database.
is the key etiological factor for this LC, according to scientific studies[5], [6]. This is largely
15% Internet database 16% Publications database attributable to smoking, which contains several mutagenic substances that can result in
LC[7]. LC is caused by exposure to carcinogens like air pollution[8], asbestos[9], radon[10],
Crossref database Crossref Posted Content database 82
and genetic factors[11][12]. A two- to three-fold increased risk of LC and other malignancies
linked to quitting smoking exists in families with first-degree LC relatives[13]. According to
Excluded from Similarity Report past studies, an estimated 70% of air pollution and the emission of a variety of pollutants,
including SOx, NOx, CO2, and VOC (volatile organic compounds)[14], have been linked to
Submitted Works database Bibliographic material the growth of coal-based power plants[15], [16], [17].
Quoted material Cited material 1
Lung Cancer Cell Types
Small Matches (Less then 8 words)
1. Adenocarcinoma
It makes up 20-30% of pulmonary neoplasms. It starts more often in the periphery; it
originates from epithelial cells and less from glandular cells. It often appears in the
parenchymal scar tissue of previous pathological processes. Due to localization
adenocarcinoma has a later onset and clinical manifestations are less evident compared to
epidermoid carcinoma. It shows a high tendency to metastasize (second after SCLC)[18].
2. Non-small cell carcinoma
The incidence is estimated at about 15-20%. It can be of central or peripheral origin. The
tumor mass often has large dimensions at the time of diagnosis and is relatively limited.
Very often necrotic areas are found. Large nuclei, visible nucleoli, and abundant cytoplasm.
These elements, have no aspects of epidermoid, glandular, or neuroendocrine differentiation
and are organized in solid areas. According to the type of cell differentiation, two variants are
distinguished: Giant cell form: with an increased number of polynuclear cells, pleiomorphic
and others with different shapes. Clear cell form: rare, characterized by cells with clear,
foamy, and mucin-free cytoplasm[19].

3. Small cell carcinoma (SCLC) LC is just one of the many ailments that have been treated for centuries with herbal
medicines[39]. The phytochemical compound’s (PC) like alkaloids, phenolic compounds,
SCLC, accounts for about 25% of malignant lung tumors. (About 1 in 5 cases with 92
terpenoids, saponins have proven efficacy in LC treatment. Studies have shown that they can
pulmonary Ca results in small cells.) It is a neoplasm of a higher malignant character and
significantly lengthen the time that patients with lung cancer survive, lessen the
with a pronounced ability to spread (metastasize) by hematogenous or lymphatic route. The 75
chemotherapy side effects, and enhance the quality of life[40], [41]. Many studies have
initial mass most often has centrohylar placement. The clinical onset is often signaled by
proven PC role in cancer treatment [42]. The main problem seen in PC are poor
metastases. The frequency of this phenomenon is so high that in the face of a histologically
bioavailability, solubility, and PC gets degraded by enzymes and get metabolise in the liver,
confirmed SCLC, one must consider the presence of metastasis[20]. The histological type of
gastrointestinal tract, which reduces circulation time and circulating concentration [43].
SCLC is debatable: Frequent association with paraneoplastic syndromes suggests a cell
Hence to overcome these problems nanotechnology is used.
origin with neurosecretory function[21]. This hypothesis comes from immunohistochemical
studies, which often show features of neuroendocrine differentiation such as: Cytoplasmic The use of nanotechnologies to enhance the delivery of plant-based chemicals at site of
granulations and the presence of peptides and amines (serotonin, calcitonin, leukoencephalin, tumours and cancer cells to increase therapeutic efficacy [44], [45]. The localized drug
gastrin, etc.) delivery improves overall bioavailability to the site of tumours in LC.
3.1.Squamous cell carcinoma This article reviews the role of phytochemicals in the treatment of lung cancer, the scope of
40 preparation of phytochemical nano delivery system and physicochemical properties,
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung is a type of lung cancer that originates in the thin, flat
19 challenges, and futures.
cells lining the airways. It is a subtype of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and accounts
for about 30% of all lung cancers.This type of cancer is strongly associated with smoking,
and other risk factors include age, family history, and exposure to second-hand smoke,
2. Potential Molecular Pathways for treatment of Lung Cancer
mineral and metal particles, or asbestos[22].
74 Lung cancer arises from intricate signaling networks within cells, with various pathways
Squamous cell lung cancer often occurs in the central part of the lung or the main airway,
39 playing crucial roles. These pathways, including Ras, BRAF/MAPK, PI3K, LKB1/AMPK,
such as the left or right bronchus. It is more common in women than in men and is more
27 TP53, RB1, and MYC.
likely to occur in younger people than other types of lung cancer. The prognosis for
squamous cell lung cancer is often guarded, as it is usually diagnosed after the disease has In healthy cells, these pathways operate in a balanced manner. However, lung cancer is
spread. The survival rate is significantly higher if the disease is detected and treated characterized by mutations and alterations that disrupt this balance, leading to uncontrolled
early[23]. cell proliferation and impaired cell death mechanisms. For example, hyperactivation of Ras,
25 BRAF/MAPK, and PI3K pathways and silencing or weakening of LKB1/AMPK and TP53
Considering that more than 40% of people do not smoke, lung cancer has been identified as
pathways contribute to unchecked cell growth and tumor formation.
the main cause of cancer mortality[3], [24].
Lung cancer must be detected early to avoid the disease spreading to the metastatic stage.
Coughing, breathing problems, trouble sleeping, and systemic symptoms like anorexia and 1. Ras Pathway:
weight loss are typical indicators of lung cancer[25]. Chest radiography, computational
tomography, and possibly positron emission tomography is used in most diagnostic Activated by extracellular signals, Ras proteins relay growth factor signals to the MAPK
techniques[26]. cascade, triggering a series of phosphorylation events. This pathway regulates cell
proliferation, differentiation, and survival. Mutations in Ras are prevalent in various cancers,
The malignancy type, the disease stage at the time of the diagnosis, and the patient's physical leading to uncontrolled cell growth [7].
condition all plays a significant role in how lung cancer is treated[27]. Surgery is the main
form of treatment for non-malignant lung tumours, but it can only be used in a small Despite the high prevalence of Ras mutations in lung cancer, there have been few effective
percentage of patients—between 10% and 20%—and is constrained by the size and location therapies that directly target this pathway. However, there are a number of new drugs that are
of the tumours. Furthermore, surgery might not completely remove the tumour, especially in being developed that target different parts of the Ras pathway. These drugs are either in
cases of SCLC, which is known for its accelerated cell division due to its metastatic clinical trials or are being approved for use in other cancers include:
nature[28]. The use of treatments for lung cancer, including chemotherapy, surgery, MEK inhibitors: These drugs block the activity of MEK, a protein that is downstream of Ras
immunotherapy, targeted therapies, radiation therapy, and photodynamic or laser therapy is in the signaling pathway. MEK inhibitors that are approved for use in other cancers include
widespread[29], [30]. Although radiotherapy can specifically target tumour cells, it can also trametinib (Mekinist) and cobimetinib (Cotellic)[46].
harm normal lung cells. Additionally, there is no effective method to prevent the negative 35
effects of radiotherapy[31], which include fatigue[32], [33], vomiting[34], [35], bone marrow KRAS G12C inhibitors: These drugs are designed to specifically target the KRAS G12C
issues[36], hair loss[37], and nausea[38]. mutation, which is the most common Ras mutation in lung cancer. The first KRAS G12C
inhibitor, sotorasib (Lumakras), was recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of Umbralisib: This drug is a selective inhibitor of PI3Kδ, which is another subunit of PI3K. It
patients with advanced lung cancer who have the KRAS G12C mutation[47]. is being investigated in clinical trials for lung cancer and other types of cancer[55].
4. LKB1/AMPK Pathway:
2. BRAF/MAPK Pathway: LKB1 activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a cellular energy sensor. This
pathway plays a pivotal role in maintaining energy homeostasis by regulating metabolism,
BRAF, a key component, activates the MAPK signaling pathway, promoting cellular
cell growth, and autophagy. Mutations in LKB1 are linked to various cancers and metabolic
responses to growth signals. Mutations, especially in BRAF, result in constitutive activation,
contributing to abnormal cell division and tumor development across multiple cancer
types[8]. Mutations in the LKB1 gene are found in about 20-30% of non-small cell lung cancer
76 (NSCLC), the most common type of lung cancer. Other genes in the LKB1/AMPK pathway
BRAF is a key component of the MAPK pathway. Mutations, particularly the V600E
42 that are frequently mutated in lung cancer include:
mutation, result in constitutive activation of the pathway, promoting tumor growth and
progression in lung cancer[48]. KEAP1: This gene encodes the protein Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1, which normally
targets NRF2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2) for degradation. NRF2 is a
Targeting mutated BRAF has been a promising approach in treating lung cancer. Drugs like
transcription factor that regulates the expression of antioxidant and detoxification genes.
Dabrafenib and Vemurafenib selectively inhibit mutated BRAF, thereby suppressing
Mutations in KEAP1 lead to the stabilization of NRF2, which can promote cancer cell
downstream MAPK signaling and inhibiting tumor growth. These inhibitors have shown
efficacy, particularly in lung cancers harboring BRAF V600E mutations[49].
