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thaw chy US ifiiue Gdiey @P eprepare FORCE AND MOTION 1 Acceleration in the Simple pondulum is always to displacement ‘A. inversely proportional B. directly proportional . acting negative D. independent 2. Acceleration of an object is defined as the rate of change of A. displacement B. time C. velocity D. distance 3 Mass ml has a velocity of Om/s and mass m2 has a velocity of 5 m’s. Mass m1 >m2. Which one has larger interior? A.m2 B. m1 C. both ml and m2 D. not enough information 4 Rate of change in displacement is known as: A.spood Bavelocity Cacceleration D.momentum 5 Instantaneous velocity is defined at A. particular displacement B. instant acceleration y C. instant time D. average time 6 Average speedl of a object, singly ircle of S m radius in 5 seconds hot Ba _ \ D. 10x IN 7 Displacement af 0bj moving(v) fia Axwt Bixivt Gx D.xevtiat"2 respect a constant fircction is 8 Acceleration of object which starts rest to reach 20 mis in 10 sec is A. 2mis*2 B. 10mis"2 C.1m/s2 D. 2ms"2 9 When a particle is launched at angle 90 degree with respect to horizontal then vertical acceleration is A. -9.8 m/s*2 B.98mis"2 co D.Smis’2 10 Centrifugal force is a A real force B. friction force C. pseudo force D. none of these is travelling for one hour. Which of 11 Consigl\ar s greatest average velocity fue east Wels 30 km due west, then wmsaround and 30 km due east 2 The unit of velocity is: Am Boms Gms Demis? 13 Displacement of an object in moving around a complete circle is A. 2ar B.2r Cm D.zet0 14 If a squash. ball comes back to its starting point after bouncing off the wall several times, then: A. its total displacement is zero but its average velocity is non-zero B. its total displacement is non-zero but its average velocity is zero C. both its total displacement and its average velocity isnon-zer0 D. its total displacement is zero and so also is its average velocity PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM thaw chy US ifiiue Gdiey @P eprepare FORCE AND MOTION 15 Consider a car is travelling for one hour. Which of the following trips have the same average velocity’? A. car travels 20 km due east and car travels 70 km due east B. car travels 40 km due east, then tums around and travels 20 km due west and car travels 20 km due east C. car travels 70 km duc east and car travels 40 km due east, then tums around and travels 20 km due west D. cartravels 30 km due west, then tums around and travels 30 km due east and car travels 40 km due east, then tums around and travels 20 km due west 16 If a car starts from rest and reaches 20 m/s velocity in 10 m distance then acceleration is, A. 20mvs"2 B. 10 m's°2 C. 5 mis°2 D. 2m/s"2 17 Consider a displacement-time graph of an object moving along s-axis. Then negative gradient of the graph represents: A. velocity in x-direction B. velocity in negative x-direction C. acceleration in x-direction D. acceleration in negative x-direction 18 If. car is travelling eastward an what is the direction of accelerati A. eastward B. westward C. neither eastward nor w D. we can not answer wi D. speed = 2 mis 20 At the highest point of trajectory which of the following, quantities is zero A horizontal velocity B. total velocity C. vertical velocity D.none of these 21 Acceleration is always fora freely falling body A. positive B. negative C.zer0 D.none of there 22 The value of acceleration duc to gravity on earth is A.Smis’2 B.6mis’2 C.1Smis*2 D.98mis2 23 Acceleration due A nonuniform g velocity can be -ment-time graph by: ith decreasing gradient th constant gradient fine with inereasing gradient ich of the given motion is a type of 2D motion ‘ircular ;. Pendulum motion C. Projectile motion D. All of these 26 If displacement-time graph is a curve, which of the following is correct:.... A. area under graph represent displacement B. gradient of the graph is constant C. gradient of the tangent of graph represents acceleration D. gradient of the tangent of graph represents velocity 27 SL unit of acceleration Am Bmw Comis D.mis"2 28 If we are moving with constant velocity frame then the inertial state is same as ‘A. rest frame B. accelerating frame CC. norinertial frame D. Allof these PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM thaw chy US ifiiue Gdiey @P eprepare FORCE AND MOTION 29 The distance and displacement can be equal if object moves on a circular path object oscillates Can object moves in a straight fine D. an object moves on a parabolic path. 30 if velocity varies with time in quadratic manner then acveleration’ A. constant B. zoro linearly varying D. varies as °3 31 Rate of change of displacement with respect to time is A. acceleration B. velocity C. speed D. power 32 If one body is at rest then if we try to move it then it will resist by A. inertia of motion B. inertia of rest C. inertia of turning D. inertia of acceleration 33Acceleration of earth around sun in its o1 always A. tangential B. radial C. zero D. none of these 34 A projectile is launch snorgy K at angle @ energy Ko is A. Parabolic 35 Por a car whit the car in 10 see its A. 1 m/s*2 B. 2m's C.-L mis’ D.-2 mis*2 ics brakes from 16 m/s to stop 2celeration is 36 Projectile motion of object on earth isabveys A linear B. parabolic C.cubie D inverse 37 instantaneous velocity for a displacement function &(0)= at any time is given by 38'The displacement is a:. A. vector quantity B. scalar quantity C. neither vector nor D. dimensionless quar juantity PE hyperbolic trajectory D. linear 41 In which case, the object is speeding up: A. velocity is positive acceleration is negative B. velocity is negative acceleration is negative C. velocity is negative aeceleration is zero D. velocity is negative acceleration is positive 42 The acceleration is a2... A. veetor quantity B, scalar quantity C. dimensionless quantity D. none of these 43 An object moves 20 m in 5 see. What is the gradient of the displacement-time graph? A. 25 B15 C4 DM 44 Instantaneous velocity is defined as A. dxidt PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM thaw chy US ifiiue Gdiey @P eprepare FORCE AND MOTION B, ANiAt C.Ax.At D. AviAt 45 In which situation, distance is three times than its displacement? A. object moves and come back to its initial position B, object moves 20 m towards east and 10 m towards west . object moves 20 m towards east and 10 m towards south D. object moves 20 m towards north and 10m towards west 46 A motion with constant velocity can be represented on displacement-time graph by A. ahorizomtal line B. acurve line with decreasing gradient C. astraight line with constant gradient D. acurve line with increasing gradiont 47 Acceleration of a moving train when it star its motion is A. negative B. zero C. positive D. infinite 48 A car travels 30 m toward east, th and travels 40 m towards west, It average velocity is: A. -10 m/s B.