Білет №6

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Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки,

молоді та спорту України
29.03.2012 N 384
Форма N Н-5.05
імені Вадима Гетьмана
Освітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень «бакалавр»
Навчальна дисципліна «Іноземна мова» Семестр - 4
Білет №6

Task 1. Read the text and choose the best word to fill the gap from the choices A-D below the extract.
Means of communication
Communication is the sending and receiving of 1)…… and can be one-on-one or between groups of
people, and can be face-to-face or through communication 2)……. 3)…… requires a sender, the person who
initiates communication, to transfer their thoughts or encode 4)……
5)…… of communication are used for communication between sender and recipient and thus for the
6)…… of information. Elements of communication include a communication-triggering event, sender and
recipient, a means of communication, a path of communication and 7)…… of communication.The path of
communication is the path that a message travels between sender and 8)……; in hierarchies the vertical line of
communication is identical to command hierarchies. Paths of communication can be physical (e.g. the road as
transportation route) or non-physical (e.g. networks like 9)…… network). Contents of communication can be
for example photography, data, graphics, language, or texts.
Means of communication in the narrower sense refer to technical devices that transmit
information.They are the manifestations of contents of communication that can be perceived through the
senses and replace the communication that originally ran from person to 10) …… and make them

1. A) information B) facts C) statistics D) details

2. A) gadgets B) devices C) tactics D) plans
3. A) transmission B) links C) communication D) connections
4. A) news B) idea C) word D) a message
5. A) means B) manner C) resources D) measure
6. A) communication B) transmission C) circulation D) conveyance
7. A) contentment B) satisfaction C) contents D) gratification
8. A) beneficiary B) donor C) grantee D) recipient
9. A) a computer B) calculator C) reckoner D) estimator
10. A) fellow B) person C) individual D) human being

Task 2. Open the brackets using the correct form of the word.
1. I learnt to swim when I was young. I … (to teach) by my mother.
2. Don’t put out too much food – they might… (to have) dinner already.
3. She … (to agree) with her parents and brothers that it would be safer to buy a car than a motorbike.
4. While… (to listen to) his stories, Kate couldn’t help laughing.
5. I would rather … (not to take) James and Helen with me. They always argue with me.
6. I was ashamed of… (to talk) to my teacher rudely.
7. It would be too late to start work on the building this year if it … (to be) possible to find the money for
8. Provided that you help our designers, the presentation … (to do) in time.
9. I wish I could … (to travel) more and explore different countries.
10. That guy is so annoying1 I wish he’d … (to stop) talking.

Task 3. Decide whether these statements are true or false.

1. Both competitive and monopoly markets yield clear results in terms of the behavior of buyers and
sellers, the price that will result and the nature of the interaction between firms.
2. A high concentration ratio indicates that a high concentration of market share is held by the largest
firms – the industry is concentrated.
3. While the labor market is often described in terms of demand and supply components, there are many
unique features of the labor market that constrain or limit the applicability of this theoretical
4. Manual labor is intellectual work done by people, most especially in contrast to that done by machines,
and also to that done by working animals.
5. Globalization causes increased competition between different firms and countries. This puts pressure
on firms to be increasingly efficient and offer better products for consumers.
6. Human Development Index is published by the United Nations to compare the well-being of the
countries of the world.
7. An expansion doesn’ t occur when real national output is rising at a rate faster than the trend rate of
8. Marketing is a complex process and marketing experts often disagree on what marketing is and what it
consists of.
9. The manager does not need any mechanical skills because his main function is to manage people
rather than to operate relevant equipment.
10. But over the past two centuries, and especially since the advent of the Internet and the World Wide
Web, technology has given rise to an alternative to the marketplace: the virtual marketspace.

Task 4. Choose the correct variant -A, B , C or D - to complete the following sentences.
1. I … by Don’s decision to give up his job and move to Sydney.
А) was surprised B.is surprise C. has been surprised D. have surprised
2. I think the children … be in their room now.
А) could B) may C) need D) might
3. He also …. me that I could return the set within fourteen days for any reason and receive a full
А) promise B. promised C.is promised D. have promised
4. ... to rewrite a letter, she took more time to finish it.
А) tell B) telling C) tells D) having been told
5. They applied for the court appearance ….
А) be postponed B. been postponed C. to be postponed D. have been postponed
6. Can you begin by … the floors, and then do the windows?
А) clean B. to clean C. to have cleaned D. cleaning
7. Matt … go on holidays with us unless he saves money.
А) was able to B)were able to C) won’t be able to D) is able to
8. When you … ready to talk about this situation, I will be here.
А) are B.is C.is being D. has been
9. I wish they would… their car in front of the house.
А) not park B. park C. has parked D. has been parked
10. More than anything, I wish I … them again.
А) can see B. could see C. see D. to see

Task 5. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the conditions in the market with perfect competition ?
2. When and why may firms choose to retain workers?
3. What activity is not included in GDP?
4. What physical capital and human capital determine economic growth?
5. What are the drawbacks of globalization for the average person?

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри, протокол №7 від 27 березня 2024 р.

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