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Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 1


nucifera) AND GINGER (Zingiber officinale) AS A POWDER FOOD FOR CHICKENS


Aquino, Clarence T.

Marquez, Johnson C.

Villegas, Edward Andrei M.

Ms. Laizel Marlee Diroy

Research Adviser
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 2

Division of Cavite
Bucal National Integrated School
Bucal 2, Maragondon, Cavite

Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut, and Ginger

As a Powder food for Chickens in Poultry farm

Being healthy is one of the most important thing in human life and animals, our focus

is on the condition of animals for example Chickens which we used in our research

study. We thought of a way for that we could help the Chickens growth faster and

healthier. We thought we made a powder food made from Malunggay leaves, Shredded

Coconut, and Ginger. According to Serafico M.E. (2017), Malunggay leaves is the most

widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the family

Moringaceae. Coconut a tree of the palm family Arecaceae, coconuts probably originated

somewhere in Indo- Malaya and are one of the most important crops of the tropics.

Ginger have beneficial effects and nutrients that may help prevent or treat inflammation,

and various types of infection.

Stated by Thiel S.V. (2017), Feeding broilers play a significant role in growth and
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 3

performance of chickens. Most of the poultry farmers spend their money to buy

supplement boosters to provide some vitamins on their animals such as chickens. Let’s

focus on chickens; there’s a lot of poultry farmers wants their chicken to gain weight so

that they can sell it expensive. Most of the supplement poultry farmers bought are

expensive and inorganic. Chickens gained weight but they’re not sure if this are healthy.

We can find Malunggay leaves anywhere in the Philippines. Malunggay is very

healthy on human and it is also able to became supplement boosters for chickens.

Malunggay leaves are very cheap and many benefits. According to Caurez C.L. (2012),

Malunggay supplement boosters are organic and you can assure the growth and health of

your chickens. This powder food is good for poultry farmers because they can save

money. They can save money meanwhile they can sell their chickens expensive.

A. Questions or Problem Being Addressed

This study titled “Malunggay leaves, Shredded Coconut, and Ginger as a Powder

food for chickens in Poultry farm” will aim to determine the effectiveness of this powder

food to the growth and development of Chickens.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

a. What is the most effective amount of Powder food and Normal feeds that can

help to improve the performance and outgrowth of Chickens in Poultry Farm?

b. How does our powder food improve the Chickens health and performance

more than common artificial food used by local citizens and poultry farmers?
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 4

c. Will there be a significant difference on improving Chickens health and growth

with common artificial food used locally (malunggay, shredded coconut, ginger

mix with normal food)?

d. What other benefits can the Chickens get from the (ex. Powdered food mix

with normal food)?

B. Goals/Expected Outcomes/Hypotheses

It was hypothesized that:

a. There is no significant difference between the amount of Powder food and

normal feeds (Ex: 75% Powder food, 25% normal feeds) to the performance and

outgrowth of Chickens in poultry farm.

b. There will be no significant difference on improving Chickens health and

growth with common artificial food used by local farmers.

c. There will be no treatment which will be more beneficial for the Chickens

health and growth base on their measurements/ amount.

d. There will be no other benefits the Chickens can get from (Powdered food mix

with normal food) other than weight of the Chickens.

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 5

C. Description in Detail of Research Method

For experimentation, the following variables, materials and samples will be used. This

powder food is pure organic and it has no mix of anything else, also we’re going to use

20 chickens. The place to make our Powder Food will be done in our house and the place

for our Chickens to be used for our Experiment is in Naic, Cavite.

a. Preparation of Materials

In preparing all materials first we have to clean the ingredients or materials that we

need to used and also we need to ensure it is very effective to test on Chickens. The tools

we will use in our study are Blender or Grinder that can Powdered Vegetables, then

Coconut Grater Stool when we don’t find Shredded we will use it, and our Materials we

will used in making our Powder food are Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut and

Ginger. The amount of it when powderized is based on our Experimental Design which

will tell how much amount per treatment (75/25g, 50/50g, 25/75g).

b. Preparation of Powder food

In this procedure the powder food is almost done and need to test it to Chickens, if it’s

healthy. In order for us to achieve this powder food, we need to first dry the variables or

materials that we will use before we blender it, so that it will dry and will be powderized.

c. Test it to Chickens

This time we will observed the effectiveness of powder food to Chickens growth and


d. Recording of Data
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 6

This is not a procedure it is an analysis on how you show the results after you test the

powder food to Chickens. We will show the results using diagrams or graphs, this way

you can easily understood the undergo growth of our Chickens.

e. Statistical Analysis (T-test)

This way we will show the quantitative data of our results, this way showed the

formula on how we prepared our results, example the percent of chicks from day 1 til

day 20.

X1 = Mean of Sample 1 S2 = Standard Deviation of Sample 2

S1 = Standard Deviation of Sample 1 N2 = Sample size of Sample 2

N1= Sample size of Sample 1

X2 = Mean of Sample 2

f. Other Information

This other information is only the conclusion and recommendations.

