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The following are types of Descriptive Research, except:

- Historical Research

This involves the process of selecting randomly samples from the different strata of the
population used in the study.

- Stratified Random Sampling

This research method deals with past events and integrates them with present

- Historical Research

An element of the population is selected starting from a randomly selected first element.

- Systematic Random Sampling

This part of research where the researchers will state where the study will take place.

- Research Locale

A qualitative research design that seeks action to improve human condition and study
the effects of the action that was taken and solutions are sought to address problems in
a particular setting.

- Action Research

This is a fundamental thing that researchers are searching for.

- Data

This type of research produces results that are easy to summarize, compare, and
generalize, as well as testing hypotheses derived from theory.

- Quantitative Research

It describes where the researchers got the necessary information that would help the
researcher to explain further the research paper.

- Sources of Data

A research design that generates a general explanation of a process, an action, or an

interaction shaped by the views of a large number of participants.

- Grounded Theory Research

The following are the data collection procedure in qualitative research, except:

- Experiments

A systematic and scientific procedure of data collection, compilation, analysis,

interpretation, and implication pertaining to any problem.

- Research Method

A research design that involves many people who interact over time and focuses on an
entire culture-sharing group.

- Ethnographic Research

The following are the characteristics of a good qualitative research design, except:
Impracticable in resources and time The total universe which is composed of a group of

- Population

A qualitative research design that begins with the expressed lives and stories of

- Narrative Research

A science of studying how research is done scientifically.

- Research Methodology

It is like a research framework which serves as a guide in conducting a study.

- Research Design

A qualitative research design that collects data from the persons who have experienced
the phenomenon, and develops a composite description of the essence of the
experience for all the individuals.

- Phenomenological Research

The following are the data collection procedure in quantitative research, except:

- Visual Data

Statistical Map is an example of what way of presenting data in research?

- Graphical
It includes a complete list of all works related to the study, but are not directly contained
in the report.

- Bibliography

This is the process of organizing data into logical, sequential, and meaningful categories
and classifications to make them amenable to study and interpretation

- Presentation

Pictograms is an example of what way of presenting data in research?

- Graphical

One way of presenting data representing the quantitative variations or changes of

variables in pictorial or diagrammatic form.

- Graphical

This includes a complete list of all quoted and paraphrased works that the researcher
actually used in completing the study.

- References

This allows readers to locate and use the sources that the researcher/s have cited.

- Reference List

These scales are numeric scales that tell us not only the order but also the exact
differences between the values.

- Interval

This is the document that ultimately represents the whole research and the record of the
research content, process, and analyses as reported by the researcher/s.

- Final Report

The following are the considerations in presenting the written research report, except:

- It should not give any hint that the researcher has some doubts about their
validity and reliability.

These scales typically measure non-numeric concepts like satisfaction, happiness, discomfort,
etc. and the order of values is important and significant.

- Ordinal
Part of a research paper where it should clarify concepts defined within the scope of the
study and should answer all questions raised by the researchers.

- Conclusion

Way of presenting data in a systematic arrangement of related ideas in which classes of

numerical facts or data are given each row and their subclasses are given each a
column in order to present the relationships of the sets or numerical facts or data in a
definite, compact, and understandable form.

- Tabular

The following are the guidelines for writing the conclusion, except:

- Every statement of fact should consist of words, numbers, or statistical measures

woven into a meaningful statement.

The following are the guidelines for writing the summary of findings, except:

- It should appropriately answer the specific questions raised at the beginning of

the investigation in the order they are given under the statements of the problem.

These scales have a value of absolute zero which allows for a wide range of both
descriptive and inferential statistics applied. It also includes height and weight as

- Ratio

The process of breaking up the whole study into its constituent parts of categories
according to the specific questions under the statement of the problem.

- Analysis

The following are the different ways of presenting data, except:

- Analytical

The following are the guidelines in writing the recommendations, except:

- It should appropriately answer the specific questions raised at the beginning of

the investigation in the order they are given under the statements of the problem.

These scales are used for labeling variables, without any quantitative value.

- Nominal

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