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Session + 201¢-19 Prawen te He gueston 20 “040 Given, Gententad? Jom a atizen ot Bargladeoh| Senteneess 1 ym’ mot 6 citizen of Bargladet by Binthplae, 4 Tehens of sentence LE, ‘ont, “0 “citizen of * Borgfadeoh’ 1 Tokens of centeneeg LE com! tot’ ‘oS Taitheed, “ob! | ) borgladegf ‘ot Binvuplace® par vr vetton dable ile “| penne eer one: Gerdeneels [L bb dt LL ,0, 6 0] Sentero nt TL dod sd A AL] Nw, Padledion diclnee = Cay? (opted e ODL DE (EINE + [ooh 4 (ere 13 73 wv “.\ Answer to dhe gueotion 71 -o1(0 SSS Giver, BU, MI 00, 26,48, 2%, 1 9%, fo, 24 gg, 36 26 \2, 9 Sonting dod W012, 28,28,27,94, 8,34, 24, 2646 42, 58,69 \ Here mumsen of data N= Le TE —__—- Hane five number sue an minimum ort [weet mumben = £0 Fist quanitle index = Fox © 29.75 24 Se Fist guanille = oe v | \ y | \ y Medion Ander $0 Medion = 23% Tied Guanitie ander = 22 KIT =o 196 azIDH | | | Tied guontle = 34 | | Dove = 40 Now we dave de tant tt ord lew on boundary , we ve Used IOP. Lower donee on “nc | = 6-15 Ge = 91 - 18 (05-9) = 26- 18 (4-28) ee Heng dive qumben samen ane ~ mintmam or woot mumben = 10 Fest quantle Sndex = 28 yw 29.75 24H Se First guantle = 2 tod Ne Sel 2 apes v Medion Fndex $6 medion = 2B | Tei Guaeitie nde = TE nie sag arinH | The guontle = 2s | ree an Now we tetve do et element or boundory. we ve used LOR. Lowen fenee ont nie = G,- 1% @9~ = 9. = 15 (As-H) = 26- (8 (6-28) leh : Upeer enee on bandory — oy + 45 (IPS) = O04 16 (Oso) = Bers 5(36-25) = 65 Se oun olemens tnelude, ang ther me Moximum is 6 : —as + 9b Gothen oudlie a Firally out Min = 10 Max = 5 9 = 2g Oe = 86 Medion =722 oben D rays | [-- ae Ha 3h tt At A OF py IF gb as DO UE UE D gf bb br Figs Box plot —d Answer to the question N0-02 Given, THO OTOL 4 u 3 4 1 5 7 4 Ts peduee the dimension trom pdo 4, | We med do elo the bellow cteps - Let Lonsiden awe det ator os ay CTHO2 08 Wr Feel en [te [Bs [ey wy ¢ 6 F a | 0 4 5 | 4 ene, NumLben of deaduned 222 Number of famoleo,VZY Steps tolealade Meo He Turse 79 we t (tae 5t4) clep-o2: Avlarration of eovonianee mnotniae a> Cov, %) tov (re) tov (%,%) Cov (%,22) tov (2%) = zl z, Fue )Ge- %) | aa vaya (20 OF" » | nes a : _ Cov% %) = iB . Z (ae) (% 2 AFC) CO sya) + E-8) (5-4) + (#5) (u-*) } a HE lov (%2,2%) = sey (He- -%) Xy- B) et (Wd) (22d) = (FEbEA - 2.67) 20 Jee => 195-628 22p - IW +A%— $82 20 DPN -203A\ +998 50 FM 2ou 5 Wee SHOX! Colalate en vee tor (S-dD)U = 0 Wop -#6F wi TP [sa vandhal = Le\ (u-d) Wy - F OFUg = 0 and ~FEAM, - (ss) ug > Uy Ug => —-=+ 5 = ? Wap | = 76F > uy = pert ond Une (ura) & | bo, we pnsiden A ow dhen ton one principal tomponant we tont!den 7 F.6% U= Lige gous [0] Gus Mow we-heve de ind unit eigen vector. (498% (Hor + = qo. oar eye [ FEAL yn ~ kG {ull | - FSV 5,021 | GUE Yy 091 _ [ OFS Ob RE SHOOK Colwlute sinst- —prineipal tomponent | TP Xe- & | fie & Dk | Pr Pre [o.766 ou] [eh *) -¢ [ows 20.6036] er ] BD (v. 45x- 4) + (06HEX )) = -6-2F = Loe 2 [owes - 0.6496] pee] FO ORESR G + (-06UB6x-1) 2 WUE = [29765 = - 0-606] [22 = 