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MIX: Determinants of Campaign Strategy Benefits of Market Segmentation

1. Increased resource efficiency
Market Segmentation and Target Market 2. Stronger brand image
What is Market Segmentation? 3. Greater potential for brand loyalty
- Is a marketing term that refers to aggregating 4. Stronger market differentiation
prospective buyers into groups or segments with 5. Better targeted digital advertising
common needs and who respond similarly to a
marketing action. Marketing Mix
What is Target Market? ✓ The combination of product offering used to
- Group of people most likely to buy a product reach the target markets for the organization. It is
Target Market and Market Segmentation Market an optimum combination of all marketing
segmentation- Dividing a groups of customers, or ingredients that help company realize its goals and
“segments” objectives.
✓ It is a mix of internal controllable marketing
Types of Market Segmentation variables – Product, Price, Place, and Promotion,
Demographic Segmentation that best meet the needs of targeted customer.
✓ It t refers to splitting up audiences based on ✓ The ideal marketing mix will vary depending on
observable, people based differences. the target market, and it's crucial to adapt the
✓ Relatively easily accessible and low-cost to marketing mix to the target audience to reach
obtain maximum potential for profitability.
Demographic Segmentation
✓ A customer locations can help you better 4P’s
understand their needs and enable you to send out 1. Product – should satisfy customer needs or
locations-specific ads. ✓ country, state, zip code, desire and fill a void in the marketplace or offer
climate, population density unique experience .that spikes demand.
Behavioral Segmentation 2. Price – should reflect current market trends and
✓ It studies the behavioral traits of consumers, not be too high or low.
which include their knowledge of, attitude towards, 3. Place – where the product can be purchased
use of, response to a product, service promotion, should be suitable for the product and target
or brand. audience.
✓ 4 Major types to look up (Purchasing and Usage 4. Promotion – should send the right message at
Behavior, Occasion Purchasing, Benefits Sought, the right time.
and Customer Loyalty)
Psychographics Segmentation
✓ Similar to Demographic but deals more with
characteristics that are more mental and emotional
✓ Personality Traits, Interests, Beliefs, Values,
Attitudes, Lifestyle

How to Implement Market Segmentation?

Step 1. Define your market
Step 2. Segment your market
Step 3. Understand your market
Step 4. Create your customers segments
Step 5. Test your marketing strategy

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