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(Thực hiện từ năm học 2023 – 2024)

1. Kế hoạch dạy học

2. Phân phối chương trình
Tổng :35 tuần x 03 tiết = 105 tiết
HỌC KỲ I : 18 tuần x 03 tiết = 54 tiết ( từ tuần 01 đến tuần 18)
HỌC KỲ II : 17 tuần x 03 tiết = 51 tiết ( từ tuần 19 đến tuần 35)
Số tiết cả năm học: 105 tiết

Bài/số tiết Tiết Nội dung Yêu cầu cần đạt được của bài học
Review – Introduction - Some main knowledge in English 6
1 Review
(1 period) - Introducing English 7
- Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic
Unit 1: Hobbies 2 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
(7 periods) of hobbies.
3 A closer look 1 - Words of hobbies and words of liking and disliking.
- Grammar: - present simple (review); verbs of liking +
4 A closer look 2 V-ing
- Pronunciation: sounds /ə/ and /з:/
5 Communication - Talking about likes and dislikes
6 Skill 1 - Reading for specific information about an unusual
- Listening for specific information about one’s hobby.
- Listening for specific information about one’s hobby.
7 Skill 2
- Listening for specific information about one’s hobby.
- Review: words of hobbies, present simple and verbs
8 Looking back – Project of liking + V-ing
- Project: hobbies
- Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic
9 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
of healthy living.
Unit 2: Healthy living 10 A closer look 1 - Words of healthy activities and health problems.
(7 periods) - Grammar: simple sentences.
11 A closer look 2
- Pronunciation: sounds /f/ and /v
12 Communication - Giving tips for health problems.
- Reading for specific information about acne
13 Skill 1
- Talking about how to deal with some health problems.
- Listening for specific information about some advice
14 Skill 2 about healthy habits
- Writing a paragraph of some advice to avoid viruses
- Review: words of healthy living, simple sentences.
15 Looking back – Project
- Project: build healthy habits
- Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic
16 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
of community service.
Unit 3: Community 17 A closer look 1 - Words of community activities.
service 18 A closer look 2 - Grammar: past simple.
- Pronunciation: sounds /t/, /d/ and /id/
19 Communication - Giving compliments.
- Reading for specific information about community
activities at a school.
20 Skill 1
- Talking about the reason why students join different
community activities.
(7 periods) - Listening for specific information about the
community activities and their benefits.
21 Skill 2
- Writing an email about community activities one did
last summer.
- Review: words of community service, past simple.
22 Looking back-Project
- Project: problems and solution to our environment.
- Sounds: /ə/, /з:/, /f/, /v/ /t/, /d/ and /id/
- Words of hobbies, healthy living, community
23 Review 1
- Present simple, past simple and verbs of liking.
Review1 - Reading for specific information about healthy living.
(2 period) - Talking about activities to help communities.
- Listening for specific information about an outdoor
24 Review 2
- Writing a paragraph about activities to help
- The knowledge mainly in unit 1-3: pronunciation,
25 One-period test (60’) words, grammar structure, 3 skills (reading, listening
(1 period)
and writing).
- Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic
Unit 4: Music and Arts 26 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
(2 periods) of Music and Arts.
27 A closer look 1 - Words of Music and Arts.
Feedback - Helping Ss correct the mistakes in the test and know
28 Feedback to test 1
(1 period) the knowledge in the test better.
- Grammar: comparisons: like, different from, (not) as
29 A closer look 2 … as.
- Pronunciation: sounds /ʃ/ and /ʒ/
30 Communication - Expressing preferences.
- Reading for specific information about a traditional art
Unit 4 (cont.): Music 31 Skill 1 form.
and arts - Talking about a musical performance at one’s school.
(5 periods) - Listening for specific information about the street
32 Skill 2 painting.
- Writing about an informal letter of invitation.
- Review: words of Music and Arts; comparisons: like,
33 Looking back different from, (not) as … as.
- Project: organizing a music show.
- Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic
34 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
of Food and Drink.
Unit 5: Food and Drink 35 A closer look 1 - Words of Food and Drink
(7 periods) 36 A closer look 2 - Grammar: some, nay, many, a lot of, lots of, how
many, how much.
- Pronunciation: sounds /ɒ/ and /ɔ:/
37 Communication - Asking and answering about prices.
- Reading for general and specific information about
38 Skill 1 typical traditional food.
- Talking about a popular food and drink.
- Listening for specific information about eating habits.
39 Skill 2
- Writing a paragraph describing eating habits.
- Review: words of Food and Drink; some, any, many, a
40 Looking back lot of, lots of, how many, how much.
- Project: problems and solution to our environment.

- Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic

41 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
of school.
- Words of school, school facilities and school
42 A closer look 1
- Grammar: Passive voice
Unit 6: A visit to a 43 A closer look 2
- Pronunciation: sounds /tʃ/ and /dʒ/
44 Communication - Asking for details.
(7 periods)
- Reading for specific information about a famous
45 Skill 1 school.
- Talking about one’s school.
- Listening for general and specific information about
46 Skill 2 school activities.
- Writing about a paragraph about an outdoor activity at
one’s school.
Looking back and - Review: words of …...; ….....
project - Project: Talking about one’s favorite school.
- Pronunciation: sounds /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /ɒ/, /ɔ:/, /tʃ/ and /dʒ/.
- Vocabulary: words of music and art, food and drink,
and school.
48 Review 2
- Grammar: comparisons: like, different from, (not) as
… as; words of quantity: some, nay, many, a lot of, lots
of, how many, how much.
- Reading for specific information about music.
- Asking and answering a secondary school.
49 Review 2 - Listening for specific information about a meal at a
- Writing a paragraph about a meal at a restaurant.
- Revising the knowledge in unit1-3 for the 1st term
50 The 1st term review
Review exam.
(2 periods) - Revising the knowledge in unit4-6 for the 1st term
51 The 1st term review
Term Revision
52 The 1st term review - Practice test.
(3 periods)
- The knowledge mainly in unit 1-6: pronunciation,
53 The 1st end-term test. words, grammar structure, 3 skills (reading, listening
(1 periods)
and writing).
Feedback 54 Feedback to the 1st term - Helping Ss correct the mistakes in the exam and know
(1 periods) test the knowledge in the exam better.
- Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic
55 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
of means of transport and road signs.
- Words of means of transport and road signs, school
56 A closer look 1
facilities and school activities.
- Grammar: It indicating distance and should.
57 A closer look 2
- Pronunciation: sounds /ai/ and /ei/
58 Communication - Asking and answering about means of transport.
Unit 7: Traffic
- Reading for general and specific information about
(7 periods)
59 Skills 1 traffic rules.
- Talking about obeying traffic rules.
- Listening for general and specific information about
60 Skills 2 traffic problems in a city
- Writing a paragraph about traffic problems
- Review: words of means of transport and road signs; It
61 Lookback and project indicating distance and should.
- Project: make traffic signs and talk about them.
Unit 8: Films - Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic
(7 periods) 62 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
of types of films and adjectives describing films.
- Words of means of types of films and adjectives
63 A closer look 1
describing films.
64 A closer look 2 - Grammar: Connectors: although, though, however.
- Pronunciation: sounds /iə / and /eə/
65 Communication - Accepting and declining suggestions.
Reading for specific information about of a film review.
66 Skill 1
- Talking films.
- Listening for specific information about a film.
67 Skill 2
- Writing a paragraph about films.
- Review: words of types of films and adjectives
describing films; connectors: although, though, however.
68 Lookback – project
- Project: design a poster for a film and organize them
into an exhibition.
- Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic
69 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
Unit 9: Festivals around of types of festival and festival activities.
the World - Words of means of types of films and adjectives
70 A closer look 1
(7 periods) describing films.
- Grammar: Yes/No questions.
71 A closer look 2
- Pronunciation: stress in two-syllable words.
72 Communication - Expressing disappointment
- Reading for specific information about an unusual
73 Skill 1 festival.
- Talking about a festival that someone joined
- Listening for specific information about a festival.
74 Skill 2
- Writing an email to describe a festival.
75 Looking back and - Review: words of types of festival and festival
project activities; Yes/No questions.