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 7

D. Experimental Design: Random Block Design

Title: Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut, and Ginger as a Powder food for

Chickens in Poultry Farm

Table 1. Experimental Design Table of the Study

Independent Variable Powder food made from Malunggay

Leaves, Shredded Coconut and Ginger

Independent Variable with their Powdered food made from Malunggay

Measurements Leaves, Shredded Coconut and Ginger

T1: 75g feeds, 25g powdered food

T2: 50g feeds, 50g powdered food

T3: 25g feeds, 75g powdered food

Dependent variable Growth of Chickens

Controlled variable Chicken with Normal Feed

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 8

E. Process Flowchart

Preparation/Gather All Materials

Preparation of Powder food made from Malunggay Leaves and Shredded Coconut, Ginger

Test it to Chickens

Recording of Data

Statistical Analysis (T-test)


Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 9

F. Proposed Table

Table 2. Showing the amount of Powder food and Normal feeds, 20 chickens, 4 trials, 5

chickens each group/treatment

Treatment No. Amount of Chicks Amount/Kind of Feed

Control 5 Chicks Normal Feeds

Treatment No. 1 5 Chicks 75g feeds, 25g powdered

food made from

Malunggay Leaves,

Shredded Coconut, and


Treatment No. 2 5 Chicks 50g feeds, 50g powdered

food made from

Malunggay Leaves,

Shredded Coconut, and


Treatment No. 3 5 Chicks 25g feeds, 75g powdered

food made from

Malunggay Leaves,

Shredded Coconut, and






JULY 2020
Chickens in Poultry Farm

Gantt Chart

2 0 2 1

Research Title: Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut, and Ginger as a Powder food for

2 0 2 2
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 10

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 11

Legend of Activities:

A. Making of Research Chapter 1 (Including the Formulation of Research Problem)

B. Making of Review of Related Literature

C. Returned of the Paper and Revision

D. Revision of the whole Paper

E. Submission of Revised Paper

F. Checking of RRL

G. Submission of RRL and Chapter 1

H. Making of Research Chapter 2

I. Research Defense

J. Looking for a Consultant

K. Changing the Research Paper format into Chicago Style

L. Creating a Research Plan

M. Preparation for the Experiment

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 12

N. Experimentation

O. Starting to Fill up ISEF Forms

P. Making of Research Chapter 3

Q. Making of Research Chapter 4

R. Making of Research Preliminaries and Appendices

S. Research Final Defense

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 13

The proponents of this research work would like to express their deep and sincere

gratitude to the following: to their Research Adviser, Ms. Laizel Marlee R. Diroy, to

their adviser Mrs. Filipina Diño, to their consultant Ms. Laarni E. Gloriani, RMT, MSc.

MSMT of the UST – Department of Medical Technology, to their parents Ma. Louisa T.

Aquino, Mercelita C. Marquez and Romalyn M. Villegas, also to their friends and

classmates. In conducting our experimentation, a debt of gratitude is also owed to Mr.

Ronnie I. Medina.

To our Research Adviser Ms. Laizel Marlee R. Diroy, for her time and effort given to

us in checking our manuscript, also her advice to further improved our research.

To our Classroom Adviser Mrs. Filipina Diño, for her support in guiding us

throughout this research.

To our Consultant Ms. Laarni E. Gloriani, for her support in revising and guiding us

throughout this research.

To our parents Ma. Louisa T. Aquino, Mercelita C. Marquez and Romalyn M.

Villegas, for their effort in assisting us throughout the experimentation.

To our friends and classmates, for their support throughout this research work.

To Mr. Ronnie I. Medina, for helping us in conducting our experiment and

monitoring the chickens from Initial Weight up to Week 5.

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 14

To Almighty God, with His Holy Spirit allowed completion to this research and

supported our minds to work harder to glorify His name.

The use of alternative food for the animals is one of the cheapest and easy to acquire
from many resources. Malunggay leaves, coconut, and ginger are rich in carbohydrates,
proteins, fats, and vitamins. These green and leafy vegetables are essential and enjoyable
parts of plants that humans and other animals consume as food. Vegetables contain
crucial nutrients necessary for their health, growth, and development. The study aimed to
determine the effect of malunggay leaves, ginger, and shredded coconut as artificial food
in poultry farms. Dried plant materials were then pulverized and added to poultry feeds
in different ratios 75:25, 50:50, and 25:75. The initial weight of the chickens after
acclimatization without treatment from week 1 to week 5 showed a significant increase.
A combination of different ratios of plants and feed exhibited a double increase in weight
gain of poultries. Various treatments were compared with control, using paired t-test,
there is a significant difference (p-value 0.000) in weight gain. Also, there is a significant
difference between treatment 1 and 2, treatment 2 and 3, and treatment 1 and 3.
Considerable weight gains vary depending on the ratio of dried plant materials added to
the regular feeds of chicken.
Keywords: poultry, feeds, malunggay, ginger, coconut
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 15

