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March 9, 2024
“An Act providing for the Modernization, Standardization and Regulation of the
Procurement Activities of the Government and for other Purposes”, otherwise known as
the Government Procurement reform Act.

A. RA 9184
B. RA 8545
C. RA 7836
D. RA 4670

2. Does officials assigned with government vehicle or uses government motor transportations
still granted representation and/or transportation allowance?

A. Yes, it is a privilege for government officials

B. No, they are not granted t officials if they use government vehicle
C. Yes, especially for hard to reach areas
D. No, only per diem is allowed

3. It is the principal’s task to develop an understanding and support of the general public for the
school’s improvement. This is a way by which the community is convinced that what is
operating in the school is as good as the programs operating elsewhere. How can this be

A. Preparing a school improvement plan

B. Selling the school to the public
C. Identifying existing problems
D. Allowing the community to use the school’s facilities

4. The following are the modes of disposal of school property EXCEPT for one?

A. Condemnation/destruction of the property

B. Pounding and breaking of the property
C. Transfer / donation of the property
D. Sale of unserviceable property

5. It is the function of the Commission on Audit (COA) to credit loss of property or act of
accountability. Loss if property may be credited when the loss occurs while the property is in
transit or is caused by fire, theft and other casualty of force majeure.

A. Relief from property from accountability

B. Reprimand from commission on audit
C. Blotter from the police
D. Affidavit of loss

6. Loss of property may be credited when the loss occurs while the property is in transit or is
caused by any of the following EXCEPT for one?
A. Fire
B. Theft
C. Force majeure
D. Terrorism

7. What is your school provision in teacher deployment analysis of your school code is blue?
A. Excessive surplus provision
B. Surplus teacher provision
C. Generous teacher provision
D. National mean ratio

8. What is your school provision in teacher deployment analysis if your school code is red?
A. Multi grade classes
B. Severe teacher shortage
C. National mean ratio
D. No national funded teachers

9. The minimum classroom size shall be 7m wide by 8m long. Which is considered adequate for:

A. A class of 56
B. A class of 45
C. A class of 60
D. A class of 65
10. The main building facing the front gate should be at least how many meters from the gate?

A. 10 meters
B. 15 meters
C. 20 meters
D. None

11. A devastating typhoon hit the province of Pampanga. Classes at all levels were suspended.
Government offices were suspended too. What should you do right after the typhoon?

A. Allow teacher to go home

B. Visit the school and take note of the damages incurred
C. Call up the division office and ask for help
D. Stay at home and rest

12. A proposed Senior HS school site in the Pampanga River was not given clearance by the
local government offices prior to the establishment of school. What is the justification for the
non-issuance of clearance?

a. The school is identified as high risk or disaster prone areas

b. The owner of the site is a political rival of the incumbent
c. The principal was not informed that the site has no natural drainage and safe, healthy and potable water
d. The barangay officials construct make-shift classroom/ school building and uses LGU facilities like
covered gymnasium etc.

13. A school to be established in an urgent need in the area to be serve for Grade7-10 must meet
the following criteria. Among the given criteria which is not related or nuisance?

a. At least one secondary school for every municipality / city

b. Must have at least 100 pupils/ students composed of one or more grade levels
c. The proposed school to be established is within the 1 km and 500 meter radius from any existing
public school in rural and urban areas
d. The proposed establishment of school must be supported by the LGU

14. Why does Procurement of Tools and Equipment need to be done through competitive
A. to meet the technical specifications of goods for procurement guided by the standards set by DepEd
B. to negotiate the price with small player supplier with inferior quality
C. the procurement of goods should remove incidental expenses to lower the applicable tax
D. The list of items to be procured are high end branded products
15. Malaya National High School has 56 and above pupils per classroom, in the list of DepEd’s
priority in the construction of classroom buildings, what is its color code?

