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6/18/24, 12:13 PM Enquiry Details

 Enquiry Details

 User : BUREAU VERITAS INDIA PVT LTD.(krishnayan1234)

 Vendor Code : B090

Enquiry Details for Enquiry No : 1103318294/902

 Enquiry Date : 13 Jun 2024

 Enquiry Due Date : 16 Jun 2024
 Signatory Name :SHYAMOSRI BISWAS
 Indented By(Department) :
 Plant Code :5200 - WEST BOKARO

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10 Location: WEST BOKARO Quantity(UOM): 1.000 (.)

Requirement Date: 13-07-2024 Storage Location:

Brief Desc:NDT of Boiler Pressure Parts

Detailed Desc:Item text: 2. Vendor text: - 1. Test Parameters : cracks ,depth of corros
ion ,anomalistic feature, quality ,thickness. 2. Test Standard: IBR 1
950 3. Test method: Magnetic Particle Inspection. 4. Test to be carr
ied out at TSL Site. 5. Surface preparation to be done by contractor.
6. Test calibration, certification, instrument and consumable supply
will be under contractor’s scope. 7. Documentation Required (All) :
Calibration certificate, Defects ,Recommendations ,Test Results. 8. A
ll instruments and consumables required for testing is to be supplied
by vendor. 9. Test witness and certification will be done by TSL.
=========================== Statutory and Safety Requirement Enginee
r/Asst. Manager/Manager/Expert & Degree/Diploma 1. Medical examina
tion of all people, outside or in TATA Central Hospital, West Bokaro t
o obtain O-certificate from authorised medical officers of TATA Centra
l Hospital. For medical test, the vendor will have to take prior appoi
ntment from different OPD, after depositing the applicable fee. 2. Sa
fety training and skill certification will be conducted at Dept with p
rior appointment. 3. After completion of above processes, all the pe
rson has to go first to the contractor cell, then to the security offi
ce to obtain valid safety pass and RFID card, then only they will be a
llowed to work at site. 4. To complete the above processes all person
s has to stay at West Bokaro, as their physical presence is mandatory
during above processes. Supervisor/Technician/Fitter/Welder/Rigger/
Grinderman/Helper/Driver etc. 5. Medical examination of all people,
outside or in TATA Central Hospital, West Bokaro to obtain O-certific
ate from authorised medical officers of TATA Central Hospital. For med
ical test, the vendor will have to take prior appointment from differe
nt OPD, after depositing the applicable fee. 6. 6 days theoretical sa
fety training will be conducted at JRDTTC with prior appointment, imme
diately after that, on job training of 6 days will be conducted at dep
t. 7. After that skill certification will be done at JRDTTC or dept a
s applicable, with prior appointment. 8. After completion of above pr
ocesses, all the person has to go first to the contractor cell, then t
o the security office to obtain valid safety pass and RFID card, then
only they will be allowed to work at site. 9. To complete the above p

