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2. The figure below shoes a section through a rat. Some of the rat’s organs have been

liver kidney
brain spinal cord


gea p pancreas
oesophagus small bladder

(i) What is meant by the ierm organ? (2 marks)

(ii) Name the organ labelled in the figure above ihat is part of the circulation system
and state its function. (2 marks)


(iii) Name three other systems shown in the figure above.

(iv) Name two systems that are not shown in the figure above. (2 marks)

(b) Living organisms share some basic characteristics. Draw a scaight line from each
characteristic to its correct description. The first has been done for you. (5 marks)

Characteristic Description

sensitivity production of new organisms

respiration respond to the surroundings

taking in of food

increase in number of cells

release of energy in cells

nutrition removal of metabolic waste

3(a). Complete the table of some animal groups. (6 marks)

Animal group Body Temperature

Gas exchange surface
SKn Fertilizatio »

Fish External Not constant

Amphibians Moist

Birds Feathers C ORStdTIt Lungs

(b) State three diKerences between reptiles and amphibians

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4. The figure below ›hows six different species.

U»e the dichotomoux‘ key below to identify each species. Write the letter of each species (A to F)
in the correct box beside the key. (6 marks)
Dichotomous Key
(a) Body is covered in a shell
(b) Body is not covered in a shell go to 2
(a) Has no legs
(b) Has lep› go to 3
(a) Has a pair of antennae
(b) Has no antennae go to 4
(a) Has no tail
(b) Has a tail go to 5
(a) Has spikes along the back
(b) Has no »pikes on the back

5. Select the correct worfi from the following list and use it to fill in the blank ›paces.(13 marks)
{six, housefiies, anfennae, thorax, surrounding, diseases, pollinate, organisms, head, three,
cockroaches, bees, abdomen, destroy, butterflies, mandibles, legs, spiders)
The bodies of insects are made up of ... . .. . .. . . . ... . .. . .. ... dis tinct pafts i.e.;
thorax and . . . . . . ... ... . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . They have ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... . legs attacheil to the
. .. . .. . .. ... ... ... ... . Insect» have a pair of ... . .. ... ... . .. . .. . . . ... . that are sensitive to
the.. . ... ... . .. . .. . . . . Insects are important to other ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . in a positive anil negative
ways. Harmful lnsects include ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . and . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . because they
transmlt . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .... Useful insects include..................................and
. .. . .. . .. ... ... ... because they..................................ñower».

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