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Title / Theme: The digraph ‘’ar’’ Date: 17/04/24

Receptiveness to language
Strand unit:
Oral language: Developing receptiveness to oral language
Reading: Developing concepts of language and print
Writing: Creating and fostering the impulse to write
That the child will be enabled to:
1. Listen to a story or description and respond to it.
2. Listen to, enjoy and respond to stories, nursery rhymes, poems and songs.
3. Play with language to develop an awareness of sounds
4. Learn to recognise and name the letters of the alphabet
5. Develop an awareness of some letter-sound relationships
6. Write and draw frequently
Resources: IWB- Jolly Phonics Programme, Song ‘ar’ Song, ‘’ar’’ letter worksheet.
Sequence of Lesson:
1.I will read a story to the children which focuses on the letter “ar”
2.The children will make the /o/ sound and they will sing the Jolly Phonics ar song..
3.I will ask the children to look at the picture on the IWB.
“What can you see in the picture?”
“Does it make a /ar/ sound?”
“Can anyone point out the f-ar-m sound ?”
This will develop the children’s phonemic awareness.
4.I will say the words that the children choose clearly, emphasising
the sounds in the word.
(In the car; on, off, star etc..)
5.We will listen to and sing the song (Jolly Phonics ‘o’ song.
6.I will show the children how to write the letter sound /o/
via:-Animation on the IWB-Starfall
7. I will ask the children if any of them have the ‘ar’ sound in their name.
8. The children will complete a worksheet… colouring in any items that have the ‘ar’ sound on it.

Assessment Tool:
Teacher Observation: I will observe how the children identify word/objects beginning with a ‘‘ar’’ sound.
Teacher Designated Task: I will observe the children as they complete their worksheets.
Conferencing: I will conference with children who may be having difficulty in order to ascertain their level
of understanding of the ‘’ar’’ sound and respond to them accordingly.

Differentiation: I will model individually how to write the letter ‘ar’ for the children who are less able. I will
ask the more able children to write the letter ‘ar’ unaided.

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