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rocesses all persons has to stay at West Bokaro, as their physical pre
sence is mandatory during above processes. General Safety Requirem
ent 1. Do not use mobile phone at workplace. Mobile phone can be us
ed in designated area only. 2. Vendor partner must have workmen Compe
nsation/ Employee Compensation policy. 3. Always use designated path
only. Do not enter in other unauthorised area. 4. All working person
must gone through the safety training, skill certification and medical
test as per TATA STEEL Ltd. Contractor safety management. 5. After r
eceiving valid gate pass vendor is enabled for work execution at site.
6. Do not touch any moving machinery and electrical equipment/cables
without permission. 7. Vendor must use splinter free hammer. 8. Cha
in block of Kitto, Elephant and Morris make only will be allowed with
valid test certificates. 9. Non-standard and banned tools like adjust
able wrench, Oil cooled welding machine, Neon tester will not allowed
at workplace. 10. Job should not be executed without SOP, positive is
olation and work permit. 11. Any doubt related to TATA STEEL safety s
tandard can be discussed during pre-bid meeting. After that no concern
/doubt will be entertained and vendor will have to deliver the service
as per mentioned PO terms only. Welding and Gas Cutting Safety 1.
Use of fire blanket during welding and gas cutting job. 2. Welding a
nd gas cutting specific PPE’s. Fire Safety 1. Suitable fire exting
uisher to be kept in working area. 2. Sand bucket and water bucket mu
st be arranged by vendor. Barrication 1. Working area must be barr
icaded as per TATA STEEL barrication standard to prevent unauthorised
entry. Working at Height 1. Must use double body harness while wor
king at height. 2. Use cup lock scaffolding only for working at heigh
t. 3. Vertigo test is mandatory for the person who will work at heigh
t. Note:- 1. To comply the above guidelines all resources (Materia
l and man) will be arranged and ensured by vendor only. 2. Any Violat
ions w.r.t above guideline will result in serious consequences against
vendor as per TATA STEEL LTD. Contractor Safety management guidelines
. TATA STEEL SCOPE 1. Steel material. 2. Civil work. CONT
RACTORS REPSONSIBILITIES ============================== 3. The contr
actor will arrange various size of fasteners, welding electrodes, DA &
Oxygen cylinders, tool & tackles for lifting and fitting jobs of thei
r own. 4. The contractor will arrange for qualified & trained Supervi
sors with adequate experience in fabrication, erection and other activ
ities as indicated. 5. The contractor will arrange on their own expe
nse for the shifting of the materials from Central Stores to work site
given to them as free issue (Steel material) and also the fabricated
items from their fabrication yard to its destination for erection purp
ose. 6. For any gas cutting/welding job in the plant, prior permissi

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on has to be obtained in writing from Manager (Maint.) concerned of d

ept in the prescribed format. 7. All the workman employed should use
safety boots, safety helmets & other appliance while working workmen
doing job at height should invariably use safety belt. 8. The contra
ctor should strictly adhere to the provision of various Acts & statuar
ies as may be applicable to job of this nature like minimum wages Act,
payment of wages Ac t, Workmen compensation Act. etc. 9. The contra
ctor should use the materials issued to them in the most economical ma
nner and reconciliation has to be done against each bill as to the qua
ntity of materials issue and the same consumed. A maximum of 1.5% of w
eight of the fabricated material is allowed as fabrication loss for al
l the jobs done. 10. Every day, after the job is over, the scrap has
to be collected at the specified area. 11. The contractor should gu
arantee for the quality of the items supplied by them as well as the w
orkmanship of job done. In the event of any failure due to defective m
aterial or poor workmanship, the party shall rectify/replace the job/m
aterial free of cost within 24hrs. 12. Party to use reputed make ele
ctrode like L&T, Philips, ESAB etc. 13. Before starting any erection
job on daily basis, the supervisor should ensure that the safety devic
es like sand buckets, fire extinguisher, running water hose, etc. are
ready at the site. 14. No idle charges will be paid for non-availabi
lity of plant shutdown. 15. The contractor should quote firm rates f
or the period of contract. Escalation of rates will not be entertained
in any case. 16. The actual quantities may vary between plus minus
25%. 17. The contractor should abide by all the existing rules of #E
nvironmental Management System# or any rule which have been revised du
ring the period of the contract. 18. Boarding & lodging for their wo
rking personnel will be in party scope. 19. To & fro journey and loca
l transport will be in party scope. Indemnity ============ You
will indemnify and hold harmless Tata Steel, from: - a. Any claim, d
emand, cause of action, loss, expenses or liability on account of inju
ry or death of person (including the employees of the employer/Contrac
tor/Sub Contractor). b. Any claim arising out of damage to or loss of
Property (including the property of the Employer/Sub-Contractor) aris
ing directly or indirectly out of the Negligent acts, errors or omissi
ons of the Contractor in performance of his obligation under this Cont
ract. c. Any claim by third party including sub-contractors for failu
re to make payment for labour, services, equipment and materials arisi
ng out of this project. Mandatory provisions: =================== 1
. Labour License is mandatory to work by the contractor irrespective o
f number of workers to be engaged. 2. Employees Provident Fund Regist
ration Certificate should be in the name of the vendor. 3. The vendor
must have Group Mediclaim & Accidental Insurance policy for the worke

