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1, September 2022
(International Conference for Aviation Vocational Education and Training)

Proposed Operational Risk Improvements

To Increase Aviation Safety Reliability
(Case Study: Ahmad Yani Airport Semarang)

Heru Prastawa1*, Monica M. Manurung2, Afina S. Athaya1, Rani Rumita1

Diponegoro University of Semarang
Chung Yuang Christian University of Taiwan
* Email : heruprastawa@lecturer.undip.ac.id

Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang is one of thirteen airport branches managed by PT Angkasa Pura I
(Persero), has a branch office which consists of several departments, one of which is the Operations Department
and the Engineering Department. In the two departments there are problems that can interfere with flight safety,
namely the existence of several accidents that can cause loss of life, material, and degrade the company's image.
On 2015 Bell 402 TNI helicopter with Register HA 5066 crashed on the runway while training for pilot captain
candidates. On 2016, 2017 the flight ladder fell in the apron area because it was hit by the wind from the aircraft
engine. These accidents can occur because of the risks associated with flight service operations that can interfere
with flight safety. Therefore, these risks need to be managed and analyzed using the House of Risk (HOR) method.
This study aims for minimized the possibility and impact of existing risks. In addition, the company can also find
out the dominant risk sources in the company and the appropriate priority of mitigation strategies to anticipate
existing risks that can have a major and detrimental impact on the company so that these adverse impacts can be
reduced or minimized. The results of the study said that in the Operations Department there were 15 risk events,
23 risk causes, 14 priority risk causes, and 19 proposed improvements. Meanwhile, in the Engineering Department
15 risk events, 21 risk causes, 11 priority risk causes, and 13 proposed improvements are given.

Keywords: Risk Management, Risk, Aviation Safety, House of Risk

Transportation is the movement of people or goods from one place to another by using
a vehicle driven by humans or machines. Transportation consists of land transportation, sea
transportation, and air transportation. Along with the rapid development of technology,
making air transportation more preferred by the public in traveling long distances compared
to land and sea transportation. This is because air transportation is considered the most
effective, efficient, fast, and comfortable transportation. Although air transportation is more
effective, efficient, fast, and convenient, however, it cannot be denied that air transportation is
more risky than other transportation because it can cause accidents airplane accident. Several
accidents involving airlines show that the enforcement of safety standards and procedures
from the government has not been carried out properly [1]. Therefore, in terms of aviation,
flight safety is always the most important consideration and must be prioritized in all flight

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(International Conference for Aviation Vocational Education and Training)

activities. Aviation safety is a condition where safety requirements in the use of airspace,
aircraft, airports, air transportation, flight navigation, as well as supporting facilities and other
public facilities can be met [2]. Based on traffic data from Ahmad Yani International Airport,
Semarang, in 2019-2021, there will be a decrease in the number of aircraft arriving and
departing both domestically and internationally, and can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Number Flight and of Passenger Arrivals and Departures at General Ahmad Yani
International Airport Semarang

Arrival Departure Arrival Departure

Flight Passenger Flight Passenger Flight Passenger Flight Passenger
2019 17.900 1.907.365 18.072 1.894.711 807 114.601 810 113.979
2020 8.169 666.734 8.165 663.123 184 21.533 185 19.337
2021 3.142 273.335 3.142 278.754 1 3 2 6