STK11: This gene encodes the protein LKB11, which is another AMPK kinase that can
3. PI3K Pathway:
activate AMPK in the absence of LKB1. Mutations in STK11 can also contribute to the
Initiated by growth factors, the PI3K/Akt pathway regulates crucial cellular processes such as inactivation of the LKB1/AMPK pathway in lung cancer[57].
growth, metabolism, and survival. Dysregulation, often due to mutations, is implicated in
There are currently no drugs that directly target the LKB1/AMPK pathway that are approved
cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, influencing disease progression and therapeutic 64
for the treatment of lung cancer. However, several drugs are being developed that target
responses [9].
different components of the pathway, and some of these drugs are in clinical trials. These
These are the genes in the PI3K pathway that are frequently mutated or altered in lung drugs include:
cancer, including:
AMPK activators: These drugs directly activate AMPK, mimicking the effects of LKB1.
PIK3CA: This gene encodes the p110α subunit of PI3K, which is a key enzyme in the Some AMPK activators that are being studied in lung cancer include metformin, AICAR (5-
pathway. Mutations in PIK3CA are found in about 20-30% of lung cancers[50]. aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide), and GSK621[58].
PTEN: This gene encodes a tumor suppressor protein that inhibits the PI3K pathway. mTOR inhibitors: mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) is a downstream target of AMPK
Mutations or deletions of PTEN are found in about 10-15% of lung cancers[51]. that promotes cell growth and proliferation. mTOR inhibitors, such as everolimus and
rapamycin, are being studied in combination with other drugs for the treatment of lung
AKT1, AKT2, and AKT3: These genes encode AKT proteins, which are downstream cancer[59].
effectors of PI3K. Mutations in AKT genes are less common in lung cancer but can also 48
contribute to tumorigenesis[52]. PARP inhibitors: PARP (poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase) is an enzyme that is involved in
70 DNA repair. PARP inhibitors, such as olaparib and niraparib, can be effective in lung cancer
Several drugs that target the PI3K pathway are being developed or investigated for the patients with mutations in BRCA genes, which are involved in DNA repair. PARP inhibitors
treatment of lung cancer. These drugs work by inhibiting different components of the may also have activity against lung cancer cells with mutations in the LKB1/AMPK
pathway, thereby blocking cell growth and proliferation. Some of the most promising PI3K pathway[60].
pathway inhibitors for lung cancer include:
Alpelisib: This drug is a specific inhibitor of PI3Kα, which is encoded by the PIK3CA gene.
32 18
It has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of advanced breast cancer and is being 5. TP53 Pathway: TP53 loses its tumor suppression function – Mutant tp53 acquiring
investigated in clinical trials for lung cancer[53]. oncogenic function
Duvelisib: This drug is a dual inhibitor of PI3K and mTOR, another protein in the PI3K TP53, known as the "guardian of the genome," responds to cellular stress, orchestrating cell
49 18
pathway. It is approved by the FDA for the treatment of certain types of brain tumors and is cycle arrest, DNA repair, or apoptosis. This pathway is crucial for preventing the propagation
being investigated in clinical trials for lung cancer[54]. of damaged DNA, and mutations in TP53 are common in many types of cancer[11].
Several genes interact with TP53 to regulate its function and contribute to different aspects of E2F1: This gene encodes the E2F1 transcription factor, which promotes cell cycle
tumor suppression. Some of the key TP53 pathway genes involved in lung cancer include: progression. Mutations in E2F1 can lead to uncontrolled cell growth[70].
23 13
MDM2: This gene encodes an E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets p53 for degradation, thereby MYC: This gene encodes the MYC transcription factor, which promotes cell proliferation
inhibiting its tumor suppressor activity[61]. and differentiation. Mutations in MYC can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and cancer
96 development[71].
CDKN2A: This gene encodes p16, a protein that inhibits cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)
and prevents cell cycle progression[62]. Several drugs are being developed or investigated that target the RB1 pathway in lung cancer.
These drugs work by different mechanisms, such as:
ATM and CHEK2: These genes encode proteins involved in DNA damage repair, which is
crucial for maintaining genomic integrity and preventing mutations[63]. Inhibiting CDK4/6: These drugs target the CDK4/6 kinases, which are downstream of the
105 RB1 protein and help to drive cell cycle progression. By inhibiting CDK4/6, these drugs can
There are a number of drugs that are being developed to target the TP53 pathway in lung
65 prevent cancer cells from proliferating.
cancer. These drugs work by either restoring the function of the p53 protein or by preventing
the activity of proteins that inhibit p53. Some of the most promising drugs targeting the TP53 Restoring RB1 function: Some drugs are being developed that aim to restore the function of
pathway include: the RB1 protein in cancer cells. These drugs could potentially be used to treat cancers with
13 RB1 mutations.
APR-246: This drug is a small molecule that binds to the MDM2 protein and prevents it from
binding to p53. This allows p53 to function normally and suppress tumor growth[64]. Targeting other genes in the pathway: Other drugs are being developed that target other genes
in the RB1 pathway, such as E2F1 and MYC. These drugs could potentially be used in
SAHM1: This drug is a small molecule that mimics the activity of the p53 protein. This can
combination with other therapies to treat lung cancer[72].
help to kill cancer cells that have lost their p53 function[65].
85 7. Myc Pathway:
CHIR-124: This drug is a small molecule that inhibits the activity of the CDK1 and CDK2
proteins, which are involved in cell cycle regulation. This can help to prevent cancer cells Myc regulates gene expression crucial for cell growth, metabolism, and proliferation.
from dividing[66]. Overexpression drives tumorigenesis in diverse cancers, highlighting its significance as a
therapeutic target for cancer treatment strategies [14].
The Myc pathway is a group of genes that play a role in cell growth and proliferation. In lung
6. RB1 Pathway: 3
cancer, mutations in Myc pathway genes are common and can lead to the development of
RB1 suppresses cell cycle progression by inhibiting E2F transcription factors. Dysregulation, cancer cells. Some of the most common Myc pathway genes that are mutated in lung cancer
common in cancer, leads to uncontrolled proliferation. Therapeutic targeting aims to restore include:
cell cycle control in malignancies with RB1 pathway aberrations[12], [13]. 54
MYC: This gene encodes the c-Myc protein, which is a transcription factor that regulates the
21 100
The RB1 pathway is a tumor suppressor pathway that plays a critical role in cell cycle expression of other genes. Mutations in MYC can lead to the uncontrolled growth of cancer
regulation and preventing uncontrolled cell growth. Mutations in the RB1 gene, which cells[73].
encodes the RB1 protein, are frequently found in various cancers, including lung cancer. 88
MYCN: This gene encodes the N-Myc protein, which is another transcription factor that is
The key genes involved in the RB1 pathway in lung cancer include: involved in cell growth and development. Mutations in MYCN are more common in small
45 cell lung cancer (SCLC)[74].
RB1: This gene encodes the RB1 protein, which acts as a tumor suppressor by inhibiting cell 21
cycle progression. Mutations in RB1 can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and cancer MYCL: This gene encodes the L-Myc protein, which is a third member of the Myc family.
development[67]. Mutations in MYCL are less common than mutations in MYC or MYCN, but they can also
31 contribute to the development of lung cancer[74].
CDKN2A: This gene encodes the p16 protein, which is a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 6
that helps to regulate cell cycle progression. Mutations in CDKN2A can also lead to There are currently no drugs that are specifically approved for the treatment of lung cancer
uncontrolled cell growth[68]. that target the Myc pathway. However, there are a number of drugs that are in development
31 that are designed to target different parts of the Myc pathway. These drugs include:
CDKN2B: This gene encodes the p15 protein, which is another cyclin-dependent kinase
inhibitor that helps to regulate cell cycle progression. Mutations in CDKN2B can also lead to MYC inhibitors: These drugs are designed to block the activity of the c-Myc protein. Some
uncontrolled cell growth[69]. examples of MYC inhibitors that are in development include Omomyc and Idasanutlin[75].
MYCN inhibitors: These drugs are designed to block the activity of the N-Myc protein. Some pro-inflammatory cytokines, decreases Nrf2, increases oxidative stress, promotes
examples of MYCN inhibitors that are in development include FWD1439 and ALK2 angiogenesis, and, in the end, starts tumour invasion, growth, and transformation [99]. Recent
inhibitors[76]. advances in molecular biology have clarified the importance of the Extracellular Matrix
(ECM) and VGEF in tumorigenesis[100]. The PI3K/Akt signalling pathways are activated
when expanding cancer cells meet the extracellular matrix (ECM). This increases the rate at
Apart from various pathways to most important factors for lung cancer are pollutant and which tumours originate and reduces the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy
smoking in stopping the cell cycle [101]. VGEF, on the other hand, promotes cancer spread by
promoting the development of new blood vessels, increasing the density of microscopic
blood vessels, and increasing blood flow to developing tumour cells [102]. Apoptosis and its
The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines, and nitrosamines in air associated proteins play an important role in regulating excessive cell growth around
pollutants has been linked to mutation and the formation of DNA adducts, which bypasses signalling molecules and pathways [103].
the physiological repair mechanism, resulting in a change in the DNA and, ultimately, the
induction of tumorigenesis[77].