A. Yellow
B. Gold
C. Black
D. Red

16. What is the standard classroom size in all public elementary and secondary schools?
A. 8m x 7m
B. 7m x 9m
C. 8m x 9m
D. 7m x 8m
17. If the 10% Reserved Funds is Php100, 000. 00 hypothetically, by how much will be allocated
for School Furniture?

A. Php60, 000
B. Php50,000
C. Php25,000
D. Php10,000

18. What are the modes of acquisition of school sites?

I. Purchase

II. Donation

III. Expropriation

IV. Presidential Proclamation

A. I and II only

B. II and III only

C. I, II, III and IV
D. I, II and III only

19. PAG-ASA has just raised Typhoon Signal No. 1 in your coastal area; hence the barangay
Chair has just declared suspension of classes in all levels. Will you announce the same to your
A. Yes; because, this his mandate to keep everyone in his jurisdiction safe
B. No; he has no authority to do so.
C. Yes; but only after a consultation and coordination with BDRRMC, SDRRMC and the School head
D. No; the Barangay Chair, can never meddle with any school affairs unless authorized by the school
20. Due to LPA, the streets going to your school is flooded because of increasing volume of rain
water pouring last night, though your school grounds is not flooded. There was no suspension of
classes made by authorities. Teachers, parents and students are texting you if you have classes.
What will you do?

1. Consult the Barangay chair and whatever his decision will be final

2. Consult your SDRRMC and BDRRMC teams before coming up with a decision
A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
C. Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question
D. Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question
E. Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient to answer the question and additional data is needed to answer the
21. An earthquake with a considerable magnitude shook your area at 1:12 PM while classes are
ongoing, fortunately students were able to execute what you always rehearse and where able to
evacuate on the safe designated place, few minutes passed after the shock, still, everyone
including teachers were still in shock. Your next steps will be crucial. What will they be?

A. Deploy the different SDRRM Committees and follow all the standard operating procedures as
always been practiced then execute reunification plan
B. Be hands-on and check all rooms if there were still inside the school premises
C. Consult your SDRRMC and BDRRMC teams before coming up with a decision
D. Consult your SDRRM Team and let them decide for you
22. The concept and practice of reducing disaster risk through systematic efforts to analyze and
manage the casual factors of disasters
A. Disaster Prevention
B. Disaster Response
C. Disaster Risk Reduction
D. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
23. Result of your consultation with the SDDRRC and BDRRMC after a 3-day suspension of
classes due to Typhoon, showed that they had opposing decisions, your SDDRMC recommended
that classes may resume because the school, though high tide prone is safe, but the BDRRM
recommended that classes should still be suspended for at least a day because of high tide of 4.6
meter from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM will occur and going through and from of the school will pose
danger to students. How would you deal with the situation?

1. Bridge the communication and coordination gap between the two organization so they will
come up with one decision coming from the majority of the members of each organization

2. Follow the SDRRMC because not only they know the school better than any other else, they
also know the risk in the community since many of the members are from the community
A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
C. Both statements 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question
D. Each statement alone is sufficient to answer the questions

24. DepEd Order No. 25, s. 2006 organized the Division/School Calamity, Disaster and Fire
Control (CDFC) Groups and guidelines on the calamity and Disaster Preparedness on the
following EXCEPT one:

a. Tsunami La Nina and Flood

b. Storm Earthquake, and Fire Drills
c. Zenonum and First Aide Management
d. Scouting Encampment and PNRC blood donation

25. CDFC shall have the responsibility for this activity:

a. Assessment of all structures and physical facilities within DepEd premise
b. Construct evacuation centers
c. Establish Disaster Training Program
d. Issue Guideline on the Suspension of classes when typhoon and all calamities occur
26. An Inventory is important in determining the need for equipment, furniture, instructional aids
and other resources. The following are factors to be considered in determining needs EXCEPT
a. The inventory of existing equipment, furniture and instructional aids and resources
b. Prioritized needs of a classroom
c. Projection of future quantity of each of the different properties and resources based on projected
d. Inventory of existing properties based on eight EMIS modules
27. The top priority in the allocation of classroom/school furniture following the color coding
system is:
a. Red/Black
b. Red/Gold
c. Black/Gold
d. Black/Blue

