Questionnaire - Team and Quality - Form HQ2

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Form HQ2 Code No.



Introduction - This questionnaire is designed to collect information on (i) the characteristics of work teams, and (ii)
perceived quality of team performance in general. Please be assured that this survey is anonymous and you can
withdraw from the survey at any point. The data will be kept confidential and used for academic purpose only.

Part A: Team character, processes and leader.

1. What is the size of your current team? ________ (persons)
2. Most of the team members are: male ○ female ○ same number of male & female ○
3. Level of the team in your organization: operational ○ middle-level ○ top management ○
4. Service nature of your team: external – eg customer service ○ internal – HR, accounting, etc. ○

Please indicate your level of agreement to the following statements. strongly strongly
disagree  agree
Team Use Extent within Your Organization 1 2 3 4 5

5. My company often uses teams to solve problems. O O O O O

6. When there is a chance for improvement, company forms teams to find the O O O O O

7. There are many opportunities for staff to participate in team works. O O O O O

8. Communication format is: Type _____。(trusting your team size is 6 – 20 people)

Type I Type II Type III Type IV

[Notes: One-way communication; two-way communication]

Part B: Perceived team performance: Compared with the “very best team” you had led in the past, please rate
the performance of your CURRENT TEAM on the following dimensions:
very very
dissatisfied  satisfied
1 2 3 4 5
9. Efficiency O O O O O
10. Quality of work O O O O O
11. Technical innovation O O O O O
12. Creativity O O O O O
13. Adherence to schedule/budget O O O O O
14. Overall performance excellence O O O O O

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Form HQ2 Code No. ______________________

Part D: Personal Profile: please give us some general information about you.

15 Gender Male ○ Female ○

16 Age <20 ○ 20-29 ○ 30-39 40-49 ○ 50+ ○

17 Qualifications High School ○ Bachelor ○ Masters ○ others______

18 Position/Title Sales/Marketing Administrative/ Professional/ Managerial/ Others

Executive Supporting Engineering Executive ___________
○ ○ ○ ○

19 Years working in the < 1yrs 1 to <2 yrs 2 to <4 yrs 4 to < 8 yrs 8 yrs & above
organization ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

20 Sector Gaming/hotel Finance/bank Govt./public Retail/business Others

○ ○ ○ ○ ___________
*** Dear Sir/Madam, please insert the completed form to “MPI” envelope, seal and sign it! Thanks!

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