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rs to be deployed. 4. Valid Work Permit License from the Competent Au

thority (if any) should be in the name of the vendor, supervisor and w
orkers to be deployed at site. 5. The vendor must have current bank a
ccount & wage payment to the workers deployed should be through bank a
ccount transfer (RTGS) only. 6. The Vendor must submit the job declar
ation report to Unit Head HRM & also request for Labour License at lea
st 20 (twenty) days before work commencement and the completion report
must submit within 5 (five) days after job completion. 7. Before req
uest for permanent gate pass the vendor has to deposit with Unit Head-
HRM the proof of Labour License, VT, IME, medical & accidental insura
nce and police verification for all the workers to be deployed. 8. Th
e vendor has to pay:- a. Minimum Bonus to the workers deployed as per
prevailing law in force. b. Leave with wages (PL: 15, CL: 7 & NH: 4)
or leave encashment in lieu of that in the month of January. c. Term
inal benefits like Retrenchment compensation, Notice pay to the worker
s deployed. 9. Any new or change in worker to be intimated to the Hea
d of the concerned Department & Unit Head- HRM in advance. 10. The ve
ndor cannot sublet any part of the contract except project work which
needs prior approval from the Chief of the concerned dept, Chief- HRM
& Head- Purchase. 11. After approval subletting can be allowed if the
sub vendor has vendor code at Tata Steel and complied with all the ab
ove clauses. 12. The vendor has to submit an agreement copy in notari
zed non judicial stamp paper signed both by the vendor & sub vendor al
ong with the request letter to the Unit Head- HRM (Format Available wi
th Manager-HRM). 13. For each work the Vendor must have provision for
full time Supervisor for every shift. 14. In the last working day or
after expiry of contract whichever is earlier, the vendor has to subm
it the permanent gate pass in the office of the Senior Manager - Secur
ity and produce the acknowledgement copy to the Unit Head-HRM. ======
Additional text for item: User's Details:

Name: Shubham Singh, Mobile: 9262290550,

Email : shubham.singh11@tatasteel.com



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1.1 The Contractor shall, at all times, comply with all requirements of
any Applicable Law (including the ‘New Labour Codes’ as and when
notified for implementation) relating to the employment of
labour/personnel under this Contract, including but not limited to
matters relating to registrations and licenses under the applicable
statutes, timely payment of wages and allowances, payment of minimum
wages, payment of overtime, grant of leave, payment of leave encashment
money, payment of employee compensation, payment of retrenchment
compensation amount and notice pay (as and when applicable), working
hours, safety, maternity benefits, holidays, framing of standing orders,
disciplinary action against employees, payment of provident fund and
ESIC contribution, payment of gratuity and payment of bonus. The
Contractor shall submit, with its Request for Payment, declaration for
compliance with all applicable Labour Laws in the ‘Form’ prescribed by
Tata Steel Limited’, with supporting documents confirming due
compliance, during the preceding month.

1.2 In the employment of labour for the execution of the Works the
Contractor shall comply and shall require its Subcontractors, if any, to
comply with the provisions of all applicable Labour Laws, including but
not limited to the Payment of Wages Act 1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948,
Employees Liability Act 1938, Employee Compensation Act 1923, Industrial
Disputes Act 1947, Maternity Benefits Act 1961 and the Contractor’s
Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 or the modifications thereof
or any other laws relating thereto and the rules made there under from
time to time, including the ‘New Labour Codes’ as and when notified for
implementation (collectively referred to as the "Labour Laws").

1.3 The Contractor shall maintain harmony and good industrial relations
among the personnel employed by it in connection with the performance of
its obligations under this Contract and comply with all applicable
Labour Laws.