28. Free Secondary Education Act of 1989 during the administration of President Corazon C.
Aquino provides among others:

a Nationalization of all barangay high schools.

b. Provision of salaries of teachers through the national government
c. provision of maintenance, operating, and other expenses (MOOE)
d. All of the above

29. When can a donation or property for school use be called mortis causa?

A. When it takes effect after the donor's death which require a last will
B. When it takes effect during the lifetime of the donor
C. When it imposes a condition that such donation will be for school use only
D. When the piece of land was disposed gratuitously by a dying person is his last will and testament
30. A school building which has become unsuitable, dilapidated and whose repair o
rehabilitation will cost 50% or more than the cost of the new building to replace, it should be:
a. replaced by a new school building
b.Option 2
c. reconstructed to a bid and further dilapidation
d. left untouched until it is damaged completely

31. Which is not true of the following standard requirements of the school site for elementary
a. One hectare for a central school which has six classes
b. Two hectares for school having seven or nine classes
c. Three hectares for a school which has more than twelve classes
d. One-half hectare for a barrio school which has only one or two classes and no grade above Grade IV
32. It is a method of acquiring a school site which capitalizes on the deed of exchange to be
executed by both parties.
a. Barter
b. Gratuitous conveyance
c. Presidential proclamation
d. Expropriation proceedings

33. The recommended orientation of a school building in the Philippines is:

a. Northwest-west to southeast-east axial direction, taking into consideration the direction of sunlight
and the direction of prevailing breezes.
b. Southwest-east to northwest-west axial direction, considering the direction of sunlight and the
prevailing breezes
c. West to east axial direction, observing the direction the sun shines
d. All of the above
34. The school building should be properly oriented with regard to air currents, natural lights to
minimize sunlight and:
a. to maximize the flow of breeze or air currents through the rooms
b. to minimize the flow of breeze or air currents
c. to maximize sunlight and air breeze
d. All of these

35. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to seat dimensions for school seats?

a. Seat high is equal, more or less, to the lower leg height.

b. Seat depth should be 500 mm short of the upper leg measurement
c. Seat inclination maybe from three (3) to five (5) degrees.
d. None of these

36. The use of public school buildings and grounds for other public or semi-public purposes
other than the conduct of school activities must be sanctioned by:

A. School Division Superintendent or his/her representative

B. School head
C. President of the PTA
D. School Property Custodian

37. All government school buildings which are permanent in structure shall be insured with the
General Insurance Fund against fires, floods, typhoons and other natural calamities at a package
of 1 percent of their appraised values under the administration of what agency?
a. SSS
c. Insurance Commission
d. DepEd
38. Before actual work on construction of a school building is authorized and commenced, this
should be done first:
a. School site title or status of acquisition
b. Vacant space
c. Approval for the school site
d. Building permit

39. The teacher school librarian enrolment ratio shall be 500 or less for:
a. one teacher - librarian
b. one teacher – part time librarian
c. One permanent teacher and one part time librarian
d. All of these

40. The minimum for administrative space is and an air space requirement of

a. 5 square meter per person, 12.0 cubic meters per person

b. 4 square meter per person, 10.0 cubic meters per person
c. 10 square meter per person 150 cubic meters per person
d. Cannot be determined

41. As a general rule, the different school buildings should be laid out according to functional
groupings. The distances between buildings should be such that EXCEPT:

a. Ventilation is not obstructed

b. Natural illumination is not impeded
c. Sounds in one building do not carry into the next building
d. Minimize flow of air currents or breeze

42. The school of Mr. B was given a YELLOW COLOR in the Pupil-Teacher Ratio. What does
this mean?

a. 25:1 pupil-teacher ratio

b. 35 – 39:1 pupil-teacher ratio
c. 30 -35: 1 pupil – teacher ratio
d. 50 abov : 1 pupil – teacher ratio