0265 + (0 6UBG x -2) 20722 dyin be dg a Pe [one tl = Ten Oe = We) TAT ys Cn = IU, Mu = TOK oy I2/ yal = 0 FE. Sour fight pring pal fomponen® pear ve [oe | ne dns Bs fe dom — dinencion 2 to L Ww ‘s J SRE Greo eine mang of ies princi eal meen e. ee ee PULTE Sowa EheW finswer vo the guoa Hons 770 - 02 (2) Given pelo tions! gehems of on airport. FLIGHT (ZF, Lonigary, DepAinornh Ann Ringo DeeThme, AneTime) | FLYING Cropigu igi Dade) | ALR POPT( an eic cont Prwnlome, City, Sdode) | TUCEET(TeretSental Me, a ftigh, AigedDaie, Seat, Pole, Nome currans =) _ CHECELN( TieketSenialvy, aheakin Teme Laggegets) | Ness -fot dale & TLORET TD Adini bole Teg eget | agar: AlambensfTevers, Nomber 24 luagene , Wtlineme Dimenstonse Trevor ( Sexy PlghtPate) : Rigi ( Puight lompong, De? Aicpank, frac Airport Dee CMe, ArnTine Fast Sehema: Treket on [Taek hin at oT ae finder Of | Toaiinet pie goth TDP light aes pephinent yx? Sof pete | Autre YO Cy oF Plightdomerrsy state DW smowsloke Sehernn | Fight LD Pugh bemgone, Dep finger Ang Alcon | | DerTime | Aan time | | | Fieve f Theeek Serta Peon) Lisp rian TD REET fy [Aight Dore Name en || Sumrmome | 1 pPerson | aay ri 3D Aiceors— | TD Alport Ain Nome flare Ld | Hens phen | meng mo logpayer primer alded dave. t dd uilted gyn teria primary é at genetated yhen o mew mewn dx ist i & eble — gutoma heay » ebdalose dat ian |, v € dedlaned 43 fre - primar) “A ef dlat date, go os a 49 G_ [& [02] Aon ze] “a 5 Peay Pear FS. SN tatymm as sunnoa ade bey bh dues Prswer to dhe gueoton m0-¢4(a) Given, “Goncoaton Zp [nine Gough? (onto) L | Grend, utter, mite D Candidste temet and repent tenreb wf | yaimimurn cuppa 467, | We beve five™ungque, produc: Bread, | Rotten, milk, Honey |, CSU. “Diapers Minimum — support (aunt = yap, suger p ‘dem eek. oval] | = Weng aL fondldat Lem dog them Support tount- 1 them Toherkel™ Grend Gutter | weal Tt Daeg Honey 2 Doren a lordihde Teviset Jot a-dem [ea thew on] Gawd Barren | Buen Dares Romeo Atle 2 Bread Powe} > Buiter, pio pers i Putter, moe & Gutter, Peary) ° D’wPens, ME \ Faves -Lsney 2 MV , eney ° Theguont temck fon fwo tte | Po dneguen ‘Senset-| Syppra)tow Snead Putter f | | reod, Butter, Geen Honey | Mik, Dlaperw, ffoney | repuens Teme fon getters Hsociorion mule from dhe freguend Stenuet with -yetnimum tnftdenee thnesbuld FOR _ centvanwmn ton Fidence = 70% londdente(x-2¥) = PCYIK) = PCKUY)/PX) We Lave 5 regumr fewset— {Onead Puller}, FOread, met, Souter, mtied, {Diarers, Honey? , [Bread Butter eed So gndidates nate ane. | (Foon J Anens, Qutdens Bread = Butler = %% = [2 Qutim > Biread = %y = [cof © Bn fanead Mie} Bread > MIE = 4, = er Mie > Bread = % 2 oo% WD Art Butter, MEL ap Putten s mye. = 75 = 6K MK 9 Bubher = {2 12% © Ba { Disyens, Roney 4 2, =6 ee Honey > Diapers = 7 2 ler. Diapers —» Honey = Be Gread, Cuber mid Bread Outten > Me = % = 6% | Dread Ye S gutters % = [07 MI, Bubten-> Onend = % = 1% Breads putter a9 MIE = 7% > 627, | Rutten» Bread. Me = ws E7% (Me > Bnead, Gutter = % =[ 007% | aie, with minimum | Seuss aia Han rules (Gneadis Batten - Sputterts Bnead4 J MIE Ss Bread Gates > Qubier. | (Honey 3 Bra pens, {eras miss owen (MR, Butter > Bread Ged > Bred, Buiter, Arswen “He gusadion r0- BU) eee ee Given object one, Als), AL 98), A3(92), Ou 6-9, ASO) Grd fhe (7) Let voy gna gnttlal —fendrotdy y= Ail) Go. = A9(%2),, Use eucledian distance do Iyate distance dnom centroid | Tate alesd [af oD pba facto) _| a ishaee dam) gay] 6-00 | 9.61, |. 