-L/S ms C.7/5 mis Disms W/ 49 The displac Acchange in, nent a A and B is defined as: ject from A toB Bany dis con twppoints Cllongest di toB Dalongest dist :n two points 50 Fora straight velocity is A. 2*average velocity) B. average velocity C. 7280 D. not enough info jectory of a particle instantaneous 51 Vector is quantity which PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM A. has direction B, has magnitude C. follow rules of vector addition D. both direction and magnitude 52 Speedis a A.tensor B. vector C. sealar D. None of these ( year distance is tance travelled by earth in one year distance travelled by star in one year C. distance travelled by light in one year D. distance travelled by light in one galactic year 56 Decrease in velocity per unit time is called A. acceleration, B. positive acceleration C. deceleration uniform acceleration 57 fa projectile is launched with 3m/s velocity at 69 degree tangle then at highest point its horizontal velocity is A3m's B lms CLS mis D.18ms 58 Acceleration of rolling object is ero at point of hill A. highest B lowest C. middle D.none of these 591 displacement-time graph is a curve, which of the following 'S correct A. area under graph represent displacement B. gradient of the graph is constant thaw chy US ifiiue Gdiey @P eprepare FORCE AND MOTION . gradient of the tangent of graph represents acceleration 1D. gradient ofthe tangent of graph represents velocity 60 Displacement is a A. Atensor B. vector . scalar D. None of these 61 What is the FPS unit of displacement A. kilometer B meter C. Foot D. Pound 62 If displacement-time graph is a curve, which of the following is correct... A. area under graph represent displacement B. gradient of the graph is constant C. gradient of the tangent of graph represents acceleration D. gradient of the tangent of graph represents velocity 63 Acceleration describes how:.... A. speed is changing B. the speed and force are changing C. the speed and direction of motion are cha D. the direction of motion are changing Physics >> Force and Motion \ 64 People siting in a moving bus eSperidnge a jer when the bus stops. This is due to A. inertia of motion B. inertia of rest C. inertia of turning D. inertia of accele acceleration at B. constant C. zero D. none of these 66 If the velocity varies linearly with time then, acceleration is called A. nonuniform B, diserste C. instantaneous D. uniform 67 We ean calculate velocity of an abject from displacement-time graph by... A. calculating arca under the graph B. finding gradient of displacement-time graph C. calculating area above the graph D. finding the length of the graph 68 An object is moving at constay the following is always true: A. distance is greater than B. distance is lesser than speed, which of . 10 m/s C.omis'2 D. 11 mis"? 71 Instamaneous velocity is defined at A. particular displacement B. instant acceleration C. instant time D. average time 72 The SI unit of velocity is Amis B. Us Comis"2 D.mis3 73 Circular motion of a particle while attached to a string centripetal acceleration is provided by A. Tension in string B. gravitational force C. Normal foree D. none of these PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM thaw chy US ifiiue Gdiey @P eprepare FORCE AND MOTION 74 Projectile when launched at 90 degree with respect to horizontal then its trajectory is A. Parabolic B. periodic C. hyperbolic trajectory D. linear 75 A car travels 30 m toward east, then it takes turn and travels 40 m towards west, It takes 50 seconds. Its average velocity is. A. -10. mis B. «1/5 mis C. 75 mis D.-5 ms 76 If an object moves with constant velocity then its acceleration is Azero B.nonzero Cinfinite D.none of these 77 Acceleration of earth around stn in its orbit is always A. tangential B. radial C. zero D. none of these \ then acceleration is C. zero D. none of the above y/ ity on moon is of A. V4 th NS 80 If we are moving with constant velocity frame then the inertial state is same as B. accelerating frame C. non-inertial frame 78 If the velocity of an object is ingr€@ing with ti B. positive 79 The value of, geet due t B. 1/0th ©. 23rd D. Wer A. rest frame D. All of these 81 When a stone is thrown horizontally with 2 m/s from a building of height 5 m then just before hitting ground its acceleration is A. 12m/s‘2 B.13 nvs‘2 C.98mis2 D.7.6 mis"2 $2 The acceleration of a movi Bi A. rate of change in spes B. rate of change in Crate of change in stan D. rate of change in d ‘ject can be defined 83 Centri center A awa Ws acts the 85 Newton's first law falsified A. Galileo theory B. Aristotle theory C. Einstein's theory D. Maxwell's theory 36 In which case, the object is speeding up: A. velocity is positive acceleration is negative B. velocity is negative acceleration is negative C. velocity is negative acceleration is zero D. velocity is negative acceleration is positive 87 Displacement of sun with respect to earth is, Ar B, 2ar C.2r D2 88 instantaneous velocity is A. always positive B. always negative PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM thaw chy US ifiiue Gdiey eprepare C. positive and negative D. not enough info 89 If displacement = 15 mand time t= 10 seconds, then average velocity is A. 12.5 m/s B. 15 mis C.25m/s D. 3mis 90 Velocity is defined as: A. distance divided by the time during which the displacement occurs B. distance travelled in a specific direction C. displacement divided by the time during which the displacement occurs D. displacement travelled in a specific direction 91 Vertical velocity vs time graph for a projectile motion A. varies linearly B. follows a parabolic path C. is constant D. is nonlinear 92. When an abject moves on a circular path back to its initial position, then:.. A. only its distance is 2er0 B. only its displacement is zero \ C. neither distance nor displacement 2 D. both distance and