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Friendship is the most important thing to teens

As we all should know, friendship is the most important thing to teens. Teenage
friendships are just as important as family.
For the teenager, friendship means creating bonds between people who have
feelings of loyalty, protection, intimacy, reciprocity, mutual help, understanding and
Therefore, friends play a complementary role to that of the family and are
fundamental to mental well-being, in addition to doing good to the heart and body.
Friends are important to vent, talk, have confidence to tell what we feel, what makes
us hurt, ask for advice on how to act in some situations and how to face the
difficulties around us. Also to laugh, have fun and share moments of companionship
and solidarity.
Relationships with friends in this phase, adolescence, are one of the main factors for
the construction of identity and for the definition of values, ideas and opinions about
others and the world.
We can conclude that friendships are very important for adolescence as well as for

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