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Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки,

молоді та спорту України
29.03.2012 N 384
Форма N Н-5.05
імені Вадима Гетьмана
Освітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень «бакалавр»
Навчальна дисципліна «Іноземна мова» Семестр - 4
Білет №6

Task 1. Read the text and choose the best word to fill the gap from the choices A-D below the extract.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
Globalization is the term used to describe the 0) …… integration of the world’s economy. There are
interrelationships throughout the world between 1) …… businesses, between competitors and between
businesses and consumers. Businesses and consumers are 2) …… relying on overseas markets and suppliers.
Decisions taken in one part of the world 3) …… other parts. Businesses base their decisions on what is 4) ……
in the “world market” rather than national markets. The 5) …… of multinational companies can be seen in
many countries around the world.
A number of factors have contributed to the growth of globalization. First of all, technological change
has played an important role in globalizing the world’s economy. Besides, the 6) …… of transportation and
communication has fallen. The removal of restrictions on foreign businesses operating in eastern European
and Asian countries also increased the ability of businesses to operate globally. Consumers in many countries
are more willing to buy foreign products. New markets have opened up in countries that have seen a growth in
their national income. As businesses in these countries have become more successful, they have been able to
compete in western 7) …… .
Global trade has 8) … advantages … disadvantages. Supporters of trade argue that it creates more jobs
and promotes economic growth. 9) …… , opponents of globalization criticize global trade as causing more
harm than good. They claim that it will lead 10) …… further concentrations of power and wealth with
multinational businesses that will make ever larger profits.

0 A decreased; B grown; C growing; D decreasing

1. A related; B respected; C relative; D respective

2. A gradual; B increasing; C increasingly; D less
3. A except; B accept; C effect; D affect
4. A taking part; B influencing; C happening; D being
5. A raise; B rise; C arise; D grow
6. A cost; B expenditure; C price; D spending
7. A economy; B economies; C economic; D economics
8. A and… and; B neither … nor; C as… as; D both … and
9. A Although; B While; C On the other hand; D Therefore
10. A off; B to; C for; D at

Task 2. Open the brackets using the correct form of the word.
1. I believe that he results of the election _________ (to announce) next week.
2. He denied ________ (to use) my laptop.
3. My colleague told me that she __________ (may) go on business two days later.
4. Tom promised that he _________ (to call) me the following day.
5. Some government agencies offered _________ (to help) businesses introducing new technologies.
6. If I knew how to resolve this conflict, I _________ (to give) you some advice.
7. We missed the flight. If we _________ (to arrive) on time, we wouldn’t have missed it.
8. An exhibition _______ (to show) the latest achievements in the restaurant equipment was held last
9. Some of the people ________ (to invite) to the conference, won’t be able to come.
10. A month ago a survey ________ (to conduct) by the company before taking a decision which price to
set for its hot dogs.
Task 3. Decide whether these statements are true or false.
1. Price-taking behavior implies that no firm can have any important role in setting prices so all firms
must take the price as given.
2. Monopolies are inefficient and harm consumers, therefore governments enact antitrust laws.
3. Real estate agents and taxi drivers are examples of positions in the international labour market.
4. The Producer Price Index examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and
5. Management is responsible for planning, organizing, directing and controlling the most important
activities of an organisation.
6. Decreased labour migration gives benefits to both workers and recipient countries.
7. It is easy to set the correct price for your product or service.
8. To stimulate economic growth the government may intervene by raising its spending or cutting taxes.
9. The periods of expansion and recession occur at regular intervals.
10. Due to telecommunications people can work from home and communicate their office by telephone or

Task 4. Choose the correct variant - A, B, C or D - to complete the following sentences.

1. The buyer mentioned that originally the company … a 10% discount.
a. didn’t offer b. hadn’t offered c. hasn’t offered d. won’t offer
2. The Chinese language … by more and more people nowadays.
a. is learnt b. is been learnt c. is being learnt d. learnt
3. Kate likes her new job. She … work at weekends.
a. must b. mustn’t c. could d. doesn’t have to
4. … to bring a pen to the examination, I had to borrow some.
a. Forgotten b. Forgetting c. Having forgotten d. Had forgotten
5. Alexis did very well on the exam. He … very hard.
a. must have studied b. must study c. could study d. can’t have studied
6. Extroverts like to talk more than listen, … introverts like to listen more than talk.
a. despite b. as a result c. while d. because of
7. The Prime Minister suggested ... taxes to help business and the economy.
a. to reduce b. reducing c. having reduced d. reduce
8. If he … the report on time, he will probably be fired.
a. don’t complete b. doesn’t complete c. won’t complete d. will complete
9. The General Director told his secretary … lunch in the reception.
a. not have b. don’t have c. to not have d. not to have
10. He … jobs if he had had good working conditions.
a. wouldn’t have changed b. wouldn’t change c. won’t change d. hasn’t changed

Task 5. Answer the following questions.

1. Oligopolies choose two ways to interact strategically and influence the market. What are these ways?
2. Why do economists, business people and government officials use economic indicators?
3. Why is it important for a company to conduct market research?
4. Is it true that many modern economists prefer the term “short-run economic fluctuations” to “business
cycle”? Explain your answer.
5. What factors influencing labour supply were mentioned in your coursebook?

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри, протокол №7 від 27 березня 2024 р.

Завідувач кафедри _____________________________ Друзь Ю.М.

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