3th _| GH | FeAl | GO sy 89 | eee] OL ee 4 | 4 REELS EN 6AS HOM New Gentnotdd = oe S y(n, F2) én ( 93) Now Utalate, Distonee dem new cen trot. Ags] a6 a9) eC) 637 | QG4 4% [Fre] 0 |g. [rag | 028 cenwulds “ca/y2, 7.2) and y'(999 Abe? te | Belore, So cum final austen’ Some ws C= ; Ny Ae, Au As, md 28 As} Cluster andlysis ty als Known 60 elus toning, meted of dite cme ef Four devinable torlaneo of a elvstervinw i LL —————T_ tt Pras medhed is Gryen bellow - © Stabila The -metled chould ve able te lantle Longe dateset edicienty «ben Computation Hme and memory vaege. @ Ander prebbttity + Clustering outtome ghoul be ‘ntatpreteble, tomerehersidle, and walle, Te ceflece bow costly date ts undensdec @ Audit) to Deol wit Abvise ond ovdtient Tb cluld ve robwiness te NOE alo shuld ve able “oe dent, nye, | ” matty de handle different ads “Wypet analysts — cmetred should | A geod austen, be fleride @ ery te Landle various | I sate typed without nequlncre extensive je ean Answer te dhe guoo Hon 770 - fe Dn coukiien ba dedapoint- thot synidiontly dihers rom gghea —abssenva ten (andi hoers UL ver outite dhe ovenai pattern of the dota and nay indiete vortatiliiy , encore TM memunements ort gommetiiwg, more tut Stand eont— events | ctonded iy role Sn | Suldlens one ayivlly di un gkew SHolis dodo grplycts bewae | gmalyseo ‘and rode, aaaial de Ana cpevies Hons, Heo nemlls. Joweven, IM gome a a doda con be none. Andenea Ha hen ithe smyne egulerly font ones fon |Severaal Treanons », Ih Wenttdy pone evendss — Dudes moy — qeptterer Tate events on aeewtaneed Plat ane anuelal fon’ yderstarabing a phenomenon, & Trnoyation and Siovenys “Qutllens someHmen Revert unewected insights on oppor toditten don tamevavton . They may’ trdiended onens ees eonvenH ora] whem of — tdandand rinehlees y. p net ppply , heading do new AS wrverwey yee break Shrug: Pon . evomple, m -ynedteat neaemch pudtlens | fn abintea] decal UN ey pected Report polenta leastiug — dex | dhe develop ment q | therapies, ie Uncen stony ke dos ds ta em ” Baw, [dota gould indiate 6S mew ull tun provide twsights nde the under Ying disdnitution ‘of the wuéa. They ravi Wightights extreme tonditony OM Aimaum sfaneedD —»- Jad we rd? taphn 4 bulk of We data. Undens tending, chere erdnemes ean lead to @ mone lompnt hersive cecal of dhe dada and bedden destision canseing, by Robustness f modest Some Ue» bes Hey amuods Jlat one probe de oupbiens Gn lead 40 mone pesilient and olable pratie tons By Anton pera ding Inder mation from ougtlery models can beffen age tount on voniailt to, and unerpeeted events, resulta ie mone quote and adaptable