One of the departments is the Operations Department and the Engineering Department.
In the two departments, there are problems that can interfere with flight safety, namely the
existence of several accidents that can cause loss of life, material, and degrade the company's
image. On April 21, 2015, a Bell 402 TNI helicopter with Register HA 5066 crashed on the
runway while training for pilot captain candidates, causing the flight schedule to be delayed
for 1 hour and 2 planes were forced to cancel landing due to this flight closure. The accident
occurred due to damage to the helicopter blades which caused the helicopter to lose control
and fall. On December 25, 2016, the Wings Air aircraft type ATR 72-600 with flight number IW
1896 with registration PK WGW for the Bandung-Semarang route slipped. The plane was
carrying 68 passengers, 9 passengers were injured. The Wings Air plane crashed when landing
on runway 13 at Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang with the weather when the
plane landed it was raining with moderate intensity, low clouds, 3 kilometers visibility, and
strong winds with wind speeds of 140/12 kt causing the airport to crash. Ahmad Yani was
temporarily closed and seven planes were canceled to fly to Semarang. On October 9, 2017, the
flight ladder fell which began when the Garuda Indonesia flight to Surabaya-Semarang
numbered GA-365 landed on the runway. At that time, the flight ladder in the apron area was
hit by the wind from the aircraft engine and fell, resulting in 9 people who were injured when
the ladder fell on them. These accidents occur because of the risks associated with flight service
operations that can interfere with flight safety. Therefore, these risks need to be managed and
analyzed using the House of Risk (HOR) method. This study aims for companies to minimize
the possibility and impact of existing risks. In addition, the company can also find out the
dominant risk sources in the company and the appropriate priority of mitigation strategies to
anticipate existing risks that can have a major and detrimental impact on the company so that
these adverse impacts can be reduced or minimized.

1. Risk Management
Risk Management is a process or a logical and systematic approach to determine the
context, identify, analyze, evaluate, mitigate, monitor, and communicate risks associated with
all activities. This risk management aims for companies to minimize or reduce losses and

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maximize opportunities [3]. According to Djojosoedarso [4], risk management is the process
of handling risks faced by an organization, company, community, etc. which includes
planning, managing, compiling, coordinating and supervising risk management programs.
Risk Management Process, the most important part of the risk management process is
analyzing the risks that have been developed intensively by the academic community,
consultants, and companies. The following is a picture of the risk management process [5].

2. Risk, Risk Level

Risk can be interpreted as an unwanted event or event because it can cause a loss, be it
a small loss or a big loss for a company. For example, the risk that we often find is when we
want to travel using a private vehicle then there is a risk that can occur including a collision
between our private vehicle and someone else's private vehicle so that from this incident it can
cause big losses, for example loss of life [6].
According to the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) [7], the
Risk criteria is a frame of reference used to evaluate the significance of a risk. There are two
risk criteria, namely:
1. Likelihood is the chance of something happening which is determined by being
determined, measured, determined objectively or subjectively, qualitatively or quantitatively,
and presented in a mathematical form. Here are the levels of possibility and their levels, and
can be seen in Table 2.
2. Impact (Consequence) is the output of an event that affects the achievement of targets.
Here are the impacts and their levels. Note that each paragraph contains at least 2 sentences.
The connectedness of sentences in one paragraph and the connection of ideas between
successive paragraphs are the key to the clarity of the narrative text. Avoid repeating
statements in different paragraphs in the same section, or between sections. The plot of a good
script is able to provide a sequence of narratives and facts that are in accordance with the
appropriate structure of the script, and can be seen in Table 3. and Likelihood (L), impact (I)
and level of risk relationship can be seen in Table 4.

Table 2. Likelihood Criteria

Level Likelihood rate Description Estimated probability frequency of occurrence

Size Code
1 very small VS almost impossible 1% - 19% 1 time in 5 years
2 small S unlikely to happen 20% - 39% 1 time in 1 year
3 medium M It can happen and it can't 40% - 59% 2-4 times in 1 year
4 large L most likely to happen, 60% - 79% 5-7 times in 1 year
5 very large VL almost certain to happen 80% -99% more than 7 times in 1 year

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(International Conference for Aviation Vocational Education and Training)