43. The recommended minimum setback of a school from the street line is _____ meters to
minimize intrusive sounds.
a. 5
b. 8
c. 10
d. 15

44. The flagpole should occupy a prominent place in front of the main building in the assembly
area. As a general rule, the top of the pole of flagpole should:
a. be higher than the main building
b. be lower than the main building
c. be higher than the highest tree
d. be lower than the tree

45. The signboard of a school building should be of appropriate length and width to
accommodate the name and location of the school. The lettering is simple, black roman style and
big enough to be easily read in a distance of:

a. 10-20 meters
b. 20-25 meters
c. 5 meters
d. 5 to 10 meters

46. Which DOES NOT belong to a minimum school site size for secondary in an urban area?

a. 500 students or less 0.5 hectare

b. 501 to 1000 students 1.0 hectare
c. 1,001 to 2,000 students-2.0 hectares
d. 2,001 to 3,000 students-5 hectares

47. For instructional rooms' deployment analysis, red means

a. Ratio is 56 plus
b. No classroom
c. ratio is 1:45
d. Ratio is 51-55.99

48. School furniture analysis shows that colored "red" means

a. More than 2 pupils per seat
b. No existing seats
c. Adequate in two-shift
d. More than 3 pupils per seat

49. A principal established the School Grievance Committee. The integrity, sincerely and
credibility were taken into consideration in the selection. What is the jurisdiction of the School
Grievance Committee?

a. Grievance of teaching and non-teaching personnel

b. Grievance of clerical and maintenance personnel
c. Grievance of parents and teachers
d. Grievance of external stakeholders
50. The President of the Faculty Club acknowledges that his principal is lawfully entitled to exert
influence to anyone of them within certain bounds. He accepts the facts that he himself has an
obligation to accept such power even if he does not want it. What kind of power is it?

a. Expert power
b. Legitimate power
c. Referent power
d. Reward power

51. The school where you are assigned is a rented building. Since you cannot request financial
assistance from the local government for the repair of school facilities, from who could you ask
necessary funds?

a. local government unit

b. national government
c. owner of the building
d. faculty club

52. A devastating typhoon hit the Metro Manila. Classes at all levels were suspended.
Government offices were suspended, too. What would you do right after the typhoon?
a. allows teachers to go home
b. visit the school and take note of the damages incurred
c. calls up the division office and ask for help
d. stay at home and rest
53. Your school was greatly damage because of the devastating typhoon. Plants were destroyed.
Trees were uprooted. The roof of the building was blown down by the wind. What would you do
if you were the principal of that school?

a. request assistance from the DBM through the Superintendent

b. requests the assistance from the DepEd through the Superintendent
c. request assistance from the City Engineer through the Superintendent
d. request assistance from the DPWH through the Superintendent

54. A devastating typhoon hit your place, you wanted to go to school but the flood served as a
hindrance. Who would be in the best position to help you?

a. Chairman/member of the School Disaster Committee

b. Schools Division Office
c. Barangay officials nearest your school
d. Parent Teacher Association
55. Dr. Tapon of Maarok High School had la dialogue with his property custodian after learning
that there's a big number of armchairs delivered in the school just before he came as its principal.
What must be done by Dr. Tapon?

a. Order the custodian to stock the armchairs in one room for future use
b. Sell the excess armchairs because they can be eyesores in the school
c. Ask the teachers to replace their desks by the newly delivered armchairs
d. Order the custodian to prepare necessary documents for the disposal of excess armchairs

56. It was a school day. The principal received an anonymous call as early as 7:00 in the
morning. The caller told her that a bomb would explode after 30 minutes. What would you do if
you were the principal?

1. require all students and teachers to vacate school premises right away

2. call up the bomb squad unit for immediate assistance

3. conduct an immediate inspection of all areas with the help of the maintenance staff

4. ask the help of the barangay and other local government units
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1 and 4

57. You have been assigned as a principal in a school where there are cliques. You notice that the
control of cliques among the members and their influence become more apparent, thus problems
are in existence within the school system. What will you do?

