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(KRA #1- Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, Objective # 2 – MOV # 2, 3, 4 & 5)

Highlighting Learner- Centered Strategies that promote Skills in Literacy


School Grade Level FIVE


3rd Quarter
Grade V Date &
Time Week 7


A. Content Standard Distinguish fact from opinion

Provide evidence to support understanding

B. Performance Standard The learners will be able to…

• distinguish fact from opinion

• provide evidence to support understanding

C. Learning Competencies Provide evidence to support opinion/fact MELC #12

D. Learning Objectives The learners will be able to…

• Classify fact from opinion

• Provide evidence to support understanding

II. Subject Matter: Fact or Opinion


A. References CG K-to-12-MELCS-with-CG-Codes

MELC CLMD4A Curriculum Maps

English 5 CLMD Learner's Packet (LeaP); Module SDO Pasig

B. Other Learning Resources PPT, meta cards, pentel pen, manila paper, blackboard, worksheets, traffic light behavior chart

Integration: VALUES, ICT, MATH, AP



A) Reviewing previous lesson Preliminary:

or presenting the new lesson This illustrates
Setting of Standards observable #5:
Manage learner
constructively by
ELICIT applying positive
Say: I noticed that talking during the lesson disrupts others' learning, and
and non-violent
I would appreciate it if we could all stay focused. Remember S-M-I-L-E discipline to ensure
learning- focused
Good morning, class! environments.
Will you look for some folded S - Speak kindly and respectfully to everyone in the classroom.
paper under your chair and
kindly keep them first inside M - Make sure to listen attentively when someone else is speaking.
your bag. Leaders, please
report about the attendance of I - Include others and be inclusive of all classmates during activities and discussions.
your group.
L - Learn from mistakes and encourage a positive attitude towards learning.

E - Everyone participates and contributes to a positive and supportive classroom


Review (Past lesson)

using your show-me-board answer the following questions by choosing the letter of the
correct answer.
1. What does it mean to make a stand?

A. to hold firm against something or someone

B. to be scared of something

C. to be quiet

D. to be discouraged

2. The following are ways to make s stand EXCEPT?

A. Be a buddy

B. Speak out

C. Tell Someone

D. Keep quiet

3. The following are the characteristics someone must possess in order to make a stand EXCEPT?

A. brave B. calm

C. respectful D. rude

4. What would you do to have your voice heard?

A. speak out B. hide and be quiet

C. be a bully D. be secretive

5. How do you stand up for yourself?

A. By being rude B. By being aggressive

C. By blaming others D. By being calm and respectful in manner

Say: Great! So, what does it mean to make a stand?

B) Establishing the purpose for Motivation
the lesson
(Learners will answer the activity using HYPERLINK.)
This illustrates
Before continuing with today's Read each statement and decide if it is a fact or an opinion. observable #.8
lesson, we're going to play a
1. The sun is a star. Selected, developed,
game. organized and used
Are you ready? 2. Chocolate ice cream is the best flavor. teaching and
learning resources,
Let’s do this… 3. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. including ICT, to
address learning
4. Playing video games is more fun than reading books.

5. Rodrigo Duterte was the 16th president of the Philippines.

Listen as I read an article on birds. Note the important details for it.

Increasing Bird Population

A game refuge refers to a forest land designated for the protection of game animals and birds. It is
closed to hunting in order that the population will grow and surrounding areas can be restocked. But some
insistent hunters still hunt the birds and game animals and sell them. However, those who are caught are
penalized. In a bird sanctuary, all the birds and animals are left to themselves to increase their number.

The dipterocarp forest is the richest type of tropical rain forest. The thick canopy is the richest habitat
for birds. Our country is known to be very rich in fauna. Our climate is ideal for many bird species. The top
of high mountains offers very favorable conditions for the evolution of new species of birds. The species will
then increase in number.

Some of the well-known or familiar birds of the Philippines are the eagles, hawks and falcons which are This illustrates
birds-of-prey. Other relatively big birds are the hornbill, herons, egrets, wild ducks, and owls. They vary in observable #.3
their habitat, physical characteristics, and behavior. One of the beautiful singing birds is the mynah.
Applied a range of
teaching strategies
to develop critical
and creative
Strategy that develops creative or higher-order thinking skill: thinking, as well as
other higher-order

thinking skills.
Why is listening important?

▪ How do listening help you?

▪ What is a game refuge?

▪ What has the government done to make hunters stay away from the game

▪ Would you want to make a stand to help our feathered friends?


examples/instances of the new
lesson Pick a treasure inside the treasure chest. Read aloud the sentence written on it
then tell if it is a fact or opinion.
This illustrates
(ENGAGE) observable #.2

1. Subtracting numbers is more fun than adding them. Used a range of

teaching strategies
2. The sum of any number and zero is always that number. that enhance
learner achievement
in literacy and
3. Multiplying by 10 always makes numbers bigger. numeracy skills.

4. The area of a square can be calculated by multiplying its side length by itself.

5. Mathematics is the most important subject in school.

D) Discussing new concepts As a reader, you must be critical to review the information and materials whether
and practicing new skills #1
it is proven true or based on someone’s personal feelings or opinion. Annotation:

A fact can be proven by using general references such as textbooks, encyclopedia,

and the like. It tells us what happened and can be proven true by referring to evidence,
Explicit Teaching
(EXPLAIN) observation and research.
According to Greg
Opinion expresses an individual point of view. Opinions evaluate, judge or Ashman and
express feelings and emotions that cannot be proven right or wrong. It is what a person published by
. Corwin UK. 1st
believes or thinks about something. Opinion differs from one person to another. edition( March 9,
2021) Explicit
Examples of facts: Teaching can offer
a shorter straighter
1. The Philippines is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia that has three main geographical divisions route to developing
namely: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. effective learning.