Table 3. Impact criteria

Target Impact level

Busines Consequen Very light Light Medium Heavy Very
Achieveme Valu
Process ce heavy
nt e
1 2 3 4 5
Investmen Physic 100 % KPI 0%<x<10 10%<x<15 15%<x<20 20%<x<25 x>25
t %, below %, below %, below %, below %,
target target target target below
Programe 100 % KPI 0%<x<1% 1%<x<2%, 2%<x<3%, 3%<x<5%, x>5%,
, below below below below below
target target target target target
Operation Quality 100 % KPI 0%<x<1% 1%<x<2%, 2%<x<3%, 3%<x<5%, x>5%,
, below below below below below
target target target target target
Time 100 % KPI 0%<x<1% 1%<x<2%, 2%<x<3%, 3%<x<5%, x>5%,
, below below below below below
target target target target target
Finance Financial 100 % RKA 0%<x<5% 5%<x<10% 10%<x<15 15%<x<20 x>20
income , below , below %, below %, below %,
target target target target below
Cost 100 % RKA 0%<x<3% 3%<x<5%, 5%<x<7%, 7%<x<10% x>10
efficiency , below below below , below %,
target target target target below
Operation Quality 100 % RKA 0%<x<3% 3%<x<5%, 5%<x<7%, 7%<x<10% x>10
al support , below below below , below %,
target target target target below
Time 100 % RKA 0%<x<1% 1%<x<2%, 2%<x<3%, 3%<x<5%, x>5%,
, below below below below below
target target target target target

Table 4. Likelihood (L), impact (I) and level of risk relationship

Level of Risk Likelihood (L) and impact (I) relationship

Low Risk L:I [1:1];[1:2];[1:3];[2:1];[2:2];[3:1];[4:1];[5:1]
Medium Risk L:I [1:4];[2:3];[2:4];[2:1];[3:2];[3:3];[4:2];[5:2]
High Risk L:I [1:5];[2:5];[3:4];[3:5];[4:3];[5:3]
Extreme Risk L:I [4:4];[4:5];[5:4];[5:5]

3. House of Risk (HOR)

House of Risk is a proactive model consisting of FMEA and House of Quality (HOQ)
which is used in procurement risk management to minimize/minimize probability of a risk
agent. In a company, there must be risks that can harm the company. Therefore, it is very
important for companies to identify the existing risks [8].

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3.1. House of Risk Phase 1 (HOR 1)

The steps in conducting HOR 1 are identifying risk events that can occur from each
business process [9]; assessing the impact (severity) of each risk event that occurs; identify risk
agents and assess the possibility of each risk agent occurring; develop a relationship matrix
between each risk agent and each risk event with a value of 0.1, 3, 9 where 0 means there is no
relationship, 1 means there is a relationship but low, 3 means there is a relationship but is
moderate, and 9 means there is a high relationship for both of them; calculate the ARPj value
determined as the product of the probability of occurrence of risk agent j and the aggregate
impact caused by risk events caused by risk agent j using the following formula.

ARP = O ∑ S R ………….. (1)

lastly, giving a rating for each risk agent according to the ARP value from the largest to the

3.2. House of Risk Phase 2 (HOR 2)

The steps in conducting HOR 2 are selecting risk agents with the highest rating,
possibly using Pareto ARPj analysis; identify actions that are considered to prevent the
occurrence of risk agents, one risk agent can be handled with more than one action and one
action can simultaneously reduce the possibility of more than one risk agent; determine the
relationship between preventive measures and risk agents with a value of 0.1, 3, 9 where 0
means there is no relationship, 1 means there is a relationship but low, 3 means there is a
relationship but moderate, and 9 means there is a high relationship between k actions and risk
agent j; calculate the total effectiveness of each action which can be formulated by:

3.3. Pareto chart

Pareto diagram is a method used to manage errors, manage disability problems to help
focus attention on problem solving efforts. Joseph M. juran popularized Pareto work by stating
that 80% of company problems are the result of only 20% of causes [10] (Heizer and Render,

Figure 1. Pareto Diagram [9]

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This research was conducted at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Ahmad Yani
International Airport Semarang, Central Java. The focus of this research is to manage the risks
that exist in the operational and engineering departments using the house of risk (HOR)
method. The research flow aims to explain the stages that will be carried out starting from the
beginning of the research until the research is completed.

TE = ∑ ARP E ∀k …………… (2)

Furthermore, assessing the level of difficulty in implementing each action with a value of 3,
4, 5 where 3 means that the mitigation action is easy to implement, 4 means that the
mitigation action is rather difficult to implement, and 5 means that the mitigation action is
difficult to implement; calculate the total effectiveness for the difficulty ratio with the
following formula [9].

ETD = ……….. (3)

lastly, assigns a priority rank to each action where a rating of 1 is assigned to

the action with the largest ETDk value.