1. Require the groups to act in the school system's interest

2. Dismantle common ties that bind the cliques

3. Control the members of the cliques in making decisions for the school's welfare.
4. Adopt policies/practices designed to enlist the cliques into channel of increased productivity

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1 and 4

58. If you are the principal of the school and you heard a rumor about a female teacher having an
illicit affair with one of the janitors, what would you do to the situation even if it is just an
unconfirmed report?

1. Deny the existence of such issue

2. Talk to each of the parties concerned privately in your office

3. Divulge to everyone after reaching a decision

4. Require both parties to avoid showing fondness or closeness with each other

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 2 and 4
d. 3 and 4

59. A janitor is not doing his responsibility. He is not visibly seen in his area of responsibility.
More often than not he leaves his post unclean. What will you do as a principal to stop such

1. Assign him to another area

2. Call for him in the office and remind him of his accountability to the service

3. Require him to explain in writing for being remiss of his duty if such practice persists 4 File
charges against him for his failure to maintain the cleanliness of his area
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. 3 and 4

60. Mr. Mallari had been a star of the basketball team during his college days. He had been a
recipient to various awards in basketball. When he became a principal he put up a basketball
team and spent his free time training the team. What source of power did he exercise?
1. Coercive
2. Expertise
3. Legitimate
4. Referent

a.1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 1 and 4
d. 2 and 4
61. The unity of command principle is in existence in different organizations. Which of the
sentences below correspond to the meaning of the underlined words?

1. Each person in an organization report only to one person.

2. Reporting to only one person makes it easier for an individual to know to whom he is
accountable and whose instruction he must follow.

3. Each person in an organization report to more than one superior

4. Reporting to more than one superior makes it difficult for an individual to know to whom he is
accountable and whose instruction he must follow

A. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1 and 4
62. Relate this adage "Strike while the iron is hot." in the work of an administrator.
1. Ignore the effects of the aggressive action as a result of the decision
2. Amend the plan and decision to welcome new opportunity
3. Alter the cause-effect nature of decisions made
4. Apply force and action to implement an immediate decision

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 2 and 4
63. Despite the factors which are implicit in competition which spur people to greater effort and
high quality work, there are ways by which competitiveness produce bad effects. What are the
unhealthy competitions which produce negative effects?
1. achieving the overall goals rather than destroying other persons
2. winning a battle rather than forwarding purpose of the organization
3. emerging too much power and clout upon a single competitor
4. unhealthy competitions which produce negative effects
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1 and 4

64. Brainstorming is one of the most effective techniques for identifying creative alternatives.
The interchange of ideas serves to create an atmosphere of free and spontaneous thought process.
What rules should be followed during brainstorming session?

1. Foster cooperative confrontation

2. Withhold judgment until all ideas are generated

3. Prevent free and smooth flow of ideas and feelings

4. Create an atmosphere of free discussion of ideas

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 2 and 4
d. 3 and 4
65. The principal is tasked to be responsible for the protection of the school property within the
range of his control. What does this task encompass?

1. Maintenance and upkeep of school property

2. Proper organization and supervision of school property

3. Construction of new building

4. Repair and rehabilitation of equipment/tools

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1 and 4
66. The principal shares information and passes along special information to trusted subordinates
who would not ordinarily have access to it. He transits information even to others especially
those outside the organization. What roles do a principal in the first and second sentences?
1. Monitor
2. Disseminator
3. Figurehead
4. Spoke person
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 2 and 4
d. 3 and 4
67. As a leader of instruction, the principal must zero in on its basic elements. What are those
1. autonomy and authority
2. curriculum and instruction
3. performance and evaluation
4. responsibility and technical support

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1 and 4

68. A good supervisory note must function as a dynamic force in the improvement of teaching
technique and materials of instruction to ensure efficient teaching and effective learning. What
are the characteristics of a good supervisory note?

