Play Lesson Plan Template

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Play Lesson Plan



Cuspóirí / Aims
The child will be enabled to

Objectives specific to:

List the different play centres and the objectives associated with each one. In a class of 25
children, there would usually be around 5 play centres (5 children per group).


Classroom Organisation
The children will work in colour-coded groups and will undertake the activity dictated by
the play sequence chart. The children will be allowed to participate in ‘choice activities’
after they have spent a period of time in their assigned activity.

The children will gather on the rug in their ‘play groups’ (list group names). Describe
how planning will take place (whole class, small groups or in partners). I will
demonstrate how to use any new play materials. I will use role play to model appropriate
behaviour if necessary.

The children move to their play area.
I will move around the class ensuring that:
 Each child is located at his/her appropriate play station.
 He/she is equipped with the materials necessary for activity.
 The child understands the task required.

I will use the grid below to guide my interactions, noting anything of interest as I play
with different groups (for discussion in review/planning). I will use my ‘Assessment
Checklist’ in the first session. This week the skill that I will focus on is _____________-
this skill is probably best assessed at the ______________. I will take photographs of
anything of interest for inclusion in the review session (optional).
5 min. 10min. 15min. 15min.
Monday Settle Sand (I will use Socio-dramatic Construction
the assessment play
checklist for
this activity)
Tuesday Settle Sand Junk Art Small world

Wednesday Settle sand Choice area- Socio-dramatic

puppets and play
Thursday Settle sand Construction Junk Art

Friday Settle sand Small world Choice area -

(This grid can vary. The student teacher may choose to spend the full play session
working with one group in the play centre related to the targeted skill/disposition on the
play assessment checklist. The grid will then indicate which group the student teacher
plans to work with each day.)

 Tidying up then takes place whereby materials are gathered at each play station
and nominated group leaders return the materials to their cupboard/shelf.

 When the materials are tidy, all the children will return to the rug.

 Using the photographs that have been loaded onto the SMARTboard (optional,
can just be discussion based), I will invite a number of children to describe the
activity in which they engaged. I will note who had the opportunity to share their
work in this session.

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