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Agile has 4 values and 12 principles

Agile manifesto provide agility by promoting continuous activities in response to changes
rather than fixed activities
Individuals a d interaction over process and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
To encourage -> handpicked

Myth of agile:
Agile means no planning.
Truth -initial plan followed by continuous planning

Total 17 people formed agile

Ken beck - author of xp
Alistair author of crystal
Ken schwaber and Jeff Sutherland author of scrum

Agile menifesto is an abstraction of iterative incremental development frameworks that

existed before.
3 Roles, 5 events and 3 artifacts in scrum.
Other frameworks in agile: XP, Crystal, Scrum, DSDM, FDD.
Scrum iteration is upto 1 calendar month
XP iteration duration is 1 to 3 weeks
DSDM Iteration duration is 2 to 4 weeks.
Scrum is a technique in rugby game, was originally highlighted as a promising framework for
complex product development by the japanese professrs H. Takeuchi and I. Nonaka.
3 roles of scrum:
Product Owner: product owner dosenot hand over a neatly written requirement document.
Instead, Product Onwer, a value maximizer for users, needs to closely work with the team to
evolve the customer needs on a continuous basis.
Scrum Master: like sports coach... teaches the team about how to work in scrum. But scrum
master will not command or direct the team about how to perform their technical work.
Instead they set team performance goals and help the team to acheive it.
Developers/Development team: development team is the technical team containing all
technical specialists needed to achieve the common goal. This may have programmers,
testers, architects, UI Specialists and so on. But all of them will only carry a role named
Limit for scrum team size : 11 - product owner, scrum masters, and 3 to 9 members as per
development skills requirement.
Iteration cycle of scrum:
Customer collaboration: small team (business and technical) plans together and agrees on
delivery goal.
Individuals and Interactions: development (technical) team works on thier own to complete
the goal. They have all skills needed to complete the goal and have authority to plan how to
complete their work.
Working software: the team gets back together. Technical team shows what they have
produced. Feedback is gathered.
Respond to change: team starts their next iteration planning. Latest market conditions and
feedback from last iterations are used for planning.

* Command and control leadership: manager command the individuals with directions and

Myth: there are no managers in agile.

truth: Certain roles such as project manager are eliminated in agile. However, managers in
many other capacities continue to exist. But their behavior is centered on coaching rather than
commanding. They set career goals, help remove organization blockers in the path of agile
teams, motivate the teams by showing them the connection netween the vision, and the teams
work. Eg. Business Managers, IT Support Managers, etc.

By Design, Scrum team brings out the bottom-up intelligence through the team structure and
the scrum rules.

5 Events in agile:
Sprint Planning: happens on first day. we take small amount of work that can be completed
within a short iteration (called sprint) and plan how to complete this work.
Daily Scrum: All the team members update their achievement in last 24 hours, and their plan
for next 24 hours. The team verifies if they have any issues in achieving their goals.
Sprint review: happens in the last few days. we get the opportunity to show our acievement to
the actual business people at the sprint end and get their feedback.
Sprint retrospective: take few hours to think about how we worked, and any opportunity to
improve our way of working.
Sprint : sprint itself is an event that contains all other four events.
in addition to all 5 events, there is backlog refinement. it prepares the team for upcoming
sprints. team sets aside 10% of their time for this. it is expected to have atleast some items for
few upcoming sprints.

3 Artifacts:
Product Backlog: compared to traditional requirement documents, it is never frozed or
baselined. business can keep adding and refining the backlog.
Sprint backlog: The team works together to identify the work for the sprint. It subjects the
items from product backlog. This is a subset of product backlog and the team's plan, but for
short term only. such artifact did not exist in traditional models.
Increment: the technical team takes up the work from sprint backlog and completes the work
to create increment. This is working increment of the product. this artifact shows the real
progress. Traditionally, this might have been a document such as analysis, design, etc. which
do not show real progress.
Scrum Enhancers:
Estimation Techniques: Planning poker.
Kanban Board- shows completed, to do and in progress tasks visually.
Burn-down chart - shows the percentage of progress.

Stages of design thinking: Observation, Ideation, Prototyping, Feedback Measurement.

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