The Methods section contains an explanation of the methods used to obtain, process, and
analyze the data clearly. Equipment specifications, if needed to support data validation, are
presented in the form of a narrative, not a bulletin. Schematics, flow charts, or photographs
that clarify the description of the method, should be presented in the same section, following
the procedure for writing tables and figures. The stages of data collection, if necessary, should
be explained as briefly as possible. Manuscripts that are reviewing can be arranged in a script
structure and narrated as needed, so that the framework of the manuscript can be developed


1. Research Results
House of Risk Phase 1 (HOR 1)
The first step is risk identification which in this study was obtained through interviews
with the Operations Manager and Technical Manager. So we get 15 risk events and 23 risk
causes in the Operations Department then there are 15 risk events and 21 risk causes in the
Engineering Department.
The next step is risk analysis, which is to determine the impact value (severity) of the
risk event (risk event) and the probability value (occurrence) of the risk agent (risk agent) using
a scale of 1-5 in accordance with the impact and probability criteria contained in the literature
review obtained. through interviews with the Operations Manager and Manager.
The techniques shown in Table 5, Table 6, Table 7, and Table 8. This impact assessment
aims to assess how much impact the risk will have if it occurs. Next, determine the value of
the relationship between risk events and risk causes obtained through interviews with the

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Operations Manager and Engineering Manager as shown in Table 7 and Table 8. The next step
is to calculate the ARP value which is then ranked from the largest to the smallest.

Table 5. Impact Value (Severity) of Risk Events in the Operations Department

Code Risk Event Severity

E1 The potential risk of an airplane crash hitting a vehicle/worker in runway 5
E2 The risk of an accident for passengers on the apron 3
E3 The risk of theft of passenger belongings in the Apron area 3
E4 The risk of the plane crashing into the aerodrome 4
E5 Risk of potential aircraft fuel spill in the apron area 3
E6 The risk of a plane crash due to being hit by a wild animal (bird) 4
E7 There's still a lot going on One Wheel Lock 3
E8 The risk of a plane crash due to kites and hot air balloons 4
E9 The risk of accumulation of cargo goods on the plane 3
E10 Less than optimal helicopter landing service 3
E11 The risk of hitting the plane while parking 3
E12 The risk of the passenger ladder crashing into the plane on the apron 3
E13 The risk of the baggage trolley vehicle crashing into the plane on the apron 3
E14 The risk of being hit by people working on the airside by an airplane 4
E15 The risk of people/vehicles being hit by a jet blast (a jet of aircraft engine exhaust) on 3
the apron

Table 6. Impact Value (Severity) of Risk Events in the Engineering Department

Code Risk Event Severity

Risk of Black Out (power outage) at Ahmad Yani Airport when a failure occurs
E16 ACTMV (Automatic Change Transfer Medium Voltage) 5
E17 Risk of non-optimal operation of the automatic power transfer system 4
E18 The potential risk of a failed landing on an aircraft 4
E19 The risk of disruption of cargo and master activities due to failure of the electrical power 3
E20 The risk of overshooting the aircraft during landing 4
E21 Risk of airport not operating due to flooding 5
E22 Risk of sub-optimal performance (performance) of pumping equipment 3
E23 The risk of bursting aircraft tires 4
E24 Risk of uneven runway surface subsidence at several points 3
E25 Risk of non-optimal runway roughness measurement 4
E26 The risk of the aircraft slipping during landing 4
E27 Risk of damage to the asphalt surface in the runway & taxiway area 3
E28 Risk of shoulder drop in Taxiway F and Taxiway G 3
E29 Land subsidence risk around the airport 3
E30 Risk of damage to airport security fence facilities 3

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Table 7. Possible Value (Occurrence) of the Cause of Risk (Risk Agent)

in the Operations Department

Code Risk Agent Occurrence

A1 There is a vehicle crossing the runway without a tower permit 4
A2 There is a dog that enters the runway 2
A3 There is no lane/marking for airplane passengers 2
A4 Lack of CCTV in the apron area 2
A5 Lack of CCTV monitor screen in AMC monitoring room 2
A6 Lack of coordination between aerodrome technicians and marshailers 2
A7 The position of the garbarata is not in place 2
A8 Lack of supervision of officers in the field 2
A9 There is no agreement on the settlement of fuel/oil spills with Pertamina 2
A10 Many types of birds looking for food around the runway 4
A11 Pilots don't obey the rules 3
A12 Lack of CCTV in the tower for surveillance 2
A13 There are still people who fly kites on the plane's path heading to Semarang 3

