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Here's a comprehensive list of common Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) errors along with
their stop codes and potential solutions:


- **Cause**: This error often indicates a kernel corruption or a driver issue.

- **Solution**: Update device drivers, especially graphics card, chipset, and network adapter
drivers. Run a System File Checker (SFC) scan to check for and repair corrupt system files.


- **Cause**: This error typically occurs due to incompatible, outdated, or corrupted drivers.

- **Solution**: Update or reinstall device drivers, especially graphics card drivers. Boot into Safe
Mode and uninstall recently added drivers or software that might be causing the issue.

3. **MEMORY_MANAGEMENT** (0x0000001A):

- **Cause**: Indicates a memory management error, often caused by faulty RAM, incompatible
memory modules, or corrupted system files.

- **Solution**: Run a memory diagnostic test (e.g., MemTest86) to check for faulty RAM. If faulty
RAM is detected, replace it. Additionally, run a System File Checker (SFC) scan to repair corrupt
system files.

4. **IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL** (0x0000000A):

- **Cause**: This error occurs when a driver tries to access an incorrect memory address.

- **Solution**: Update device drivers, especially network adapter, sound card, and graphics card
drivers. Check for hardware compatibility issues, particularly with newly installed hardware.

5. **PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA** (0x00000050):

- **Cause**: Indicates that a page fault occurred in a non-paged area of memory.

- **Solution**: Run CHKDSK utility to check for disk errors and repair corrupted files. Test RAM
using memory diagnostic tools and replace any faulty modules. Update device drivers, especially
those related to memory management.


- **Cause**: Typically occurs when a driver enters an inconsistent power state, causing the system
to crash.
- **Solution**: Update device drivers, especially those related to power management (e.g.,
chipset, graphics card, network adapter). Adjust power settings in Windows to prevent devices from
entering sleep mode.

7. **CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED** (0x000000EF):

- **Cause**: Indicates that a critical system process unexpectedly terminated.

- **Solution**: Run a System File Checker (SFC) scan to repair corrupt system files. Check for disk
errors using the CHKDSK utility. Update device drivers and ensure that your system is not


- **Cause**: Indicates a trap occurred in kernel mode that was not expected.

- **Solution**: Check for hardware issues such as faulty RAM, overclocking, or overheating. Run a
memory diagnostic test (e.g., MemTest86) to check for faulty RAM. Update device drivers, especially
chipset and graphics card drivers.

9. **NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM** (0x00000024):

- **Cause**: Indicates a problem with the NTFS file system, often due to disk corruption or faulty

- **Solution**: Run CHKDSK utility to check for disk errors and repair corrupted files. Update disk
controller drivers. If the issue persists, test the hard drive for errors and replace it if necessary.

10. **BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO** (0x00000074):

- **Cause**: Indicates an error in the system configuration, such as registry corruption.

- **Solution**: Boot into Safe Mode and use System Restore to revert to a previous stable
configuration. If unable to boot, use Windows Recovery Environment to access advanced
troubleshooting options, including Startup Repair and Command Prompt.

11. **SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION** (0x0000003B):

- **Cause**: Typically occurs due to system service failures or driver issues.

- **Solution**: Update device drivers, especially graphics card and network adapter drivers. Check
for system service conflicts or third-party software causing the issue. Run a System File Checker (SFC)
scan to repair corrupt system files.

12. **KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR** (0x00000077):

- **Cause**: Indicates that the requested page of kernel data from the paging file could not be
read into memory.

- **Solution**: Run CHKDSK utility to check for disk errors and repair corrupted files. Ensure that
the paging file settings are correct. Check for disk fragmentation and defragment the hard drive if


- **Cause**: Indicates that a session pool tag has been found that is already freed.

- **Solution**: This error usually occurs due to a bug in the operating system or a third-party
driver. Ensure that your system is up to date with the latest updates and patches from Microsoft.
Update device drivers, especially those related to memory management.


- **Cause**: This error occurs when a kernel-mode program generates an exception that the error
handler does not catch.

- **Solution**: Update device drivers, especially those related to hardware or newly installed
software. Use System Restore to revert to a previous stable state. Check for hardware issues such as
faulty RAM or overheating.

15. **CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT** (0x00000101):

- **Cause**: Indicates that the system did not receive a response from the processor within the
allocated time.

