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Dhananjaya HD Linkedin
Senior Software Developer

• Programming Languages : Java, SQL
• Libraries and Frameworks : Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Node.js, Angular, Junit, Mockito
• Tools : Git & Github, Dynatrace, Docker, EKS, AWS, Gradle, Postman
• Other Skills : Microservices, Rest API, Data Structures and Algorithms, System Design

Software Development Engineer Nov 2020 - Present
Accenture Bangalore
Developed "BOP 2.0" product for travelers, contributing to a $3 billion annual revenue stream.
Utilized Java, Spring Boot, and Node.js to create robust and scalable RESTful APIs, resulting in a 30%
increase in sales due to improved user experience.
Created interactive and responsive single-page web applications using the Angular framework.
Programmed the integration to call an AWS service, utilizing AWS signature for authentication, from spring
boot microservice. This integration marked the first implementation of its kind in the entire project.
Eliminated approximately 50% of the microservice instances deployed in the cloud without any single
issue reported in production, achieved through effective analysis of dependencies.
Orchestrated the migration of all microservices from PCF to EKS and Docker seamlessly, without a single
issue reported in production.
Wrote extensive unit test cases using the JUnit framework and integration tests using Mockito, reducing
bugs by 40%.
Tested web APIs using the Postman tool to identify any issues before moving code to higher environments.
Engaged in Agile methodologies, interacting directly with clients for requirements analysis and with
crossfunctional teams for any dependencies.
Tech Stack used: Java, Spring Boot, Angular, Node.js, PCF, EKS, Docker.

EzyRox Application (Personal project)
Implemented the entire backend solution using NodeJS, following a RESTful API architecture.
Designed the entire database schema and utilized MongoDB as a NoSQL database, capable of managing
2k plus users and 100+ orders.
Utilized AWS Elastic Beanstalk to autoscale the application, which helped in enhancing user experience
and optimizing resource utilization.
Tech Stack used: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Git, MongoDB Atlas, AWS EC2, AWS S3.

Awarded PINNACLE award FY22 for "Rising Star."
Certified as an "AWS Certified Developer – Associate" by Amazon.
Certified in "Complete Backend Development With Node.js" by LCO.
Certified in "Complete Java Bootcamp for Beginners" by LCO.

Scaler 2023
Specialized in Software Development & Problem Solving
Malnad College of Engineering 2020
BE/B.Tech/BS in Electronics 9.04 CGPA

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