displacement i 93 The SI unit of velocity i yy’ A. m/s Bs y/ C.mis°2 of projectile which of ays zero C. vertical acceleration D. horizontal acceleration 95 Which unit is used in the measurement of Displacement? Am B. mis Cs FORCE AND MOTION D.N 96 A motion with uniform negative acceleration can be represented on displacement-time graph by A ahorizontal line B. a curve line with decreasing gradient C. astraight line with constant gradient D. acurve line with increasing A. its displacement is equ B. its displacement is g relationsliippbetyseen displacement and graph as assingith}ough origin ote axis ‘D. none of the above 100 Displacement and distance moved by an object in a straight path is A. zero B. same C. different D. not enough info 101 Inertia refers to tendency of object to A beat rest B. be at constant motion C. remain in the same state as previous D. be at accelerating motion 162 1 light year distance is, A. distance travelled by earth in one year B, distance travelled by star in one your C. distance travelled by light in one year D. distance travelled by light in one galactic year 103 Acceleration of a particle at any moment from a-t graph we calculate is called acceleration PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM thaw chy US ifiiue Gdiey @P eprepare FORCE AND MOTION A. average B. instantaneous ©. periodic D. linear 104 Projectile motion is not dependent on the of particle A. initial velocity B, mass C. launch angle D. acceleration 105 A horizontal line in displacement-time graph represents: A. uniform accelerated motion B. motion with constant velocity C. motion with constant speed D. body at rest 106 If one body is at motion then if we try to stop it then it will resist by A. inertia of motion B. inertia of rest C. inertia of tuning D. inertia of acceleration 107 If an object moves with constant speed. acceleration always is A. zero \ B. nonzero C. infinite ~N D. none of these 108 Circular motion of a at string centripetal ace nHBiptov A. Tension in strit B. gravitational led toa 109 Velocity A. tensor B. vector C. scalar D. None of these 110 Passengers sitting in a stationary car experience a Jerk when the car suddenly starts. This is due to ‘A. inertia of motion 8. inertia of rest C. inertia of taming D. inertia of acceleration 111 Centripetal acecleration always acts ‘the center A. away B. towards C. normally D. tangentially 112 The net foree acting in an A. positive B. negative © zero Denons of these 113 Velocity of un abject 20m's 0 50 m/sin 5 eration of the cbject? ® ving frames of relerence ferating frame of reference 15 The eeceloration of « morring object can be defined as: rate of change in speed B. rate of change in velocity rate of change in distance tate of change in displacement 16 The net force acting in an inertial frame is A positive B. negative cto D. none of these 17 Velocity of an object changes from 20 ms to 50 m/s in 5 see, What is the acceleration of the object? Aom's Booms’? ©. 1omis D.10ms"2 118 Rockets use thrust forces which produces A. constant acceleration B. variable acceleration . constant velocity D. linearly varying velocity L19 A straight moving bus takes a sharp right turn. What will happen to the passengers sitting inside the bus? A. They wil dltrightwards PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM thaw chy US ifiiue Gdiey @P eprepare FORCE AND MOTION B. They will tlt eftwards . They will stay the way they were D. They will start jumping 120 If the velocity of particle is varying linearly with time then shape of dct curve woul be A linear B. quadratic C eabie 1D, decreasing linearly 121 When an object moves on a circular path, then:. A. its displacement is constant B. its displacement changes duc to change in distance . its displacement changes due to change in direction of motion D. its displacement is always zero 122 When an object moves on a circular path, then:.. A. its displacement is consiant B. its displacement changes due to change in distance C. its displacement changes due to change in direction of motion D. its displacement is always zero 123 If we apply 100 N force on 10 kg bos then its avveleration is A. 20 mis’2 B.Sm's2 C10 mis°2 D.40 mis’2 124 If we are standing in bus and whe tor brake then we feel NG A. pseudo force pushes backwards BB, pseudo force pushes forwar . real force pushes backwar; D. real force pushes forwards + Nl 125 The magnitu A. size of object xeen the initial position 126 A car travels 30 m toward east, then it takes turn and travels 40 m towards north. It takes 50 seconds. Its average velocity A7/5 mis Bam's C.1/S m/s DS mis 127 Average velocity of a object after a completing a circle of § m radius in 5 seconds A Qn Bax D. 10x, C. acting negative D. independent ‘ement of object with respect a constant frame in same direction is, D.xtveat’2 131 The unit of velocity is:.. Am Bams cm/s D.m/s*2 PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM éE thaw che oS dattuwe dia Ce eprepare WORK AND ENERGY 1 Which of the following is not a conservative force A. friction B electric C. magnetic D. gravitational 2 A constant force of F= (i- 2j - 3k) causes a displacement d= (i - 5j +k), what will be the nat work done if F in N and displacement is in meter A15J Bos cai D183 3A dkg eagle picks up a 75g snake and raises it 2.5 m from the ground to a branch. What is the work done by the eagle on the snake? (Assume g = 10 mis*2) A. 1003 B. 1.8753 ©.18.753 D. 18753 4A bullet of mass 5*10”-5 has the velocity of 200: MY anv’s, kinetic energy of the bullet is | A. 1007 B 10007 cor D. none of these 5 A bullet of mass 10 g velocity of 1000 mis level with a velocity force is Sm,then work done is A. 2003 B.s0J C205 D. 1007 7 Aman hold a bucket by applying force 10 N, then moves a horizontal distance of 3m and vertical distance of 10 m, find out the net work done A. 1007 B 1303 C507 D. 2007 8 An object is displaced fi point B (12,3) m under ac 2i+3j+4k), find the process ADIT BO cos D.20 A (23.4) mto done by a conservative force a complete more than zero CC. less than zero D. none of these 11 When a spring is stretched, work done by stretching force is A positive B. negative C.zer0 D. none of these vector r Gxt 2y 12 An object is displaced from posi ' 3fym to 2= (4 + Gk)m under a force i) N. Find the work done by this force ASST B.S co D.