3. Conventional phytochemicals used for lung cancer
G-C/T-A base pair changes caused by smoking activate oncogenes like k-ras[78],[79]. The
point mutation induces activation of k-ras pro-oncogene accounting for almost 30% of all Phytochemicals derived from plants offer a promising substitute that can improve treatment
cases of adenocarcinoma with a poor prognosis [80]. Farnesylation inhibitors are being outcomes and lessen adverse effects in cancer patients. Numerous of them are bioactive,
investigated for their potential anti-tumour activity, which has been reported to work by naturally occurring substances with strong antitumor potential[104][105].
inhibiting the three primary ends of p21 of k-ras, which are otherwise activated by 19
Phytochemicals can inhibit cancer development and metastasis through a variety of
farnesyltransferases to initiate the tumorogenesis cascade[81].
mechanisms, including the stabilization of cancer-promoting molecules, the enhancement of
Furthermore, p53 mutations are a paramount cause of LC [82]. Almost 33% - 70% of LC the immune system, the prevention of carcinogen formation, the protection of healthy cells
cases are caused by a p53 gene mutation; normally, p53 regulates the sudden differentiation, from carcinogens, the reduction of inflammation, the regulation of hormones, the promotion
growth, and proliferation of cells; on mutation, it initiates the results in differentiation, of autophagy in damaged cells, the preservation of DNA integrity in healthy cells, the
proliferation, and tumorigenesis[83]. Mutations at the codons 157, 248, 249, and 273 cause scavenging of free radicals, and other actions[106],[107]. Traditional remedies play a
p53 suppression in LC[84]. Although p53 suppression is the primary reason for LC, recent momentous function in numerous healthcare frameworks across the globe[108].
research has stated that p16 and Rb tumour suppressor genes are also involved in the
regulation of the cell cycle [85]. The partial deletion of chromosomes is an important
determinant of LC [85]. LC often reports 2p, 9p, 3p, 17p, 18p, and 22p loss of oncogenes
[86], [87]. Losses of 4p, 9p, and 21p have been reported in squamous cell carcinoma, while
losses of 3p, 5p, 13p, and 17p have been reported in small cell carcinoma[86], [87]. However,
among the various chromosomal loci, loss of 3p (3p14-cen,3p21.3, and3p25) is the most
common in LC[88].
In EGF (Epidermal growth factor), there are also Mitogen-activated Protein
Kinases/Extracellular Signal-Regulatory Kinases (MAPK / ERK)[89], Phosphoinositide-3-
Kinases/Protein Kinase B Protein (PI3K / Akt)[90], Nuclear Factor Kappa-Light-Chain-
Enhancer of Activated B Cells/Nuclear Factor erythroid Two-Related Factor 2 (NFkB /
Nrf2)[91]. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), as well as neuropeptide growth
factors, play important roles in the pathogenesis of lung cancer[92]. Early in the development
of cancer, macrophages release epiregulin, which interacts with EGFR and HER-2 to promote
cell proliferation[93]. RAF is phosphorylated in the first stage, which activates MEK1/2[94];
Tumour formation is triggered by more phosphorylation of ERK 1/2, which also increases the
synthesis of several growth factors [95], [96]. It is activated on Phosphatase, and Tensin
Homolog (PTEN), inhibition[97]. These pathways are also activated in response to exposure
to NF-kB, persistent oxidative stress, and the mammalian target of Rapamycin (mTOR) [98].
When oxidative stress or p53 gene suppression occurs, NF-kB relocates to the nucleus and
plays a critical role in inflammation. This shift promotes the generation of chemokines and
Fig No. 01-Modulation of TME by phytoconstituents- Various Mechanisms of actions of natural products are Also, the potency of extracts or derivatives deteriorates due to failure in applying proper
depicted in the figure by which they modulate the tumour microenvironment. 1. Natural products inhibit extraction, isolation, and purification procedures. This review highlights the hurdles faced in
angiogenesis within the tumor microenvironment by targeting key factors such as VEGF signaling, thereby 9
reducing the formation of new blood vessels crucial for tumor growth and metastasis. 2. Natural products
the efficient delivery of phytochemicals in cancer treatment, with some general strategies to
control extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation in the tumor microenvironment, preventing the breakdown of overcome them.
ECM components that facilitate tumor invasion and metastasis, ultimately hindering cancer progression. 3.
Natural products reduce the accumulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) in the tumor 8. Phytochemicals as nano formulations
microenvironment, which suppress anti-tumor immune responses and promote tumor growth, thus enhancing
immune surveillance against cancer cells. 4. Natural products regulate tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) Herbal treatments are frequently used as an alternative to conventional drugs to treat a variety
within the tumor microenvironment, modulating their polarization towards an anti-tumor phenotype, which
2 of diseases [113]. Approximately 25% of newly discovered molecular entities that have
promotes immune-mediated tumor clearance and inhibits cancer progression. 5. Natural products function as
important immune checkpoint inhibitors within the tumor microenvironment, blocking inhibitory signals that
achieved FDA approval come from botanical sources, demonstrating the importance of plants
38 in the development of novel medications[114].
dampen anti-tumor immune responses, thereby unleashing the immune system to attack and eradicate cancer
cells more effectively. 46
Unfortunately, various barriers to effective Phyto-therapeutic delivery exist, including
Discussion of problems faced in conventional formulation. physicochemical limits such as insufficient solubility and instability[115]. Furthermore,
7 pharmacokinetic issues, such as poor absorption and low bioavailability, complicate clinical
One of the major disadvantages of conventional therapies is the recurrence, as not all cancer
trials[116]. Also, the pharmaceutical industry has substantial challenges translating Phyto
stem cells are eradicated from the body. In addition, the development of multi-drug resistance
therapeutics, such as batch-to-batch variability and low efficacy[117]. The study has received
(MDR) is a significant clinical challenge. Also, in many countries, social and economic attention due to its safe and effective provision. Modern delivery techniques, such as
burdens incurred through treatment costs remain among the many hurdles to be overcome for liposomes, nanoparticles, nanocapsules, and phytosomes, have outperformed traditional
a global reduction in cancer incidence and mortality. Therefore, there is a pressing need to systems in terms of phytomedicinal ingredient distribution[118]. This system improves
identify novel approaches and therapies that may offer relatively cost-effective regimens with solubility, release pattern of drug, stability, pharmacokinetic, and tumor targeting as
less undesired side effects[109] discussed below and table No.1 stats various PC in nanoformulation
Phytochemicals have limitations when used for lung cancer treatment, including low Solubility
solubility, high doses requirement, limited evidence, poor bioavailability, and stability[110]. 102
The bulk of biologically active polyphenolic phytoconstituents have insufficient water
Need of phytonano formulation solubility, resulting in limited systemic absorption and low bioavailability when taken orally.
3 5
Some phytochemicals have effects on cellular processes and signalling pathways with Furthermore, their weak solubility limits intravenous delivery[119]. The hydrophobic
potential antitumor properties. Beneficial anticancer effects of phytochemicals were observed complexation of the water-insoluble flavonoid resveratrol (RSV) within a phospholipid
in both in vivo and in vitro investigations. Encapsulating natural bioactive compounds in bilayer that envelops casein micelles containing monascus yellow pigments (MYPs) is used
different drug delivery methods may improve their anticancer efficacy. Greater in vivo in the solubilization procedure [120][121]. The created multi-reservoir nanocarriers
stability and bioavailability, as well as a reduction in undesirable effects and an enhancement efficiently reduced the aromatase activity of both drugs synergistically. This resulted in a
in target-specific activity, will increase the effectiveness of bioactive compounds. It also considerable improvement in antitumor efficacy, as evidenced by a significant decrease in
provides an idea of the bioavailability of phytochemicals, challenges, and limitations of tumour volume from 1466.3 mm3 in the positive control group to 770.55 mm3 and 590.3
standard cancer therapy. It also encompasses recent patents on nanoparticle formulations mm3 in the groups treated with free RSV/MYPs and nanocarriers, respectively [122].
containing a natural anti-cancer molecule.
