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The Maldives, an archipelago nation nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean, is renowned not
only for its breathtaking coral atolls and crystal-clear waters but also for its unique and captivating
climate. This paradise on Earth boasts a tropical climate that beckons travelers from around the world,
offering a year-round haven for those seeking warmth, sun, and the allure of the open sea.
Good afternoon, everyone.
I am Thea M. Pacilan.
Jeva Mae E. Palanca
Hanna Christine Dolorian.
Today, we’d like to discuss about Maldives one of the famous tropical country in South Asia. My
group mates and I have done some research and gathered relevant information on this topic, and we’d
like to share our findings with you. My hope is that by doing so, we can better understand Maldives
one of the Tropical Country in South Asia.
Without further ado, let's get started.
SLIDE 2 & 3 - HANNA (Read Everything)
SLIDE 4 & 5 - JEVA (Read Everything Slide 4 , first paragraph only in Slide 5)
SLIDE 6 & 7 - THEA (Read Everything)
SLIDDE 8 - JEVA (Read First Sentence then after; )
Actually fun facts, if where going to compare Maldives to Philippines. In terms of what country is
warmer or hotter; of course given it would be Maldives.What country is colder or cooler, of course it
won’t be Maldives, meaning; On average across the year, no, Maldives is not colder than Philippines .
Maldives has an average minimum temperature of 26°C/79°F and Philippines has an average
minimum temperature of 23°C/73°F. And lastly, what country have more rain. On average across the
year, no, Maldives has less rain than Philippines.
So as you can see in the graph this first graph shows the surface air temperature of the country as
well as its precipitation.
SLIDE 10 & 11 - JEVA & HANNA
SLIDE 12 & 13 - THEA
In conclusion, the Maldives, with its tropical equatorial climate, presents a captivating and
inviting destination for travelers and nature enthusiasts alike. Its two distinct seasons, the dry and wet
monsoons, offer a dynamic contrast that shapes the experiences of those fortunate enough to visit this
island nation.
That would be all. Thank you all for your attention

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