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Below are research bullet points for each topic, detailing the key information
to include in your infographic poster and essay:

1. Rizal's Childhood

Research Bullet Points:

 Birth and Early Life:

 Date and place of birth.
 Significant events in his early childhood.
 Family Background:
 Brief information about his parents and siblings.
 Socioeconomic status of his family.
 Education:
 Early education (schools attended, influential teachers).
 Notable academic achievements and interests as a child.
 Influences:
 Early influences that shaped his personality and beliefs.
 Impact of his upbringing on his later works and ideology.
 Notable Childhood Experiences:
 Memorable events or experiences that had a lasting impact.

2. Rizal's Family

Research Bullet Points:

 Parents:
 Full names and backgrounds of his parents.
 Their roles in Rizal’s life and education.
 Siblings:
 Names and brief details about each sibling.
 Relationship dynamics within the family.
 Family Life:
 Daily life and family traditions.
 The family's influence on Rizal’s values and beliefs.
 Economic and Social Status:
 Family's socioeconomic position in society.
 How their status affected Rizal's opportunities and perspectives.
 Support and Sacrifices:
 Contributions and sacrifices made by his family for his education and
 Instances of family support during his endeavors.

3. Rizal as a Worthy Hero

Research Bullet Points:

 Major Contributions:
 Key achievements and contributions to Philippine society and
 Significant works (e.g., "Noli Me Tangere", "El Filibusterismo").
 Philosophy and Ideals:
 Core beliefs and ideologies.
 How these beliefs influenced his actions and writings.
 Impact on Society:
 Immediate and long-term effects of his work on the Philippines.
 How he inspired others and contributed to national identity.
 Recognition and Honors:
 Titles, awards, and honors received during his lifetime and posthumously.
 Monuments, memorials, and commemorations in his honor.
 Personal Qualities:
 Traits that made him a respected and revered figure.
 Anecdotes demonstrating his heroism and character.
For Each Topic:

Designing Your Infographic Poster:

 Layout and Visual Appeal:

 Choose a clear, visually appealing layout.
 Use images, icons, and concise text to convey information effectively.
 Accuracy and Citations:
 Ensure all information is accurate.
 Properly cite all sources of information.
 Originality:
 Ensure the design and content are original.
 Avoid copying elements from other works.

Writing the Accompanying Essay:

 Content:
 Expand on the key points presented in the infographic.
 Discuss the significance and impact of the topic.
 Include relevant data, statistics, and historical context.
 Design Choices:
 Explain the rationale behind your design choices.
 Discuss how the design helps to effectively communicate the message.
 References and Proofreading:
 Properly cite all references used in the essay.
Sure, here are detailed research bullet points for each of the topics you can choose from
for your infographic poster on Rizal:

Rizal's Childhood

1. Birth and Early Life

 Date and place of birth.

 Parents' names and occupations.
 Early home environment and influences.

2. Education

 Early education (e.g., first schools attended).

 Notable teachers and mentors.
 Academic achievements and interests.

3. Formative Experiences

 Significant events in childhood that influenced Rizal.

 Early signs of his patriotism and intellectual curiosity.
 Any notable anecdotes or stories from his childhood.

4. Influences

 Key influences during his childhood (e.g., family members, local heroes,
 Cultural and societal influences of his time.

5. Hobbies and Interests

 Hobbies, games, and activities he enjoyed.

 Early literary works or writings if any.

Rizal's Family
1. Family Background

 Overview of Rizal's family heritage and ancestry.

 Social status and economic condition of the family.

2. Parents

 Detailed information about his father, Francisco Mercado.

 Detailed information about his mother, Teodora Alonso Realonda.
 Their influence on Rizal’s values and education.

3. Siblings

 Names and brief descriptions of his siblings.

 Significant contributions or roles of his siblings in Rizal's life.
 Relationships with his siblings and their influence on him.

4. Family Dynamics

 Family values and traditions.

 Support and challenges faced by the family.
 Impact of family on Rizal's ideology and character.

5. Notable Family Events

 Key events in the family history (e.g., legal battles, economic changes).
 Impact of these events on Rizal’s perspectives and actions.

Rizal as a Worthy Hero

1. Patriotism and Nationalism

 Rizal's contributions to the Philippine nationalist movement.

 Major works (e.g., "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo") and their
 Key speeches and writings advocating for reforms.
2. Martyrdom

 Events leading to Rizal’s arrest and execution.

 Trial and the charges against him.
 His execution and its significance in Philippine history.

3. Legacy

 Rizal's influence on subsequent Filipino leaders and revolutionaries.

 Monuments, holidays, and commemorations in his honor.
 Enduring legacy in modern Philippine society and culture.

