Assignemnt 02

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Subject: - Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Assignment- 02 1st Semester Section- F & O

Assignment given date: 24-11-2023 Submission date: - 07-12-2023


1. Define intensive and extensive properties with examples. [CO3][PO1]

2. Write two differences for microscopic and macroscopic approach in [CO3][PO1]
3. Differentiate point function and path function with suitable example? [CO3][PO1]
4. Define quasi-static process. [CO3][PO1]
5. The temperature of a system is increased by 270 C. what are the [CO3][PO2]
corresponding values in 0F and K scale.
6. State and explain Zeroth law of thermodynamics? [CO3][PO1]
7. Which property of a system increases when heat is transferred at [CO3][PO1]
constant volume process?
8. Define specific heat at constant pressure and constant volume as [CO3][PO1]
differential of thermodynamic properties.
9. What is a PMM1? Why is it impossible? [CO3][PO1]
10. What are the limitations of First law? [CO3][PO1]
11. What are the similarities between heat and work? [CO3][PO1]
12. Define thermodynamic process, path, and cycle. [CO3][PO1]
13. What do you mean by reversible and irreversible processes? [CO3][PO1]
14. Compare between work and heat? [CO3][PO1]
15. Write down the steady flow energy equation. [CO3][PO1]
16. What is the main difference between 2-stroke and 4-stroke engine. [CO3][PO1]
17. Why 4-stroke engine is more preferred. [CO3][PO1]
18. What is a nozzle? What is the difference between Nozzle and [CO3][PO1]
19. What are the assumptions for steady flow? [CO3][PO1]
20. Define Kelvin Planck and Clausius Statement? [CO3][PO1]
Part- B

1. An investigator designed a temperature scale (X) on two fixed points as [CO3][PO2]

60oN and 300oN. What will be the value of temperature 375 K and 85oF in
new scale (X).
2. Convert the following reading of pressure to kPa assuming that the [CO3][PO2]
Barometers reading in 760 mm of Hg
a) 40 cm of HG vacuum b) 1.2 met of H2O gauge
3. An ideal gas of volume 0.2 m3 at a pressure of 2 MPa and 600K is [CO3][PO2]
expanded isothermally to 5 times of initial volume. Calculate work
done by the gas.
4. A mass of gas is compressed in a quasi-static process from 80 kPa, [CO3][PO2]
0.1 m3 to 0.4MPa, 0.03 m3. Assuming that the pressure and volume are
related by PVn = constant, find the work done by the gas system.
5. An inventor claims to have developed an engine that takes 105MJ of [CO3][PO2]
heat from a source of 400K and rejects 42 MJ of heat to a sink of
200 K respectively. Would you advise to invest the money on this
engine in the market?
6. With neat sketch Explain the working principle of 2 stroke IC [CO3][PO2]
7. With neat sketch Explain the working principle of Steam power [CO3][PO2]
8. With neat sketch Explain the working principle of 4 stroke IC [CO3][PO2]
9. Define a quasi-static process and state its salient characteristics. [CO3][PO2]
10. Name the various laws of thermodynamics and state briefly the [CO3][PO2]
purpose served by each law.
11. A gas occupies a volume of 0.1 m3 at a temperature of 20 degree C [CO3][PO2]
and a pressure of 1.5 bar. Find the final temperature of the gas, if it is
compressed to a pressure of 7.5 bar and occupies a volume of 0.04
12. A turbine operates under steady flow condition receiving air at pressure [CO3][PO2]
15 bar, internal energy 2700 kJ/kg, specific volume 0.17 m3/kg and
velocity 100 m/sec. Exhaust air from the turbine is at 0.1 bar with
internal energy 2175 kJ/kg, specific volume 15 m3/kg and velocity 300
m/sec. The intake is 3 m above the exhaust. The turbine develops 35 kW
and heat lost over the surface of turbine is 20 kJ/kg.
Determine the air flow rate through the turbine.
13. A perfect gas flow through a nozzle where it expands in a reversible [CO3][PO2]
adiabatic process. The inlet condition are 22 bar, 5000C, 38 m/sec. Exit
pressure is 2 bar. Determine the exit velocity and exit area if the
flow rate is 4 kg/sec.
14. A gas initially at 1.5 bar pressure, 0.15 m3 volume and 300 K was [CO3][PO2]
compressed polytropically (PV1.25= const.) to 15 bar pressure.
Determine the Work transfer.
15. An inventor claims to have developed an engine that takes 105MJ of [CO3][PO2]
heat from a source of 400K and rejects 42 MJ of heat to a sink of 200
K respectively. Would you advise to invest the money on this
engine in the market?
16. A reversed heat engine absorbs 250 kJ of heat from a low [CO3][PO2]
temperature region and has mechanical inputs of 100kJ. What would
be the heat transferred to the high temperature region? Also evaluate
the co-efficient of performance of the reversed engine when working
as a refrigerator and as a heat pump.
17. A reversible heat engine delivers 0.6 kW power and rejects heat [CO3][PO2]
energy to a reservoir at 300 K at the rate of 24 kJ/min. Make
calculations for the engine efficiency and the temperature of the
thermal reservoir supplying heat to the engine.
18. Explain different modes of heat transfer. [CO3][PO2]

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