A14 There are people who raise hot air balloons on certain events 4
A15 Lack of coordination between AMC and cargo officers 2
A16 Lack of HT communication tools in carrying out tasks 2
A17 Helicopter parking available does not comply with the provisions in force on 2
KP.40 of 2015
A18 Parking stand markings are not clear 2
A19 Lack of coordination between marshailer officers (people who direct the plane to the
designated parking lot) with AMC (Aircraft Movement) officers controllers) 2
A20 Ground handling officers forgot / carelessly did not lock the passenger ladder 2
A21 When loading and unloading the baggage trolley is not blocked/locked 2
A22 The foreman/person in charge does not remind workers to always listen to the siren of the 2
plane that will take off and land on the airside
A23 Workers on the apron do not pay attention to their work environment 2

Table 8. Possible Value (Occurrence) of the Cause of Risk (Risk Agent)

in the Engineering Dept.

Code Penyebab Risiko (Risk Agent) Occurrence

A24 Absence of auxiliary panel for By pass Supply Incoming Main Power Supply And 20 KV 4
Backup Power Supply
A25 Absence of Power Panel Direct Current (PPDC) 4
A26 Series cables and isolating transformers on Pals category I runway 13 3
and on Mals runway 31 is damaged
A27 There is damage to the electrical distribution cable towards the cargo and Empu 3
A28 Landing aid angle/PAPI too high than standard (above 3˚) 3
A29 Lack of a flood control pump at a 5 . pump house 4
A30 Lack of water pump maintenance 2
A31 Lack of water pump maintenance 2
A32 There are screws, nails, broken glass etc on the anvil 2
A33 Land elevation drop 3
A34 The number of planes that land at a certain point 2
A35 PCN value too low 3
A36 Does not have a runway roughness measuring device (MU meter) 3
A37 Thick rubber deposit around touch down zone runway 13/31 3
A38 Due to waterlogging 3

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Code Penyebab Risiko (Risk Agent) Occurrence

A39 Asphalt quality is not good 3
A40 Soil around the airport that was ex-pond with soft soil 2
A41 Soil around the airport that was ex-pond with soft soil 3
A42 Uneven soil compaction 2
A43 Due to natural factors 3
A44 Due to natural factors 3

House of Risk Phase 2 (HOR 2)

The first step is to evaluate the risk, which is to determine the priority of the risk causes
by using the Pareto diagram. The Pareto principle used is the 80:20 rule, which means that 80%
of the company's losses are caused by 20% of the risks that are considered to hinder the
company's goals. By focusing 20% of the risk that is considered to reduce the impact of the
company's risk by 80%, it can be overcome. Thus, the cause of risk that becomes a priority for
improvement first is the cause of risk that has a cumulative value of less than 80% percentage.
The Pareto diagram in the Operations Department is shown in Figure 2 and in the Engineering
Department is shown in Figure 3. And, the priority causes of risk are shown in Table 9 and
Table 10.

Pareto Charts in the Operational Department

40 100.00
0 80.00
30 60.00
0 40.00
20 20.00
0 0.00

ARP Value Comulative of percentage (Total %)

Figure 2. Pareto Charts in the Operational Department

Table 9. Priority Causes of Risk (Risk Agent) in the Operations Department

Rank Code Risk Agent ARP (Total %)