systems, Co we aan say tot, rathen then oud He discarding gutiter sy fimpmttont — to eoneby tides theit godential Sgnidieance and {mpl Hons ‘in speerte, Con texts Answer de dhe gueation no - (a) Given, beh ve auune He equation yo BE oe Here wah daneHem 92 _yoye Jey = de 2 ) Sb Tue) Gradients — ene Boxe) = Bor fie (tid eh EF (wa sb- 0 yx ev uy ee sc uv av ne pd — S > % { % XZ Now, Gri tat portame ter. w 9et2-0 » 20 earning rate x 2 0:01 Number 0f eration =6.~ * Tera ten -of Yened = we +? P Proodie Ho" / (OF, EK). Yfred = 0 (4:32) Yoned >© (29,32) Ypedao Ginadrents: 1 2 (oben OP 3s 2 (we) = FHCO- vy OF + (dH) 29 + (0-22)49) = = 4.9888 m 35 20m) = tn Zz. ( wete ~~) 36 os ((e) + (0-9) #(0 -2-2)) 2 QlbF wow, we 0 4 OOL KG FEF® = be bes o1 XK QIEE = Plena Hon 02 ike 0:0 UIDEr 0 aut Ys Febo= ¥i(love | Predietion pein’ ane, (0-6, 14) > Yoned = 0 ONE BAD), ypned= O1916 (22,22) Yfoned = dtd 4 Gradients one Stl) = pf (Oeust Heo + (01 le 192 + (nity -94) 2-9) = 4 4209 2Alwie) 5 Sf Co oust M+ (uae “1 2) + (Ofb MR al 68 te | | ‘Herta ton -02 | Ya 0.0980% + O03 85- Predicted points ORE ROOdFE Oly Kecge 2 OO4F £00 ® Gen op i20,.0990 aay = 005S5- (CO, bu)» Boned = 0-08 6D (2:4, 19) 7 Sppred (2:9, 4D) "YY pred Giradients ane, — 6 2524 0.3092. 2 Ie) a $f (0.0650 - 1a) ve + “SY (q. 2524-119) 293 + (03092 -4:2) 2-3‘) 2-4 2964 > Sy tu = yf (osso-04) + (2524-19) 4 (0:5092-3'2)§ 2H LU Se Ws $109 Oe OLY GOHF = OBES b= GOBSH + O01 RL SE4S = 6: 0542 [tena Hon — 04 fateh Ys br gse% + O10 HUD Predteton points (os, wh) gna algae Caisytio) Yoel = 00076 SE Yew =e O-4u90 Ginadients ame sh Su) = Jf pigad— be) Be + (taste = 19) BH (d44O0 ~sa)2o4 2 Sp by SLE Compr) + (01 2676 -19) + (04490 says 15 204 Ww We OBESE OL K Y. OUI SOF b= yom OB5UB £0.01 x /G204 = 0 069.~ | Lena Hon 7088 | Hera Hon "08 yz OF6 2K E 0: 0695 Predietton poinds (08, 14) Yoned = 0.1676 (83519) peed = OUFBF (2912) Gages = 0-680 Binadionts one 2, ten) = Bf (SFM) OB + (eyrazyg YU + (0-5865-32)29) = 3 G2uE S gut). 4 ; ( 015 7C—bY 40.4707 -19) + (058056 aay} 2 = (3964 So, Ws ogra COO RS eons = DIK bay, OLS DIK 13964 “Hera tton 5 ¢ fk D> OMY DG, PredieHon ponds one, > Ovoasy & say (8,04) Yoened = ..01906 [28 9) > Wed ve O- Sess (2-9. 3-2) d pred = 0. Foys Ginadient: ane 2 Sw Js) maf (0-106 ~ 14) x Oe + (osm Sas ¢ loteyg ~S2)4 = «269 a, Bp swe) a $F Co. 1906 — 04) + (osese-r9) +(o 7013-9.) E -b304) = O24 tooIpaigzs| = 0-25 06 © = 6.0884 EO.ol xf goyt 70,69bY Se Aster 6 fhenaton cure binear Meamession bine 33 0-2506% + 0.0964 So don heignt of) 4 weit g.& ypnei on ts Yored = O'2FOCKST 40.0964 H049F 25 The ermal nite. yo moped vsed 1 SVM te Convent dada tnde A highe- dimen ctonal Seadone space te mabe tinernly Sererated , Kennel Titee. In Syme Inet Spate — mrad ®o Ratune pace da generally BVM. works vert) | ben livonty separable data, Powevem Tn — prent yuonld data ts not often aa seperable, The Henn driebs “ allbws gym, db “handle | monlinga, — data by ‘meticicly mapping te | dn pints doo Ughe diaentonal rds SPE Where ty oi Seperable Wivg Unvear hoper