- Project: design a poster for a film and organize them
into an exhibition.
- Pronunciation: sounds /ai/, /ei/, /iə /, /eə/, stress in
two-syllable words.
76 Review 3 - Vocabulary: words of traffic, films and festivals.
- Grammar: It indicating distance; should; connectors:
although, though, however; yes/No questions
- Reading for general and specific information about
(2 periods)
- Asking and answering about how to go to school.
77 Review 3
- Listening for specific information about watching
- Writing a paragraph about means of transport.
- The knowledge mainly in unit 7-9: pronunciation,
78 One-period test (60’) words, grammar structure, 3 skills (reading, listening
(1 period)
and writing).
- Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic
Unit 10: Energy sources 79 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
(2 periods) of types of energy sources.
80 A closer look 1 - Words of means of types of energy sources.
Feedback - Helping Ss correct the mistakes in the test and know
81 Feedback to test 3
(1 period) the knowledge in the test better.
- Grammar: present continuous.
82 A closer look 2
Unit 10 (cont): Energy - Pronunciation: Stress in three-syllable words.
sources 83 Communication - Asking about explanations.
(5 periods) 84 Skill 1 - Reading for specific information about types of
energy sources.
- Talking about advantages and disadvantages of
different types of energy sources.
- Listening for specific information about how to save
85 Skill 2 energy at home.
- Writing an email to describe a festival.
- Review: words of types of energy sources; present
Looking back and
86 continuous.
- Project: discuss how to save energy at school.
- Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic
Unit 11: Travelling in 87 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
the future of future means of transport.
(7 periods) 88 A closer look 1 - Words of means of types of future means of transport.
- Grammar: Future simple and possessive pronouns.
89 A closer look 2
- Pronunciation: Sentence stress.
90 Communication - Expressing disappointment
- Reading for general and specific information about
91 Skill 1
- Talking about why a means of transport will/won’t be
- Listening for general and specific information about
some future means of transport.
92 Skill 2
- Writing a paragraph about the advantages of a future
means of transport.
93 Looking back - Review: words of types of festival and festival
activities; Yes/No questions.
- Project: design a poster for a film and organize them
into an exhibition.
- Helping Ss gain an overview about the topic
94 Getting started (pronunciation, grammar structures) and get vocabulary
of people and places in speaking countries.
- Words of means of people and places in speaking
95 A closer look 1
- Grammar: Articles.
96 A closer look 2 - Pronunciation: raising and falling intonation for
Unit 12: English 97 Communication - Expressing amazement
speaking countries - Reading for specific information about a country.
98 Skill 1
(7 periods) - Talking about a country.
- Listening for specific information about a tour of a
99 Skill 2
- Writing a paragraph about a diary entry about a tour of
a city.
- Review: words of people and places in speaking
100 Looking back countries; Articles.
- Project: explore a speaking country.
Review 101 Review 4 - Pronunciation: stress in three-syllable words.
(2 period) - Vocabulary: words of energy sources, future means of
transport, people and places in speaking countries.
- Grammar: present continuous, future simple and
possessive pronouns, articles.
- Reading for specific information about Alaska, a state
in the USA.
- Discussing about how to save energy.
102 Review 4
- Listening for specific information about a means of
- Writing a paragraph about a future means of transport.
Term Revision - Revising the knowledge in English 7, mainly in unit
103 The 2nd term revision
(2 period) 7-9 for the 2nd term exam.
- The knowledge unit 1-12, mainly in unit 6-12:
104 The 2nd term exam. pronunciation, words, grammar structure, 3 skills
(1 period)
(reading, listening and writing).
Exam Feedback to the 2 term - Helping Ss correct the mistakes in the exam and know
(1 period) exam. the knowledge in the exam better.

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