Most of the synthetic drugs used to treat cancer are targeted at rapidly dividing cells. As a Release pattern of drug
side effect, the body's quickly proliferating cells, under natural conditions such as bone
marrow, digestive tract, and hair follicle cell lines, are also affected. These side effects Rapid clearance and low bioavailability pose significant formulation challenges for highly
include alopecia, cardiotoxicity, constipation, dry mouth, fertility issues, immunosuppression, water-soluble herbal medicines[123]. Furthermore, the medication's rapid release causes
loss of appetite, mucositis, myelosuppression, nausea, neurotoxicity, neutropenia, and many adverse responses after administration since it enters the systemic circulation before
thrombocytopenia[111]. reaching its intended site of action [124],[125]. Berberine, an isoquinoline alkaloid, has high
9 aqueous solubility as well as rapid initial release when exposed to aqueous
Moreover, the successful delivery of bioactive phytochemicals as an ideal chemotherapeutic environments[126]. To extend the release of the drug, Abdelmoneem et al. used two
agent faces several hurdles such as insufficient solubility, low stability, gastrointestinal 5
strategies: hydrophobic ion pairing with sodium deoxycholate (SDC) and entrapment within
absorption and bioavailability, high first-pass metabolism in the liver, chemical degradation, the hydrophobic core of amphiphilic casein micelles[127].
rapid clearance, and lack of selectivity[112]
The use of micelles was efficient in providing sustained BRB release and enhancing tumour- improved pharmacokinetics are attributable to its integration into the lipidic matrix of the
targeting efficacy. In contrast to free BRB, which released rapidly within an hour, the nanocapsule, as well as its improved digestion resistance and oral stability due to
application of genipin-crosslinked micelles reduced burst release significantly, with just 45- glutaraldehyde cross-linking to the water-soluble zein shell. [140]. Celastrol has been
55.5% of BRB released after 24 hours[127]. A study was conducted to evaluate the use of the thoroughly investigated by Freag et al., and the findings point to possible therapeutic
hydrophobic ion pairing (HIP) technique in conjunction with sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) advantages in the management of inflammation and the treatment of cancer [141]. In
before the incorporation of the material into lipid nanoparticles (NPs) [128]. The HIP comparison to the crude suspension (Cmax = 90 Ng/ml), oral administration of CST
95 5
complexation procedure resulted in a considerable reduction in the first burst release of the phytosomes resulted in a statistically significant increase in (Cmax = 460 Ng/ml) and an
5 23
drug from NPs after 2 hours, dropping from 69.65% to 43.8%. Following that, after 24 hours, AUC 0-8 of 410.7 % in rabbits.[141]. Phytosomes have been reported to improve drug
the accumulated drug release for BER/SLSNPs with HIP complexation was 68.4%, compared bioavailability by increasing solubility and absorption into the intestinal mucosa, which is
to 79.45% without it[128]. This study's findings indicated that HIP complexation has a helped by phospholipids [142].
significant impact on drug release duration[128].

Enhanced tumour targeting

Active targeting nanoparticles offer numerous benefits, including improving drug selectivity
The chemical instability of many pharmacologically potent herbal medicines is a major towards specific cells, selectively inducing cell death to avoid harming normal cells,
barrier to their clinical translation[129]. Numerous techniques, including nano-encapsulation, improving anticancer efficacy and accumulation within cancerous cells, and effectively
have been used to improve the stability of these molecules and protect them against regulating drug release [143]. A study successfully targeted both quercetin and sorafenib to
premature breakdown. This increases their bioavailability [130]. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate hepatocellular cancer cells. This was accomplished by chemically linking carbodimide to the
(EGCG) demonstrates the sensitivity of sensitive herbals to pH, temperature, and oxygen, shells of nanocapsules containing lactobionic acid and glycyrhetinic acid, respectively, to the
limiting its possible applications[131]. The great mucoadhesive characteristics of chitosan shell of the nanocapsule containing lactoferrin [144]. LA and GA decoration were used to
nanoparticles in conjunction with lipid nanocarriers have inspired their use. As a result, they precisely target ASGP and GA receptors. Furthermore, LF can target liver cancer cells by
have been used to encapsulate EGCG, boosting its adhesion to the intestinal epithelium and, attaching to LDL-related protein receptors[145]. The improved tumour-targeting ability of
as a result, its absorption and bioavailability [132]. The combination usage of chitosan LF-nanocapsules reduced their interaction with tissues, resulting in less opsonization and
nanoparticles and lipid nanocarriers has been motivated by their effective mucoadhesive faster clearance[146].
characteristics. This has resulted in EGCG entrapment, resulting in higher adsorption to the
The GA/LF nanocapsules had a better tumour-targeting impact, resulting in a 20% drop in
intestinal wall and, as a result, improved absorption, and bioavailability [133]. The observed
5 Ki-67 expression in mice. This contrasts with the 93.76% expression shown in untreated mice
effect can be attributed to the agglomeration of nanoparticles at high pH values, which
models of diethyl nitrosamide-induced HCC, showing a decrease in tumour cell growth.
suppresses the release of drugs and hence improves protective efficacy [134].
Furthermore, the number of liver tumour nodules was reduced by more than 93%[145]. The
refined liver tumour-targeting strategy resulted in fewer side effects and increased safety, as
shown by a considerable improvement in ALT and AST levels [147]. Triptolide, a herbal
medicine with powerful anti-HCC activity, is associated with considerable systemic and male
Several pharmacokinetic benefits of medication nanoencapsulation have been discovered, reproductive toxicity[148]. This toxicity was considerably reduced by including Triptolide in
including improved bioavailability, biodistribution, metabolic stability, membrane galactosylated-chitosan nanoparticles [149]. The condition is characterized by significant
permeability, and sustained activity [135]. Quercetin was efficiently encapsulated by creating decreases in the testes and epididymis indices, as well as the liver and kidney indices. The
a compound with phosphatidylcholine via hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic contact [136]. substantial accumulation of nanoparticles in vivo in liver tumours can be due to their
The pharmacokinetic study found that when quercetin was encapsulated into phytosomes, it internalisation via the asialoglycoprotein receptor, which has a tumour-targeting
was absorbed significantly better than unformulated quercetin delivered at the same dosage function[148], [149].
[137]. The pharmacokinetic parameters of quercetin phytosomes, namely the maximum
concentration (Cmax) and area under the curve (AUC), were significantly larger than those of
free quercetin, according to the current study. The Cmax and AUC of quercetin phytosomes
were found to be 18 to 20-fold greater, respectively, than those of free quercetin [138].
A study found that incorporating resveratrol into zein nanocapsules dramatically improved its
oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetics [139]. When compared to the free drug cosolvent,
which had a half-life of 1.25 hours and a mean clearance of 1.02 ml/h, the nanocapsules had a 40
20 Table no. 01- Phytochemical nano delivery system and its mechanism of action in lung
longer half-life of 8.16 hours and a lower mean clearance of 0.072 ml/h[139]. The drug's
Sr Natural Common Study Nano formulation Mode of Action Ref L. tumor- and cytotoxicity ],
no. Products Source bearing against LLC cells [161
1 Berberine Coptis A549, liquid crystalline The infiltration of [150 C57BL/ were greatly ]
chinensis H157, nanoparticles tumours. The ], 6J mice increased.
H358, activation of T- [151 Liposomes
H460, cells in the ] increased oral
H129 tumour is known bioavailability by
cell as T-cell 47 times as
lines activation. When compared to the
PD-L1 combines free medication.
with and inhibits 11 Genistein Genista A549 Gold nanoparticles Significantly [162
the function of tinctoria L. cell line more antitumor ],
CSN5, it causes activity than free [163
instability. The drug ]
activity of CSN5 4 Honokiol Magnolia H1299 Nanosuspension Interrupting the [164
is diminished by officinalis cell line connection ],
directly binding to between HDAC6 [165
CSN5 at Glu76. and Hsp90 causes ]
2 Catechin Camellia H1299 Chitosan coated- 4When compared [152 MMP-9 protein
hydrate sinensis cells Poly(Lactideco- to non-coated NP ], degradation.
Glycolide) and free CAT, an [153
nanoparticles in vivo ] 10 Myricetin Rosa Male Mesoporous silica A significant drop [166
pulmonokinetic canina L. BALB/c nanoparticles in the growth of ],
investigation (Rosa's hip) nude NCI-H1299 cells [167
showed a mice and A549, as well ]
considerable as a decrease in
improvement in cell viability.
pharmacokinetic Initiates apoptosis
parameters due to caspase-3
(Cmax, AUC). and PARP
3 Chlorophylli chlorophyll A549 Polymeric Modulation of the [154 activation.
n cells nanoparticles expression of ], 13 Naringenin Ficus carica A549 Nanoemulsion In the G3 / M and [168
Bax, Bcl-2, [155 cells pre-G1 phases, ],
caspase-3, and ] line naringenin [169
p53 resulted in nanoemulsion ]
significant greatly increased
cytotoxicity the rate of cellular
against A549 death and cellular
cells. death arrest. In an
4 Curcumin Curcuma A549; Liposomes The regulation of [156 apoptosis assay,
logna A549 the GLUT1/MT1- ], nanoemulsion
xenogra MMP/MMP2 [157 boosted the
ft mice pathway is being ] activity of baux
lowered. and cisplatin-3
while decreasing
5 Epigallocatech Camellia A549 Polymeric By decreasing [158 the expression of
in- 3-gallate sinensis and nanoparticles PD-4 ], cisplatin-2.
H1299 phosphorylation, [159 1 Parthenolide Tanacetum A549, Nanopolymer The Akt-STAT3- [170
cells the unbound ] parthenium H526 [DSPE-PEG2000] mTOR signalling ],
variant enhanced cell pathway is [171
apoptotic capacity lines blocked, resulting ]
in lung cancer in a decrease in
VEGF protein
12 Fisetin Rhus Cotinus LLC Liposomes Cellular uptake [160
expression and an
inhibition of cycle progression
HUVEC motility. at the S stage, and
28 decreasing VEGF
8 Pterostilbene Pterocarpus A549, Ethoniosomes The self-renewal [172 and VEGFR2
santalinus H441 capacity in lung ],
protein synthesis.
cell cancer cells co- [173
lines cultured with M2- ] 16 Tetrandrine Stephania A549 Polymeric By raising the [182
TAMs is reduced, tetrandra S cells nanoparticles levels of tissue ],
resulting in the inhibitor MMP [183
decreased and decreasing ]
expression of β- the levels of
catenin, CD133, MMP-2/MMP-9
MUC1, NF-κB, in the body, the
and Sox2. This nanoparticles
phenomenon can block cell
be characterized migration and
as the suppression invasion more
of self-renewal successfully than
ability. a free medication.
