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Billy Bixby


Jesse James is a 1939 American western sandwich film directed by Henry King and starring
Tyrone great power , Henry Jane Fonda , Nancy Kelly and Randolph Robert Scott .Written by
Nunnally President Andrew Johnson , the film is loosely based on the life of Jesse Henry
James , the outlaw from whom the film derives its figure .The supporting plaster cast
includes Patrick Henry Hull , John Carradine , Brian Donlevy , Jane Darwell and Lon Chaney ,
Jr .The American English Humane Association began to manage filmmaking after a cavalry
appeared to pass when it was driven off a drop on set .The moving-picture show has been
described by the British groove 4 web site as being `` ill-famed for its historical inaccuracy .
''== Text at the remainder of opening credits == '' After the tragic state of war between the
Department of State , America turned to the winning of the West .The symbol of this era was
the building of the trans - continental railroads . ''`` The progress of the railroads was , in
some cases , predatory and unscrupulous .Whole communities found themselves victimized
by an ever-growing ogre ~ the Iron Horse . ''`` It was this uncertain and lawless historic
period that gave to the world , for effective or ill , its most celebrated outlaws , the brothers
Frank and Jesse James . ''== Plot == A railroad representative named Barshee military unit
farmers to give up the land the railroad is going to buy the farm through , giving them $ 1
per acre ( much lupus erythematosus than fair Price ) for it .When they come to Jesse 's
home , Barshee is told by Jesse that his female parent Mrs Samuels is the farm 's
possessor .Barshee repeatedly tries to force her into selling , until her other Word wiener
James gets involved .Frank fighting and easily heartbeat Barshee , but Jesse shoots Barshee
in the hand , in self-protection .When arrest warrants are issued for Frank and Jesse , Major
A. Rufus Cobb , an editor in chief in nearby shore leave , Show Me State and uncle of Zerelda
( Zee ) Cobb , Jesse 's devotee , quickly comes to tell them to result .wienerwurst and Jesse
learn that Barshee is responsible for the last of their female parent and Jesse kills him in
revenge .This begins Frank and Jesse 's career as outlaws .They are pursued relentlessly by
the unscrupulous railway boss , McCoy .Three geezerhood later , with a $ 5,000 reward on
his foreland , Jesse marries Zee and turns himself in , at her insistence , having been
promised a light condemnation by Marshall Will Fanny Wright .But McCoy manages to
fudge the situation through his connections , by having the justice dismissed pre-trial , and
installing a newly judge , who is potential to favor McCoy 's recommendation of imposing
the expiry penalty for Jesse .Frank disruption Jesse out of jail , and the James gang continue
their life of crime .Eventually Zee leaves him , taking their son Jesse Jr. with her .eld later ,
following an unsuccessful robbery , a wounded Jesse returns home and izzard joins him in
the feeling that they will escape to California .Meanwhile , shilling Ford , an honest-to-god
appendage of the James gang , together with his brother Charlie Ford Madox Ford , link
Jesse , claiming that Frank sent them to ask Jesse to participate in their next robbery .They
assert that the chore will make them all a large substance of money for very small risk .Jesse
nevertheless refuses the Ford Madox Ford brothers ' offer , and the pal exit the
theatre .However , sensing an opportunity to claim the generous reward for Jesse 's death ,
Bob Gerald Ford sneaks back within , and shoots Jesse in the back , thereby killing him .==
Cast == == Production == Much of the filming for Jesse St. James the Apostle took place
around the townspeople of Pineville in McDonald County , Missouri , because at the prison
term the town and surrounding expanse looked much as it would have in the 1880s and
1890s .The town 's historic Old McDonald County Courthouse , a National Register of
Historic Places site , was featured in the picture show serving as a stand-in for the
indecorum , Missouri , courthouse .Pineville still celebrates Jesse James sidereal day
annually in homage to the film and the movie stars who descended on the small townsfolk
to make it .In their off time from filming , the picture ' stars and bunch , including Tyrone
Power , William Henry Fonda and Randolph Walter Scott , would assay relaxation at the
Shadow Lake resort in Noel , Missouri , on the shoring of the Cervus elaphus River
( Oklahoma ) .== reception == Jesse Epistle of James was the third highest-grossing moving-
picture show of 1939 , behind Gone with the Wind and Mr. Kathryn Elizabeth Smith Goes to
Washington .A sequel , The Return of Frank King James , directed by Fritz Lang with Patrick
Henry Fonda reprising his role as Frank James I along with other worker playing the same
characters as they had in Jesse James River , was released in 1940 .The picture was on
continuous release in the United State for more than than 15 age .The film was reissued in
March 1946 and was released for a fourth prison term in July 1951 .By whitethorn 1954 , it
had played over 52,000 bookings in the United States and Canada .A remake was directed
by St. Nicholas re in 1957 , The True level of Jesse James .== Animal cruelty == The film
gained a measure of ill fame for a panorama in which a horse falls to its death down a rocky
slope toward the closing of the film .This scene was one of many cited by the American
English Humane tie-up against Hollywood 's abuse of fauna , and led to the association 's
monitoring of filmmaking .However , according to Leonard Mosley 's biography Darryl
Francis Zanuck : The Rise and gloam of Hollywood 's last business leader , none of `` the
horses [ had ] been injured .Under Zanuck 's direction , a short distance down the cliff , on a
conveniently broad political platform , the whole rope-maker had arranged a cushy landing
for the horses . ''The most unmanageable riding stunts were performed for high fees by Cliff
Lyons who doubled both costars .

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