Table of Contents

Content Pages

Title Page

Research Plan

A. Question or Problem Being Addressed

B. Goals/ Expected Outcomes/Hypotheses

C. Description in Detail of Research Method

a. Preparation of Materials

b. Preparation of Powder food

c. Test it to Chickens

d. Recording of Data

e. Statistical Analysis

f. Other Information

D. Experimental Design

E. Process Flowchart

F. Proposed Table

Gantt Chart



Table of Contents
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 16

List of Tables

List of Photographs

ISEF forms

Chapter 1: Introduction 2

A. Background of the Study 2

B. Review of Related Literature 3

C. Statement of the Problem 10

D. Hypothesis 11

E. Significance of the Study 11

F. Scope and Limitation 12

G. Definition of Terms 12

Chapter 2: Materials and Method 14

A. Materials 14

B. General Procedure 18

B.1 Preparation of Materials 18

B.2 Preparation of Powder food 18

B.3 Test it to Chicken 19

B.4 Recording of Data 19

B.5 Statistical Analysis 19

B.6 Other Information 19

Formula 20

C. Process Flowchart/Diagram 21

Chapter 3: Results and Discussion 22

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 17

Controlled Group 23

Treatment 1 24

Treatment 2 25

Treatment 3 26

Difference Between Controlled and Treatments 1, 2, 3 27

Chapter 4: Conclusion and Recommendation 28

Summary 28

Conclusion 28

Recommendation 29

Bibliography 30

Appendices 33

Appendix A: Budgetary 33

Appendix B: Biographical Sketch 34

Appendix C: Photo Documentation 37

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 18

List of Tables

Content Pages

Table 1: Controlled Group Weight 23

Table 2: Treatment 1 Weight 24

Table 3: Treatment 2 Weight 25

Table 4: Treatment 3 Weight 26

Table 5: Difference Between Controlled and Treatments 1, 2, 3 27

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 19

List of Photographs

Content Pages

Photograph 1. Malunggay Leaves 14

Photograph 2. Shredded Coconut 15

Photograph 3. Blender 15

Photograph 4. Coconut Grater Stool 16

Photograph 5. Ginger 16

Photograph 6. Chicken Feeds 17

Photograph 7. Weighing Scale 17

Photograph 8. Chickens 18
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 20
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 21
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 22
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 23
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 1


nucifera) AND GINGER (Zingiber officinale) AS A POWDER FOOD FOR CHICKENS


Aquino, Clarence T.

Marquez, Johnson C.

Villegas, Edward Andrei M.

Ms. Laizel Marlee Diroy

Research Adviser
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 2

Chapter 1


A. Background of the Study

Being healthy is one important thing in human life. It provides strong body, healthy

mind and prevent any diseases that can harm the body. Vegetables and fruits are needed

in the body. Green and Leafy Vegetables are important and enjoyable part of plants that

are consumes by humans or other animals as food. Vegetables contain essential nutrients

that are important for their health, growth and development.

Vegetables are good source of vitamins A, C, and folate. Fruits like coconuts are the

large seeds of coconut palms (Cocos Nucifera) which grow in tropical climates. Their

brown fibrous husks conceal the meat inside. As the oil and milk for this fruit have

become increasingly popular many people may wonder how to use coconut meat and

whether it offers health and benefits.

People can use those vegetables and fruits. There are so many ways on how to

experiment and how it can be an alternative food for the animals in a cheapest and easy

to look for. Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera Lam). It is well known because of the

vitamins and minerals that it can give to a person. Coconut is also known because it’s

possess high in fat and calories. While moderate in carbs and protein. Ginger, on the

other hand, packs a powerful punch, not only contains vitamin C, magnesium, and

potassium, but it also has numerous health benefits. At this point, the researcher opened

their mind to do something good that can amaze people and for them to easily search and

look for food to animals like malunggay and coconut meat, they conducted a study to
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 3

promote a feed that is rich in nutrients and vitamins. The researcher came up with the

study “Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut, and Ginger as a powder food for

Chickens in poultry farm”.


Mentioned by Padilla (2015), this study was conducted to determine the effect of

Moringa leaf powder supplement to layer chickens on the rate of egg production and on

egg quality such as egg weight and weight of its components.1 This study was designed

to show some non- significant differences between other feed additives. This also test if

these feed additives can improve the growth and development of our chickens. Not only

Malunggay and Coconut can we used in doing leaf powder supplement but also eggs.

After the test it showed non-significant differences on the rate of egg production and

layer chickens. It also shows that this leaf powder can be a potential feed additive.

Stated by Alimon, Arulselvan, Ismail, Karthivashan (2015), this study was conducted

to determine if high supply would be better to feed Malunggay to farm animals for

conversion into meat and eggs.2In addition, this study can improved coconut meat

supplementation, and increase the level of coconut affection to chickens. The results

showed that coconut meat performed similarly with those on ration without Malunggay

Leaves. It also gains in weight but it is effective like chickens not enough strong body.

Padilla J.H., Malunggay: “An EGGcelent feed additive”: p. 1-5, 2015

Alimon A.R., Arulselvan P., Ismail I., Karthivashan G. “Competing Role of Bioactive

Constituents in Moringa Oleifera Extract and Conventional Nutrition Feed on the

Performance of Cobb 500 broilers”, p. 1-10, 2015

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 4

International Journal of Poultry Science, 17:134-159. Highlighted by Decuypere,

Gbeassor, Nideou, Teteh, Tona, Voemesse (2018).3This study was conducted to

determine if this way can help many people, before achieving this, they investigate the

effects of Moringa Oleifera leaf in broilers chickens and showed some nutritional

values. This also not to enhance the skills and ability of chickens but also to people that

alleviate and concern their animals. This study can have an effect on our chickens but

in a positive way and good way.

Stated by Falowo (2018), this study was conducted to determine if Moringa Oleifera

can improve health status, feed conversion efficiency, growth performance and product

quality of several livestock species4 Moreover, Moringa Oleifera has been reported to

increase nutritional values, some organoleptic properties, oxidative stability and product

shelf life, consumer studies in the development of these products. Therefore, this study

has multi-function potential benefits of this plant in human and livestock nutrition.