4. Personal Qualities and Values

 Rizal's personal virtues (e.g., bravery, intelligence, integrity).

 His vision for the Philippines and his approach to achieving it.
 How his personal values aligned with his actions and writings.

5. Global Recognition

 Recognition and honors received internationally.

 Comparisons with other global heroes and their causes.
 Rizal’s contributions to global discourse on freedom and human rights.

General Research Tips

 Primary Sources: Look for primary sources such as letters, diaries, and
contemporaneous accounts for accurate information.
 Secondary Sources: Use reputable secondary sources like biographies, historical
analyses, and scholarly articles.
 Visuals and Design: Gather high-quality images, maps, and charts that can
visually represent your information.
 Citations: Ensure all information is properly cited to credible sources to maintain
accuracy and avoid plagiarism.

Research Tools and Databases

 Libraries and Archives: Utilize local and national libraries, especially those with
Philippine historical archives.
 Academic Journals: Access academic journals through databases like JSTOR,
Google Scholar, and Project MUSE.
 Online Resources: Utilize credible websites and online resources such as the
Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, the National Historical
Commission of the Philippines, and university databases.

By following these research bullet points, you will gather comprehensive and relevant
information for your chosen topic, which will help you create a well-informed and
visually appealing infographic poster.
Rizal's Childhood

1. Birth and Early Life

 Date and Place of Birth: June 19, 1861, in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines.
 Parents: Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonso Realonda.
 Home Environment: Describe his childhood home and surroundings,
highlighting any significant cultural or historical aspects.

2. Education

 First Schools Attended: Include schools like Biñan and Ateneo Municipal
de Manila.
 Notable Teachers/Mentors: Mention any influential educators or
 Academic Achievements: Highlight any early academic achievements or

3. Formative Experiences

 Significant Childhood Events: Any notable incidents that influenced

Rizal’s outlook (e.g., early death of his sister Concha).
 Early Signs of Patriotism: Instances showing his early love for his country.

4. Influences

 Family Influences: Role of parents and siblings in shaping his values.

 Cultural/Societal Influences: Impact of the local environment and
societal conditions of his time.

5. Hobbies and Interests

 Hobbies: Activities he enjoyed such as sketching, painting, and reading.

 Early Writings: Mention any early literary works or poems.

Rizal's Family

1. Family Background

 Heritage and Ancestry: Ancestry details and any significant family

 Economic Condition: Social and economic status of the family.

2. Parents

 Francisco Mercado: Occupation, personality, and influence on Rizal.

 Teodora Alonso Realonda: Her education, influence, and significant
events (e.g., imprisonment).

3. Siblings

 Names and Roles: List of siblings (e.g., Saturnina, Paciano) and brief
 Influence on Rizal: How each sibling impacted Rizal's life and works.

4. Family Dynamics

 Values and Traditions: Important family values and cultural practices.

 Support and Challenges: Major challenges faced by the family and their
support system.

5. Notable Family Events

 Key Events: Significant events such as legal battles involving Teodora

 Impact on Rizal: How these events influenced Rizal's perspectives and

Rizal as a Worthy Hero

1. Patriotism and Nationalism

 Contributions: Key contributions to the Philippine nationalist movement.
 Major Works: Summarize “Noli Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo”.
 Advocacy: His speeches and writings advocating for reforms.

2. Martyrdom

 Arrest and Execution: Timeline and details leading to his arrest.

 Trial and Charges: Key points from his trial and the charges against him.
 Execution: Details of his execution on December 30, 1896, and its impact.

3. Legacy

 Influence on Leaders: Impact on Filipino leaders and revolutionaries.

 Commemorations: Monuments, holidays, and ways he is commemorated.
 Enduring Legacy: His lasting influence on modern Philippine society and

4. Personal Qualities and Values

 Virtues: Key personal virtues such as bravery, intelligence, and integrity.

 Vision for the Philippines: His aspirations for the country and how he
planned to achieve them.

5. Global Recognition

 International Honors: Recognitions and honors received globally.

 Comparative Impact: Comparisons with other global heroes and their
 Global Contributions: His role in global discussions on freedom and
human rights.

Visual Elements for the Infographic

 Images: Photos of Rizal, his family, important locations, and historical documents.
 Timeline: Create timelines to illustrate significant events in his childhood, family
history, or contributions as a hero.
 Charts/Graphs: Use charts or graphs to represent data or statistics related to his
life and impact.
 Quotes: Include significant quotes from Rizal’s writings or speeches.
 Maps: Show relevant locations such as his birthplace, places he studied, and sites
of major events in his life.

By focusing on these research points, you will be able to gather the necessary
information to create an informative and engaging infographic poster.

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