14 Quercetin Curcuma A549 RGD modified The tailored [174 5 Theaflavin Black tea LL2- Gold nanoparticle Cellular invasion, [184
domestica bearing liposomes liposomes ], Lu3 cell
MMP-2 and ],
valeton C57BL/ demonstrated [175 line MMP-9 secretion, [185
6 mice considerable ] ]
and collagen
xenogra improvements in degradation by
ft cancer targeting type IV
and suppression. collagenases are
2 all suppressed.
6 Resveratrol Grape skin LLC; Lyotropic liquid G-MDSC [176
and seeds LLC- crystalline accumulation can ], 18 Vincristine Catharanthu H460 Polymeric The cytotoxicity [186
bearing nanoparticles be controlled by [177 s roseus NSCLC nanoparticles of targeted ],
mice triggering ] cell nanoparticles and [187
apoptosis and free vincristine ]
decreasing their against H460
recruitment. NSCLC cells is
much higher, due
7 Silymarin Silybum LLC- Polycaprolactone/ Tumour [178 to more free
marianum bearing Pluronic F68 progression can ], radical formation
mice be significantly [179 and reduced
slowed by ] mitochondrial
limiting tumour transmembrane
growth, inducing potential.
apoptosis, and
boosting the
infiltration and
activation of
CD8+ T
2 Tanshinone Salvia A549 Nanoemulsion The process of [180 4. A Nanoparticle-based Drug Delivery Strategy Used for Lung Cancer
IIA miltiorrhiza cell line suppressing cell ],
[181 Numerous nanomaterial solutions for the prevention, treatment, and diagnosis of cancer have
growth, triggering
programmed cell ] been developed because of nanotechnology[188]. The most advantageous feature of this
death, halting cell system is its ability to provide high loading capacity for therapeutic and imaging agents due
to nanoparticles' high surface area-to-volume ratio [189].
The following are four significant nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems for lung cancer
that are of general application. These include Solid lipid nanoparticles, Polymeric
nanoparticles, Dendrimers, and Lipid-based polymeric micelles.

4.1. Solid lipid-based approaches

The drug delivery functions of solid lipid nanoparticles (submicron colloids) (particle sizes
ranging from 50 to 1000 nm) have been extensively studied, and the same approach has been
explored and found to be promising for the treatment of lung cancer[190]. Solid lipid
nanoparticles (SLN) are made from lipids. Triglycerides[191], Carnauba Wax[192], Cetyl
Alcohol[193], Emulsifying Wax[192], Beeswax[192], Cholesterol, and Cholesterol
Butyrate[194] are examples of natural and synthetic lipids[195]. According to studies, SLNs
have been used as carriers for a wide range of anticancer drugs, including doxorubicin,
paclitaxel, idarubicin, etoposide, and camptothecins [196]. Drugs can be administered to
SLNs to enhance alignment, mobility, and stability [197]. SLNs have been used to aid in the
diagnosis of pulmonary conditions and the administration of drugs to the respiratory system
[198]. When the lipids used in their composition are compatible, SLNs have a higher safety
profile. This compatibility contributes to their effectiveness in treating lung cancer [199].
These compounds offer several advantages, such as improved absorption by the body,
decreased harmful effects, enhanced drug targeting, and lower manufacturing expenses[200],
These molecules offer several advantages. They have increased bioavailability in living Fig No. 02 Solid lipid nanoparticle preparation by Hot microemulsion method. The hot
organisms, lower toxicity, improved selectivity for targeted drugs, and reduced production microemulsion method is used to create SLNs (solid lipid nanoparticles) of N6FA(N-6-
costs. [202]. Cancer treatment utilizing p53 gene conversion has shown greater effectiveness Furfuryl Adenine). With this method, an optically transparent mixture typically made up of
due to its role in triggering apoptosis, or programmed cell death[203],[204]. an emulsifier, a co-emulsifier, a lipid, and water is diluted. In a beaker of molten lipids, the
medication is added. In a different beaker, polysorbate 80, phospholipon 90 G, and water are
When compared to berberine alkaloids, solid lipid nanoparticles show a greater anti-cancer combined, and the temperature is raised to the lipid melting point. To create a transparent
action in NSCLC. [205]. Berberine hydrochloride, an isoquinoline alkaloid, is an effective microemulsion, this hot aqueous emulsifier mixture is immediately poured into the lipid melt
cancer treatment[206]. Berberine is an anticancer agent that inhibits cancer cell proliferation, while being magnetically stirred. The ice-cold water is immediately transferred into an
arrests the G1/G0 cell cycle, and promotes apoptosis [207]. The inability to dissolve in water equivalent volume of hot microemulsion (hot microemulsion: cold water =1:1 ) while being
has contributed to the limited clinical application and subsequent product development[208]. continuously homogenised for 15 minutes at 12,000 rpm. The crystallisation of the oil
The drawbacks of Berberine comprise a lack of oral assimilation and an elevated metabolic droplets in the hot microemulsion in the aqueous medium led to the formation of SLNs[215],
rate. [209]. [216], [217], [218].
Paclitaxel, an alkaloid anti-cancer drug, has been extensively used in the management of
NSCLC [210], [211], Breast Cancer[212], and Ovarian Cancer[212] for the past 30-40 years.
Researchers did an experiment in which they were able to deliver the active ingredient 4.2. Bio nanoparticles-approaches
paclitaxel straight into the lungs to boost the effectiveness of the treatment. The inhalable Nanoparticles can be employed to overcome the slow absorption, fast metabolism, and
solid lipids nanoparticles were found to be more successful in delivering the active elimination that are common to most natural products; thus, they can be employed to enhance
components epirubicin and doxorubicin, resulting in improved therapeutic advantages, Their bioavailability and focus on specific areas, such as the lungs[219]. Biopolymers are
according to the study's findings.[213], [214]. Fig no. 2 describes Solid lipid nanoparticle classified into three types depending on their properties and molecular structure.
preparation by the Hot microemulsion method. Polysaccharides are several types of chemicals that combine to form polysaccharides.
Cellulose, chitosan, dextran, hyaluronan, guar gum, pectin, sodium alginate, and starch, and
are all polysaccharides. Other types of protein are albumin, gelatin, milk proteins and nucleic
acids make up the final class [220]. To use BBN (Biopolymer nanocarrier) as a drug delivery
vehicle, particle size, electrical charge, and surface area must all be controlled [221]. BBN
provides a great opportunity for bioactive substances to be conveyed to the desired location, Teong et al. discovered that curcumin could be encapsulated in three different types of
garnering the interest of chemists, biologists, and researchers in the pharmaceutical nanoparticles: chitosan-based polymers, gelatin-based gels, and hyaluronic acid-based
field[222]. The main goals of BBN are to enhance the drug's solubility in water, amplify its nanoparticles, with 81%, 67%, and 78% encapsulation rates, respectively. Encapsulated
stability, diminish its degradation, improve its availability in the body, boost its biological curcumin nanoparticles were found to have a 45%, 40%, and 32% increase in apoptotic effect
effectiveness, make it more easily broken down by natural processes, decrease its on A549 cells, compared to pure curcumin, which had a 20% effect on A549 cells [241].
harmfulness, and make it more adaptable to forming gel[223]. Curcumin administered intravenously to rats resulted in higher amounts of curcumin PLGA
nanoparticles in the lung [242].
Polymeric nanoparticles are colloidal entities with spherical or irregular morphologies that
encapsulate or trap bioactive substances [224], [225]. Polymer nanoparticles are made from a Kumar et al. investigated the interaction of NAR/CS nanoparticles with mice lung cancer
variety of biodegradable materials, like polycaprolactone (PCL), polylactic acid (PLA), cells, such as A549 and 3T3-fibroblast cells, using in vitro assays [243]. In NCIH 460 cells,
polyglycolic acid (PLGA), chitosan, and gelatin. Organisms deteriorate PLA and PLGA into R-GNPs loaded with resveratrol increased cellular absorption and availability while
biodegradable monomeric building blocks suitable for biocompatibility[226]. PLA and decreasing cellular viability, intensifying cytotoxicity, increasing DNA impairment, and
PLGA are typically rapidly eliminated by the host's immune system when administered amplifying levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) [244]. Singh et al.
intravenously[227]. To combat this problem and increase its lifespan, nanoparticles are investigated the effects of EGCG-encased PLGA nanoparticles on A549 lung cancer cells.
frequently encased in polyethylene glycol (PEG), a polymer that aids immune system The IC50 values for EGCG encased in PLGA and released EGCG were 9 μm and 60 μm,
clearance [228]. Chitosan is a natural polysaccharide known for its mucoadhesive, respectively. This suggests that the amount of EGCG encapsulated in PLGA required to
immunological, and non-toxic properties [229]. provide an identical anti-protective impact against A549 cells was more than 6X. [245]. Duan
et al. conducted a study that demonstrated the synergistic effects of phenolic compounds
when combined with established chemotherapy drugs[246]. Curcumin has been shown to
BBN production involves a wide range of techniques, including spray drying, electro improve the body's ability to break down doxycycline while decreasing its side effects [247].
spraying, and high-pressure homogenization. Supercritical fluid, electromagnetic spinning, Fig no.03 describes the method of preparation of BBN.
emulsion dispersion, reverse micelle, and emulsified-droplet coalescence are some more
approaches [230]. Viral nanoparticles (VNP) have attracted attention in the field of
biomedical applications, especially in drug delivery, due to their biocompatibility, versatility,
and ability to incorporate various functional moieties through surface modifications[231].
