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Class : 12 Subject : Biology

( I ) Choose any one topic from the given list and start collecting
relevant materials and research articles on it and sum up the data,
submit the report after the summer vacation.
➢ Semen analysis test
➢ Stem cell bank
➢ Pollination
➢ Pollen pistil interaction
➢ Breast feeding
( Note : Collect only relevant materials to the topic, innovation and
recent trends in that particular field of study. It should be in the
format of report writing based on your understanding and write it
in a A4 sheet minimum of 5 pages. )

( II ) Draw the following diagrams of Biology in the practical file:

➢ T.S. of Mammalian ovary and testis
➢ T.S. of blastula
➢ Adaptation in aquatic organisms ( fish, prawn, lotus, hydrilla )
➢ Adaptation in xerophytic organisms ( camel, kangaroo, rat,
catus, acacia )

( III ) Read the following and answer the questions from (i) to (v)
given below:
The pollen grains or microspores are the male reproductive
bodies of a flower and are contained in the pollen sac or
microsporangia. Each pollen grain consists of a single microscopic cell,
possessing two coats : the exine and the intine. The exine of a pollen
grain is made of chemically stable material. Because of this, pollen
grains are often very well preserved for thousands of years in soil and
(i) One of the most resistant biological material present in the
exine of pollen grain is
(a) Pectocellulose
(b) Sporopollenin
(c) Suberin
(d) Cellulose
(ii) The exine possesses one or more thin places known as
(a) Raphe
(b) germ pores
(c) hilum
(d) endothecium
(iii) What is the function of germ pore?
(a) Emergence of radicle
(b) Absorption of water for seed germination
(c) Initiation of pollen tube
(d) All of these
(iv) What is the key advantage to the plant for having such
strong pollen grain walls?
(a) It protects the vital genetic material in the pollen grain
(b) It allows pollen to serve as a valuable fossil record for the
study of ancient plants.
(c) It prevents the pollen tube from growing out before the
pollen grain reaches the stigma of a compatible species
(d) It gives weight to the pollen grain, allowing it to cling
better to the body surfaces of insect pollinators
(v) The number of germ pores in dicots and mono cots
respectively are
(a) One and three
(b) Three and two
(c) Two and three
(d) Three and one

( IV ) A diagrammatic sketch of the human male reproductive system

is given below.
(a) Identify and name the three glands associated with the human male
reproductive system. What is the term given to their secretions?
(b) Name the primary sex organ and the pouch in which it is located in
human beings.
( V ) Read the following and answer any four questions from (i) to (v)
given below:
The first menstruation is called menarche, that usually occurs
between 12 and 15 years. In human females, menstruation is repeated at
an average interval of about 28129 days and is called menstrual cycle. It
is regulated by certain hormones, as pituitary gland is stimulated by
releasing factors produced in the hypothalamus. The hormones produced
by pituitary gland influence the ovaries. The hormones secreted by the
ovaries affect the walls of the uterus.
i. The breakdown of endometrium is characteristic of
(a) Proliferative phase
(b) luteal phase
(c) Ovulatory phase
(d) Menstrual phase
ii. Which days of the menstrual cycle marks the proliferative
(a) 1-5
(b) 15-28
(c) 6-13
(d) 10-14
iii. Which of the following occurs during secretory phase?
(a) Empty Graafian follicle changes into corpus luteum.
(b) Primary follicle changes’ into Graafian follicle.
(c) Endometrium rebuilds and estrogen secretion increases
(d) LH surge inducing release of an ovum.
iv. Identify the hormones that attain peak level during ovulatory
(a) FSH
(b) Progesterone
(c) LH
(d) Both (a) and (c)
v. Withdrawal of which hormone causes degeneration of corpus
(a) FSH
(b) LH
(c) Progesterone
(d) Estrogens
( VI ) Submit one article ( may be an art, poem, painting, collage work,
drawings, slogans ) related to Biology. Submit it in the size of an A4
( Example – world environment day June 5 )
( Note : the below mentioned paintings are only for reference and be
more creative )

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