Mentioned by Boateng (2017), this study was conducted to test which mother were to

feed the assigned foods to their infants for 14 days.5 This study is for the infant example

our siblings and their caregivers example our parents. Not only for chickens can use

Moringa Oleifera but also to people like us that have problems on how to have a proper

diet and healthy body and also increasing our growth and development. This study is

Ibid., 154-159

Ibid., 15-17

Ibid., 173
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 5

effective if you try this, because it is healthy and nutritious not only for chickens but also

to people like us.

According to Mahfuz, Piao (2019), this study was conducted to determine the effects

of Moringa Oleifera tree leaves, seeds and their extracts on chickens performance and

health status.6 Based on previous findings, Moringa Oleifera as natural feed supplement

has sustained the production performance and improved the health status and chickens.

Additionally, these supplement can increase the growth and development of chickens and

other animals.

Highlighted by Younis, Elbestawy (2017), this study was conducted to determine if

Moringa Oleifera extract is mainly used in chicken as a feed additive, but their effect as

water supplementation performance, carcass characteristics, immune response and blood

antioxidant level.7 This study have the advantages not only in chicken performance, and

blood antioxidant level but also in many people, because it is the safe way to help our

chickens to growth faster and healthier.

According to Balba, Flores, Paguia (2014), in order that, this study was conducted to

determine if this Malunggay Leaves can improve influence some treatments that possibly

can help many people like our grandparents, and our parents.8 Additional information,

there are five treatments, examples are basal treatment (negative control), avylamicin

Ibid., 1-19

Ibid., 15-27

Balba C., Flores R.C., Paguia H.M., Paguia R.Q. “Utilization and Evaluation of
Moringa Oleifera Leaf as Poultry feed”: p.343-347, 2014
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 6

(positive control) and other treatments. In addition, this study can have an alternative

value that we can find a right choice for our chickens.

Stated by Desnacido, Magsadia, Perlas, Serafico (2017), this study was conducted to

determine if it is necessary to characterize these feed stuffs as to their digestibility, amino

acid profile and contents of anti-nutritional factors.9 In addition, methods applicable on

small-holder farms should be developed to properly treat the alternative feed stuffs so as

to improve their nutritional values. Also this feed stuffs can help many farms to have a

many animals that is much stronger than before and also it can more productive.

Mentioned by Khan (2018), this study was conducted to determine if insects can also

help increase the growth and development of chickens in poultry farm.10 Not only

Moringa Oleifera can we use in feeding our tired chickens but also other things like

insects, some insects can produce other nutrients that can help our chickens to grow

faster and more healthier. But before that we should do first some observation, if these

insects are healthier. After that we should go to the experiment and then we should

record the Chickens growth if it’s increasing or not. This is also a good way to make our

life more effortless and productive.

According to Stoev (2010), this study was conducted to determine if these feed

additives can protect some animals, because not all feed additives is healthy on our

Desnacido J.A., Magsadia C.R., Perlas L.A., Serafico M. “Efficacy of Malunggay
leaves in improving iron and Vitamins A and B status of Filipino School Children”:
p.293-297, 2017

Khan S.H., “Recent Advances in role of insects as alternative protein source in
poultry nutrition”: p.1144-1157, 2018
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 7

animals, others have toxic chemical or ingredient that mix with the other ingredients. 11

We need to protect our animals because some of the feed additives can cause our animals

to have many diseases and also it will die if we didn’t protect them from the other feed


According to Fascina, Sartori, Gonzales, Carvalho, Mailinch (2012), similarly to

study above, this study also conducted to determine if this feed additives can lessen the

fats coming from their food.12 We need to use this additives because it is more helpful to

make our animals balanced and healthier body. Like the Moringa Oleifera it is also

helpful in our animals, because it is the only thing we can do in our animals.

Stated by Amad (2011), this study was conducted to examine the effects of a

phytogenic feed additive (PFA) containing essential oils of thyme and star anise as lead

active components on the growth performance and apparent ileal nutrient digestibility in

broiler chickens.13It is by an improvement in the nutrient digestibility in the small

intestine. The underlying physiological mechanisms, however, need to be characterized

further and also the people that control this kind of study and some factors that possibly

can help us.

Ibid., 219-229

Fascina V.B., Sartori J.R., Gonzales E., Carvalho F.B.D., Mailinch I., “Phytogenic
Additives and organic acids in broiler chicken diets”: p.2189-2197, 2012

Ibid., 208-220
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 8

Mentioned by Murugesan (2015), this study was conducted to determine if this

additives can improve gut health and thereby performance.14 This experiment was

conducted with the objective to evaluate the effects of PFA as an alternative to AGP on

small intestinal histomorphology, cecal microbiota composition, nutrient digestibility,

and growth performance in broiler chickens. It says that it is applicable and effective to

our animals and it will help in the development of animals.

According to Ceylan, Cinar, Onder (2016), this study was conducted to determine if

this leaf can also help in other field like phytotheraphy, In this way our money cannot be

reduced, also it can help in our society and to all of the people around us.15 All of this

related studies is helpful, like farmers who have problems in the field of food industry.