-835 13 When total work done on a particle is positive then AKE remain constant B.momentum increases PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY IS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, éE thaw che oS dattuwe dia Ce eprepare WORK AND ENERGY CKE decreases Dall of these 14 A particle of mass ‘mn’ is projected from the ground with an initial speed ud at an angle ‘a* with the horizontal, At the highest point of its trajectory it makes a completely in inelastic collision with another particle of mass which was thrown vertically upward from the ground with the same initial speed u0. The angle that the composite system makes with the horizontal immediately after the col 15 Work done in pulling up a block of wood weighing 2 KN for a length of 10m ona smooth plane inclined at an angle of 15 degree with the horizontal is A. 4.36 KJ B.3.17KI C.891KI D.9.82KI 16 When brakes are applied to moving, the work done by the braking systems A. positive B. negative C. zero D. none of these 19 A steel ball of mass 5 g is thrown downward with velocity 10 mis from height 19.5m. It penetrates sand by $0 cm. The change in mechanical energy will be: (g = 10 mis2 Ali B, 1.255 C.LSr D.175I 20 A body moves a distance of 10 m along a straight line under the action of 5 N force. If work done is 25 J, then angle between the force and direction of motion of the body will be: ATS B. 60° c.45° D 30° 21 Bifect of work is equal to ( ‘A. Change in total energy. B change in kinetic en C. change in power D, none of these 22 The by the straight line angle between of mass 60 kg just slides over a Al distance of 0.9 m. ifthe coefficient of mn between their surfaces is 0.15 then work done against friction will be: A. 19.45 B 9754) C. 105.257 D.8iy D8 24 A variable foree F = 2x is applied what will be, the work done in moving the particle from X= 10 to A. 1004 B50] © -505 D. -100F 25 Work done ona ceiling fan by gravity is A maximum B, zero C, minimum infinity 26 Two bodies of mass m and 4m moving with same kinetic energy, ratio of kinetic energy will be Adil Bail PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY IS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, éE thaw che oS dattuwe dia Ce eprepare WORK AND ENERGY 1 1 vA 27 An object is displaced from point A (0.1.1) m to point B (1.43) m undera constant force F=(+2}+3K), find the work done by this foree in thie process ABT B.15J co D.-137 28 A force F = (05x +10) N acts ona particle, calculate the work done by the force in displacing particle trom x=0 to 2m AD I I J I vay BRE 29 A man standing ina bus and pushing the wall of the bus in direction of motion work done by the man is A. positive B. zero C. negative D. none of these 30 A stone of I kg is thrown upward it reaches a max height of 5 m., work done by the gra A503 B.49J c.-49 D.335 Navtona body of ma s=010x=5, the wor A.70 B.270 art of mass 50 kg in the the distance travelled is 20 the work done by normal A. 1000 1 B, -10007 co D. 5003 33 Work done is said to be negative if foree and displacement are A. parallel B. perpendicular C. anti parallel D. none of these 34 A constant force of 10 Nis a which causes displacement of the work done A1203 B.12J lied on a body em what will be A. uniform chain of length 2 mis kept on a ich that a length of 60 em hangs 37 freely n the edge of the table. The total mass of the chain is 4 kg. What is the work done in pulling the entire chain on the table? A725 B36) ©.1203 D. 1200] 38 A dise of radius 2 m and mass 100 kg roll on a horizontal surface, its center of mass has speed of emus, how much work is needed to stop it Ald B33 C305 D.2J fi 39 Moon is revolving around the earth, work done by the earth on the moon is Apositive Bzero Crnegative Danone of these PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY IS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, éE thaw che oS dattuwe dia Ce eprepare WORK AND ENERGY 40 The K.E. of a body of mass 2kg and momentum of 2Ns is : AL BQ C3 pat 41 A gardener move a lawn roller through a distance of 50m, Applied force is 50-N inclined at 60 degree of direction of motion what will be the work done by the gardener A. 1250 J B 2500 J C. -12503 D. -25007 42 Kinetic energy of the body is increased by the 21 %, what is the percentage change in the linear momentum of the body A021 B 0.22 C.0.11 DO! 43 Which of the following types of force can do no work on the particle upon which it act A. frictional force B. gravitational force " C. centripetal force D. elastic force NS 44 In case of harmonic 2 remains A. variable B. infinity C. constant Sy HF 20% thenK E. increase by 46 A force of F~20 + 10y Nis acting in y direction, work, done by this force to move the particle from y= O10 y= Im ADI B 47 Work is done by the applying foree when A. applied force is variable B applied foree is perpendicular to the motion C applied force generated motion D. applied force is constant 48 If mass and speed both are doubled kinetic energy will A, increases 4 times ( B. increases 6 times C increases 8 times D. increases 10 times 49 A force F = work done to dis Dis applied on 2kg the body from x =0 ‘D. thaybe positive, maybe negative 31 A force of F = 1 + y Nis acting in y direction, ‘work done by this force to move the particle from y=0toy=Im AOST Bud G2) DSS 52 KE of body is increased by 44 %, what is the percentage inerease in the momentum, A 10% B. 20% C.30% D. 44% 53 Workis a ‘A. vector quantity 1B. scalar quantity C. sometime sealar some time vector D, none of these 54 When aman walks on a surface horizontally with constant velocity, work done by PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY IS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, éE thaw che oS dattuwe dia Ce eprepare WORK AND ENERGY A. friction is zero B contact force is zero ©. gravity is zero Dall of these 55 What is kinetic energy of body Skg and momentum 15 kg.m/see A. 303 BSI ©.305 D257 56 Ifa horse pulls a cart, work done by horse is A. negative B zero C. positive D. none of these 57 An object is displaced from point A (2,3.4) mo point B (1.2.3) m under a constant force F~( 2it3}+4k). find the work done by this force in this process Agt BO C95 D.207 58 In case of harmonic oscillator jotalenes remains N i what will be ig the particle from X= 0 to A. variable B infinity C. constant D. zero 60 A 4kg eagle picks up a 75g snake and raises it 2.5 m from the ground to a branch. What is the work done to raise the bird’s own centre of mass to the branch? (Assume g = 10 mis“2) A. 1003 B 1.8751 59 A variable the work done i ©. 