2. Emilio Aguinaldo is the first president of the Philippines.

3. The People Power Revolution, also known as the EDSA Revolution, was a series of popular
demonstrations in the Philippines from February 22-25, 1986.

4. Taal Volcano is a caldera in Taal Lake in the Philippines which last erupted on January 12, 2020.

Example of opinions:

1. Although Philippines is one small country, it has the happiest people.

2. Emilio Aguinaldo is the best president in the Philippine history.

3. For me, EDSA Revolution is the most peaceful demonstration made by Filipino people.

4. The learners affected by Taal Volcano eruption prefer face-to-face learning than modular learning.

When analyzing reading materials, you may consider that facts show certainties and definite information
like numbers and verified record while opinions state the personal feeling of a person about something.

It is also easy to look after the signal words that show whether the statement is fact or opinion.

Signals words for facts include numbers, dates, and statistics while signal words for opinions include
words such as “prefer”, “think”, “should”, “like” and “best”.

Read each statement below and determine whether it represents a fact or an

opinion. Write 'F' for fact and 'O' for opinion on your show-me-board.

1. The Earth revolves around the Sun.

2. The best way to prevent the common cold is by consuming vitamin C daily.

3. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level.

4. Climate change is the most pressing environmental issue of our time.

This illustrates
5. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. observable #.1

Apply knowledge of
content within and
across curriculum
teaching areas.

E) Discussing new concepts Group Activity: (Collaborative Work) (Differentiated Activity) This illustrates
and practicing new skills #2 observable #4.

Group the class into four. Managed classroom

(EXPLORE) structure to engage
Let this be a reminder to you all, that I want to see each member to be respectful and learners,
individually or in
active in participation and discussion. groups, in
discovery and
Group 1 – Fact Anchor Chart hands-on activities
within a range of
physical learning
For this simple activity, the group display a fact and opinion poster on their anchor environments.
chart then copy the given several facts and opinions on post-it notes. Learners must
then work together to sort the facts from the opinions by placing them on the correct
Group 2 – Fact or Opinion Paddles
Observable #6:
These fact and opinion paddles can be easily made using popsicle sticks and colored Used differentiated,
cardstock. Learners must then work together to create five paddles with facts about developmentally
their town or city written on it, and five more paddles with opinions. learning
experiences to
address learners’
gender, needs,
Group 3 – Fake News strengths, interests
and experiences.
Provide the group with a photograph (The teacher may provide a picture about the latest trending
news in the city or in the country ), cartolina and marker. They must then produce 2 news
articles based on it. One must only state opinions and the other, facts. It can be based
on the truth or be entirely false- it’s up to them.

Group 4 – OREO Opinion

Observable #7:
The group will create an OREO method chart about their town or city. O-Opinion: Planned, managed
and implemented
Tell how you feel about something; R-Reason: Tell why you feel that way; E- developmentally
Examples: Give 3 examples of why you feel that way; O-Opinion: Tell one more time sequenced teaching
why you feel that way. g and learning
processes to meet
This OREO method teaches learners to offer their Opinion, give a Reason, offer requirements and
Examples, and once again give their Opinion and why they feel this way. varied teaching.

Note: The Lesson

plan itself.

This illustrates
observable #.1

Apply knowledge of
content within and
across curriculum
teaching areas.



F) Developing Mastery (Leads Read each statement below and decide if it is a fact or an opinion. Encircle "F"
to Formative Assessment)
for fact and "O" for opinion next to each statement.

1. Pizza is the most popular food in the world. F O

2. Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. F O

3. Swimming is the most enjoyable sport. F O

4. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on Earth. F O

5. Dogs make better pets than cats. F O

G) Finding practical Analyze this commercial script. Identify two statements from it which are facts.
application of concepts and
This illustrates
skills in daily living
(Application) observable #.8
Adapted and used
appropriate teaching
strategies to address
the needs of learners
from indigenous

H) Making generalization and

abstractions about the lesson

As a reader why is it critical to review the information and materials whether it is

proven true or based on someone’s personal feelings or opinion?
What is the difference between fact and opinion?

I) Evaluating Learning Encircle the word fact if the sentence is a true concept and opinion if it is based on
personal feelings. This illustrates
Observable #9

Designed, selected,
organized and used
formative, and
(EVALUATION) summative
strategies consistent
with curriculum

J) Additional activities for Look at the picture below. Write a sentence showing fact and opinion. Do this in your
application or remediation
Dr. Jose P. Rizal

Source of image:


Prepared by:

Teacher I



1. A
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. D

1. F
2. O
3. F
4. O
5. F

1. O
2. F
3. O
4. F
5. O


1. F
2. O
3. F
4. O
5. F

1. O
2. F
3. O
4. F
5. O

1. F
2. O
3. F
4. F
5. O
6. O
7. F
8. O
9. O
10. O

According to subject matter expert Beverly Jobrack, “Educational movement such as inquiry-based
learning, active learning experiential learning, discovery learning & knowledge building are variations of
This lesson plan shows that I have used research-based knowledge and or principles of teaching and
learning in all components of my lesson. From the REVIEW and PRIMING part, I was able to ENGAGE my
students into using their prior knowledge. While in the ACTIVITY part I was able to let my students
EXPLORE more ideas about the topic. I let my pupil EXPLAIN in the ANALYSIS part and ELABORATE the
concept learned in the abstraction part where the progression of learning also took place. While the

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