1. A good supervisory note must take into consideration the ability of the class, the experience of
the teacher and the conditions which the teacher works

2. A good supervisory note must even include pointers not visible during the period of

3. A good supervisory note must be subjective taking into account the feeling of the observer.

4. A good supervisory note must be centered on specific points rather than on general matters.
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1 and 4

69. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the experience of change?

a. Different people react to change in similar ways

b. Reactions to change also change across time
c. Different people have different ways of coping with the impact of change
d. Leaders are challenged double time in times of many changes

70. Which of the following statements are TRUE about the nature of change?

1. In times of change, people does not go through adjustments

2. In times of change, there is a status quo period which people experience unstable psycho-
social level

3. In times of change people's psycho-social experience shifts from stability to instability

4. In times of change, members have important roles to play

a. 1&2
b. 1&3
c. 3&4
d. 2&4
71. A school can be called child-friendly when it manifest any of the following traits except for

a. When an institution recognizes and respects the range of rights of children

b. When they respect the rights of others, respect diversity, practice equality and resolve differences
c. When it turn away any child from enrolling and attending classes for whatever reason.
d. When it enables them to become responsible and productive members of their community and society.

72. A child-friendly school is said to be effective with children when it child centered. What best
describe a child-centered school?
a. has the best interest of the child in mind in all its learning activities
b. has no definite curriculum that addresses the child's learning needs as well as those of the community
and society
c. employs teaching methods that are suited to advance students in the batch
d. Discourages children to think and decide for themselves questions and their opinions are not
73. A child-friendly school is said to involve families and the community when it works closely
with children's families. Below are some of the school involvement except for one?

a. consults parent and invites their opinions regarding school policies and activities
b. holds regular dialogues with parents regarding their children's learning progress
c. collaborates with parents to encourage their children to practice at home what they learn in school
d. cares no much as parents whether children get enough nutrition and are in good health is not his
74. A Child-Friendly School inclusive, gender-sensitive and non-discriminating when it:

a. Has a curriculum that address the child's learning needs as well as those of the community and society
b. Employ teaching methods that are suited to the child's age, abilities and ways of learning
c. Gives boys and girls equal learning opportunities, threats children equally, regardless of gender,
social status, cultural origin on religious belief
d. Encourages children to think and decide for themselves, ask questions and express their opinions.

75. Which is not true of the following standard requirements of the school site for elementary
schools in an urban area?

a. Schools with (7-12) classes – 1.5 hectares

b. Schools with (7-20) classes – 0.75 hectares
c. Central school with six (6) classes – 0.5
d. non-central school with (6-10) classes – 0.5 hectare
76. A devastating typhoon hit the province of Pampanga. Classes at all levels were suspended.
Government offices were suspended too. What should you do right after the typhoon?
a. Allow teacher to go home
b. Visit the school and take note of the damages incurred
c. Call up the division office and ask for help
d. Stay at home and rest
77. In the observation of the Flag Lowering Ceremonies every Friday afternoon. The Ceremony
shall be and shall include the playing or singing of the Philippine National Anthem:

a. Joyful and dignified

b. simple and dignified
c. Glamorous and gracious
d. Pretentious and exalted
78. The following conditions are strongly suggested for Muslim Filipino women in wearing the
veil hired as ALIVE teachers except for one.
a. Wearing veil covering the entire face is allowed outside the classroom
b. Once the ustadja is in the classroom she is requested to remove the veil for the following reasons;
c. For proper identification of the teachers by the principal, parents and the police
d. In support of effective language teaching, recognition and discrimination of letters and their sound are
79. A teacher had been requested by the supervisor to report during Christmas vacation in her
office. She was instructed to prepare exercise in different learning areas. The teacher was given a
10 day leave credits. Where can the teacher use the service credits?
a. Offset absences due to illness or other reasonable cause
b. Prepare for vertical promotion
c. Submit documents for retirement purposes
d. Identify essential forms of clearance

