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NAME: Jorylene Enteria


How do you appraise your views on the characteristics, behavior and practices as one who is preparing
to become a modern teacher?

As an aspiring teacher I can value my characteristics, behavior and practices as one who is
preparing to become a modern teacher through used of Keep Learning enable to guide them to become
proactive because it helps to become knowledgeable enough especially when I am going to teach may
students. As a future teacher always keep learning do not stop educating yourself it is continues because
it is effective to use my strategies in teaching, and here is something new to learn. A modern teacher
should be curious and proactive in terms of gaining a new skills and knowledge.

Using a technology helps them to produce the lesson effectively for the teachers who preparing to
become a modern teacher. Showing your willingness to help them to learn as modern teacher through
integrating technology encourage the learners to learn and participate viewing is part of 5 macro skills
how the learner to learn. Patience and Perseverance giving for teacher or for the person who is
preparing to become a modern teacher easily understand them, showing willingness as part of your
happiness. I am born in a modern technology we need to value our characteristics attitude and
behaviors especially for the person trying to learn the modern technology to integrate the technology in
their lesson to get the interest, encourage the learner to learn and participate. Never say No for the
person who is preparing for becoming modern teacher, teach them and guide them and do not stop
keep learning how to value your attitude.

Giving a training to learn such learn in the basic concepts of ICT it is important to learn especially
we are here in the modern world technology is everywhere being a student or a future teacher we have
to be curious. Curiosity is searching for the answer or information were will be able to become proactive
and for the person who is preparing to become a modern teacher it helps them to continuous learning
do not stop until you are learn. Discovering a new idea using technology because the learners now is
different, they are easily hoe to used technology and as a modern teacher we should be flexible and fast
to learn. Training is one big help for the person who is preparing to become a modern teacher. This is
some strategies to get the interest of the learner, eagerness to learn and motivate them.

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