We can apply it in everyday life, even in other countries. In addition, not only leaf can be

a good way to help our animals but all parts of Malunggay like trunks that can make an

herbal for everyone who can help other people to decrease their stress and increase our


According to Lima (2015), this coconut have some biological effects, such as anti-

helminthic, anti- inflammatory, and antioxidant.16 The objective of this study was to

review the phytochemical profile, pharmacological activities and toxicology. The review

of this study consisted of searches performed using scientific databases and because each

Ibid., 257-264

Ceylan F., Cinar A.S., Onder A. “Moringa Oleifera and Importance in
Phytotheraphy”: p.796-804, 2016

Ibid., 181-192
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 9

part of Cocos Nucifera has different constituents, the pharmacological effects of this

plant vary according to the part of the plant evaluated.

According to Brienna, Aligno, Badilles, Jao, Kosanunchai, Mercado, Tan, Tumulak

(2017), this study was conducted to determine if this five mice for each group were

chosen through a fish bowl method.17 The results of this study showed changes in wound

size for both groups a day after the application of Moringa Oleifera crude extracts.

There was a constant change in the wound size for each group but this study is effective

because they use a method and an observation to accomplished this kind of study.

According to Sagum, Mallillin (2014), this study has a great influence especially on

those who raise Chickens, it can help this powder food. Besides it is full of Vitamins that

can help speed up the size of Chickens, it is also organic. 19Stated by Singletary (2010),

this study will lead poultry farmers to stop feeding your Chickens using unhealthy feeds,

because they lack of nutrients they can provide to the Chickens. Also this study is perfect

for poultry farmers to believe that they also need to try this Powder Food. 20According to

Andy, Yani (2016), this study will have a big impact to our Poultry farmers, they will

Brienna K., Aligno Z., Badilles J.T., Jao E.E.P., Kosanunchai P., Mercado H., Tan
T.V.A., Tumulak C.M. “The wound healing effect of Moringa Oleifera Crude Extract on
thye incised of Musmuculus (Male Albino Mice)”: p.191-196, 2017

Sagum R.S., Mallillin A.C. “Changes in Glucose and Lipid Profile after Consumption
of Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) Leaves Products in Humans with Moderately Raised
Serum Glucose and Cholesterol Levels”: p.200-203, 2014
Singletary K., “Ginger an Overview of Health Benefits”: p. 171-183, 2010
Andy A., Yani S., “Grated Coconut Waste as Heating Jacket and Temperature
Stabilizer in the production of Virgin Coconut Oil by Natural Fermentation”: vol. 11,
no.8, 2016
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 10

receive great benefits and the Chickens will also receive huge benefits, with this Study

its production will be abundant and expand even more.

C. Statement of the Problem

This present study will attempt to answer the following main questions:

1. What is the weight of the Chickens after treatment with Malunggay Leaves, Shredded

Coconut and Ginger from Week 1 to 5?

2. Is there a significant difference in weight of the Chickens after treatment with

Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut and Ginger from Week 1 to 5?

D. Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis

1. There is no weight added to the Chickens after treatment with Malunggay Leaves,

Shredded Coconut, and Ginger from Week 1 to 5.

2. There is no significant difference in weight of the Chickens after treatment with

Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut, and Ginger from Week 1 to 5.

Alternative Hypothesis
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 11

1. There is a weight added to the Chickens after treatment with Malunggay Leaves,

Shredded Coconut, and Ginger from Week 1 to 5.

2. There is a significant difference in weight of the Chickens after treatment with

Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut, and Ginger.

E. Significance of the study

Some of poultry farms these days can’t afford to buy the right foods for the animals.

They used left over foods just to feed their animals. People nowadays sell the animals for

a small amount to buy their needs for everyday life. Instead of feeding the animals using

left over foods, people can make an alternative food that is easy to get and prepare for an

affordable and cheap but at Malunggay leaves, coconut, and ginger can be found

anywhere. This kind of powder food is easy to prepare and has high nutrition values for

animals. This study is also for farmers who care for their lovingly animals especially

chickens in poultry farms. From Desnacido that in their research they conducted its

effectiveness on chickens, not only its effectiveness on chickens but also its vitamin on

chickens, in our study it was just the same as theirs but they only used the same


F. Scope and Limitations

This study only focused on the effectiveness of Malunggay leaves, Shredded coconut,

and Ginger as an alternative for foods of animals like chicken that helps the growth and

health. The researcher did not show any concern to the other parts of the plant except for

its leaves, and its contents inside.

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 12

G. Definition of Terms

This section contains difficult terms. The following are provided for additional

knowledge and understanding.

Artificial food. refers to something made to look like nature. Some artificial foods made

of rubber or similar materials are extremely realistic.

Nutrients. a substance that provides nourishment necessary for growth and survival.

Malunggay Leaves. widely used as a vegetable ingredient in cooking, as herbal

medicine for a variety of illnesses, and for a variety of other practical purposes.

Coconut. the large, oval, brown seed of a tropical palm, with a hard shell lined with

edible white flesh and a clear liquid inside. It grows within a woody husk that is

surrounded by fiber.

Ginger. a hot, fragrant spice derived from a plant's rhizome, which can be chopped or

powdered for cooking, preserved in syrup, or candied.

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 13

Chapter 2


A. Materials Used

A.1 Malunggay Leaves

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 14

This is Malunggay Leaves also known as Drumstick tree, a fast growing resistant tree,

native to tropical and subtropical regions of South Asia. Common names include

moringa, drumstick tree, horseradish tree, and ben oil tree or benzolive tree. It also full of

essential nutrients and vitamins that your children need it. It contains protein, vitamin

B6, vitamin C, iron, riboflavin, vitamin A, and magnesium. Malunggay Leaves are good

for headache, bleeding from shallow cut, bacterial and fungal skin complaints, anti-

inflammatory, gastric ulcers, diarrhea, and malnutrition. This material is the most

important ingredient in making our powder food.