18.75 D. 187.53 61. A particle of mass 10 kg is moving with velocity 10 (x)°1/2, here x is displacement, The work done by net force 62during the displacement of particle from A. 1250] B. 10007 ( C3300 D. 25001 63 Work done by fii A.can be zero stance of 10 m along a action of 5 N force. If work angle between the force and tion of the body will be: 60" 'D. 30° 65 The atmosphere around the earth is held by A. clouds B, winds C. gravity D. none of these 66 A body of mass 10 kg is moved parallelto the ground, through a distance of 2m. The work done against gravitational force is A. zero. B. 196) Cc. -196T D.48 J 67 __work on arbitrary system means a transfer of energy to the system A. Positive B. negative C. Can be positive or negative D. None of the above 68 Work done by the centripetal force on a body moving in circle is zero because PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY IS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, éE thaw che oS dattuwe dia Ce eprepare WORK AND ENERGY A. the body moves parallel to F B the body move opposite to F C. the body move right angle to F D. centripetal and centrifugal balance each other 69 When momentum of body increased by 200 %, its kinetic energy increases by A. 200 % B 300% C. 400% D. 800% 70 Two forves of 5 N and 15 N are working on a body in opposite direction. If body displaced by 5 m in direction of net force ,what will be the work done by net force A.50J B.-50j C257 D. 1007 Tiina force is A. positive B negative C. zero D. none of these imple pendulum work done by the tension 72 Which is the unit of energy \ A. joule Berg ©. unit(Kwh) D. all ofthese 73 A block of m: distance of 1 surfaces is 74 For a particular displacement how is the work done related to time A. depend on time B. independent of time C. both of these D. none of these 75 Consider a drop of water of mass 1 gm falling from a height of 1 km, It hits the ground with a speed of 50 m/s, take g = 10 m/s”2. the work done by gravitational force is A L253 B 1005 cor D.-10F 76 If the inerease in the kit 22% . then the increase int A.0.22 xy ofa body is ill be: R044 top of the tower, the ‘gravity in first, second motion jullet fired from gun can pierce to a target dueto heat energy B. mechanical energy ©. acceleration D. kinetic energy 79 A 4kg eagle picks up a 75g snake and raises it 2.5 m from the ground to a branch. What is the work done to raise the 80 bird’s own centre of mass to the branch? (Assume g = 10 m/s“2) A. 1007 B. 18755 ©1875) D. 18751 81 If the speed of the body is doubled, then A. KE doubled B, PE doubled C, momentum doubled D. acceleration is doubled 82 Two forces of F1 =5 Nand F2= 15 N are working on a body in opposite direction. If body PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY IS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, éE thaw che oS dattuwe dia Ce eprepare WORK AND ENERGY displaced by 5 m in direction of net force ,what will be the work done by FT A25J B -251 C.50d D751 83 When the direction of the force and displacement are opposite, work done is A. negative B positive C. zero D. none of these 84 __work on arbitrary system means a transfer of energy to the system A. Positive B. negative C. Can be positive or negative D. None of the above 85 A particle moves from point P(1,2,3) to Q(2,1.4) under the action of a constant force F= (i +j +k), work done by foree is AQ Ba4J C.16s D.8t \ 86 Work is said to be done wh move: through certain distance by the a A. energy B force C. momentum D. power 87 Two magses 4 ard moving with equal kinetic en€rBies. ‘Ihelmatio of the magnitudes of their lis penta i D.1:6 88 What isthe SI unit of work A joule B. nawten C. watt D none of these 80 Ifa porter is carrying @ load and waiting for arsival of train then work done by the porter is A positive R.zera C. negative D. none ofthese 90 A man pushes a wall and failed to displice it he does ‘A Negative work B. positive work but not maximum C.No work at all 1D. maximum work 1 At which angle work 2 AS degree B, 90 degree C.Odegree D 180 dagree A chay placed He fiekd of 10 NIC what ein moving charge a distance of 5 m willbe A 1007 at force of 1DN is applied in horizontal ani distance travelled in the direction of is 2m.then work done is sor B.207 C2 D.10j 94 Area of force - displacement curve gives the information about A. Power B. Impulse C. Force D. Work 95 A cubic vessel of height 1 m is full of water, the minimum work done in taking water out A500 J B.1000) CsI DOT 96 A cubic vessel of height | m is full of water, the minimum work done in taking water out A500 B.1000 5 CSI PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY IS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, éE thaw che oS dattuwe dia Ce eprepare WORK AND ENERGY DO 97 Which of the following veetor is perpendicular to the vector A= 2i + 3) + 4k Aitjtk B 4i+3j-2k 3j+k Dit 3j-2k 98 Work has the dimension as that of A torque B, momentum C. power D. angular momentum 99 When a force is parallel to the the direction of motion of body, the work done is A. Zero B. minimum C infinity D. maximum 100 A spring having spring constant of 10 Nim2 is stretched to 5 m what will be the work: done 2503 B07 101 If force is F =4i -2j and displacenint is 284+ 4, the work done will be Add IN Ber C25 D127 m. 10 N of applied force is inclined at 60 degree of direction of motion what will be the work done by the man A. 1005 B 50s C.-1005 D.-50J 104 When momentum of body inereased by 200 4% its kinetic energy increases by A200 % B,300% C400 % D800 % 105 Which of the following is m conservative force A. friction B electric C. magnetic D. gravitational is equal to 108 An object is displaced fiom position vecior rl = (2i + 3i)mto #2 = (4) + 6kim under a force F= (3x"2 i+ 2y j) N. Find the work done by this force ASST BST co D.