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The Spoliarium by Juan Luna is a depiction of the roman

colosseum basement where fallen gladiator where thrown in

after combat. It has won first prize in Exposición Nacional de
Bellas Artes in 1886. The inspiration of the painting was the Numacia,
painted by his Spanish teacher, Alejo Vera. During their time, it is
considered as an improvement to be able to copy the works of your
master. Although Spoliarium is not entirely a copy, it still resembles
some of Numancia’s features.

In this picture we can see side by side on how the spoliarium was
inspired and how it was first made in its boceto(sketch) before it final
artwork. In the year Spoliarium was made, Philippines were ruled by
the Spaniards. As time passes by Philippine nationalism rise as well as
the Katipunan, who then started the Philippine revolution. Hence, the
Spanish-American War began. We reign victorious of that war with the
help of the Americans but, later on another battle will took place. It is
also believe that in those years, that we Pilipino’s was inferior to
Spaniards but, Juan Luna and his friend Felix Hidalgo, prove that we
are no inferior to anyone, we are on equal footing.

The impression of spoliarium to me is dark and vivid like its

painting is literally saying that every drawings and color in the art is
sadness but, like any other painting, we shouldn’t be judge a book by
its cover. My interpretation of spoliarium is the grief of those left
behind by the dead of their love ones. During the year that spoliarium
was made a war broke out later that era. Although we have reign
victorious, we have lost countless lives. Without sacrifice, there can be
no victory. The sacrifices of those people were painted in this painting,
and there sacrifice should never be in vain because they fight for our
freedom. They are the reason why as of today have been granted
independence and as I look at that painting, all I can say is “Thank
you” to our heroes. The painting was truly remarkable and exquisite to
the eyes of the viewer, because as we look more into the painting, we
fell deeper on our understanding of it. We stand in awe in a painting
that holds a thousand words. Although some might say that there are
also other painting that holds a thousand words, this painting holds
mystery as to what should be its depiction. Some says that its just the
colosseum but we all know deep in our hearts, we truly see the beauty
of a picture by how we understand it on our own.

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