Exponential Growth Kefir Jeff

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dTime= 0,12,24,36,48,60,72,84,96,108,120,132.

Grams of kefir: 5,6,8,12,15,18,22,24,24,24,24,24

To analyze the given exponential function f(x)=a⋅bx+c using the provided data,
we need to follow these steps:
Identify the horizontal asymptote, which gives us the value of c.
Transform the function to a linear form using logarithms.
Use the gradient and y-intercept of the linear function to find the values of a and
Given that the grams of kefir stabilize at 24 grams, it may be more appropriate
to consider an adjusted model or a different asymptote. For simplicity, let's
assume that the function ( f(x) = ab^x + c ) holds and re-evaluate our f(x)
values to ensure they are positive when subtracting c .
Identify the horizontal asymptote
Let's assume the horizontal asymptote c is slightly less than 24 to ensure positive
values for f(x)−c.
Let's try c=4, so our adjusted f(x) values become:
f(0) = 5 - 4 = 1
f(12) = 6 - 4 = 2
f(24) = 8 - 4 = 4
f(36) = 12 - 4 = 8
f(48) = 15 - 4 = 11
f(60) = 18 - 4 = 14
f(72) = 22 - 4 = 18

Transform the function to a linear form

Now, we calculate g(x)=ln(f(x)−4):
g(0) = ln(1) = 0
g(12) = ln(2)
g(24) = ln(4)
g(36) = ln(8)
g(48) = ln(11)
g(60) = ln(14)
g(72) = ln(18)
Use the gradient and y-intercept
We need to perform linear regression on the points (x,g(x)) to find the gradient
ln(b) and y-intercept ln(a).
Let's proceed with the linear regression to find the best-fit line for these points.
Let do these calculations.
From the linear regression, we have the following results:
Intercept ≈0.272
Slope ≈0.0404
Correlation Coefficient r: =0.975
This suggests that the exponential model fits the data quite well.
Construct the original exponential model
The exponential model becomes:
f(x) = 1,313 .1,041^x + 4

The initial data point at t=0 is approximately 5 grams, which aligns closely with
the initial value of the exponential function (5.313 grams). The exponential
function shows continuous growth, while the data points indicate a slowing
growth rate around 18 grams and then stabilization at 24 grams. The exponential
model, however, does not account for this slowing and continues to grow. The
actual data stabilizes at 24 grams, but the exponential function continues to
increase without leveling off. This suggests that the exponential model may not
be the best fit for the long-term behavior of kefir growth, as it does not account
for the carrying capacity or stabilization.

The exponential model provides a good approximation for the initial and mid-
phase growth but fails to capture the stabilization observed in the actual
data.The actual data suggests a logistic-like growth with a carrying capacity
around 24 grams, which the exponential function does not represent.To better fit
the data, a logistic model would be more appropriater

Growth Factor: The base 1.041 indicates the growth rate per unit time.
Offset: The constant 4 shifts the curve upward, ensuring the function starts at
approximately 5 grams.

Logistic function:

The value of A is the horizontal asymptote as x approaches infinity. For the

given data, observe the highest value of y (22, but it might go higher with more
data), so let's approximate A≈22.
Transform the Equation
Starting with: y= A/Be^−Cx+1
Rearrange to isolate the exponential term
Be^-Cx = A/y - 1
Take the natural logarithm of both sides to linearize
Ln(A/y - 1) = -Cx + ln(B)
Define h(x)=ln(A/y −1).
This should be a linear function in terms of x:
Linear Regression:

Calculate h(x) for each data point using the approximated A.

Calculate A/y - 1 for each y .

A = 22
y = [5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 22]

22/5 - 1 = 4.4 - 1 = 3.4

22/6 - 1 = 3.6667 - 1 = 2.6667
22/8 - 1 = 2.75 - 1 = 1.75
22/12 - 1 = 1.8333 - 1 = 0.8333
22/15 - 1 = 1.4667 - 1 = 0.4667
22/18 - 1 = 1.2222 - 1 = 0.2222
22/22 - 1 = 1 - 1 = 0
Now taking the natural logarithm:
Ln(A/y - 1)

ln(3.4) approx 1.2238

ln(2.6667) approx 0.9808
ln(1.75) approx 0.5596
ln(0.8333) approx -0.1823
ln(0.4667) approx -0.7645
ln(0.2222) approx -1.5041
ln(0) -) undefined

For y = 22, A/y - 1 = 0 , which makes ln(0) undefined. We need to exclude

this point from the regression analysis.
B= 4.28
C = 0.0467
r =-0.988 indicating a strong linear relationship.
From the linear regression, we have:
h(x) = -Cx + ln(B)
So, the logistic model is:
y = 22/4.28e^-0.0467x + 1
Analysis Logistic
At the beginning, the kefir growth starts at 5 grams and increases rapidly. This
is reflected in the first few data points. The logistic function suggests that the
growth will follow a typical logistic curve
Rapid initial growth.
Slowing growth as it approaches the carrying capacity.
Stabilization at the carrying capacity.
The logistic function has a carrying capacity of 22 grams, but the data shows
that the kefir reaches 24 grams and then stabilizes.

The initial data points (5, 6, 8 grams) show rapid growth, which aligns well with
the initial exponential growth phase of the logistic model. The data points
around 12, 15, 18, and 22 grams show a slowing growth rate, which matches the
logistic curve's slowing phase. The data points stabilize at 24 grams, while the
logistic model stabilizes at 22 grams.

The logistic model provides a good approximation of kefir growth over time,
capturing the initial rapid growth and the subsequent slowing.The actual data
stabilizes at 24 grams, slightly higher than the logistic model's carrying capacity
of 22 grams.

However, several limitations should be noted.

The logistic model assumes that the growth of kefir will continue indefinitely in
the observed pattern. This assumption may not hold true due to a bunch of
reasons. The carrying capacity (A) in the logistic function, which represents the
maximum achievable kefir mass, may change with varying environmental
conditions, availability of nutrients, or other unforeseen factors.
The model assumes a constant growth rate (C). In reality, the growth rate can be
influenced by external factors such as temperature, pH, nutrient availability, etc.
If these factors are not constant or if their effects on the growth rate are not
linear, the model's prediction capability may be undermined.
The model is based on a limited data set, which is only up to 132 hours. The
behavior of kefir growth over a longer time period or under different conditions
may deviate from the observed pattern.
The model does not take into account stochastic events that could potentially
disrupt the growth pattern, such as sudden changes in environmental conditions
or introduction of competing microorganisms.
The model is deterministic and does not include any measures of uncertainty.
This can be misleading when making predictions, as it does not provide a range
of possible outcomes.

In conclusion, while the model provides a good mathematical representation of

the exponential trend of kefir growth, its predictive capabilities should be used
with caution due to these limitations. Further data collection,could improve

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