-834 109 When total work done on a particle is positive then AKE remain constant B.momentum increases C.KE decreases Dall of these 110When brakes are applied to moving vehicle, the work done by the braking system is A. positive B negative PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY IS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, éE thaw che oS dattuwe dia Ce eprepare WORK AND ENERGY © zero D. none of these 111 A sicel ball of mass 5 g is thrown downward with velocity 10 mis from height 19.5m, It penetrates sand by $0 em. The change in mechanical energy will be: (g = 10 wis Adj B 1253 C.LSE D178 112 Effect of work is equal to A. Change in total energy B, change in kinetic energy C. change in power D. none of these 113 A block of mass 60 kg just slides over a horizontal distance of 0.9 m. if the coefficient of friction between their surfaces is 0.15 then work done against friction will be: A794) B. 97.543 ©. 108.255 D.8iy 114 An object is displaced from point A (0.1.1 (1,43) m under a constant foree F>(i-3}+3 done by this force inthis process A13) BS! co D130 115 A man standing ir of the bus in dir man is A. positive B zero, 116 A stone max height of 5 A. 303 B49I ©. -495 D55I is thrown upward it reaches a ‘m. work done by the gravity is 117 A position dependent force F= 7-2*x | 3#x"2 Nat on a body of mass and displaces it from x= 0 tox=5, the work done in joule is A70 B.270 C35 DL 5 118 A disc of radius 2 m and a horizontal surface, its cet 100 kg roll on roller through a force is SON inclined at ‘of motion what will be the ‘dener 120 Which of the following types of foree ean do 10 work on the particle upon whieh it acts A. frictional force B. gravitational force C. centripetal force D. elastic forve 121 A man pulls a bucket of water from a h meter deep well, if mass of rope is m and mass of bucket with water is M. then work one by man is A (M2 +m)gh B (M~+m)gh/2 ©. (Mt m2)gh D. (M+m)gh 122 If momentum is increased by 2 4 then KE. increase by A04$ B.055 C.066 D.o77 123 KE of body is increased by 44%, what is the percentage increase in the momentum PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY IS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, éE thaw che oS dattuwe dia Ce eprepare WORK AND ENERGY A. 10% D. 1875] B 20% 6.30% 130 A particle of mass ‘m’ is projected from the D4% ground with an initial speed u0 at an angle * with the horizontal, At the highest point of 124 When a man walks on a surface horizontally trajectory it makes a completely in inelastic with constant velocity, work done by collision with another particle of mass which was A. friction is zero thrown vertically upward from the ground with B contact foree is zero the same initial speed u0, Theaiagle that the C. gravity is zero composite system makes with the horizontal Dall of these immediately after the collisioiny sot « AIP 125 Work done by friction force is always Basa A. Negative core B. positive D907 C. zer0 D. maybe positive, maybe negative 1 angi ‘are moving with wee . ies. The ratio of the magnitudes 126 What is kinetic energy of body Skg and momentum 15 kg.m/see A307 B.35J C305 D.22.55 ‘0 forves of SN and 15 N are working on a in opposite direction, If body displaced by 5 in direction of not force ,what will be the work done by net force 127 An object is displaced from point A. m to point B(1,2,3)m under a constant 2i+3}+4k). find the work done by this fo this process 303 at B.-50j Bo ©2855 od D. 1003 D.20F . 133 In a simple pendulum work done by the 128 A variable that will be ecleatene the work done, lefrom X=0to | 4 positive 1 B. negative Aut C zero ai D, none of these dst 134 Which is the unit of energy 129 A 4kg eaglé picks up a 75g snake and raises it ue 2.5 m from the ground to a branch. What is the GanittKooh) work done to raise the bird’s own centre of mass ia ail ee tes tothe branch? (Assume g = 10 mis"2) A. 1003 135 in case of simple pendulum total energy B. 1.8753 remains 18753 A. variable PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY IS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, éE thaw che oS dattuwe dia Ce eprepare WORK AND ENERGY B. constant Cin 136 Work done by non conservative force is A. Reversible B, Non-Reversible C. can be both D. none of them ( 137 A body of mass 2 kg is raised vertically raised by 2m then work will be A.3825 B 302.1) C3925 D.40F \ ds _® Ly” 3 y PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY IS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, EE tte cha CS eins otiy Cp eprepare ROTATION AND CIRCULAR MOTION 1 A force which acts on an object moving in a circle and is directed towards the center of the circle is called A. Bending Force B. Centripetal Force ©. centrifugal force D. none of these 2 One rpm is equal to 0.10472 rad/see A2 BLS 35 D.0,105 3 The angle through which a body moves is called: A. Angular displacement B. Angular velocity C. Angular acceleration D. None of these 4 Determine the angular velocity if 4.8 revolutions are completed in 4 seconds A. 9.6 radians’see B.7.5 radians/see C. 8 radians/see D.0.96 radians/see 5 The centripetal force direction is positiv object rotates A. anti-clockwise \ B. clockwise C upward D. none of these 6 Centripetal force acts _ A. Outwards B. Inwards 8 Ceniripetal Fores acts A. Outwards B. Inwards C. Both of them D. None of them 9 Ifa transverse wave travelling in a denser medium is incident on ararer medium, itis A. reflected without any change in phase B. reflected with phase change of 90 deg C. reflected with phase change ef 180 deg D reflected with phase change of 270 deg 10 The angular velocity of a mifidte hand of a clock is? A. 2W60 rads™ B.wi24 rads” C.29/3600 rads D. n/3600 rads moves ina circle, the angle between ity and angular velocity is always? 45 13 A wheel whose radius is 50 cm rotates at an angular velocity of 6 rad’see. The linear velocity of the rim of the whee! is closest to A. LS m/s B. 4.5 m/s C.3.0 mis D.7.5 mis 14 The angular acceleration has units A.rad/sec B. secirad C. 820% D. none of these 15 For an object moving in a circle, the angle between linear velocity and the position vector is: A. 0 degrees B. 30 degrees C.90 degrees D. 60 degrees 16 If radial distance is 2 m and linear acceleration is 2 m the angular acceleration becomes PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY tS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, EE tte cha CS eins otiy Co eprepare ROTATION AND CIRCULAR MOTION voor One = 17 Angle between radius vector and centripetal acceleration is AP Ba Cn D. none of these 18 The linear acceleration will be maximum when angle between r and a is AO B.90 c.60 D. none of these 19 The centripetal acceleration is maximum when object moves with r A. increasing, B. decreasing C. constant D. none of