80. The enrolment of Sta. Maria High School is facing a decreasing number of enrolees for the
last two years. As the new principal of the school, how are you going to increase the number of
enrolees on the next school year?

a. Send your professional teachers to conduct a child mapping in the community, campaign on nearby
elementary school and encourage them to enroll in your school.
b. Post tarpaulin in the school of your school current status
c. Talk with your PTA and ask support from the municipal mayor
d. Conduct motorcade in the community encouraging parents to enroll their students in your school
81. How are you going to manage the training and schedule of student participation when it
comes to press conferences in your school?
a. student participation must be scheduled by Saturday and Sunday
b. student participation must be scheduled after class hours
c. student participation must be plan and scheduled alternately daily
d. student participation must be regulated so as not to cause disruption of classes

82. How are you going to strategize the three year plan of your child protection program?
a. By developing and implementing a school-based referral and monitoring system
b. By initiating information dissemination programs and organizing activities for the protection of
children from abuse
c. By drafting a school child protection policy with a code of conduct and a plan to ensure child
protection and safety, which shall be reviewed every 3 years
d. By coordinating closely with the PNP, DSWD, NGOs and other non-governmental institutions

83. The following are the additional duties and responsibilities of the school head to DepEd
Order No. 40, s. 2015 except for one?

a. The authorized person to sign the travel authority (TA) of Partner Institution on behalf of the school
b. Supervise the work of School Immersion Partnership Focal Person. Immersion Teacher and Learners
c. Assign a personnel/ teacher to be the School Partnership Focal Person if the school offer more than (1)
d. Sign the travel authority (TA) of the School Partnership Focal Person/Work Immersion Teacher if
work immersion tasks are conducted within the division.
84. DepEd Order No. 41, s. 2012 includes the implementing policies on the collection of
voluntary school contributions except for one.
a. Collection of authorized contributions must remain voluntary, not compulsory.
b. An exorbitant amount for the PTA contribution must be avoided
c. The publication of the school newspaper is encouraged to promote the journalism program at the
secondary levels only.
d. DepEd reiterates that failure to settle these voluntary school contributions shall not be used as a basis
for non-admission, non-promotion, or non-issuance of clearance to a student.

85. Teacher Janet inherited a parcel of land from her parents a year ago. As the principal
assisting your teacher in filing their SALN, does teacher Janet need to disclose the property
acquisition cost even if it is not yet titled under the declarant's name?
a. real properties must be titled or registered first under his/her name
b. donation or inheritance, no acquisition cost shall be declared.
c. extrajudicial settlement of estate but not yet titled under declarant's name need no disclosure
d. acquisition cost shall be declared at all times
86. "An Act providing for the Modernization, Standardization and Regulation of the
Procurement Activities of the Government and for other Purposes," otherwise known as the
Government Procurement Reform Act.
a. R.A. 9184
b. RA 8545
c. RA 7836
d. RA 4670

87. It is commonly defined as the acquisition of appropriate goods and/or services at the best
possible price to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality and quantity, time, and

a. Purchase
b. Procurement
c. Quotations
d. Liquidation
Correct answer
88. It is one of the alternative methods of procurement. It is a method of procurement of goods
whereby the procuring entity simply requests for the submission of price quotations for readily
available off-the-shelf goods or ordinary/regular equipment to be procured directly from
suppliers of known qualifications.

a. Shopping
b. Emergency purchase
c. Small Value Procurement
d. Medium Value Procurement
89. With the end goal of promoting gender equality, and also as a living document of CSC's
continuing commitment in mainstreaming gender and development in its regular functions. What
is the legal basis for the formulation of the annual GAD Plan of an agency?

a. Section 27 of the General Appropriations Act of 1995.

