Білет №2

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Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки,

молоді та спорту України
29.03.2012 N 384
Форма N Н-5.05
імені Вадима Гетьмана
Освітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень «бакалавр»
Навчальна дисципліна «Іноземна мова» Семестр - 4
Білет №2

Task 1. Read the text and choose the best word to fill the gap from the choices A-D below the extract.
There is an example at the beginning (0).

The Great Depression of (0) …… demonstrated that, at least in the short term, the market system does not
automatically lead (1) …… full employment. John Maynard Keynes argued that market forces could produce
a durable equilibrium with high unemployment, fewer goods being produced, fewer people employed, and (2)
…… rates of income and investment.
Therefore, he recommended governmental (3) …… to counteract the business cycle. During an
inflationary boom, governments could decrease their (4) …… or increase taxation. (5) …… , during a
recession they could increase their expenditure, or decrease taxation, or increase the money supply and reduce
interest rates, so as (6) …… the economy and increase output, investment, consumption and employment.
In the 1950s and 1960s, monetarist economists began to argue that Keynesian fiscal (7) …… had
negative effects in the long run. Monetarists and believers in free markets argue that since governments aren't
able (8) …… a coming recession any more quickly the companies that make up the economy, their fiscal
measures usually only begin to take effect when the economy is already recovering, and simply make the next
swing in the business cycle even greater.
By the beginning of the 21st century, the argument that free markets and competition are efficient, and
should (9) …… to operate with a minimum of governmental intervention, seemed to be dominant. But when
the crisis (10) …… in 2008, and financial institutions and large automobile companies began to go bankrupt,
Keynesianism suddenly came back into fashion.

0. A 1930; B the 1930; C the 1930s; D 1930s

1. A in; B to; C for ; D -
2. A increased; B higher; C reduced; D redundant
3. A intervention; B intervene; C interrelation; D interfere
4. A wages; B salary; C cost; D spending
5. A Finally; B On the contrary; C If only; D Therefore
6. A to rise; B to jump; C to grow; D to boost
7. A police; B policy; C politics; D politician
8. A to predict; B predicting; C predict; D being predicted
9. A to be allowed; B be allowed; C allow; D been allowed
10. A took part; B grew; C occurred; D appeared

Task 2. Open the brackets using the correct form of the word.
1. Our laptop_________ (to repair) twice since January.
2. He said that he _________ (not / can) answer any more questions.
3. My boss asked me what places of interest I _______ (to visit) when I was on a business trip.
4. Our boss suggested ___________ (to rearrange) the furniture in the office.
5. Last Saturday we visited an exhibition _________ (to show) our latest achievements in science and
6. You mustn’t risk _____________ (to drive) so fast.
7. Jerry won’t graduate, if he ____________ (not / to pass) all his courses.
8. She seems _________ (to know) English well.
9. If they had done a consumer study in the previous year, they ________ (to know) the position of the
product then.
10. _________ (to be) the vice-president of a large company, Jack has a lot of responsibilities.
Task 3. Decide whether these statements are true or false.

1. A market structure in which there are many buyers and sellers who provide similar goods and services is
described as monopoly.
2. A market exists whenever there is a product or service for which there are both buyers and sellers.
3. The demand for labour comes from employees and is determined by their needs to hire workers to produce
goods and services.
4. Economic indicators are used mainly by government to monitor the economy of the country.
5. The combinations of recurrent ebb and flow of economic activity of a country are called business cycle.
6. Specialization enables firms to benefit from economies of scale.
7. One of the benefits of globalization is that it has increased the use of non-renewable resources.
8. According to Henry Mintzberg, there are three main categories of managerial roles: interpersonal,
informational and decisional roles.
9. Selling is the first function of marketing.
10. Statistics studies facts and information represented by a collection of numbers.

Task 4. Choose the correct variant - A, B, C or D - to complete the following sentences.

1. They ______ Greeks. I am sure about it. They speak Italian.
A. mustn’t be B. must be C. can’t be D. can be
2. The Guinness Book of records______ in the 1950’s.
A. first published B. were first published C. was first published D. first publish
3. Everybody is sure that he ______ .
A. said the truth B. told the truth C. said a truth D. told a truth
4. ______ the incoming mail, Ben started to write replies to some letters.
A. Read B. To read C. Having read D. Being read
5. Bill mentioned that he _________ a serious disagreement with his boss the previous month.
A. had B. had had C. would have D. will have
6. Did you understand the rules______ to us last Tuesday?
A. explained B. being explained C. explaining D. having explained
7. If the teacher ____________ a little more slowly, I could understand him.
A. speaks B. will speak C. had spoken D. spoke
8. In ancient Greece men were both participants and spectators in the ancient Olympics.
___________, women were forbidden to attend or participate.
A. Therefore B. On the other hand C. Otherwise D. As a result
9. We would have been there on time, if we ___________________.
A. get up early B. set our alarm clock C. had caught the D. could get on the first
earlier bus train
10. Would you mind not _______________ the music until I finish this phone call?
A. turning on B. being turned on C. to turn on D. to be turned on

Task 5. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the main functions of marketing?

2. What is the aim of economic indicators? Give examples of some economic indicators.
3. Can you explain the difference between perfect competition and monopolistic competition?
4. Do you agree that a role of a manager in any organization is very important? Justify your opinion.
5. Can you give some reasons to support the following statement: ‘Globalisation has positive effects on

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри, протокол №7 від 27 березня 2024 р.

Завідувач кафедри _____________________________ Друзь Ю.М.

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