these 19 The angular velocity at a particular instant called: A. instantaneous angular speed \ B. instantaneous angular velocity C. angular speed D. none of these 20 The angular frequency i frequency by relation A. inversely B. directly C. equally D. none of- 21 Por congat angular acceleration and A.equal B. inversely related C. directly related relation 22 The angular velocity will become equal to linear velocity ‘when r becomes A. zero B. negative County D. they can never be equal 23 The dimensions of angular velocity are ATT] BLT] LT Da] 24 The relation between linear and angular velocity is: Avorse B.v=@xr Co-=vxr D.r=vx@ 25 Ia wheel of radius rt ole of 30°, then the distance through whic ‘moves is? Aw3t B.nwi6 C.w30r D.w'180r \ gocokenligg femme fito yen yy the linear velocity of a point rotating at an locity of 12 m radians per second at a distance of eters from the center of the rotating object. C.30.6 o/s D. 3016 cm/s 28 The ratio of angular speed of the minute hand of clock: to that of its hour hand is : A. 36001 B. 60:1 C.241 D.12A 29 The value of angular momentum is maximum when @ is A. 60 degrees B. 4S degrees C. 0 degree D.90 degrees 30 A car is moving in a circular track of radius 20m at a constant speed of 20misee. Find the centripetal acceleration? A20 mis*2 B40 ms*2 C30 mis’ D.10 mis*2 PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY tS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, EE tte cha CS eins otiy Cp eprepare ROTATION AND CIRCULAR MOTION 31 If =1m and @= 1 degree then what is the value of 8 A. 0,01745m Bim C.2m D. None 32.A car accelerates from 0) to 72kmih in 5 seconds. If it has wheels of diameter 30 om. the angular acceleration of its wheels is, A.16radis"2 B, Sradis"2 C16 rad/s°2 D, 160 rad’s°2 33 The angular acceleration becomes four times when A.alpha=2,r=2 B. alpha~4-4 C. alpha=3, 0 D.1=0, alpha =0 34 An angular velocity of 60 revolutions per minute is the same as: A. W2mradis B. 120xradis C. 30/mradis D. Ieradis 35 What is angular velocit A. Change in angular rotation / change inti B. Change in displacement / change i C. Change in speed / change in tim D. Change in acceleration / change 37 If angular A. twice B. four times C. reight times D. remain same doubled, centripetal foree is 38 The direction associated with angular displacement is given by AL eft hand rule B.Head to tail rule C.Right hand rule Danone of these 39 A body moving along the circumference of a circle completes two revolutions, If the radius of the circular path is R, the total angular displacement covered is? Am B.2ar C.2er0 Dt 40 A mixer grinder rotates clo it's angular velocity will be: A. Zoro B. negative CC. uniform but not D. positive s travelling in a circle at constant speed ar velocity is: * inereasing D. decreasing 43 An object moving in a eitele is tied to a string What happens when the string is cut? Ait continues moving in a circle B. it flies off along a tangent C. it falls straight down D. none of these 44 An electric fan rotating at 3 rev s-1 is switched off. It comes to rest in 18.0's. Assuming deceleration to be uniform. How many revolutions did it tum before coming to rest? A30rev B, 27 rev C.40 rev D. 10 rev 45 When a body moves in a circle of radius r with angular speed ©, its centripetal acceleration is Aor B.@°2r'2 PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY tS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, EE tte cha CS eins otiy Cp eprepare ROTATION AND CIRCULAR MOTION Diet 46 The linear acceleration of a body moving in a circular path is: A. negative B. positive C. constant D. zero 47 The angular speed of a particle, moving in a circle of radius 20 em, inereases from 2 rad/s to 40 rad/s in 9s the ratio of its centripetal acceleration to tangential acceleration at the end of 19 s is, A. 400:1 B. 14:20 C. 800:1 D.7:40 48 The angular displacement is assigned positive sign when the rotation is A. Clockwise B. Anticclockwise . perpendicular D. parallel 49 The direction of which angular quantity cannot be measured by right hand A. angular velocity B. angular acceleration C. torque D. all of these 50 Find the radius of the cio moving with a velocity of acceleration of 10 mis"2.? A. 72.3 mis B.30 ms C. 62.5 m/s D. 52.5 m’s, ‘at constant speed, W A.The resultant for towards the centreof the circle B.There is no resultant force C.The resultant force acts away from the centreof the circle Danone of these 52 For clockwise rotations direction of angular velocity is A. positive B. negative C.z0r0 D. infinite 53 What is the formula for centripetal acceleration? Aa=vit Basvir Ca=w2r D. none of these 54 If radius of object is doubled the centripetal force acting on same object becomes A. double B.half C. eight times D. remain same A body is travelli speed y. Its centr minute hand of a large clock is 3,0 m long, tis its moan angular speed 1.4.x 104 rads*-1 B.1.0x10%3 rad 91 2% 10%3 rad s*1 D.1.7.s10%3 rad 91 58 What is the measure in degrees of the angle A = 76? A ISO B.210 C100 D. 120 59 The angular displacement is taken to be positive when the rotation is A. linear B. non-linear C. clockwise D. anti-clockwise 60 What is the measure in radians of the angle A = 330°? A Mn3 B.7n/d C. 726 Dune PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY tS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, EE tte cha CS eins otiy Co eprepare ROTATION AND CIRCULAR MOTION 61 ‘Ihe direction of linear velocity of a body moving in a circle is? A. Along radius away from center B. Along radius towards center C. changing with motion D. Along the tangent 62The angular speed for the daily rotation of Earth in rad sLis? A2n Bax Can D.73x 105 rad s"1 63 What is 1 radian in degrees approximately A. 573 degrees B. 360 degrees C. mdegrees D.2°2 degrees 64 A belt passes over a wheel of radius 25 em. if'a point on the belt has a speed of 5 mis, the belt is moving with an angular velocity of A.3.2 rad/s B, 0.32 radis C. 20 radis D. 0,032 rad/s 65 What force provides the centripetal for moving around the sun? A. coulomb force B. gravitational force C. magnetic force D. none of these 66 The velocity along tan; A. escape velocity ‘nt angalar velocity of 3 rad/s ‘seconds is: 68 Ifa car moves witha uniform speed of 2ms™1 in g circle of radius 0.4, ts angular speed is? A.drads 1 B.S rads1 . 