Slane, Heme driee tn nema! medworks Neumal network wld 4 Single hidden layer On ony lonn — (neon deelsion bourdert/es The pereng drveke wonbe used “4 Umsunehion wiIk meutal networks fnntnoduee more Uneority, — Howeven dhe APPTIOEK Li Hen om YM, Heme, many ie pee She forme lee 0 & } | eodone, exqaraten layer tenjundHon with | getivotien fnetiins for [earring temple run. Lar polo tionshie fy fhe Dada. Answer do the guyadton nor 6(© A pet eepiron ts a uinean dassidiert flat Mak HHedietione Loved on a binean Wombinotion of fm put Feotaneo, Tt we & daneobold | aetiva tten ane Hon do woke Linon Uossi diudons \ We need do filo de bellow stem v Relice getivation dune fon dnom frat cineiton do Starr ctunetton t 2) Dedime armodel “and pnediet the _ Pt ba ody ch dhe ole f $= G(wx 4b) pene o@= ee} | | | 2) use ave ertess- entree OS “USt Sntdtp [4% Use qrakent deoeent do uplte- Value of = Ww,b Si Train phe Yrbclh. Anuren = He queodten 0-09) Enno p extine dadeuet = Sf years, Paiede 1 og & 1799 74 - a z > ~ Ze we 20.58 Fon lnu me, , | = . Tneome Yep | Pented | ted} Hah} ° y Vey 2 © 2. Medium) 1 2 2 Low 6 2 3 Sven highs = = hy - $y & 20 S Mgh = ~ the Smetum 2 - log 4 - 75 (a4 Es 090 Stow ~~ Sly’ — $1 F a0 5° Inds mona ton Guin of ‘Jnmmes 0-99 . — (bw) -(er) —(%n002) - Cir) a he = 002 3% 2698 | 2 26 Sywrsy 2 - Glog ~ 4 ly,3 088 Or Andermation Gain a 2 0194 Yon 0.42) (5 x09) - Ga 80-92) a OF ey on 6 TN Now — wrsiden mediwm rome [Age [dat Bad ee Nova | Yo? : idle | Rerted Bld | Rente Entrees of medium Smedium fyeret, Rented = 2 ee A one A ies) 20,5 7 3°OB = 692 TT ented 20h = Hog ¢ 2° pended 213 2- bgt =e for ge Sywraf ye PA, Swcute wer 2, yen oy rented =a} 0 Sora) Torok Age a | 2097 ls Desision Wee) _ 4 a —— Answer Mrswen dy the gnu ters n0.- 08 (0) Number of dransaetion = & mim sup = 60% ym, OF Frequent Rétern Sek § BLY? my, y “34 Ac painimum cuppont {DERM No, CAE eM of REE M of Samuyy (fb Mw Yh 4 B/S, Ks | Lek, forsee “pondered fronmetion indo o | dots cinuelyhe - | [ave | ee arate ——$. WE gm 20S 0 OF | Het@bh+ Here dle polnts bum a raw iy straight Ving, 1h Gnditades Hat Shere ga, Vinearr yoda torshio, Alco, Ales mest of jhe plmk ane absed a dhe Cine, Co Lene. ‘sa nova (Reka tonarp So, Fem He tonsitlonal en ee: patient free Ls ggrenet co bas amd frequents teensek™ Me 82 [owe Frequent Po “potkean generate [ay ee see: say x08) BRS ao | mH fenne § : do & Ey 1 wee twee ine’ nee Ya wrt b pat best | ord osirg pent Square | sh Sepolt dalwrate mer \ | &= auc apse DEHEL ET a = 1928 a wo rust WHS t 5 \ = 656 fs we — ayamed eight or o> y. shepont talyrate — SloP | ne ELD | _ Z @y-2) 4 (a-® Yyi-) = (20-1948 )(00 - G56) + (Q05- ence tw &56) +(ing - lon, + =“ (0-6 S-6) (itt ~i9g.2) t(S Lo.6)4 ( > 6) (U2 -Bg6) fgo dhe equa tlon |S Height les em height pre dietion PIs 2 4 ('-2)*2( 206- Jone) (96h D208 )E Cist- 199°" 4177 lon.gye > ItE.g Won sey ™ dress are came hene #6-6 = 3S ale b= 5- We 2 OF 6 MeO HOD = 80.4) j= Ole At 40-E| & “0 Y= bi(go MES tBg | =h4eul

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