b. Rule III Section 8.1.1 Procurement by Electronic Means.
c. RA 7610, special protection against child abuse, exploitation and discrimination, and for other
d. RA 10627, Anti-Bullying Act of 2013.
90. Procurement refers to the acquisition of the following except for one:
a. goods, supplies, materials and related services
b. consulting services
c. the contracting for civil works by an agency
d. covers the lease of government property as collateral
91. What psychological injury is considered as child abuse?
a. One that harms a child's psychological or intellectual functions. This may be exhibited by severe
anxiety, withdrawal or outward aggressive behavior or a combination of said behaviors.
b. One that harms a child's psychological or intellectual functions. This may be exhibited by severe
anxiety, depression, withdrawal or outward aggressive behavior or a combination of said behaviors.
c. One that harms a child's psychological or intellectual functions. This may be exhibited by severe
depression, withdrawal or outward aggressive behavior or a combination of said behaviors.
d. One that harms a child's physical functions. This may be exhibited by severe anxiety, depression,
withdrawal or outward aggressive behavior or a combination of said behaviors.

92. Is discipline administered by a parent or legal guardian on a child considered cruelty?

a. Yes, if it is reasonably administered and moderate in degree and does not cause physical or
psychological injury.

b. No, if it is reasonably administered and moderate in degree and does cause physical or psychological
c. No, if it is reasonably administered and moderate in degree and does not cause physical or
psychological injury.
d. No, if it is reasonably administered and moderate in degree and does cause slight physical or
psychological injury.
93. The law defines bullying as any severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written,
verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed
at another student that has the effect of actually causing or placing the latter in ________;
creating a hostile environment at school for other students.

a. Senseless fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property

b. Biased fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property .
c. Invalid fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property
d. Reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property
94. Based on the school calendar issued by the Department of Education (DepEd), elementary
and high schools have to fulfill a minimum of students for each school year or days contact time
with contact days per quarter.
a. 220 and 55
b. 200 and 50
c. 180 and 45
d. 160 and 40
95. All school canteens are required to secure the following permits/clearances, what are those?
I. Permit to operate from the office of the mayor II
II. Sanitation Clearance/Permit from the health department
III. Health permit of canteen personnel/staff from the city/municipal health office
IV. Authority from the school head/principal to operate and manage the school canteen (for
teacher's cooperatives only)

a. I, II, III and IV

b. II, III and IV
c. I, III and IV
d. I, II and III
96. Canteen's book of accounts and statement of sales and disbursements shall be maintained for
recording daily transactions related to the operations of the canteen. Receipts and other similar
documents shall be kept to support sales, purchases and disbursements made available for
examination and inspection at any appropriate time by the
a. PTA treasurer and faculty treasurer
b. PTA treasurer and school level auditing committee
c. School level auditing committee and PTA treasurer
d. School level auditing committee and COA representative based in the division office.
97. A principal of certain school provides knowledge insights and even wisdom to her staff. He
guides and trains them to institute change within the school system. He has considerable power
and influence to advance individuals career and advocate promotion. What role does the
principal portray?
a. Coach
b. Mentor
c. boss
d. Mode
98. The intermediate pupils of a school would want to form an organization. They sought the
approval of the school principal upon the recommendation of the teacher-adviser. Why is there a
need to secure the approval of the school head?
a. Advance information technology
b. Avoid duplication of others organizations
c. Ensure pupils' health and safety
d. Prevent organization's whose aims run counter to school policies
99. A principal received an endorsement from the Schools Division Superintendent concerning
the request of an organization to use the school for training their members during weekends.
What would you do if you were the principal?
a. Write a letter to the Superintendent stating whether or not allow the use of the school
b. Disregard the written communication and prevent the organization from using the school
c. Send a return endorsement to the Superintendent whether or allow or not to allow the use of the
school and reason thereof
d. Disregard the endorsement and allow the organization the use of school
100. You were told that parents of a Grade I girt were confronting the teacher for inflicting
corporal punishment to their daughter. The parents were requiring the teacher to present proofs
of their child's disobedience. You were too busy finishing the required report. If you were the
principal, what would you do?
a. Disregard the existing situation
b. Condemn the teacher for what she has done
c. Mediate between the parents and teacher to settle dispute
d. Conduct preliminary investigation

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