1.6 rads"1 D.281ads"-1 69 Find angular acceleration when Aq is 250 rpm and Atis 5.00 A.S.24 radizeo"2. B. 6 radisec"2 C10 rad’see’2 D-none of these 70 The SI unit of angular displacement is A. Metre B. Kilometre C. Radian D. None of these 71 For anti-clockwis: nddirectiomof angular velocity is se vis moving in a circular track of diameter ata constant speed of 40m/see. Find the entripetal acceleration? AA mis2 B. 52 m/s*2 C. 32 m/s"2 D.30m/s°2 74 A string 2m long is used to whirl a 200g stone in horizontal circle at a speed of 2m/s, Find tension in string, AOAN B.L4N 24N D.34N 75 A particle is performing uniform circular motion has constant: Avelocity Baaceeleration Cposition Damomentum 76 For angular acceleration clockwise rotations means torque is Apositive PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY tS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, EE tte cha CS eins otiy Cp eprepare ROTATION AND CIRCULAR MOTION Bunegative Dinfinite 77 7 Radian is equal to__degree approximately A300 B.400 500 D.none of these 78 Angular velocity is also called as A. Instantaneous velocity B. Rotational velocity C. Tangential velocity D. Linear veloci 79 One radian is equal to: AS73 degrees BAT. degrees C.67.5 degrees D.59.5 degrees 20 If a rotating body is moving anti-clockwise, the direction of angular velocity is A. towards the centre B. along the linear velocity C. away from the centre D. perpendicular to both radius and linear 81 An object moving in a cirole is ti What happens when the string is A. it continues moving in a eirele B. it flies off along a tangent C. it falls straight down D. none of these with a constant yy applied, angular velocity of a flywheel reduces from 900 eycles/min to 720 eyele/min in 6see, Angular retardation is A. mrads’-2 B. On radis"2 C. Serad's’2 D. none of these 84 The shaft of a motor rotates at a constant angular speed of 360rev/min, Angle turned through in I see in radian is? An B.3n C. 6 D. 12a 85 The relation between linear acceleration angular Iso ty is called: D. acceleration 88 If a car moves with a uniform speed of 2ms1 ina circle of radius 0.4, its angular speed is? A Amds*1 B, Srads1 C. 1.6 rads“-1 D.2.8rads™1 89 Which is the following is not a unit of angular displacement : A. degree B. revolution C. meters D. radian 90 The angular azceleration is maximum when, A r=maximum Br-0 1 D. none of these 91 An are of length equal to the circumference of a cirele subtends an angle? A. radian PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY tS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, EE tte cha CS eins otiy Cp eprepare ROTATION AND CIRCULAR MOTION B, Qeradian C.w2 radian D. 4eradian 92 A car of mass 2000 kg moving in a circular path of radius 10 m at a constant speed of 30m/see. Find the centripetal force required for this purpose. A. 1800N B.18N C. 180 kN D.18kN 93 The angular displacement of an object after one complete revolution is: AO radi Bopiradian C.2pi radian D.(13)*pi radian 94 The minutz hand of a large clock is 3.0 m long. What is its mean angular speed A4s 104 rads™1 B. L.0x 10-3 rad s* C.5.2.8 103 rad ¢-1 D. 17x 10-3 rad s“1 95 A car is moving in a circular track of diam 100m at a constant speed of 40m/see. Fin centripetal acceleration? A. 42 m/s"2 B. 52 m/s°2 ¢. 32 m/s"2 D. 30 m/s"2 96 The centripetal force is is A. equal B, zero fugal force in a circle, the angle between ‘position veetor is: 97 For an obj linear velocity a AO degrees B. 30 dogrees C. 90 degrees D. 60 degrees 98 The direction of linear velocity of a body moving inacirele is? A. Along radius away from center B. Along radius towards center C. changing with motion D. Along the tangent 99 The dimensions of angular velocity are A.[LT’-1] B.[LT] C.[LP™2] D.[r™1] 100 ‘The angular displacement of an object after one complete revolution is: A. O radian B. pi radian C. 2pi radian D.(13)*pi radian zr grosleaee y ill be maximum when . pi radian C. 2pi radian D.(13)*pi radian 103 If an object is undergoing an orbital motion around another object it is called A. Revolution B, Rotation C. Both of them D. None of them 104 A force which acts on an object moving in a circle and is directed towards the center of the circle is, called A. Bending Force B. Centripetal Force C. centrifugal foree D. none of these 105 One mpm is equal to 0.10472 rad’see A2 BAS 0125 D.0.105 PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY tS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE, EE tte cha CS eins otiy Co eprepare ROTATION AND CIRCULAR MOTION 106 Determine the angular velocity if 4.8 revolutions are completed in 4 seconds A. 96 radiansisee B. 7.5 radians/see C. 8radiansisee D. 0.96 radians'see 107 The centripetal force direction is positive when object rotates A. anti-clockwise B, clockwise upward D. none of these 108 Centripetal force acts A. Outwards B. Inwards C. Both of them D. None of them 109 The angular speed of the wheels of'a bicycle is 87 radian’sec there period of rotation is : A..25.sec B. 4 see C. wa4sec D.4sec 110 The angular velocity of a minute hand, is? \ A. 2 W60 rads*-1 B. w/24 rads-1 IN C. 27/3600 rads" D. 7/3600 rads" 111 Angular displacement i A. vector quantity B. scalar quantity C. nvither scal: ‘quanti D. none of- 112 Angle acceleration i Ae Bax C26 D. none of these ‘ctor and centripetal 113 The centripetal acecleration is maximum when object moves with r A. increasing B. decreasing C. constant D. none of these 114 The angular velocity at a particular instant is called: A. instantaneous angular speed B. instantaneous angular velocity C. angular speed D. none of these 115 The angular frequency ig related to linear frequency by relation A. inversely B. directly C. equally D. none of these in 3 radians is 117 Attare Of length equal to the circumference of a ‘cle sub(ends an angle’? ian radian ». 2 radian D. 4 radian 118 the value of quantity G in the law of gravitation A. depend on mass of Earth only B, depends on radius of Earth only C. depends on both D. it independent of mass and radius of Earth 119 Angular displacement is zero when A angle -0 Bv-0 cro D both bancle 129 What is 30 degrees in radians? AmB Bab Cad Dini 121 For constant linear acceleration, angular acceleration and radius are A equal B inversely related C. directly related relation PREPARED BY TEAM EPREPARE AND WISEGOT.COM THE KEY tS NOT RECTIFIED BY TEAM EPREPARE,

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