- **Solution**: Check for overheating issues with the CPU and ensure proper cooling. Update BIOS
firmware to the latest version. Test CPU stability with stress testing tools like Prime95.


- **Cause**: Indicates that a page of kernel data was not found in the system's paging file.

- **Solution**: Run CHKDSK utility to check for disk errors and repair corrupted files. Test RAM
using memory diagnostic tools and replace any faulty modules. Ensure that the paging file settings
are correct.


- **Cause**: Indicates that Driver Verifier detected a violation in a driver.

- **Solution**: Disable Driver Verifier if it is enabled. Update or uninstall the driver that is causing
the violation. Use System Restore to revert to a previous stable state if necessary.
18. **PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA** (0x00000050):

- **Cause**: Indicates that a page fault occurred in a non-paged area of memory.

- **Solution**: Run CHKDSK utility to check for disk errors and repair corrupted files. Test RAM
using memory diagnostic tools and replace any faulty modules. Update device drivers, especially
those related to memory management.

19. **VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE** (0x00000116):

- **Cause**: Indicates that the display driver failed to respond within the allocated time.

- **Solution**: Update graphics card drivers to the latest version. Check for overheating issues
with the GPU and ensure proper ventilation. Adjust graphics card settings, such as reducing


LED_M** (0x1000007E):

- **Cause**: Similar to SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, but the "M" variant

indicates a specific issue related to the MUP_FILE_SYSTEM.

- **Solution**: Update device drivers, especially those related to file system operations. Run a
System File Checker (SFC) scan to repair corrupt system files. Check for disk errors using the CHKDSK

21. **SYSTEM_PTE_MISUSE** (0x000000DA):

- **Cause**: Indicates that a page table entry (PTE) has been misused.

- **Solution**: Run a memory diagnostic test (e.g., MemTest86) to check for faulty RAM. Ensure
that all memory modules are securely seated in their slots. Update device drivers, especially those
related to memory management.

22. **PFN_LIST_CORRUPT** (0x0000004E):

- **Cause**: Indicates that the page frame number (PFN) list is corrupted.

- **Solution**: Run CHKDSK utility to check for disk errors and repair corrupted files. Update disk
controller drivers. Test RAM using memory diagnostic tools and replace any faulty modules.


- **Cause**: Indicates that the video scheduler has detected a fatal violation.
- **Solution**: Update graphics card drivers to the latest version. Check for overheating issues
with the GPU and ensure proper ventilation. Adjust graphics card settings, such as reducing

24. **KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR** (0x0000007A):

- **Cause**: Indicates that the requested page of kernel data from the paging file could not be
read into memory.

- **Solution**: Run CHKDSK utility to check for disk errors and repair corrupted files. Ensure that
the paging file settings are correct. Check for disk fragmentation and defragment the hard drive if

25. **SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION** (0x0000003B):

- **Cause**: Typically occurs due to system service failures or driver issues.

- **Solution**: Update device drivers, especially graphics card and network adapter drivers. Check
for system service conflicts or third-party software causing the issue. Run a System File Checker (SFC)
scan to repair corrupt system files.

26. **KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR** (0x00000077):

- **Cause**: Indicates that the requested page of kernel data from the paging file could not be
read into memory.

- **Solution**: Run CHKDSK utility to check for disk errors and repair corrupted files. Ensure that
the paging file settings are correct. Check for disk fragmentation and defragment the hard drive if


- **Cause**: Indicates that a session pool tag has been found that is already freed.

- **Solution**: This error usually occurs due to a bug in the operating system or a third-party
driver. Ensure that your system is up to date with the latest updates and patches from Microsoft.
Update device drivers, especially those related to memory management.

28. **WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR** (0x00000124):

- **Cause**: Indicates a hardware error that the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA)
cannot correct.

- **Solution**: Check for overheating issues with the CPU or GPU and ensure proper cooling. Test
hardware components such as RAM, CPU, GPU, and power supply for faults. Update BIOS firmware if
29. **KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR** (0x0000007A):

- **Cause**: Indicates that the requested page of kernel data from the paging file could not be
read into memory.

- **Solution**: Run CHKDSK utility to check for disk errors and repair corrupted files. Ensure that
the paging file settings are correct. Check for disk fragmentation and defragment the hard drive if

These errors cover a wide range of issues, including hardware failures, driver problems, and system
configuration errors. Identifying the specific stop code and applying the appropriate troubleshooting
steps can help resolve these issues and stabilize your system.

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