VNPs created from viruses discovered in plants, animals, and bacteria have been used in
various biomedical applications like biomonitoring, bio-imaging, drug and gene delivery, and
vaccine development[232]. Veljanski et al. carried out research in 2012, in which they
merged conventional chemotherapy drugs with genetically altered Oncolytic Viruses (OVs)
as a means of treating lung cancer. This research showed that the deficiency of chemotherapy
in targeting cancer stem cells is effectively compensated by OV-mediated gene therapy[233],
[234]. Robertson et al. 2011 showcased the application of engineered T4 virus nanoparticles
as molecular probes using a comparable approach and further employed this technique to
investigate the mechanisms of uptake in lung cancer (A549) cells[235].
Gelatin, a protein-based biopolymer, is distinguished by its biocompatibility,
biodegradability, low toxicity, and low antigenicity[236]. Polymer nanoparticles have
physicochemical qualities that can be controlled, as well as great stability,
uniformity, encapsulation, and release of drugs capabilities [237]. Because of its FDA
approval, PLGA is the most often used polymer for nanoparticle distribution. In colloidal
suspensions, it is stable and safe, and its controlled release properties have been proven [238].
Whether coated with chitosan or not, PLGA nanoparticles are compatible with A549 cells at
concentrations of up to 5 mg/mL[239]. When the medicine is encapsulated with PLGA
nanoparticles, oral administration enhances bioavailability, causes long-lasting drug release,
and extends the drug's half-life. The study also discovered that using PLGA-PEG Fig no.03, The method of preparation of BBN. Different methods are employed to generate
nanoparticles enhanced peak concentration by 2.9% and 7.4%, respectively [240]. the nanoparticles, depending on the medicinal product to be incorporated into the polymer
NPs. In the solvent evaporation process, an oil-in-water (o/w) emulsion must first be
prepared, which results in the formation of nanospheres. The emulsification/Solvent
Diffusion Method entails the creation of an o/w emulsion between an aqueous solution Lipid-based polymeric micelles are a form of nanoparticle with a hydrophobic core capable
containing a surfactant and a sparingly water-miscible solvent comprising a biopolymer and of encapsulating drugs and a hydrophilic shell that allows for extended circulation time. This
medication. The salting-out approach is based on the separation of a hydro-miscible solvent property permits them to accumulate in solid tumours after injection, outperforming
from an aqueous solution via a salting-out phenomenon that has the potential to produce conventional nanoparticle solutions[269]. Kim and colleagues successfully created a novel
nanospheres. Two miscible solvents are needed for the nanoprecipitation process, commonly polymeric micelle arrangement of paclitaxel without the use of Cremophor. This formulation
known as the solvent displacement method[248], [249], [250], [251], [252], [253], [254], has been approved for the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in
[255]. South Korea and numerous European countries [270]. Li et al. carried out a research
investigation and disclosed outcomes regarding the utilization of aggregation-induced
4.3. Dendrimers
emission in polymeric micelles laden with cisplatin for cellular visualization and therapy
Dendrimers are synthetic polymeric molecules that are symmetrical, nanosized, and have [271].
highly organized, frequently branched structures[256], [257]. They are good for drug delivery
Paclitaxel and itraconazole encapsulated polymeric micelles have been shown to have lower
because they have anionic, neutral, or cationic functional groups[258]. These molecules have 34
toxicity when it was used in the treatment of NSCLC [272]. The goal of this study was to see
a globular shape and are monodisperse and homogeneous [259]. Dendrimers are created
how well polymeric micelles containing docetaxel combined with alpha conotoxin delivered
using a precise polymeric technique that involves electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. 10
docetaxel to a variety of A549 Non-Small Cell Lung Cell (NSCLC) cell lines [273]. Reshma
Surface modification may improve the biodegradability of dendrimers [260]. Nanocarriers 8
et al. investigated the efficacy of paclitaxel-loaded galactoxyloglucan nanoparticles in lung
have enormous potential for cancer treatment due to their symmetrical construction, massive
cancer cells, identifying them as a possible drug-resistance solution. Notably, they were able
load capacity, and ability to degrade naturally [261].
to inhibit the production of multi-drug resistance proteins [274]. Fig No. 05- Depicts method
Dendrimers have emerged as a viable solution to the problems associated with therapeutic of preparation of polymeric micelles by oil in water emulsion
candidates that lack solubility, toxicity, or stability. They have a lot of potential as carriers for
increasing the therapeutic value of these medicines[262]. Dendrimers' capacity to use precise
ligands for targeted pharmaceutical delivery to specific tissues increases therapeutic efficacy,
making them a promising medium for lung cancer treatment [263]. Several lung cancer drugs
are coupled with dendrimers to boost their efficacy and reduce undesirable side effects[264].
When combined with doxorubicin, the pH-reactive property of fifth-generation PEGylated
poly(amidoamine) dendrimers increased therapy efficacy and specific targeting of lung
cancer [265]. PEGylated fifth-generation poly(amidoamine) dendrimers are used to improve
the water solubility and targeted medication delivery of imatinib into cancer cells[266], [267].
Fig No. 04 depicts the approaches for the synthesis of dendrimers.

Fig No.04- The approaches for the synthesis of dendrimers are synthesised using two Fig No. 05- Method of preparation of polymeric micelles by oil in water emulsion. The oil-
methods. In the Divergent Method, dendrimers are prepared using ammonia as the trivalent in-water emulsion approach is used to create polymeric micelles of drug-loaded chitosan
core. The Convergent Method involves the Synthesis of branches, wedges, or dendrons [268]. derivatives. To create polymeric micellar solutions, chitosan derivatives are dispersed and
86 ultrasonically processed in distilled water. In another beaker drug is dissolved in chloroform.
4.4. Lipid-based polymeric micelles 2
After that, the organic drug solution is gradually added to the aqueous phase, combined at a
speed of 1000 rpm on a magnetic stirrer until the chloroform has completely evaporated, then but also allowed for drug accumulation in the lung with minimal drug accumulation in other
allowed for 24 hours to reach equilibrium[275]. organs, resulting in fewer adverse side effects.
5. Localized pulmonary approaches 7. A combination phytochemical nano formulations and anticancer drugs for lung
73 cancer
Pulmonary drug delivery is a non-invasive method of administering a drug or bioactive
compound through inhalation[276]. Drug delivery through the pulmonary route offers The combination treatment demonstrated consistent therapeutic efficacy in treating different
numerous advantages, encompassing both local and systemic applications. These advantages types of solid tumours [298], [299]. Tumour drug resistance hinders successful treatment,
primarily stem from its ability to achieve high bioavailability by circumventing the first-pass leading to tumour recurrence or treatment failure. Combining natural products with
metabolism and facilitating a rapid onset of action through direct targeting of the intended anticancer drugs may improve therapeutic outcomes. Natural products are more effective,
site (lung carcinoma cells[277]), self-administration (like how asthma patients use inhalation less toxic, and control signal pathways to enhance immunogenicity[300]. The increasing
devices), non-invasive administration, and increased patient compliance[278], [279]. One of amount of scientific proof indicates that the utilization of a blend of natural components and
the major difficulties with cancer chemotherapy is the fact that the anticancer agent is not anti-cancer drugs might result in enhanced therapeutic effects.
specifically targeted/distributed and the serious side effects that can result[280].
The growth of advanced pharmaceutical delivery systems has been made possible by
However, nanoparticles sprayed will not be able to enter your lungs directly. They are blown technological progress[301]. Biomaterial carriers utilized in cancer therapy comprise a
out when you breathe them in and will not settle in your alveoli because they are too small (< diverse array of both natural and synthetic materials. The treatment of tumours requires the
1 μm)[281]. The ideal particle size for getting into your lungs is between 1 and 5 μm [282]. precise targeting of therapeutic agents to tumour cells[302]. Both drugs and materials have
Excipients such as leucine can be used to reduce the size of nanoparticles during the spray- been discovered to aid in the localization of active compounds and to either decrease or
drying process to generate microparticles. Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) can deliver these enhance the impact of active substances on both healthy and cancerous cells. Certain
microparticles to the lungs. DPIs are a type of portable solid powder delivery system that substances possess properties that can combat cancer, and when combined with medications,
does not require propellants[276]. When compared to aerosols and nebulizers, DPIs often they enhance its efficacy.
provide a more stable profile for the loaded bioactive compound[283].