1.4 The Contractor shall take necessary comprehensive insurance covering

all the employees and procure necessary work permits as may be necessary
for performance of this Contract before the deployment of persons on the

1.5 If the Contractor (including it’s sub – contractor)

fails to pay any wages, allowances, statutory contributions or any other
monetary benefits due and payable to its employees under the applicable
Laws, including any amount under various heads as prescribed in Cl. 1.1
hereinabove, in consequence of which Tata Steel Ltd, being the principal

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employer, is liable to pay to the Contractor's employees such wages,

allowances, statutory contributions or any other monetary benefits, then
Tata Steel Ltd. shall have a right to recover such amounts paid to the
Contractor's employees (including any interest or penalty therein), from
the Contractor and such amounts may, without prejudice to any other
method of recovery, be deducted from any monies due to the Contractor by
Tata Steel Ltd. or may be recovered as a debt due and payable to Tata
Steel Ltd. on demand.

Purchase order text: DFLT

Service Details for the Item

Service No Serv Ext Row Quantity-UOM

USCISN03A355 10 1.000-NOS


Detailed Desc:Long text for service master: Short Text :


Long Text :
Item To Be Tested : Boiler Bank Tubes
Test Type : Rfet
Size Of Item : 38-75.4 Mm
Test Parameters : Cracks ,Depth Of Corrosion ,Anomalistic Feature
,Quality ,Thickness
Surface Preparation By : Vendor
Result Form : Magnetic Particle Inspection ,Sample
Test Standard : Not Applicable
Testing Location : In Tsl At Site
Test Calibration By : Vendor
Instrument Supply By : Vendor
Consumable Supply By : Vendor
Test Witness By : Tsl
Certification By : Tsl
Documentation Required (All) : Defects ,Recommendations ,Test Results

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Check Point Data :

Min :80
Max :100
UOM :Percentage

Hazard With Job:

Job at Hard to access area or above 30 ft or inside cellar/tanks
likely to have heat/dust/fumes/noise

Skill Level :
National level/ Industry best (OEM)/Very High level of local expertise

USCISN03A354 20 1.000-M


Detailed Desc:Long text for service master: Short Text :


Long Text :
Item To Be Tested : Furnace Water Wall Tubes
Test Type : Eci(Electro Magnetic)
Size Of Item : 38-75.4 Mm
Test Parameters : Thickness
Surface Preparation By : Vendor
Result Form : Not Applicable
Test Standard : Ibr 1950
Testing Location : Insitu
Test Calibration By : Vendor
Instrument Supply By : Vendor
Consumable Supply By : Vendor
Test Witness By : Tsl
Certification By : Tsl
Documentation Required (All) : Calibration Certficiate ,Defects
,Recommendations ,Test Results

Check Point Data :

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Hazard With Job:

Job in gas prone/confined space area

Skill Level :
National level/ Industry best (OEM)/Very High level of local expertise

USCISN03A357 30 1.000-M


Detailed Desc:Long text for service master: Short Text :


Long Text :
Item To Be Tested : Finned Coils
Test Type : Internal Ut
Size Of Item : 38-75.4 Mm
Test Parameters : Thickness
Surface Preparation By : Vendor
Result Form : Not Applicable
Test Standard : Ibr 1950
Testing Location : Insitu
Test Calibration By : Vendor
Instrument Supply By : Vendor
Consumable Supply By : Vendor
Test Witness By : Tsl
Certification By : Tsl
Documentation Required (All) : Calibration Certficiate ,Defects
,Recommendations ,Test Results

Check Point Data :


Hazard With Job:

Job in gas prone/confined space area

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Skill Level :
National level/ Industry best (OEM)/Very High level of local expertise

USCISN03A356 40 1.000-M


Detailed Desc:Long text for service master: Short Text :


Long Text :
Item To Be Tested : Boiler Pressure Parts Coil
Test Type : Eci(Electro Magnetic)
Size Of Item : 38-75.4 Mm
Test Parameters : Thickness
Surface Preparation By : Vendor
Result Form : Not Applicable
Test Standard : Ibr 1950
Testing Location : Insitu
Test Calibration By : Vendor
Instrument Supply By : Vendor
Consumable Supply By : Vendor
Test Witness By : Tsl
Certification By : Tsl
Documentation Required (All) : Calibration Certficiate ,Defects
,Recommendations ,Test Results