1 A1 There is a vehicle crossing the runway without a tower permit 340 12.72
2 A10 Many types of birds looking for food around the runway 252 22.15
3 A11 Pilots don't obey the rules 207 29.89
4 A14 There are people who raise hot air balloons at events certain 160 35.88
5 A16 Lack of HT communication tools in carrying out tasks 158 41.79
6 A4 Lack of CCTV in the apron area 140 47.03
7 A5 Lack of CCTV monitor screen in AMC monitoring room 140 52.26
8 A9 There is no agreement to settle the fuel/oil spill with Pertamina 108 56.30
9 A13 There are still people playing kites in the lane airplane bound for Semarang 108 60.34
The foreman/person in charge does not remind workers to always listen to the
10 A22 siren of the plane that is about to take off landed on the airside 102 64.16
11 A8 There is a dog that enters the runway 96 67.75

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Rank Code Risk Agent ARP (Total %)

12 A2 Lack of supervision of officers in the field 90 71.12
13 A12 Lack of CCTV in the tower for surveillance 88 74.41
14 A15 Lack of coordinate between AMC and cargo aoffifiers 84 77.55

Pareto Charts in the Engineering Department

100 100.0
0 0
800 80.00
600 60.00
400 40.00
200 20.00
0 0.00

ARP Comulative of percentage

Figure 3. Pareto Charts in the Engineering Department

Table 10. Priority Causes of Risk (Risk Agent) in the Engineering Department

Rank Code Risk Agent ARP Total %)

1 A24 Absence of auxiliary panel for By pass Supply Incoming Main Power Supply And 20 KV 856 19.79
Backup Power Supply
2 A29 Lack of a flood control pump at a 5 . pump house 420 29.50
3 A25 Absence of Power Panel Direct Current (PPDC) 340 37.36
4 A28 Landing aid angle/PAPI too high than standard (above 3˚) 330 44.99
5 A38 Due to waterlogging 315 52.28
6 A26 Series cables and isolating transformers on Pals category I runway 13 306 59.35
and on Mals runway 31 is damaged
7 A37 Thick rubber deposit around touch down zone runway 13/31 201 64.00
8 A33 Land elevation drop 171 67.95
9 A39 Asphalt quality is not good 162 71.70
10 A35 PCN value too low 144 75.03
11 A27 There is damage to the electrical distribution cable towards the cargo and Empu 138 78.22

The next step is risk treatment, namely identifying effective improvement proposals
that can mitigate and minimize the possibility and impact of the cause of the risk that is a
priority for improvement or treatment first using the house of risk phase 2 (HOR 2) method.
In the Operations Department there are 19 proposed improvements which are shown in Table
11 and in the Engineering Department there are 13 proposed improvements which are shown
in Table 12.

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2. Discussion
The discussion should not only narrate schematics, tables, pictures and graphs, but also
discuss the implications of the findings obtained. The findings should indicate the purpose of
the study, its novelty, constraints, and/or impacts. Comparison with research results in the
same/corresponding field will provide added value to the usefulness of research results.

Table 11. Proposed Improvements to Address the Causes of Risk (Risk Agent) in the Operations Dept

Code Code
Cause of risk Improvement Proposal
(Aj) (PAk)
A door is made that will lead to the runway which is
guarded by security guards
Every vehicle that wants to enter runway (runway)
There are vehicles crossing
A1 PA2 convey to the security guard to ask permission to the
runway without tower permit
Every vehicle that wants to cross the runway must carry
Many types of birds looking for food
A10 PA4 Propose the procurement of bird repellent equipment
around the runway
A11 Pilots don't obey the rules PA5 Propose the procurement of bird repellent equipment
Propose to the Governor to make a Regional Regulation
PA6 regarding the prohibition of raising hot air balloons in the
There are people who raise hot air landing lane aircraft
balloons on certain events Provide socialization to the surrounding community
PA7 about the dangers posed when raising hot air balloons on
the landing strip aircraft
Lack of HT communication tools in
A16 PA8 Additional HT procurement is needed for smooth tasks
carrying out tasks
Adding regional CCTV apron, especially in areas that
A4 Lack of CCTV in the apron area PA9 have not been monitored by CCTV so that there are no
blind spots
Lack of CCTV monitor screen in the Adding a monitor screen CCTV in the AMC room,
A5 PA10
room AMC monitoring reaches the entire Apron area
No settlement agreement yet fuel/oil
A9 PA11 Making a fuel/oil spill handling agreement
spill with Pertamina
Propose to the Governor to make a regional regulation
PA12 regarding the prohibition of flying kites on the plane's
There are still people playing kites pn path heading to Semarang
the plane ‘s path to Semarang Provide socialization to the surrounding community
PA13 about the dangers caused when kite flying on plane
landing track
The foreman/person in charge does not
Provide briefing to employees who will work on the
remind workers to always listen to the
A22 PA14 airside so that they always listen to the siren indicating
siren of the plane that will be coming
the presence of an airplane who will take off or land
take off and land on the airside
Lack of supervision of officers in the PA15 Coordinate with the driver of the fuel tank car
field PA16 Always clean if there is a fuel spill on the apron
A2 There is a dog that enters the runway PA17 Repair the broken fence into a dog entrance
Lack of CCTV in the tower for
A12 PA18 Additional procurement of outdoor CCTV in Tower
Lack of coordination between AMC and
A15 PA19 Improve the coordination system between officers
cargo officers