To enhance the bioavailability of drugs, various forms of drug delivery systems are available,
Lots of different drugs have been tested to see if they can help with local or systemic including nanoscale, microscale, and macroscale systems[303]. Polysaccharides are
pulmonary delivery[284]. Polymeric nanoparticles are used to deliver micromolecules, frequently blended with other polymers to give them the properties they require, such as the
genetic material, and protein/peptides into the lungs[285], [286], [287], [288], [289], [290], ability to encapsulate, stabilize, and release pharmaceuticals. Pectin, for example, is a
[291]. Scutellarin, a flavone, was mixed into polymeric microparticles made of biocompatible and biodegradable natural, high-quality macromolecule polymer utilized for
sodium hyaluronate, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), and poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA)[292]. The medication delivery[304], [305]. Furthermore, multiple studies have demonstrated that the
average particle size ranged from 1.95 to 2.83 μm, making it suitable for inhalation use[293]. protein pectin can inhibit cancer cell proliferation[306], [307].
The particles were given through the pulmonary pathway and later assessed for their ability to 44
The combination of anlotinib and Brucea Javanica oil, a traditional Chinese remedy, has been
be absorbed by the body [294]. The study discovered that inhaling scutellarin had a 77%
proven to have a stronger impact on suppressing the growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis of
higher bioavailability than taking it orally, which is 30 times higher[295]. 44
liver cancer associated with SCLC. Furthermore, the combination of anlotinib and Brucea
It has been discovered that combining polymer nanoparticles with standard anticancer drugs Javanica oil has been linked to a reduction in weight loss in both a weight loss model and
like cisplatin and doxorubicin can improve efficacy or reduce negative effects [296]. With a normal mice following anlotinib treatment[308].
slow-release profile, the microparticles were found to be in the optimal range of 1-5 μm[297].
By suppressing the inflammatory surroundings of the tumour, the fusion of fei-liu-ping
The research findings revealed that intravenous distribution of the microspheres resulted in a 69
6 ointment and cyclophosphamide has demonstrated its ability to impede the development and
higher medicine concentration in the kidney and liver than in the lung. In contrast, pulmonary 13
infiltration of lung cancer. Consequently, it can be employed either independently or in
administration resulted in a significant buildup of the medicine in the lung, with limited
conjunction with the established treatment for pneumonia associated with inflammation[309].
deposition in other organs [296]. 2
In research conducted by Liu et al., they showed that the combination of fei-liu-ping ointment
Furthermore, 6 hours after pulmonary administration, paclitaxel and quercetin concentrations and celecoxib had a suppressive impact on the inflammatory microenvironment of the tumour
in the lung remained high (206.27 g/g). At the same time, they were comparatively low in the in an LLC xenograft model[310].
heart (2.61 μg/g), kidney (5.01 μg/g), liver (8.82 μg/g), and spleen (6.94 μg/g)[296]. 22
The protein Disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM9), which is categorized as a type I
However, 6 hours after intravenous administration, paclitaxel concentrations were less than 5
transmembrane protein, exhibits an increased expression level in various forms of cancer,
μg/g in all organs, and quercetin was found to increase paclitaxel circulatory time [296].
such as lung cancer[311], [312], [313]. The study conducted by Lin and his colleagues
Results indicate that pulmonary microparticle delivery not only increased drug retention time,
showed that a refined version of ADAM9 enables cancer cell invasion to multiply using
connections formed between tumours and stromal cells[314]. Therefore, it has been
2 98
discovered that Resveratrol hampers the manifestation of ADAM9 protein in A549 and Bm7 apoptosis in the same cell line.
cells through the process of ubiquitin-mediated peptide formation. Moreover, a coherent anti- 7 Thymoquinone and Female The combination of thymoquinone and low-dose [327]
tumour result was observed when Resveratrol was concurrently administered with Dasatinib cisplatin SCID cisplatin (2.5 mg/kg i.p. weekly) had no negative
mice effects on hepatic or renal function. This finding
(DAT) or 5-fluorouridine (5-FU)[315]. Research has illustrated that the utilization of
supports the notion that combining thymoquinone 4
carnositol, ginsensoide Rh2, and ginseng aqueous extract augments cisplatin antitumor and cisplatin is a valuable therapeutic approach for
potency by diminishing the manifestation of Pd-L1, stifling MDSCs, and regulating the LC, as thymoquinone effectively suppresses NF-kB
polarization of macrophages[316], [317]. and counteracts cisplatin resistance caused by NF-
kB overexpression, thereby increasing the drug's
Another study found that quercetin worked synergistically with curcumin to treat lung cancer efficacy.
in animals. By altering the p53 gene, the combination of quercetin and curcumin resulted in 8 Tetrandrine, Human The combination of cisplatin and gemcitabine has a [328]
considerable chemoprevention and promoted apoptosis of lung cancer cells [318]. The gemcitabine and trial synergistic antineoplastic effect, increasing
combination of lactone deoxyelethephantopin and cisplatin has been demonstrated to cisplatin treatment efficacy. Furthermore, tetrandrine
administration has been proven to improve patient
diminish lung metastases in B16 melanoma mice, as well as to reduce cisplatin's adverse survival rates while simultaneously reducing the
effects in animals. It also aids in the reduction of lung metastasis caused by nephrosis, side effects of chemotherapy.
haematological difficulties, and weight loss[319]. Apigenin in conjunction with 9 Paclitaxel and Human Weekly Paclitaxel treatment has been shown to [329]
therapeutically active tyroservatide has demonstrated encouraging results in the treatment of carboplatin/cisplatin trial effectively lower toxicity levels while
lung cancer patients[320]. Table No.03 discusses the mechanism of action of a combination simultaneously improving the efficacy
and intensity
of synthetic drug and phytochemical drug formulation. of the pharmaceutical dosage. Paclitaxel on days 1
and 8, combined with cisplatin once every three
Table No.03 Combination drugs (synthetic and phytochemical) in the treatment of lung weeks, is well-tolerated.
cancer. 10 Curcumin and H520 Both drugs induce apoptosis by raising the [330]
vinorelbine cells expression of Bax and Bcl-xs and lowering the
Sr Combination Study Results Refs. expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL.
No. Drugs
1 Cisplatin and Cisplatin Fisetin suppressed cellular viability while also [321]
Fisetin resistant blocking the MAPK/survivin pathway, potentially
A549-CR reversing cisplatin resistance.
cells 6. The evaluation parameters for phytochemical nano formulations
2 Paclitaxel and HepG2 The downregulation of NF-kB and MMP-9 by [322] Particle size, zeta potential, drug-loading capacity, encapsulation efficiency, surface
Phloretin cell phloretin could reveal the improved inhibitory functionalization, in vitro release profile, biocompatibility, cytotoxicity, rheological
xenograft action of paclitaxel.
properties, in vivo pharmacokinetics, and stability in biological fluids are among84
in mice
assessment criteria for phytochemical nano formulation. The optimization of these
3 Genistein and H460 Preconditioning with genistein, followed by low- [323] parameters is important for the development of effective and safe nano formulations of
docetaxel cells dose docetaxel delivery, results in increased phytochemicals for drug delivery applications. These parameters help to tailor formulations
suppression of cell growth and induction of to specific therapeutic goals, enhance bioavailability and minimize potential side
apoptosis, outperforming the individual effects of effects[331].
either medication.
4 Paclitaxel and A549 In the framework of paclitaxel-emodin combination [324]
Nano formulations are essential formulations made with a delivery vehicle known as a
4 nanoparticle that will assist in delivering the medicine to the desired spot while improving the
emodin xenograft therapy, emodin has been shown to increase Bax
model and caspase-3 expression while decreasing Bcl-2, p- physiochemical properties of the drugs. Nanotechnology or nano formulations have picked
Akt, and p-ERK levels. The combination of these the interest of the pharmaceutical industry 89
as they help to overcome the solubility,
variables increases paclitaxel-induced apoptosis. bioavailability, and efficacy issues of some of the drugs also providing the targeted delivery
5 Alpinetin and cis- A549 Alpinetin was found to be more effective at [325] of the drug.
diammined increasing the responsiveness of drug-resistant lung
dichloridoplatium cancer cells to cisdiammined dichloridoplatium. It The challenge lies in the formulation, in selection of a nano vehicle that is a delivery system
also inhibited cellular growth, aided apoptosis, and which should be compatible with the drug to be administered. After the 55
drug release, the
hampered the PI3K/Akt signalling pathway. empty nano vehicles remaining in the body may lead to toxicity which can be reduced by
6 Solamargine and H661 and Concurrent administration of solamargine and [326] using natural nano delivery systems. The nano delivery system could use excipients like gold
trastuzumab H69 cells trastuzumab results in increased reduction of cell or silver nanoparticles,
phospholipids, and dendrimers. The fundamental part is to evaluate
growth, but concomitant administration of the nanoparticles for particle size, surface charge, entrapment efficacy, drug release, and
solamargine and low-toxic epirubicin promotes toxicity of nanoparticle. Nanoparticles are of different shapes, sizes, and structures and may
be conical, cylindrical, spherical, tubular, hollow core, spiral, etc., or irregular with the size of diameter layer. The
NPs varying from 1 to 100 nm[332], [333]. marinoso effective
mes were cytotoxic
The methods usually adopted for particle size evaluation include Cryo TEM, and dynamic formed. effect was
light scattering techniques.