Check Point Data :


Hazard With Job:

Job in gas prone/confined space area

Skill Level :
National level/ Industry best (OEM)/Very High level of local expertise

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PEQP121730 50 1.000-NOS


Detailed Desc:Long text for service master: 1.OD: 85-90mm

3.Test Parameters : cracks ,depth of corrosion ,anomalistic feature,
quality ,thickness.
4.Test method: Magnetic Particle Inspection.
5.Test standard: IBR 1950
6.Surface preparation to be done by contractor.
7.Test calibration, certification, instrument and consumable supply w
ill be under contractor’s scope.
8.Documentation Required (All) : Calibration certificate, Defects ,Re
commendations ,Test Results.
9.Test to be carried out at TSL Site.
10.Test witness and certification will be done by TSL.

PEQP121731 60 1.000-NOS

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Detailed Desc:Long text for service master: 1.OD: 70-80mm

3.Test Parameters : cracks ,depth of corrosion ,anomalistic feature,
quality ,thickness.
4.Test method: Magnetic Particle Inspection.
5.Test standard: IBR 1950
6.Surface preparation to be done by contractor.
7.Test calibration, certification, instrument and consumable supply w
ill be under contractor’s scope.
8.Documentation Required (All) : Calibration certificate, Defects ,Re
commendations ,Test Results.
9.Test to be carried out at TSL Site.
10.Test witness and certification will be done by TSL.

PEQP121732 70 1.000-M


Detailed Desc:Long text for service master: 1.OD: 273mm

2.UOM: M
3.Test Parameters : cracks ,depth of corrosion ,anomalistic feature,
quality ,thickness.
4.Test method: Magnetic Particle Inspection.
5.Test standard: IBR 1950
6.Surface preparation to be done by contractor.
7.Test calibration, certification, instrument and consumable supply w
ill be under contractor’s scope.
8.Documentation Required (All) : Calibration certificate, Defects ,Re
commendations ,Test Results.
9.Test to be carried out at TSL Site.
10.Test witness and certification will be done by TSL.

USCOSO01Y001 80 1.000-LUS


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Detailed Desc:Long text for service master: Short Text :


Long Text :
Plant Name : Tata Steel Bsl
Plant Section : Bp1
Job Type : Resource Mobilisation
Activities To Perform (All) : Equipment Cleaning ,Leakage Testing
Machine To Be Operated (All) : As Per The Job Requirement
Location Of Work : Power Plant Phase-2
Basis Of Payment : Fixed Service Cost
Consumable Supply By : Tata Steel Bsl
Spare Supply By : Tata Steel Bsl
Debris Disposal By : Vendor
Debris Disposal At : Nearest Waste Bin
Tools Tackles Supply By : Vendor
Report Preparation By : Vendor
Report Media : Hard Copy ,Soft Copy
Trial Taken By : Vendor
Material Shifting By : Vendor

Check Point Data :

Check Point :VISUAL

Hazard With Job:

E<(>&<)>P - Job with normal access / having no plant operational hazard

Skill Level :
National level/ Industry best (OEM)/Very High level of local expertise

USCPRD02Y026 90 1.000-MDY


Detailed Desc:Long text for service master: Short Text :


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Long Text :
Consultancy For : Insp. <(>&<)> Overhauling
Activities To Perform (All) : Feasibility Study ,Improvement <(>&<)>
Countermeasures ,Inspection ,System Healthiness Checking ,Tech
Shift Duration : 8 H
Basis Of Payment : Time Sheet
Documents To Be Submitted : Time Sheet

Additional Details :

Hazard With Job:

E<(>&<)>P - Job with normal access / having no plant operational hazard

Skill Level :
National level/ Industry best (OEM)/Very High level of local expertise

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