A.2 Shredded Coconut

This is Shredded Coconut simply the meat from fresh whole coconuts that has been

dried and cut into fine pieces. No artificial sweeteners, flavors, or no preservatives have
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 15

been added. Shredded Coconut gives the rich flavor of fresh coconuts to all manner of

baked goods. It also showed some essential nutrients of Shredded Coconut, rich in fiber,

it may offer a number of benefits including improved heart health, weight loss, and

digestion. Yet it’s high in calories and saturated fat, so you should eat in the moderation.

Overall, unsweetened coconut meat makes a great addition to a balanced diet. We used

this material to further support the powdered food we maked and to balance the taste to


A.3 Blender

This is Blender or food processor is a kitchen and

laboratory appliance used to mix, or emulsify food and

other substances. A stationary blender consists of a blender container with a rotating

metal blade at the bottom, powered by an electric motor that is in the base. Some

powerful models can also crush ice and other frozen foods. We used this thing to easily

crushed dry things like Malunggay Leaves.

A.4 Coconut Grater Stool

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 16

This is Coconut Grater Stool is a tool used to grate coconut for various uses as

required in many recipes and specifically in the tropical recipes. Coconut Grater Stool is

also used to coconut by placing the blade attached to it in the half cut coconut and then

twisted to take out the fine shavings.

A.5 Ginger

This is Ginger a flowering plant widely used as a spice and a folk medicine. We used

this material for booster that can also helped to increase the growth and healthier of

animals especially chickens.

A.6 Normal/Chicken Feeds

This is Normal/Chicken

Feeds it is used to give vigor to Chickens and to increase the weight of Chickens.

A.7 Weighing Scale

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 17

A weighing scale (also known as a weighing balance) is a device used to determine

the weight or mass of an object. These are also known as mass scales, weight scales,

mass balance, weight balance, or simply scale, balance, or balance scale. This material

we used to measure the weight of Chickens per week.

A.8 Chicken

This is Chicken a type of bird

kept on a farm for its eggs or its meat, it is also used to test the powdered food we made

B. General Procedure

B.1 Preparation of Materials

After we prepared all the materials, we cleaned the ingredients that we needed. When

preparing all materials, we must first clean the ingredients or materials that will be used,

and we must also ensure that it is very effective to test on chickens. We will use a
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 18

blender or grinder to powdered vegetables, a coconut grater stool when we can't find

shredded coconut, and Malunggay leaves, shredded coconut, and ginger to make our

powder food. The amount of it when powderized is determined by our Experimental

Design, which specifies the amount per treatment (75/25g, 50/50g, and 25/75g).

B.2 Preparation of Powder food

In this procedure, the powder food is almost finished, and it must be tested on

chickens to see if it is safe. To achieve this powder food, we must first dry the variables

or materials that we will use before blending them, so that they dry and powderized.

B.3 Test it to Chicken

We observed the effect of the powdered food if it has effect to the growth and health

of the Chickens through feeding the amount of normal feed plus the powdered food made

up of Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut, and Ginger.

B.4 Recording of Data

We analyzed a way to present the results after we tested the powdered food to

Chickens. We showed the results with diagrams so that you can understood the changes

of the Chickens easily.

B.5 Statistical Analysis (T-test)

You’ll see here the quantitative data of your outcome, it also presented the formula on

how you prepared your result, such as the percentage of the Chicks from day 1 to 20.

B.6 Other Information

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 19

This other information is only the conclusion and recommendations.

C. Statistical Analysis

This single sample of t method tests a null hypothesis that the population mean is

equals to a specified value, if this value is zero (or not entered) then the confidence

interval for the sample mean is given.

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 20

D. Schematic Diagram

Preparation/Gather All Materials

Preparation of Powder food made from Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut, and

Test it to Chickens

Recording of Data

Statistical Analysis (T-test)

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 21

Chapter 3



This Chapter presents the Results and Discussions as shown in tabulation the weight

changes of Chickens from Week One to Week Five. Analysis and interpretation of the

results are included in this Chapter. The changes in weight based on the concentration of

malunggay leaves, coconut and ginger as powdered food for developing Chickens are

stated in tabular followed by the interpretation of the data.

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 22

Table 1. Controlled Group Weight

Controlled Group (Normal Feed)

Chicken Initial Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g)
(July 18- (July 26- (August 06- (August 14- (August 21- (August 28-
July 26) August 06) August 14) August 21) August 28) September 04)

1 500 650 900 1200 1500 1975

2 300 400 700 1000 1300 1600
3 330 400 700 1000 1300 1600
4 120 250 500 800 1100 1400
5 120 250 500 800 1100 1400
Mean 274 390 660 960 1260 1595

Table 1

The chicken is used for food production all over the world. In the poultry industry,

feed is the primary input that allows the chickens to survive their everyday existence.