Typically, Cryo TEM is used for morphology
study. As a seen at 72
separation approach for analysing the size and size distribution of liposomal nanoparticles, hr on A549
asymmetric-flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) has proved its robustness and efficiency. cells and
after 24 hrs
Determination of the composition of nanoparticles involves finding the concentration of each on HUVEC
12 cells.
component. Usually, a centrifugal filter machine like microcon is used. the
free/unencapsulated drug concentration and actual encapsulated drug concentration are 16 16
determined. Usually, HPLC, a UV detection method coupled with LCMS could be used. The Curcumin Liposomes Nanoparti Zeta 90.89% and drug Surface
zeta potential technique is used to determine the surface properties of nanoparticles. The and thin film hydration- cle size potential 80.41% for release of charge,
purity of the drug is to be assessed by studying the correct structure and assay procedures. bromocriptin sonication method. achieved evaluated the liposome- liposome- electrostatic
The excipients are usually added for stability and shelf life. The nanomaterial composition e (BR) Excipient used
curcumin and BR , nano-
103 Soybean liposome-BR nanoparticl nutraceutic
should be assessed for purity. The quality of the starting material is important to formulate a
phospholipids with nanoparticles es (60%) is al
quality and stable product[334].
75% phosphatidyl- , greater than liposomal
The stability can be assessed by size distribution and size as a function of time. The choline, 2-stearoyl- respectively. that of formulation
aggregation should be monitored. The centrifugal stability, storage conditions, and the effect sn-glycerol-3- liposome- [337]
29 phosphoenol- curcumin
of temperature are some of the factors that may affect the stability of the product. It is critical
amine, and sodium nanoparticl
to monitor medication leakage, release, and degradation in real-time. As stipulated by the
12 12 salt es (20%) at
FDA, ensuring batch-to-batch consistency is critical for translational purposes. Batch-to- the same
batch consistency should be evaluated by selecting relevant factors (such as lot release time.
criteria) that are directly related to the desired in vivo outcome [335]. In Table No. 02 the Enhanced
curcumin nanoparticle physiochemical parameters have been discussed. solubility
Table no. 02 the curcumin nanoparticle physiochemical parameter bioavailabil
Phytochemic Method of Evaluation Parameters
al preparation of Cytotoxicit
Nano formulation y effect
Particle Zeta Entrapment Activity Stability
size potential Efficiency Study
Curcumin Marinosomes The The The higher More Surface
particle negative the lipid antioxidant charge,
The thin drug-lipid size charge of weight activity in Oxidative
film method after distributio zeta higher the curcumin Physical,
refluxing n single potential entrapment marinosom electrostatic
The drug is peak. values
es than the , stable
refluxed with the High could be high free controlled 9. Challenges in Targeting Lung Cancer Using Phytochemical nanodelivery system
lipids for 2 h. power due to the encapsulation curcumin release
Plant-based goods have been used as cures and therapeutic products since the dawn of time.
Krill lipid extract sonication. partition efficiency (> which may nano-
was used. The higher of the 90%) at a be because nutraceutic The fundamental challenge in using plant-derived phytochemicals for therapeutic reasons is
the negativel lipid/drug of the al their scarcity, high hydrophilic content, or low lipid solubility, which limits membrane
concentrat y charged ratio of 15/1 synergistic liposomal permeability. Furthermore, the metabolic enzymes (Phase I and Phase II) that hydrolyze,
ion of phospholi (w/w) antioxidant formulation oxidize, and decrease the chemical carry out excessive metabolism, increasing its clearance
lipid pids and effect of [336] rate even further[338]. In humans, for example, an oral dose of 3.6g of curcumin per day is
smaller the free fatty phospholipi 15
size. acids into d on required to achieve 11.1 NMol/L serum levels, as the lower amount is undetectable in
Uniform the lipid curcumin.
plasma[339]. Furthermore, a minimum of 5g of Resveratrol per day is required to induce biological effects [353]. For instance, rod-shaped nanoparticles are more toxic and dangerous
apoptosis[340]. than sphere-shaped nanoparticles [354]. Moreover, the macrophages may not consistently
possess the capacity to fully assimilate elongated fibres, thereby impeding their elimination
Some treatments, including tailored methods, nano-associative delivery, and photothermal
from the organism and resulting in inflammatory responses [355]. A complicating factor that
therapy (PTT), can overcome these weaknesses and open opportunities for research and
93 further adds complexity is the capacity to modify the surface composition of nanoparticles,
oncology specialists[341]. Sulforaphane is used as a chemical prodrug for the treatment of
consequently modifying the bio-responsiveness. For example, carbon nanotubes are often
chemically caused cancers of the lungs, skin, abdomen, colorectal cancer, oral cancer, and
considered resistant to biodegradation, but when carbon nanotubes are functionalized, they
bladder cancer due to its activity as a particular Nrf- 2 signalling inducer [342]. Another
may exhibit solubility in water and can be quickly excreted through renal mechanisms [356].
focused technique is apocynin, which binds to tubulin and causes depolarization in the
94 Because there are so many ways to vary the shape, size, and chemistry of particles, and
microtubule network, culminating in autophagy-induced cell death. This depolarization 17
because even minor changes in the physicochemical qualities can have a significant impact
inhibits lung cancer growth, progression, and invasion[343]. As a result, the focused strategy
on how they behave, it's critical to assess the safety of each substance separately.
of using phytochemicals lowers bioavailability, metabolism, and non-selectivity-related
restrictions[344]. Extensive research has been conducted on nano-mediated target delivery of
phytochemicals for cancer treatment. It has been discovered to improve the pharmacokinetic
11. The Future of phytochemical nano formulations in Lung Cancer Treatment
qualities of a variety of important medications while also lowering their related negative
effects[345]. Herbal medicines are currently chosen because they are more economical and readily
available on the market; however, advancements in their composition and drug delivery
Nano-carriers move swiftly through the tiny capillaries and may be easily accessible to
mechanisms are required. Lung cancer is a particularly deadly and widespread type of cancer.
tumour cells, enhancing the bioavailability of important medications. Nano-carriers also
To cure it, we must first understand how lung cancer works by employing potent biomarkers
ensure consistent and regulated medication release at the site of the target[346]. This strategy
15 at various phases of the disease, such as forecasting, diagnosing, and prognosticating.
is based mostly on the idea that nanoparticles attach to specific target receptors that are 24
Because of the various types of research now undertaken in the field of herbal medical goods,
overstimulated in cancer cells, facilitating receptor-mediated entrance into the cell[347].
15 a wide range of compounds will be available. Modifying ingredients can make progress in
There are nano-drug delivery methods available that can target specific biomarkers of lung
producing semi-synthetic therapeutic medicines.
cancer using potent natural products such as dendrimers, micro-organisms nanotubes,
nanoparticles, and liposomes [348]. Theranostics, which is formed from the phrase therapeutics and diagnostics, refers to a
holistic approach that includes the use of pharmaceuticals for both cancer diagnosis and
A recent review found that clinical research on herbal medicines has its own set of limitations
therapy. Theranostic approaches strive to integrate diagnostic and treatment strategies to
and obstacles[349]. Comprehensive evaluations of herbal therapeutic items can be difficult
optimise patient outcomes. Furthermore, it aids in combating chemo responsiveness in breast
due to the range of herbal therapies. As a result, it is recommended that quality control be
cancer[357]. DOX and CUR administration mechanisms are pH-dependent and serve as a
performed for cancer research including herbal medicine and plant-based substances, as well
chemical preservative. The magnetic NC's surface was covered with hydroxyapatite, which
as pharmacokinetics investigations with herbal medical products. In addition, the components
underwent cross-linking with b-cyclodextrin, thereby enhancing the bioavailability of
of herbal medical items have been shown to have antitumor effects against lung cancer.
curcumin. The assessment of therapeutic efficacy was based on the observed reduction in
Because therapeutic performance may fluctuate between batches, the Quality of Life (QoL)
tumour dimensions[358]. In an alternative investigation, nano-curcumin was jointly
of herbal medicinal products should be of particular importance[350].
administered with UCNPs (Rare Earth Doped Up Conversion Nanoparticle). PLGA (Lactic-
Furthermore, in the available literature on the use of herbal medicinal items in lung cancer Co-Glycolic Acid) was utilized to facilitate the enduring dispensation of the medication and
treatment, the lack of a consistent methodology, the potential for bias, and the small number its liberation, aiming to reduce non-specific tissue absorption and enhance the solubility in
of patients included in the study have been repeatedly highlighted[351]. Clinical trials water[359].
utilizing phytochemical substances, on the other hand, have some difficulties, such as a lack
Another extensively used targeted delivery technology is PTT (Photo Thermal Therapy). This
of consistent batch distribution during the randomized-control research[352]. Therefore, to
technology saves time and regulates the distribution of vital medicine, lowering the
confirm the adequacy of phytochemicals as well as to overcome the difficulties of clinical
likelihood of severe side effects linked with the surrounding healthy tissues greatly[360].
trials, novel specific methods are continually sought to overcome the difficulties associated
Near-infrared light also illustrates the possibility of using an external stimulus in photo
with phytochemicals.
thermotherapy. Because of its low invasiveness and absence of injury to peripheral healthy
10. Nanotoxicology tissues, photo thermotherapy has received much attention as a cancer treatment[361].
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understanding of their biocompatibility, bioavailability, and biodegradability. Nanoparticles' phytochemicals might be eliminated. To illustrate, the incorporation of therapy could serve as
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