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Proposal: Deep Fake Audio Detection

Mohammad Abdullah Qasim Sajjad Faizan Majid

March 9, 2024

In recent years, the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and voice syn-
thesis technologies have led to the emergence of highly realistic AI-generated
voices. However, this has also created opportunities for malicious actors to
create fraudulent audio content, leading to instances of identity theft and de-
ception. To address this issue, we propose the development of a deep fake
audio detection system capable of distinguishing between human-generated and
AI-generated voices.

The motivation behind this project stems from the increasing prevalence of
audio-based scams targeting high-profile individuals and organizations. By ac-
curately identifying the source of audio content, our system aims to prevent
instances of fraud and protect the integrity of audio-based communication.

Executing this project poses several technical challenges, including:

• Developing robust algorithms capable of distinguishing between human

and AI-generated voices.
• Handling variations in audio quality, background noise, and accents.
• Ensuring real-time processing capabilities to facilitate timely detection of
deep fake audio content.
• Collecting a comprehensive dataset containing a diverse range of human
and AI-generated voices for training and testing purposes.
• Extracting relevant features and patterns from audio signals to effectively
differentiate between authentic and deep fake audio recordings.

While existing solutions focus on voice recognition and speaker verification, our
project stands out by specifically targeting the detection of AI-generated audio
content. By leveraging advanced machine learning techniques, we aim to achieve
a high level of accuracy in identifying deep fake audio recordings.

High-Level Architecture
The proposed architecture of our deep fake audio detection system consists of
the following components:
• Audio Preprocessing Module: Responsible for cleaning and standardizing
input audio files.
• Feature Extraction Module: Extracts relevant features from the audio
signal, such as pitch, intensity, and spectral characteristics.
• Machine Learning Model: Trained on a dataset of human and AI-generated
voices to classify audio recordings accurately.
• Detection Interface: Provides a user-friendly interface for inputting audio
files and displaying detection results.

We plan to utilize publicly available datasets of both human and AI-generated
voices for training and testing purposes. Additionally, we may collect our own
dataset to ensure the relevance and diversity of the data used in model training.

In conclusion, the development of a deep fake audio detection system presents
a significant opportunity to combat audio-based fraud and deception. By lever-
aging machine learning techniques and robust data analysis, we aim to create a
reliable tool for distinguishing between human and AI-generated voices.

1. Almutairi, Zaynab & Elgibreen, Hebah. (2022). A Review of Modern
Audio Deepfake Detection Methods: Challenges and Future Directions.
Algorithms, 15, 19. DOI: 10.3390/a15050155.
2. Anagha, R. & Arya, A. & Narayan, V. & Abhishek, S. & Anjali, T..
(2023). Audio Deepfake Detection Using Deep Learning. pp. 176-181.
DOI: 10.1109/SMART59791.2023.10428163.

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