The table shows the improvements of the chicken weight after feeding normal feeds . It

can be depicted from the table the Initial Weight of the Chickens after acclimatization

without treatment from Week 1 to Week 5. It can be noted that there is an increased in

weight from Initial to Week 5. The Chickens received no treatment except normal

feeding as control.
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 23

Table 2. Treatment 1 Weight

Treatment 1 (75g feeds, 25g powdered food)

Chicken Initial Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g)
(July 18- (July 26- (August 06- (August 14- (August 21- (August 28-
July 26) August 06) August 14) August 21) August 28) September 04)

1 200 400 750 1100 1450 1800

2 200 400 700 1000 1300 X
3 150 300 600 900 1200 1450
4 150 300 500 750 1000 1200
5 175 350 550 750 1100 1450
Mean 175 350 620 900 1210 1475

Table 2

Animals require enough amounts of all vital nutrients to remain healthy. Many studies

demonstrate that plants play an important role in keeping chickens healthy. We

attempted to keep and improve the hens by combining malunggay, coconut, and ginger.

The table shows the weight of the Chickens after feeding 75 grams of normal feed with

combined of 25 grams of malunggay, coconut, and ginger powdered food. It can be

observed from the table the Initial Weight of the Chickens after treatment with 75g

Chicken feeds and 25 grams of powdered plants of dried malunggay, coconut and ginger

from Week 1 to Week 5. It can be noted that there is an increased in weight from Initial
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 24

to Week 5. Also shown on this table is the death of chicken #2 in Week 5.

Table 3. Treatment 2 Weight

Treatment 2 (50g feeds, 50g powdered food)

Chicken Initial Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g)
(July 18- (July 26- (August 06- (August 14- (August 21- (August 28-
July 26) August 06) August 14) August 21) August 28) September 04)

1 150 300 525 800 1075 1600

2 200 400 600 800 1000 X
3 125 250 550 750 950 1200
4 110 175 300 500 750 1200
5 120 175 X X X X
Mean 141 260 493.75 712.5 943.75 1333.33

Table 3

The table showed the Initial Weight of the Chickens after treatment with 50g Chicken

feeds and 50 grams of powdered plants of dried malunggay, coconut and ginger from

Week 1 to Week 5. It can also be noted that there is an increased in weight from Initial to

Week 5 which explained that feed fortified with dried leaves of malunggay, coconut and

ginger can improve the weight gain of the Chickens in 5 Weeks period. Also this table

shows the deaths of two Chickens, Chicken #2 and Chicken #5.

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 25

Table 4. Treatment 3 Weight

Treatment 3 (25g feeds, 75g powdered food)

Chicken Initial Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g) Weight (g)
(July 18- (July 26- (August 06- (August 14- (August 21- (August 28-
July 26) August 06) August 14) August 21) August 28) September 04)

1 200 300 500 700 825 1350

2 200 300 500 700 800 1200
3 150 250 400 800 1000 1200
4 225 300 500 750 1000 1450
5 200 300 X X X X
Mean 195 290 475 737.5 906.25 1300

Table 4

The table showed the Initial Weight of the Chickens after treatment with 25g Chicken

feeds and 75 grams of powdered plants of dried malunggay, coconut and ginger from

Week 1 to Week 5. It can also be noted that there is an increased in weight from Initial to

Week 5 which explained that feed fortified with dried leaves of malunggay, coconut and

ginger can improve the weight gain of the Chickens in five weeks. This table also shows

the death of a Chicken and it is Chicken #5.

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 26

Table 5. Difference Between Controlled and Treatment 1, 2, 3

Paired Samples t-test

N Correlation Sig.
Control & 29 0.974 0.000
Treatment_1 & 26 0.782 0.000

Treatment_1 & 24 0.874 0.000


Treatment_2 & 24 0.865 0.000


Table 5

The table showed important data about the difference between controlled and

Treatments 1, 2, 3. However, when treatments are compared with control, based of

paired t-test there is a significant difference (p value 0.000) in terms of weight gain. Also

there is a significant difference between treatment 1 and 2, treatment 2 and 3 and

treatment 1 and 3. Significant weight gains vary depending on the amount of dried plant

materials added to the normal feeds of chicken.

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 27

Chapter 4


The research entitled “Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut and Ginger as a Powder

food for Chickens in Poultry Farm”, was conducted to provide alternative feeds for

Chickens but has the same nutrients as the commercially used feeds. The researchers

produced this feeds in order to help people to have cheaper alternative for their Chickens.

The average weight of the chickens in the first week of Treatment 1 is 175 grams but

after giving 75 grams of standard feed plus 25 grams of malunggay, coconut, and ginger

powdered food, the average weight of Chickens increased to 1 475 grams in Week 5. The

average weight of the chickens in the first week of Treatment 2 is 141 grams but after

feeding them the following treatment 50 grams of Chicken feeds and 50 grams of

powdered plants of dried malunggay, coconut, and ginger it increased to 1 333.33 grams

in Week 5. The average weight of the chickens in the first week of Treatment 3 is 195

grams but after giving them the following treatment of 25 grams Chicken feeds and 75

grams of powdered plants of dried malunggay, coconut, and ginger their average weight

increases to 1 300 grams in Week 5. There is an increase in the weight of chickens

depending on the amount of normal feeds and powdered food made of organic.