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Table 12. Proposed Improvements to Address the Causes of Risk (Risk Agent)
in the Engineering Operations Department

Kode Kode
Cause of risk Improvement Proposal
(Aj) (PAk)
The absence of a help panel for By pass Procurement and installation of auxiliary panels
A24 Supply Incoming Main Power Supply and PA20 for Bypass Supply Incoming Power Supply Main
20 KV . Backup Power Supply And Backup Power Supply 20 KV
Lack of pumps at homepump 5 flood Procurement and installation of 7 (units) flood
A29 PA21
controllers control pumps at 5 . pump houses
Procurement and Installation of Direct Current
Absence of Power Panel Direct Current
A25 PA22 Power Panels (PPDC) at Airports International
Ahmad Yani
Landing aid angle/PAPI too high than PA23 Checking and setting PAPI routines every week
standard (above 3˚) PA24 Replacing a dead PAPI lamp with new
A38 Due to waterlogging PA25 Patching uneven areas
Series cables and isolating transformers on Supply and installation of series cables and
A26 Pals category I runway 13 and on Mals PA26 isolating transformer for Pals category I and Mals
runway 31 damaged runway 31
Doing check rubber deposit every morning routine
Thick rubber deposit around touch down PA27
A37 thickness
zone runway 13/31
PA28 Clean the rubber deposit when it's done thick
Performing measurements of runway pavement
A33 Land elevation drop PA29
classification number (PCN)
A39 Asphalt quality is not good PA30 Replacing good quality asphalt
A35 PCN value too low PA31 Doing runway overlays
There is damage to the power distribution Supply and installation of distribution cables
A27 PA32
cable towards cargo and master electricity to cargo and master

In the Operations Department, there are 15 risk events and 23 risk agents. Meanwhile,
in the Engineering Department, there are 15 risk events and 21 risk agents. Based on the results
of the 80:20 Pareto diagram, in the Operations Department there are 14 risk agents that are
prioritized, namely risk agents with codes A1, A10, A11, A14, A16, A4, A5, A9, A13, A22, A8,
A2, A12, and A15. Meanwhile, in the Engineering Department, there are 11 risk agents that are
prioritized, namely risk agents with codes A24, A29, A25, A28, A38, A26, A37, A33, A39, A35,
and A27. In the Operations Department there are 19 proposed improvements given to mitigate
and minimize existing risks in order to improve the reliability of flight safety. The proposed
improvements are then sorted based on the ETDk value from the largest to the smallest. So
that the proposed improvements from the highest rank are proposed improvements with
codes PA18, PA19, PA3, PA8, PA1, PA2, PA9, PA10, PA5, PA4, PA14, PA11, PA7, PA15, PA16,
PA6, PA13, PA12, and PA17. While in the Department of Engineering there are 13 proposed
improvements were given from the highest rank, namely the proposed improvements with
codes PA20, PA22, PA30, PA21, PA29, PA25, PA23, PA24, PA32, PA26, PA27, PA28, and PA31.

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PROCEEDING - Vol. 1 No. 1, September 2022
(International Conference for Aviation Vocational Education and Training)

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PROCEEDING - Vol. 1 No. 1, September 2022
(International Conference for Aviation Vocational Education and Training)

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