Based on the observation that have been done, the researchers concluded that there is

a significant increase in the weight of the chickens after the chickens received normal
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 28

treatment compared to the initial weight of the chickens. Even if the Chickens increased

their weight, it is better that we use or mix it with organic. Based on the experiment or

treatment done, there is an increased or changed in the weight of Chickens, normal feeds

and normal feeds plus powdered food made from Malunggay Leaves, Shredded Coconut

and Ginger. When there is a large amount of powdered food made from organic, it will

be more effective to Chickens like Treatment 3 that we can say it is recommended to

everyone with the amount of 25g feeds and 75g of powdered food made from organic,

with the p value of 0.000 there is a significant difference in terms of weight gain.

Therefore, the study rejected the null hypothesis.

Specifically, based from the analysis and results interpretations, the researchers

recommend the following. Increase the number of samples to determine the significant

gain in weight of the chickens from initial until the end of the treatment period, use other

plant materials aside from coconut, malunggay and ginger to be added as enrichment

feeds for chicken, utilize other ratio proportion of plant materials with chicken feeds to

provide more effective treatment to increase the size and weight of the chickens, and use

two controlled.
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 29


A. Journal Article
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the Performance of Cobb 500 broilers” (Biomed Research International), p. 1-
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Amad A.A. “Effects of a phytogenic feed additive on growth performance and ileal
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Balba C., Flores R.C., Paguia H.M., Paguia R.Q. “Utilization and Evaluation of Moringa
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Boateng L., “Acceptability of complementary foods that incorporate Moringa Oleifera
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Brienna K., Aligno Z., Badilles J.T., Jao E.E.P., Kosanunchai P., Mercado H., Tan
T.V.A., Tumulak C.M. “The wound healing effect of Moringa Oleifera Crude
Extract on thye incised of Musmuculus (Male Albino Mice)”: Herdin, p.191-
196, 2017
Ceylan F., Cinar A.S., Onder A. “Moringa Oleifera and Importance in Phytotheraphy”:
PMC, p.796-804, 2016
Decuypere E., Gbeassor M., Nideou D., N’nanle O., Teteh A., Tona K., Voemesse K.
“Effect of Moringa Oleifera leaf meal on Growth and performance and blood
parameters of Egg Type Chicken during Juvenile Growth”: Science Alert, p.
154-159, 2018
Desnacido J.A., Magsadia C.R., Perlas L.A., Serafico M. “Efficacy of Malunggay leaves
in improving iron and Vitamins A and B status of Filipino School Children”:
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Research Gate, p.293-297, 2017
Falowo A.B., “Multi-functional application of Moringa Oleifera Lam in Nutrition and
animal food products”: Pubmed, p. 15-27, 2018
Fascina V.B., Sartori J.R., Gonzales E., Carvalho F.B.D., Mailinch I., “Phytogenic
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Khan S.H., “Recent Advances in role of insects as alternative protein source in poultry
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Mahfuz S., Piao X.S. “Application of Moringa Oleifera as Natural feed Supplement in
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Broiler Breeds”: Science Alert, p.52-60, 2017 https://www.scialert-
Murugesan G.R., “Phytogenic feed additives as an Alternative to Antibiotic Growth
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Stoev S.D., “Studies on some feed additives and materials giving partial protection
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B. Short Work
Sagum R.S., Mallillin A.C. “Changes in Glucose and Lipid Profile after Consumption of
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Raised Serum Glucose and Cholesterol Levels”: Scientific and Academic Pub-
lishing, p.200-203, 2014
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i>Leaves Products in Humans with Moderately Raised Serum Glucose and
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Padilla J.H., Malunggay: “An EGGcelent feed additive”: Science Investigative Portal, p.
1-5, 2015
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 32

Appendix A


Materials Quantity Cost

Shredded Coconut 8kg Php 56

Ginger 8kg Php 960

Normal Feed 50kg Php 1,800

Chicks 20 chicks Php 1,080

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 33

Appendix B

Biographical Sketch


Name: Johnson C. Marquez

Address: 51-H Makina St. Naic, Cavite

Birthday: April 29, 2006

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Name of the Mother: Mercelita C. Marquez

Name of the Father: Benjamin Q. Marquez Occupation: Businessman

Educational Background:

Course School Attended

Pre-school Maricar Learning Center

Elementary Naic Elementary School

Highschool Bucal National Integrated School


Pre-school- 2nd honor

Elementary- With Honors (Grade 1-6)

Highschool- With Honors (Grade 7-10)

Name: Clarence T. Aquino

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 34

Address: 093 Humbac Naic, Cavite

Birthday: October 17, 2005

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Name of the Mother: Ma. Louisa T. Aquino Occupation: Housewife

Name of the Father: Melech T. Aquino Occupation: OFW

Educational Background:

Course School Attended

Pre-school Naic Elementary School

Elementary Naic Elementary School

Highschool Bucal National Integrated School


Pre-school- None

Elementary- With Honors (Grade 6)

Highschool- With Honors (Grade 7-10)

Name: Edward Andrei M. Villegas

Address: 059C Mainroad Bancaan Naic, Cavite

Birthday: March 12, 2006

Age: 16

Gender: Male
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 35

Name of the Mother: Romalyn M. Villegas Occupation: Housewife

Name of the Father: Darrell C. Villegas Occupation: Seafarer

Educational Background:

Course School Attended

Pre-school Naic Elementary School

Elementary Naic Elementary School

Highschool Bucal National Integrated School


Pre-school- None

Elementary- With Honors (Grade 6)

Highschool- With Honors (Grade 7-9)

Appendix C

Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 36
Aquino, Marquez, Villegas 37

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